3. Deceptive Powerlessness

I was paralyzed. For the moment I even stopped breathing. This can't be happening. It must be one big mistake.

I tried to convince myself of it, but in vain, it is reality. Damn reality.

I cursed softly, that it was also today Mrs. Fortuna has decided to leave me. She chose a really wonderful moment. I snapped in the spirit frustrated.

I took a deep breath several times to calm myself down, then I started to break free. However, my efforts failed. Alpha's grip on my waist only tightened. And before I could react, he pulled me deeper into the room, turning me towards him and closing the door. I didn't know what to do I now, my mind was in chaos.

I tried not to look at the Alpha. Instead, my eyes fluttered around his office.

It was cozily furnished in dark shades of brown, with a massive mahogany desk next to which stood a large leather armchair. The desk was large and it was placed under the window. Whereas under one of the walls there was a large gray sofa with navy blue cushions, and in front of it was a bookcase with books and documents, which took up the entire wall. The decor was complemented by large plants artistically scattered around the room, giving it an aura of peace.

The whole thing looked extremely coherent. The originators of the decor managed to avoid the impression of splendor. I was impressed with the order that prevailed here.

And I would probably think longer about the decor of the room if I had not felt a jerk forward and my nose would not land in the crook of Alpha's neck. I couldn't longer ignore his presence or the smell that spoke to me and my wolf.

I was afraid by this that my wolf would free himself from the chains in which I imprisoned him. Finally, once again that day, he raised his head and opened his eyes, which would have been unthinkable before.

I growled softly to Alpha to let me go, but in vain. He didn't understand my message or he just didn't care what I wanted. He just quietly bent his head and hid his face in the crease of my neck, sniffing me.

I don't know why but I wanted to laugh, and at the same time, I was concerned about what was going to happen next.

Every muscle in my body was tense. To be prepared for what could come, I did not allow myself even moments of relaxation. But what happened was completely unexpected for me. He just started purring!

Since when wolves can purr? It's so weird...

The arm around my waist tightened its grip when suddenly as if awakened from some trance, I started to tear myself out and scratch and bite. The man growled dissatisfied and using another hand he grasped my wrists twisting them back so that they were tucked behind my back so that the upper half of my body was slightly bent backward which only gave him more access to my neck and the rest of my body. Whereas, our hips, were pressed tightly against each other, which made me feel how strongly he reacted to my smell and presence.

I can't say that I wasn't flattered by it and it didn't make me slightly excited, and probably if it were not for my fears about the future, I would have a slight problem in my pants. But in my current situation, such thoughts or feelings were not something good thing.

My head became more and more confused, and not at all I didn't like it. I wanted to regain the former peace of my mind and my way of being, but as long as he holds me, while he was here, it seemed only like an unreal dream.

I sighed resigned and lowered my head, waiting for him to let me go. There was nothing else I could do now, and that was killing me. I was powerless, doomed to his whims. This it brought back unwanted memories and promises I had made to myself and I couldn't keep now.

Although I did not show it, it is powerlessness was devouring me from the center. That was hurting me, my psyche, and who I'm.

I hate the feeling of helplessness.

Finally, the Alpha raised his head, and I was finally the first time to see like look his face. He looked as if he was taken out of someone's sensual dream. A heavily defined jaw which also hid in itself gentleness, narrow tempting lips, and this most wonderful eyes I have ever seen. They were as deep as infinite depth. Full of desire that made them looked darker, and at the same time containing the sparkles of the joy that made me feel as if I was looking over the sea during a storm.

So magnetic...

I could look at them for hours. They made my heart beat faster. They former so real and yet as if from another world.

In addition to the mesmerizing eyes, the man also has beautiful black velvety hair that begged to be stroked with their by my hand. They were slightly disheveled and reached almost halfway down Alpha's neck. His skin, whereas, had a slightly golden and silver glow, which was an intriguing combination and created a spectacular effect.

It was as if his entire character had been created to be admired and desired. Also, he exuded masculinity, strength, and sex.

It was a very dangerous connection.

For a moment I felt a strange urge to lick his skin, run my hands through his hair, and kiss his features. I wanted to taste his lips and then start nibbling on his collarbone which was sticking out from underneath the black V-neck blouse.

My wolf wanted to fawn over him, he wanted to run towards him wagging his tail. He was slowly breaking the chains he was chained on.

He wanted his partner.

Fortunately, I managed to get this situation under control in time. By willpower I put more chains on the wolf, forcing him to lie down and hide while I mentally rebuked myself for admiring the Alpha.

Eh, no matter how much I contradict it, it won't change the fact that he was my partner.

The person who I didn't want in my life at all, and the one who will want to enslave me and take away my freedom. To force me to feel. And it wasn't about here the man himself, but about the very essence of the mate.

I cleared my throat and, looking into the man's eyes, spoke in a rather cool voice. I don't know how I succeeded. How I succeeded to stay so calm on the surface when everything inside me was seethed.

- Let me go.

Even though I only said two words, his response on no to them was rather intense. As soon as he heard them, he growled as if I had said something terrible and then he let go of me, which surprised me. I carefully stepped back and almost landed on the door, but I didn't really care.

In the meantime, Alpha turned his back to me and headed towards the armchair.

Now I was finally able to fully see his silhouette. He was muscular, not like some bodybuilder, but in that sexy male way without being overly exaggerated, and he was also a head taller than me as I had earlier already seen when he had pressed me against him.

He walked slowly as if he wanted me to admire him. And when he was at his destination, he turned towards me and sat down on the armchair, watching me.

I started walking toward him with my head held high, hoping that my attitude expressed indifference and aversion.