24. On the Way.

At the last moment, I refrained from snarling at Leonard, whose behavior I found irritating and unnecessary. Unfortunately, I couldn't react verbally or sonically to his actions because if I did, I would break the silence and lose. 

What a bloody bastard.

Not only does he compromise me and remind me of what happened, but it also violates the painful part of my body.

Who does he think he is?!

Taking advantage of my momentary distraction, he grabbed my waist and stuffed me all inside the car as if I was some kind of package.

Then he sat down next to me and closed the door, and the car started moving.

I looked at him questioningly as I stepped away distrustfully from him.

Where is he taking me?

This is kidnapping... 

I sat on the seat cross-legged, as if in a meditation position, my arms folded across my chest, angry as a wasp.

Grrrr, what a stupid handsome liar and son of a bitch.