54. Snow Mountains Witness a New Beginning?

I think I got a little emotional.

I've really gotten too soft lately. As if all my spikes disappeared.

Shaking my head at my own behavior, I lit a cigarette.

I don't think I need anything more to be happy for now.

Although all the time, I had the feeling that something was going to happen to disrupt this strange peace. But I guess that's always the case when some things seem to be too good and too calm.

Then a person begins to suspect, that it is either an illusion or that in a moment something will happen, which will make that, nothing will ever be like that anymore calm and pleasant as before.

I sighed deeply and stared at the fire sipping hot chocolate.

I don't know when or which of us first started talking, but suddenly we were having a quiet conversation.

It was probably our first such quiet and calm conversation in which we exchanged our views, without quarrels or entering into topics, that would cause quarrels.