4 | Erza’s Dilemma :

[Erza POV]

During these days of preparation, more or less stuff happened. Nearly Sudou, Ike and Yamauchi were on the brink of retiring from the study group. Horikita said some real brutal words; degrading and belittling them.

"How foolish I was to realise now that I was wasting my time on fruitless endeavour."

I don't blame them. The way she acted was horrendous, but the most laughable part was the clash between Horikita and Kushida. After proving my suspicions on her to be correct, honourable mention to Ayanokouji, I can't imagine how superior she is in faking cuteness and caring attitude; beneath laid the fangs of the snake.

"I don't want to bid them farewell, just when we were able to become good friends." Kushida spoke while she stood up from her seat in the library. "I swear I will do everything to make sure they don't get expelled."

"...If you say that with all due sincerity then I have no reason to mind." Horikita spoke as she moved her gaze from the books to the suspicious girl. "However, I don't understand why you are in here in the first place; to sabotage me?"

Kushida was shocked, "How could you say such hostile words!?".

Though not so shocked when I interrupted her, previously.

All of these hustle, just to expel Horikita. There might be some reason but that is quite irrelevant to me.

Ayanokouji sat there with no such interest visible. On the opposite of his, I sat. Sometimes, our gaze met, but that was it. Was he trying to say something? I couldn't understand. His face, rather, his expression is always the same, no matter the situation.

I sighed as I walked down the hallway.

'Well, true, the way all of them are studying, they are bound to get expelled.' I thought.

"Oh, if it isn't you, Wistaria."

I turned back to be greeted by our homeroom teacher, Ms. Chabashira.

"Hello Ma'am." I bowed.

"Do you have some time?" She asked out of nowhere.

Is she trying to set me up again into ridiculous questioning?

"Actually I did have something to do." I saw her expression change. "But if what you need from me is more important then I must follow you." I smiled a little.

"Well then, you shall follow me."

What did she intent to do? Judging by her body movement and way of speaking, she must have something she is eager to ask or say.


She brought me to her Guidance Faculty Room, from before, as she let me take a seat before her.

"How's your study going?" she asked as she went through some papers.

"Normal, I suppose." I answered. This is not what I was expecting. What are you thinking, woman?

"Hmm...I heard everyone is in some sort of study group. Are you in one too?"

"Well, I come under 'everyone'." My eyes roaming around hers.

"Well answered." She looked at the papers. My eyes went towards it too. "How much marks are you targeting, if I may ask?"

Oh! So this is your plan!

"Well I will decide that on the difficulty of the paper." I answered as my gaze landed onto one of the papers, which was on one corner away. "Depends on how many question I will be able to answer." I faked a chuckle.

'The…First Year question papers?'

"Oh, the paper is very easy." She remarked.

"That might seem easy for you, cause you are our teacher, so your viewpoint is not likely to match with many of the students around."

"Just a bit of hard work, and you are all good."

I smiled at her, "Are you worried?"

She returned my gesture with a smile as she replied, "You are all my students so I am bound to get worried about you."

As if!

"But you know, if you keep those question papers in front of me, wont you be suspicious of me that I will leak those questions to the Second years for my own benefit?" I maintained my fake smile as I looked at those papers in her hand.

She glanced at those papers and said, "Oh, don't you worry about it, these are previous year question papers. These are not that... useful."

She hesitated, even though it was for a short while.

Well those are important then, Previous Second Year question papers? The current Third Years, huh?

"Oh I see. And here I thought I could joke around." I said back.

"Your exams are four days away, don't slack off." She said. "Good luck!"

I nodded as I took my leave.

My smiley face replaced with the usual cold one. Fake smiling, really makes my muscles stiff! How does Kushida do this all day? Is she even human?

Anyway, so basically she called me to ask about my diligence in the upcoming exam. If she knew about my targeted marks, she could easily understand the fact I was sabotaging my own marks, but that wouldn't give her a proper explanation, to why I was actually doing that.

Yes, I could have lied about my targeted marks, somewhere nearly 85% but that would make her highly dubious to how could I excel in promoting my marks in such a short time. Not to mention, she would have known my intentions, just after our conversation. Just like that, I couldn't lie about my marks about being below average.

Does she attend other classes? The second years? What was she doing with the previous question papers, to the point she had to lie about them being- important!?

A sudden thought struck my mind.

'Is that possible, the questions are related to each other?' I thought. 'The papers if weren't important then would have thrown away ages ago. So then, why was it lying there?'

I brought my hands under my chin, in a 'thinking' position, as I closed my eyes.

"I need the questions from the previous years." I went inside the classroom and sat. "For that, I need the co-ordination of Ayanokouji."

The class ended and I went to our dorm alongside, Kushida, Airi and Ayanokouji. I was walking beside Ayanokouji, of course.

"I will visit you today." I whispered.

I noticed his eyes on me before it distracted.

"Sure, I will be waiting then."

Soon I reached my dorm room. I cleaned myself and sat on my bed. In my hands, laid the 'Communicator' which I got previously.

A communicator is basically used to redirect unusual occurrences to the sender, that is the Head Quarters. My mission basically ends after tracking down the 'Thorn', and I have found it but, then why am I hesitating to write it down?

I just need to affirm that my –mission- is completed, and I can finally end the deal between the [BlAcK uNION] and me; a [Z_Class] 'Spy and Assassinator'; and can go back to my normal life, just like years ago.

Just like that I will have nothing to do with that organization, and there will be no more chance of me meeting with that 'person'.

A shiver went down my spine! I flinched.

'But then why am I hesitating?'

I stared down the communicator, as my grip tightened around it.

My gaze never faltered from it while I was caught in a dilemma.

'I can't let anyone from this school caught up in my mess.' I thought. 'Neither Horikita nor Kushida or Airi.'

"Most importantly, you Ayanokouji." I mumbled as I threw that thing from my grip aside. It, now, laid onto the soft fabric of the bed.

I made my hair into a high pony, whereas, some strands loosened at the back.

'Anyway, just focus onto the present!' I encouraged myself. " I want to meet him."

I left my room and soon reached Ayanokouji's. I took a deep breath and pressed the calling bell.

The door opened, revealing the owner there.

"Hello again." He greeted as I walked inside the familiar room and greeted him back.

As usual he would let me sit on the corner of his bed and him on the opposite, that way we would face each other.

I felt his stare at me prickling my skin.

My throat feels heavy!

My head hung low, soon I felt cold hand sliding through the side of my cheeks; as they cupped them along with the other hand sliding up my bangs.

I looked forward to see Ayanokouji bringing his forehead to touch with mine.

"You don't have a fever, good." He mumbled.

I flinched as I went back a little.

"What-What are you doing?" I said a bit impatiently.

He stood correctly from the bending position he was in as he said, "Checking whether you had fever or not." He handed me a cup of juice.

When did he bring it?

I looked at him with wide tad eyes in disbelief. How weird!

"Your complexion is a bit pale." He said as he sat before me and I faced him properly.

"...I am okay." I said.

Silence covered the room.

"So you had something to say, what is it?" he broke the silence.

Realization struck me!

'Right! I came here to ask for his co-ordination. Get a grip, Erza!" I mentally scolded myself.

"I met with Ms. Chabashira today, and I saw some Previous Years Question papers lying there." I started explaining.

"Previous Years?" He asked.

"Yes." I agreed. "It was rather out of my sight but still, when I asked her about it being important or not, she seemed a bit hesitant."

Ayanokouji stared at the bed and said, "Wouldn't that mean it is important?"

"Yes, I have placed my bet on that." I continued. "More importantly, if it weren't then the chances of those lying around the Staff Room is barely possible."

"Is there any chance of the questions being-" He looked at me with those dead eyes.

"Repeated..." We said in unison.

"We can actually use Kushida, this time." H suddenly spoke about her.

"How so?" I asked.

"You can leave that to me."

I hummed in response.

"Is there anything else in your mind?" He asked.

I looked at his eyes and replied, "No there is none...I just came to say that."

"Very well, can I ask you something?"

"Yes, what is it?"

"You know my identity don't you?"

"...Is that your observation of me, speaking?"

"Partially yes." He agreed. "Moreover, since we are partners isn't it unfair only one of us to know other's identity."

"Yes I know where you are from, but I never intended to." I answered his questions. "Just know, the information of your existence is something I have been forced to accept."

"Are you implying, you work for someone?"

"Organization." I corrected him. "Though not many know about you. You are that special for them."

"Why is this organization after me?" He deepened his question.

"I told you, I have been well informed about you, that means except me there are some limited people who knows your potential, and definitely this school is just a pond for catching fish."

"So you knew about my existence but not me?"

"Correct." I answered. "Wont you ask me the reason to why I am telling you this confidential info.?"

"I was wondering about it." He said. "They want to make use of me, right?"

"Yes, more of a pawn." I replied. "And I said all this because we are partners."

"...Then your job is completed?" He stared at me.

I hesitatingly answered, "More or less, yes." I gulped. "But....no never mind. After I inform them of you being here, my job is fully completed."

But I don't want to give you up those bastards knowing what they will do to you.

"But we aren't suppose to contact with the-"

"We have moles residing here." I abruptly said, as my head and throat felt heavier at each passing second. "But for now, there are none."

I heard ruffles and saw him coming close to me.

"Thanks for telling me that." He patted my head.

"Don't do that.."

Regardless of me telling to stop his actions he continued to do that.

"My image of you is completely annihilated." He spoke.

Truth to be told, I like it when he does that. I just can't be honest. If I do, he will be caught up in the mess.

And, I don't want to be close to him.

"Who cares."

"I like this you better." He whispered.


I slapped back his hands and I got up from the bed. I refuse to make eye-contact with him. I feel weird.

My back faced him as I heard him saying, "Erza...just so you know I have no intention of following what that organisation of yours want me to."

"I really don't care about what you do, to be honest."

Please don't follow them! I told all of this to you just so you can escape.

"...I wonder if that's true." He remarked.

Cheeky brat!

"It doesn't matter if you inform them about your job being completed, just know I can face them." He said.

"If I inform them, its game over. And even you can't suppress them."

"...Well only if you inform them that is."

"I will...don't be so conceited!"

"Your expressions told me otherwise."

Well, I lose here. I need some rest.

"...Think about the Question Papers for now." I commanded and went away from there.

I reached my room and plopped down on my bed as my arms covered my eyes.

'His hands were cold yet felt so comfortable.'

[Erza POV end]