Killing Giant

As a door of the library was banged open, everybody looked at the door with fear in their eyes. The tightly closed door, which was sturdy enough to withstand ten or more ordinary zombies, started creaking and bending.

Knowing what to expect, Dave sighed heavily to calm his pumping heart and unzipped his leather bag. Especially for such occasion, he had prepared a special item.

"Hey, Dave, what are you doing? It is not a time to check your inventory." Noticing that Dave was searching for something in his bag, Brian didn't know what to do as he was trembling slightly. He didn't like where it was going.

The door was in a sorry state. As everybody looked at it, Dave silently poured the liquid from the white bottle on his sword's blade. After applying it on his Rusty Sword, Dave gave it to Brian.

"Wh...What is it?" Brian was dumbfounded by the bottle since he recognized it. However, he didn't understand how it can be useful to them in their situation.

"It's a highly concentrated bleach." Indeed, Dave poured the bleach over his sword. He had bought it in a market when he was buying food and water. Then, he passed the white bottle to Brian. "When I say it, you need to pour it on the monster. Am I clear?"

Initially, Brian had thought that Dave was just messing up with him, but, when he saw that Dave's face was dead serious, he gulped nervously. He nodded with his head, still not understanding how it could help them.


Finally, doors were broke open as a giant zombie can be seen in its place. It was a two and a half meters tall giant monster with muscles as thick as metal wires. It strode slowly towards them, blocking their way outside.

"What the hell is it?" Seeing as a humongous zombie was getting closer to him, Lucas started freaking out. No one among them had seen such a monster in their lives, and they could hardly believe that there was such a huge student on their campus.

Frightened by the monster, Lucas's first idea was to push the closest person to the zombie's path and ran away when it was busy grabbing a student in front of him. Since the Giant was even slower than ordinary zombies, it wasn't hard to slip past by him, especially when it was distracted to a free meal before him.

Watching a familiar scene, Dave looked at him with disdain as he recalled unpleasant memories from his past life. In his eyes, Lucas was trash who was worthy to be eaten hundred times.T his time it was one of the male students, while in the past it was Dave who got pushed on a Giant's way by Lucas.

Seeing how Lucas was able to slip past the monster, other students quickly started scattering through the hallway and, while avoiding the giant monster, they hurriedly dashed towards the exit.

However, they weren't as lucky as Lucas. Finishing the male student in several gulps, the giant monster was able to catch another student with its huge hands. Now, it was a clumsy female student.

Holding a female student in its hand, it seemed to be unable to estimate its strength as it squeezed her to death. Having been squeezed to death, she had turned into a bloody mess as her blood poured into a giant's mouth. Next, her corpse was also thrown into its maw.

Only three of them were left in the library. Dave knew that if they tried to escape now, at least one of them will be killed by the giant. Dave could escape from it on his own, but he can't risk the life of his friend.

Furthermore, he had come here with a clear understanding that he would fight with it. He couldn't miss such an opportunity to kill an evolved zombie since he didn't know how often he would meet them.

He was going to kill it!

Although it was strong enough to kill him in one hit, Dave was calm. He had killed such zombies in his past life. He just needed to avoid being hit by it. Strength type zombies were slower than common zombies but one hit from them could kill Dave.

He had even increased his agility stat to defeat a Giant. Albeit being just one point, even the one-point increase in agility was essential for his survival when he needed to dodge all the attacks.

Rushing at the Giant, Dave slashed it with his sword. Leaving a shallow cut on its chest, he dodged the Giant's fist as a fist imprint was left on the floor. If he had been hit by it, Dave would have died instantly.

The shallow cut left on its chest started churning and hissing as gas was being emitted by a wound. Feeling a slight tinge, the giant roared loudly and tried to grab Dave with its huge hands. Dave dodged its attack and baited him to the doors of the library.

Knowing the attack patterns of a zombie, it wasn't a big deal for Dave to dodge its punches.

"Brian, do it!" Now, when the Giant had turned to Adam and Brian with its back, Dave shouted to Brian to pour bleach on the Giant's back. Roaring in pain, it ignored Dave and looked behind it at the closest person to Brian.

When Brian met with its eyes, he felt shivers down his spine as his face immediately paled. Although he had said that Dave could toss him away when needed, yet he was still scared of death.

Using the moment when it was distracted at Brian, Dave rushed at the giant and cut the tendons on his knees. He wanted to aim right at its head, but the Giant was too tall for him. Unable to keep its balance, it fell to the ground with its face turned down.

Dave quickly stepped on its back and pierced its head with his Rusty Sword. As his sword pierced its brains, the Giant stopped resisting as its body grew limp. It was paralyzed due to the shock from brain damage but still alive.

With a great effort, Dave was able to behead it as its head separated from its body and rolled over the ground. As it died, a slightly larger orb of blue light had entered Dave's body.

[You have reached level 3]

[You have earned 2 free points]

At the same time, a bright light shone from the Giant's body as a blue chest and 3 Survival Coins had appeared close to its body.

As the giant fell, Adam rushed to Dave, looking concernedly at him. "Dave, are you alright? You should warn me beforehand when you're going to do something reckless like this."

"Yeah. I'm fine. Everything was planned over." Dave said as he wiped the blood on his blade to Giant's headless body.

Brian came closer when he saw that the giant monster was finally dead. "Man, I thought you were gonna toss me away. And what's up with the bleach? You seemed to come prepared, but I didn't see you taking it when I was with you."

Brian was relieved that a giant had died, but he didn't understand how bleach could work against zombies when they were dull to pain.

The bleach was one of the tricks Dave had learned in his past life. When he started hunting on the monsters, Dave noticed that he was too weak, while the weakest monsters were too strong to him.

Having been too weak to fight with them directly, Dave researched their patterns and weakness picking up several tricks. Survivors, later on, learned that bleach was corrosive to zombies. It wasn't capable of killing them but could distract them.

It wasn't that accurate that zombies didn't feel any pain, it was just much lesser than humans'. For instance, they would feel something when their arm was severed from their bodies and turn towards the culprit.

In the same way, bleach may cause a slight tinge to zombies. Moreover, since they were numb to pain pretty for most of the time, it was unusual for them to feel something like this. Albeit being unable to kill a zombie, bleach may inflict enough pain to distract it from the main target.

Assuring Adam that he was alright, Dave approached the Treasure Chest.

[Do you want to open a Treasure Chest (Blue)?]


It disappeared as a vial with liquid appeared in his hands. The colour of the liquid in the vial changed periodically as it was red first, blue next and green later. It would even turn colourless at some moment.

[Stat Potion

Description: After drinking it, one stat that the user chooses will increase by 5 points]

Dave expected to get a Treasure Chest after killing it since the giant was much stronger, but he never thought that he will be lucky to get his hands on a blue chest, not to say, stat increasing potion.

Every potion that increased stats were quite rare in his past life. Furthermore, they were one of the most expensive items in his past since most of the Enhancers will use them to raise their own stats rather than selling them. They couldn't be found in the market, only in auctions.

Since its increase was instant and permanent, Dave immediately chugged down the vial.

[What stat do you want to increase?]

'Strength. And allocate 2 points to agility.'

[Your strength has increased by 5 points.]

Dave didn't feel much of a difference except that world became slightly slower in his eyes. He didn't feel like his constitution had become stronger nor did he gain any additional muscles. Rather, it more seemed like the qualitative advancement in muscle fibres than a quantitative one.


[David Murckly

Level: 3

Class: None

Survival Coins: 14

Mana: 0

Strength: 16

Agility: 10

Stamina: 9

Intelligence: 11

Spirit: 0

Free points: 0

Innate ability: Regression

Skills: Elementary Cooking (LVL 2), Gaming (LVL 8), Mathematics (LVL 7), Leadership (LVL 1)]

As he looked at his status window, his heart was filled with satisfaction. Now, he had the confidence to deal with several zombies at once and have an easier time while dealing with Giant.

"We saved your friend, so the first step of your plan is done. Then, where are we going to seek shelter?" It was the only thing that worried Brian. Zombies were wandering everywhere making it difficult to find a safe place on the campus.

"I have a place in my mind. Let's go to the nearby supermarket since we still need to secure a source of food. If we are fortunate enough, we can make a safe place from it," Dave replied calmly. "Let's go. Zombies should already have been drawn to the commotion. The Giant was roaring pretty loudly."

Adam and Brian had no objections as both of them understood the importance of food in their situation. Moreover, they understood that it wasn't wise to be standing here.

Before going, Dave noticed that Adam was gripping a Wooden Club in his hands, so he reminded him to never lose it, explaining that he couldn't level up without it. Next, their group cautiously walked towards the supermarket.

It was one of the supermarkets on the campus, but it would be more correct to call it a minimarket than a supermarket. It was the smallest one among them, so it wasn't the most popular one.

When he went there in his past life, there were nearly no zombies at all, only two or three of them were scattered inside. Avoiding zombies, he was able to get into the storage room and lock himself in it. Its door was made from metal making it a perfect place to settle for a short while.