

I get up and go to do some morning workout. I stay there for and hour and a half and I return upstairs to my room. I entered and everything is organised and clean. the maids have been here, and I make sure that they know who is in charge here. They know the rules and how things work here and that is how thing is going to work while I'm in charge.

In this world if you don't show people who is the boss, they will defy you and things get complicated. Better to be feared than to be loved.

I take my shower and when I'm making my way to the closet, I pass in front of the papers.

"Such a fucking stupidity",  I say to myself and I return to what I was doing. I put on a black social pants and put a white shirt on. I leave it open and head back to the room. And again, I pass in front of the files. "fuck it".  I take the papers, what will it take to get marriage for my mothers' sake. It is just for her happiness and then she might stop bothering me about it.

I look it through and none of them interests me. They have all information here, from eye colour to hair length. What kind of place is this? I didn't even know there was a category for hair length. Weird place.

Finally, a particular one interests me: Harper Hill. She is 20 years old; she is quite young. She is tiny, around 5'3 ft and quite slim. They have picture of her and well I like what I see. Quite expensive as well:

"Fuck, a billion dollars", I say out loud and run my hands through my hair. I leave the papers on the table and think to myself: Why this much just on her. I decide to return to look at it. I look for more information and bellow the price has an observation

"obs: she is the best bride material. She fits every single request of our previous buyers."

I supposed man will be thrilled by her, but many will back away due to the high price.

I continue to read the information and there is everything about her: blood type, blood exams, family members, previous life and the languages she speaks: English, Spanish, Italian and Russian.

Holy fuck, I mean I'm buying google translate. This girl can work with many things just because she speaks 4 languages and yet she is being transformed into a prototype of a wife. Well at least she is worth something.

I put her file aside and continue looking it through and honestly no other girl seemed to impress me as she did. When I finish looking through it, I decide it is her. If mother wants me to marry someone there, she is.

I stare at her pictures again and her straight dark hair and her hazel eyes just seems to look through me. But now looking at the bigger picture she didn't seem happy not one bit.

"Did you choose?", my mother bust inside my room without knocking. I jump from my seat and get up. I hand her the file and get her out of my room without saying anything.

I get back to change myself and I get ready for work.

In my way out, I hear my mom calling me. "Vin, no work for today. We are supposed to pick her up", she says shaking her hands while holding the file. She is happy, I don't see her smile, she stopped smiling when my dad died, for five years she has been quiet and sad but I cannot not  work today I said yesterday no stress for the weekend but I got see some things.

"Mother, tomorrow we can ok? But not today, I can't, sorry"

"Fine, but I'll call them, and I'll buy her everything and when they ask what kind of clothes you want her to wear, say that she is free to choose"

"Fine mom, but she is not sleeping in my bed"

"You are so boring but fine, I'll get the other room new design", she says

"Fine but I think this is too much"

"You have an old soul and I'm calling them to get her ready"

"Whatever, do whatever you want just nothing too expensive"

"Oh, Vin, you got the money and I've been waiting for this to happen for a long time now, so you will pay for everything"

"Mom she is being sold for one billion dollars",  she doesn't say anything. "and it seems she is a present for you when is supposed to be my wife, in the end you are the one gaining something"

"You sound so much like you. Get out of my face you are annoying me and now I'm happy.",  she says and she jumps and run while calling the architect. She is happy and I'm happy. But I'm not treating her like I love or care about her, because I don't, and I won't. as I said before, we need to show them who is in command.

I get inside my car and the driver start the engine and we head to the docs where one shipment should be arriving from Russia.