
'Dammit! I'm not gonna die just like this!' Dave screamed in his head. He wasn't going to waste his second chance due to such a stupid mistake.

Sending a kick to the belly of a zombie, Dave pulled some distance between them. Countless thoughts swirled in his mind as he tried to come up with a solution...Until his eyes fell on fatty that stood in a stupor.

"..." Dave was speechless. "Don't just stand there like a retard! Kill it!"

In his previous life, he was so accustomed to being alone that he forgot about asking for help from the fatty who stood next to him. Since he was weak, nobody wanted to party up with him during raids. So he grew familiar with hunting alone as he relied only on himself in the past.

"Fatty! Faster, kill it!" Dave shouted at the dumbfounded fatty who still stood close to the door staring at the fight. However, fatty soon was awoken by Dave as he quickly ran towards the zombie.

With another kick, Dave defended himself against the relentless attacks of the zombie. Coming closer fatty banged on the zombie hitting everywhere he could. After several seconds, the body of a zombie turned into a bloody mess as Dave stood up from the floor.

"I am sorry! Are you okay?" Panting heavily, fatty helped Dave to get up and stood there with an apologetic face. Looking at him, Dave was relieved that fatty didn't run away. At least, he may not be such a bad companion.

"Thanks, fatty. I would have died, if not for your help. My name is David, but call me Dave." Acknowledging fatty as his comrade, Dave stretched his hand for a handshake.

"Brian...Brian Gray." Fatty was stunned by the abrupt change in Dave's attitude, but then, his face brightened immediately as he shook hands with Dave.

"Let's go into the room, so we can catch a breath." Still tired from the deadly encounter, Dave quickly picked up two black coins, and both of them entered the previous room. Ignoring the rotting smell from the dead body that laid on the floor, Dave and Brian took a sit on chairs.

" what do you think is going on? Zombies? I know that I already fought with them, but it is still hard to believe." Fatty seemed calm, yet he was still scared of zombies and Dave perfectly knew about it.

"Well, I am not so sure about it, but the voice called it Second Cataclysm: Evolution. Perhaps, now every living creature can evolve more quickly in the new environment." Dave tried to summarise the changes that occurred in the world.

"Then what about zombies? How can zombies be real?" It seemed that fatty feared zombies more than the end of the world.

"I don't know. Maybe, the microorganisms evolved in a way to control our bodies." Of course, Dave knew about it. Scientists, who were able to survive, had dissected bodies of zombies and had identified a special virus that controlled the dead bodies. The virus evolved from the existing one in the bodies of complex creatures like humans or animals.

In fact, every survivor had such a virus, but in a reasonable amount to cope with it. Humans also learned that they benefited from it greatly.

"Fat...Brian, how is your Life Pulse? Anything interesting about it?" Dave was close calling him fatty again.

"Well, it was an amazing feeling. It was like I sensed glowing lights around me. However, due to two zombies, I wasn't able to feel it thoroughly. Let me try again." Saying the name of his ability, fatty sent another life pulse around him. He seemed calmer than in the previous attempt,

It meant that the floor was safe for a time being, while dead students eaten by zombies would stand only after 10 to 30 minutes depending on how you were infected. Still, to be safe, Dave earlier had closed the door of the room and smashed the head of the dead body in the room.

"I can sense it, yet there are no zombies on this floor. It seems that [Life Pulse] can send it only in a ring shape." Brian said somewhat regretfully. It would have been greater if it had been sent in every direction. However, it was still a useful innate ability.

"Halt a bit. Try to manipulate the direction of [Life Pulse]. Perhaps, you can sense life in a sphere range from you or send it linearly to further distances." Dave was still expectant of Life Pulse since he knew that innate abilities can be used differently depending on the control of the user.

Finding an explanation of Dave reasonable, Brian tried to control the area of his detection ability. When he thought about controlling the direction of the mana wave, the mana reacted slightly to his will but moved as before after activation.

"It reacted slightly, yet it was sent in the same way as before. I think I can do it in the future somehow." As Dave had thought, it is still too hard for Brian to control his innate ability. Since it is directly related to the mana application, it is difficult to manipulate the direction of the mana wave.

"Don't mind it. Did you rest enough? Let's move downstairs, it is still dangerous here." Dave said as he stood up. Dave intended to leave the room as quickly as possible. Taking into consideration a fact that their numbers are increasing with every minute, Dave didn't know how many zombies are in the dormitory building

The dormitory may have a small number of them since most of the students were outdoors for lunch or other stuff. However, if zombies surround them, Dave and Brian will have no chance to escape from them. Four zombies will be enough to kill both of them in a corridor.

"Where are we going? Fatty still was interested in Dave's plan since his life was on the line. With his Life Pulse, they can avoid most of the dangerous places, yet nothing was guaranteed.

"Firstly, we are going to the library to find one of my friends, then we'll search for a safe place on the campus. We don't know what is the situation outside the campus, so we should rather focus on our safety first." Dave explained to him.

Brian easily understood the plan since it was quite simple. So both of them quickly left the room heading downstairs.