47. Imperfectly Perfect

Pissed off, like an arrogant cat tormented by too long stroking, I lowered my hands.

Never, never, get between a hungry coffee lover and his first coffee.

It's like standing between promotion freaks and the biggest promotion in the world, or like standing between a hungry mutant zombie and the fresh brain he craves.

- When did I become a cuddly teddy bear which can be touched whenever you want and why nobody informed me about it so that I could tear off his stupid head? - I growled furiously.

Coffeeeee! Give me a coffee!

It is so close to me... Right there... And yet, it seems so unattainable.


- Why are you tormenting me today? - I asked Leonard angrily and a scowl on my face, throwing an accusing glance at him.

In response, Leonardo stepped away from me a little and twisted me so that we were now faced to face.