Snake Genie Wyvern

[Harvard has defeated the Snake Wyvern single handedly and has acquired 5,000,0000,000 experience!]

[Harvard has leveled up to level 59!]

[No one else besides Harvest King received experience!]

[Harvest King has gained +5 experience! Harvest King hasn't leveled up!] 

'He-he did it again! I-I want to kiss that bastard!' Katie stomped her foot while Harvard activated smokescreen to block anyone behind him from seeing the evolution cage. 'This-this time we should reward him! How about some real teamwork training! In a hotel room with just me and you, and him Tilly?'

"I-I don't feel like things are safe yet,' Great Styles pointed towards the center of the boss room. "Normally, a treasure chest would appear after a final boss was defeated, but this time nothing had appeared."