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[ Ayanokouji POV ]

7 hours...

45 Minutes...

36...37 seconds passed and still going on. Am I acting weird? Around the only girl, I feel kind of competed with? 'Competed' is not the correct word. More like, 'UNSUAL'.

It felt good touching her face, not gonna lie...but the concerning matter is that, during those 'unsual' moments with her, rather personal ones, I saw particular SCARS on her hands...

I mean, she always wears a hoodie. Obvious thing. But wasn't that due to fashion? Comfort? But that doesn't give the slightest reason behind those 'scars'.

Definitely, in the plural, cause the kind of surety I have regarding those marks, which weren't ordinary ones was due to my ONE AND ONLY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE.

| Extending Physical Abilities |

This is the only reason I can pinpoint onto, right now. But other than that, guess I have now more justification as to why I should 'try' to know about HER.

The past which she is deliberately trying to conceal herself within.

Must be draining, right Erza?

The phone buzzed.

Who's calling me?

I took the mobile and looked at the caller ID.


I received the call.

"Hello, Ayanokouji speaking." I answered.

"I need to speak to you about something," Kushida spoke from the other side of the call. Not even a single Hello...huh?

"What is it?" I guess its the first time Kushida called me.

"Um...about today...you know how Ms Chabashira formerly spoke about the few students including Sudou, Ike and Yamauchi?" She sounded worried.

She must be thinking about Class Points.

"Yes, what about it?"

"I think they are not participating in the study group because there are many students in Hirata's group". She stated.

To be honest, I don't think that's the reason behind their actions.

"Could be like that, I guess," I answered. "But why did you call me?"

"I want you to help me with this. I know I'm always asking you for your help and all, but this time, it's for both the students and the class." She replied.

Is she sincerely wanting them to pass the Mid-Terms? Or is this out of sympathy and pity? Or just like Erza proclaimed about how she 'acts' all friendly?

"How could I be of any help in the first place?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Well, you got a decent marking in the Dry-Run Test so..."

"I 'merely' passed, though." I reasoned myself.

"Nonetheless, you passed right! So...do you think you can prepare a small Study Group including Me, You, Sudou, Ike, Yamauchi. And..." Her voice trailed off before completing what she was gonna say.

"I guess you can prepare that without getting any sort of help from me." I carelessly confessed.

Not like I am too friendly with everyone on a personal basis, so why bother asking me for something so difficult.

From your side, I must be an Introvert.

"Do you think I can? Will they come if I ask them to?" Kushida's voice dropped down.

"I think if it's you, it can be possible." I conveyed.

"Ayanokouji, you sure do know how to cheer people up..." She said while she chuckled.

"...Oh, do I?"

Never knew I had something like that within myself. I just tend to twist my words for my OWN benefit though.

"By the way, you were telling something right?" I asked.

"Oh...um..well...do you think you can make Erza and Horikita, come to the Study Group as well?" She said.

Maybe I shouldn't get inside of this proposal after all.

"I don't know about either of them, but why 'them', you could ask others to join, right?" I inquired.

There was a moment of silence between us.

"...Horikita...is good at studies so she can help others." She mumbled. "Umm...for Erza I want to talk with her and I get the fact that she could be beneficial for others."

Beneficial for others, huh?

"Well, how about you call her and ask?" I proposed.

"Not now, because after much struggle, I got her Contact Number."


"Please ask Horikita and Erza for me and also thank you for helping me... can't believe that my first call to you was due to this lol.." She laughed.

Guess, I have to help out.


She thanked me and told 'Bye' as I ended the call.

I sighed.

I looked at my mobile and I went through the 5 contact profiles and saw the name 'Erza'.

I'll just text her.


\ Erza Wistaria \

YOU ↱ Hi...can I call you, right now? ↰ ──────────────────────⋞╯

I texted her. Wonder when she will see the message though-


I looked at my Notification Bar.

[ Message from < Erza Wistaria > ]

Huh? She texted back too fast.

I looked at the screen.


\ Erza Wistaria \

YOU ↱ Hi...can I call you, right now? ↰

ERZA ↱ Just type it. ↰ ──────────────────────⋞╯

...Of course, what did I even expect? That's so like her.

The conversation continued like that.


\ Erza Wistaria \

YOU ↱ Hi...can I call you, right now? ↰

ERZA ↱ Just type it. ↰

YOU ↱ Are you busy? ↰

ERZA ↱ No, but I will be if you ask me more questions. Moreover, it's better to text like this. ↰

YOU ↱ I thought maybe you wouldn't wanna hear my voice. ↰

ERZA ↱ ...No, its nothing like that. ↰

YOU ↱ I have something to say. ↰

ERZA ↱ Yes, what it is? Is it bad news? ↰

YOU ↱ ...Up to you, how you gonna take it as. ↰

ERZA ↱ I trust you with giving me a good explanation regarding any bad news. ↰


ERZA ↱ ...Sure, I have no problem. It doesn't matter to me if I get or do not get promoted to CLASS-C or CLASS-A, to be honest. Perhaps, you're doing charity work for this, too? ↰

YOU ↱ That was a quick reply. I thought you'd rather take my words for something bad. But I guess it's not like that. And it's not charity work, I guess it's what you call 'Being Kind'. ↰

ERZA ↱ Haha! 'Being Kind' you say? You don't want me to believe it...now do you? MR. LOOKING-OUT-FOR-MYSELF. ↰

YOU ↱ ...Looking out for myself is what good in this cruel and unequal society. Don't you agree?↰

ERZA ↱ ...I Don't see a reason to decline that statement. Anyway, have you thought about Horikita? I wish you luck in handling that. Or will you chicken out..? ↰

YOU ↱ Yea, I'll text her. Thanks. You kind of give me friendly vibes while I am texting though- ↰

ERZA ↱ ... Don't daydream, bye. ↰

YOU ↱ ...BYE... ↰


Well, Should I call or text Horikita? I wonder what she gonna spat at me. Anyway, I guess there will be unavoidable arguments to excite her. Though, she might actually conclude her participation, if it has got any minor relations with her 'Goals'.

Maybe I should take that in my mind and talk. I guess, its better to text her. Either way, Erza is coming, so it doesn't matter. I can observe that way a little better, like I always do.


/ Horikita Suzune /

YOU ◜ Hello, its Ayanokouji. I have something I want to discuss about. ◝


I feel kind of nauseous when it comes to text Horikita. Anyway it will be better to assume she will not care about my texts .



A respond came by-


/ Horikita Suzune /

YOU ◜ Hello, its Ayanokouji. I have something I want to discuss about. ◝

HORIKITA ◜ Be fast about it, I don't have time. ◝

YOU ◜ I want you to join the Study Group with Sudou, Ike and Yamauchi . ◝

HORIKITA ◜ Are you ordering me around? ◝

YOU ◜ NO, its a matter of request. ◝

HORIKITA ◜ Anyway, I don't have time for things like those. ◝

YOU ◜ Are you sure? I already said you'll be joining, though... ◝


She didn't reply back. Guess, she is not that angry.


[ Incoming call from < Horikita Suzune > ]

Did I just now fall into a pit?

I sighed as I took the call.

"Hell-" I tried to greet but rather I was the one greeted with hostility.

"What were were you thinking while you said that?!" Horikita shouted from the other side.

"...Because of our agreement." I lied about conveying that I said she will join.

"...First of all, who made you create a Study Group? I believe its not you who made it. " She stated.

Oh, she understood that.

"No, its Kushida."

"...You want me to participate? "

"Yes. It will be beneficial."

"I don't think there is anything beneficial about it."

"Class Performance..." I stated.

She sighed.

"Fine but only for 1 hour. No more no less. Just 1 hour." She replied.

"As you wish..." I said in my monotone voice.

And, she ended the call.

What a hectic day.

I called Kushida.

"Yes, Ayanokouji." She replied.

"I guess its affirmed that Erza and Horikita both will be participating in the Group."

"What? REALLY?!" She sounded excited.

"Yes..." I said.

"Ah...I am glad, I knew I could count on you with this also the three agreed to participate too~"

"No, its fine and you see, I have something to do, bye then." I said.

I don't want to communicate more. This is enough for one day.

"Sure." And she ended the call.

I plopped down on my bed trying to relax.

Come to think of it, those scars, what reason could be there? She is not even interested in getting promoted to Higher Respected Classes. So then, if she knew beforehand, about the 'Class' System, WHY DID SHE ENROLLED IN THIS SCHOOL? Why is she acquaintances with me? Why did she intentionally lessened her own Entrance Marks which made her join the class of 'Defective'?

Wait, then could it be that she knew my existence from the first? And thats the reason she came? To track me down or to find me? To publicize, information about me?

I don't think, the last one's the case. She knows about my nature quite closely but not completely, according to what I have noticed. Therfore, she could have spoiled my nature to others, in general. But, to make anyone believe her words she needed to have a good relationship with others, which wasn't one of her priorities. Thus, she wants THE INFORMATION to be kept a secret and only available to her.

But what benefits would she have by keeping my 'identity' a secret? Would it be personal benefits? I don't know for sure. But I'll unveil it. Somehow.

Firstly, as per as how she acts around me, its a given that she intentionally keeps her guard up around others, and is not friendly due to some UNKNOWN reasons.

Second, her 'attributes' are not the same as the other normal High Schoolers.

She is more likely tend to have some attributes like me. Also, mine were acquired due to circumstances for a long time.

And the Ignorance she puts up is definitely a trait she is putting up intentionally.

I might be thinking much into it, cause there are reasons to, but there could be a slight possibility that : She enrolled at this academy knowing my full potential and existence.

[ Ayanokouji POV end ]

[ Erza POV ]

( After messaging Ayanokouji )

I guess, Ayanokouji might be thinking about my sudden eagerness to participate in the group. But, the reason to this is, I anticipated this kind of situation beforehand. It was given due to the way the Class Behaved and all.

Moreover, I expected Kushida to call me. She is the type to include her acquaintances into something she wants to partake into. Rushed Personality.

But, since Ayanokouji was the one texting me about it I suppose, Kushida was a bit reluctant about her inviting me.

And about Horikita...well she might give affirmation to the given situation. Why?

Its Simple. She have to look out for her and her goals. Thus she might take herself away from her personal feelings for a while, to achieve that specific Goal, in an unusual way.


I looked at my mobile and my eyes went towards my hands. These Scars.

As much as I hate them, it also gives me the reason to move forward till I am done with this shit. The loneliness, Pain, Reluctance, Emotionless feelings I felt during those times, gives me a reason not to fall apart and breakdown.

I looked back at my mobile.

[ Message from < UNKNOWN > ]


/ Unknown /

UNKNOWN ◜ Hello! I've arrived, meet me at the ( Given Address ) ◝

YOU ◜ I might need Clarifications. ◝


YOU ◜ I'll be there. ◝

UNKNOWN ◜ Take your time, Ma'am. ◝


This sure was fast. Not like I would like to know about their identity. They're from the [ N_Class ] anyway.

The organization sure told me they will send someone from the HQs here for the smooth communication between 'IT's and 'Me' to go on.

I got dressed and I'm on my way to the GIVEN ADDRESS.

It wasn't a dark alley or anything, rather, it was a Café. Upon reaching my destination, I noticed someone's peculiar gaze from one side of the corner of the café.


I went to him and sat as Professionally as I could. I don't expect comfortable words to be exchanged with the people from the Organization, anyway. Neither, I have any special expectations from them.

But, they might expect some things. No, they expect a number of things.

"Hello, X010Z from the [ Z_Class ], I am from the New recruits of the [ N_Class ] given the responsibility to send you 'This'." The man before me spoke with a kind of voice, which made me reminisce about my Past.

The man wore a black attire with black cap and goggles and a white mask.

I Narrowed my eyes and my intense gaze rested onto the human sitting before me.

"I appreciate your hard work." I said as I took the ( Thing ) on the table which was pushed by him towards my side.

My eyes now landed at the thing.

The thing was a communicator.

A Mobile designed by THE ORGANISATION, for their own business. Created with the sole purpose when 'IT's are ordered to run out a -Mission- where, The Information can be sent from the sender to the receiver.

"X010Z, I am really glad I could be of use for you." He nervously smiled. He gained my attention.

"Is that so?" I continued to type the required Information needed to run the Communicator.

"Um...Ma'am actually I have always heard about you in the HQs...I am a real admirer of you!" He exclaimed.

I looked at him and sighed. He must be near my age, if I have to put my intuition on it. A newbie, to be exact.

"Firstly, I thank you for your appreciation. Secondly, take this tip from a 'Senior'. Whenever you are told to run the errands, make sure to wear proper clothes which makes you look like a normal human. Distance yourself from any attention and make sure not to run around spouting the ID Code, got it?" I proposed.

He looked at me. I could feel his gaze through the goggles.

He nodded, "I am sorry."

"Good. Well, I've got something to do now, I'll excuse myself." I said as I got up.

He swiftly got up too.

"Ma'am, Goodluck with your work. Return safely to the HQs." He bowed as I nonchalantly waved my hand and went away.

Another year of Recruits, another year of them going through HELL. Another year of bloodshed. Another year of survivor.

Another year of Mental Torture.

[ Erza POV end ]