27. Deceptive[?] Warmth.

Leonardo, looking like an absent ghost, left the room. Samael, on the other hand, as he turned my chair back towards the table, pushed one of the chairs on the opposite side out of the way and put it away in a corner, probably so that he and Leonard could sit side by side in front of my eyes. After doing all these necessary maneuvers for him, he sat down.

After a while, Leonardo returned to the dining room and, sitting next to Samael, spoke up.

- There will be breakfast soon.

I looked at him more closely for a moment. He seemed to be recovering from that strange thing already, which had a strange influence on his behavior.

Losing interest in his strange behavior, I lazily stopped looking at him and looked dispassionately at Samael and Leonard. Then being bored, I focused my eyes on the space between them. 

Finally, sighing like a holy martyr, Samael spoke up.

- Did you stop talking?