


It has two weeks since the incident. I feel much better and I learn not to feel so scared by his presence. I respect him, of course. And I stay quiet and I still follow the rules, but now I just don't flinch every time I see him or hear his voice. And good news, I don't have any DSTs.

Bad news? Lily hasn't come back. Her father is having some health problems, I guess. She postponed the wedding day for next week. She is the one doing everything, so she gives the final word. I expected my owner, which now I know the name: Irvin, to go visit his mother but Rose told me he hates his grandfather. I have been basically Rose, me and Max.

Rose is all excited because it will have a dinner where all the mafia men will be, and it is basically a ball and Irvin, told me I was going with him. It is going to be tonight, and Rose is helping me get ready. He bought a lot of dresses and shoes and left it for me to choose. Rose told me the red one was the one. I thought It draws too much attention, but she insists on this one. It is a long, dark red and backless dress. It hugs everything and it has a front cut too. It is beautiful but it is too much.

"Go put it on", Rose commands and I do it. I hate being around people, let alone in a red dress drawing attention. "go!"

"Fine", I get the dress and the golden heels. They were so delicate, I like them. I change into it and put the heels on. I see my reflex on the mirror and I cannot believe this is me. I haven't been "bold" for so long. I'm starting to like myself again.

"I told you were going to look fantastic. – I admire myself a little more. – now the hair. Up or down?"


"Ok, ok, but you have to show the back so let's go with up and down", what?

"Ok", I don't know what she was thinking but I let her do it.

When she is over, I can't recognize myself. The dress is just amazing, I love the heels and my hair half up half down is perfect. She did the makeup not so heavy.

"Thank you, Rose", I hug her, and she hugs me back.

"Your welcome sweetie", she is definitely the best person. "Now let's go"

When we get to the end of the stairs, I see Irvin talking to his mans. It seems we weren't going completely alone. – I got go but know that you look ravishing – Rose tells me, and I thank her. I watch she disappear in the end of the house. "Hello, baby", I come back from my daze with an unknown voice. I look and it is a guy, he is wearing a tux. I guess he is going to the dinner as well. "aren't you .... Yummy", he looks me up and down. Ok, now I feel uncomfortable. "Jimmy?", Irvin comes between him and I, " Sir, I was just... mm just...", he couldn't talk. He gulped several times. Take this one Jimmy.

"Shut up. I didn't tell you to bitch around.", he stood there. "Why am I still seeing your face?", the guy just leaves without saying anything. I feel bad for him even though he wasn't being nice.

"You look nice", he looks down at me. I smile in return. "Come", he places his big hands on my back. I nod in response.

As we approach the place, it is possible to see that it has a lot of people inside already. The car stop and before getting out he stops and look at me. – you won't do any shit will you? – he looks me under the eye. I shake my head fast. He didn't seem so friendly now. – very well – he puts his digitals on my collar, and I watch as it falls on the cars floor. I cannot believe this is out. I can breathe normally. The first thing I do is inhale deeply a ton of air. It feels so good. I close my eyes and enjoy freedom.

We get out and we start walking. His hands are on my lower back now, very low by the way. We walk until something, or better, someone hugs him. It is Brooke, she kisses him deeply. "What are you doing here? I told to get the jobs done", he says.

"I did and now I'm back.... I think we can celebrate tonight", I feel sad in a way, but he is with her. She kisses him again, but he doesn't kiss her. When they stop, we continue making our way in and he returns his hand to my lower back. Someone stops Irvin and greets him. It is a middle age man. "Irvin, nice to see you". they shake hands

"Hello, I'm Brooke. His girlfriend", she jumps between them and introduces herself.

"Of course, you are", he looks her head to toe. She is wearing a tight and short black dress. She does not look bad. "And you must be the wife", he says to me and lay a kiss on top of my hands. I didn't know they still do this. "Enjoy the party", and with that he leaves.

"Got the attention you wanted?", Brooke asked me. I didn't want anything. I was quiet. She was the one who wanted.

"Shut up", Irvin says to her while holding her arm in his hand. His grip gets stronger and I see it turning red. I feel weird right now. This scene gives me chills all over my body and I turn cold. "You are nothing mine, and you are staying, because I'm letting you stay. You are going inside and going to stay seated all night and I do not want one word. Did you understand?", he says with clenched teeth. She gets inside alone. I felt bad for her and yet she hates me.

I watch him fix his tux and hair. While he was fighting with her, I stayed a few steps back and didn't move inch since. "Why so far?", he says and I walk to him. "That thing I told you that if you did any shit the collar wouldn't be the only one choking you, is still up", I gulp down and nod at him. And yet I was trying to like him. I was the only one not doing anything and I get told off. So unfair.

We walk around the room and man from all over the world come greet him. I followed him like a puppy. He pulled me by my waist, with his arm behind my back and his mouth close to my ear– go sit with Brooke and stay there", he orders me, and I do it. I walk to the table and Brooke doesn't look very happy. I sit beside her, as he ordered. We stay quiet and just looking at the scenario in front of us.

"You know, he might even be marrying you, but he is rude and doesn't care about your feelings or wellbeing", she says out of nowhere. "He is brutal and incapable of loving someone"

"He is not that bad Brooke", she hasn't met bad and brutal.

"He is. You haven't seen his true self. He kills with no shame or regret. He does whatever he wants -she says it and I haven't seen this version. However, he is one of the few people who haven't done anything to me. And for that I'm grateful. I don't say anything to her. "You know what? Fuck him. I'll do anything and everything I want. Starting with drinks", this is not going to end well.

I watch as she drinks the whole champagne bottle. She is tipsy and talkative now. She starts dancing sexy and get attention from some man near the table. He kisses a few and others hope to get some too. I feel supper weird here so I excuse myself – wait – she says – we could have a threesome; it would be nice wouldn't it? – . her drunk words make her dance partner happy. I just make my way to the restroom.


"Hey, your wife is throwing a big show", some man says to me, with a lipstick on his neck, he is trying to piss me off and he did. I told her to not do any shit.

I look around and see Harper going in the exit direction. She pays me. "Didn't I say to you to keep quiet?", I press her against the wall with my hands around her neck. "Looks like I'm about to keep my promise, huh", I watch as a single tear rolls down her face. I follow its patch until it reaches her mouth. Her red lips were untouched. We stare at each other. She was waiting to see what was going to be my next move. Our face gets closer and closer. But we got interrupt by someone being loud.

I look to the side and see Brooke leaving with two guys. "See!", she opens her arms. "You treat me like shit, but they treat me like a queen", the guys leave with her. She is hammered. As much as she annoys me, I'm going to keep an eye on her. Follow them and don't let anything happens", I tell one of my man. He nods and make his way out.

My hand is still on her neck and she is pressed against the wall. Her lips must me so good. I start to imagine who they would feel around my cock, gobbling on it. Her little hands giving me a hand job. She looks up with those amazing eyes. All together: these thoughts, her look and my body pressed against hers made me excited.

"It wasn't you was it?", I ask her with my mouth close to hers. She shakes her head and licks her lips. With this, I feel my member pounding inside my pants. Shit, she ain't helping the situation. I turn her around. I have a completely view of her back. I press her font against the wall. "That is what you do to me Harper", I do some movements on her ass. I hold her arms back. I kiss her shoulders and they all the way to her neck. I kiss until I find her right spot. When I kiss below the ears, near her jaw, she lets a little moan scape. Let's play a little. "I don't remember telling you could speak, do you?", she shakes her head innocently. "And I remember telling you to sit still next to Brooke, did you do that?", she shakes her head again. I give her bottom a few slaps. With each one she whimpers.

I turn her around and I can't resist her full red lips. I kiss her like my life depends on it. At first, she doesn't give my tongue access and I need to taste her right now. I give her ass a slap and she whimper, opening her mouth, and I get access to her entire mouth. After slapping her ass, I place my hand on top of It showing her I was not mad. But then I squeeze it and it feels so fucking good. I break our kiss. "II hate these parties", I need to get home. I'm in not state to be seen around.

The car ride was nice. I placed her on my lap, her legs hugging me. I pull her dress a little up so she could sit with no problem. I kiss her neck side to side, then her collarbone and last between her breasts. I hold the back of her neck and kiss her hungrily.

We get back to the house and I just kick the door open. The only thing I'm carrying about is throwing this woman on my bed, naked.

I open my door and place her on the ground. I close the door and then I get back to kissing her. I take her dress out and she is left only on her panties and heels. "So fucking hot", I eye her up and down and I noticed something glued to her nipples. I pull them out and I see her body reacts to it. Her breasts are a little red and her nipples erect. "Such a beautiful view to be kept in secret", I press her against the side table. I put her on it and bend down. I take her heels off and kiss her legs all the way to her black little tong. This little piece of clothing is keeping a treasure. – give me permission to continue", she looks confused. "I won't do it unless you let me", I wait for her answer. She wasn't used be asked what she wanted. I didn't need anything else when she nodded her head and murmur a yes.

I get back on my knees and put one of her leg behind me, resting on my shoulder and the other one I leave it free. She was on the tiptoes when I smell her panties covering her pussy. My goal right now was to make her come. I get one finger and pull the edge of her panties away from her entrance. I get it to the side and pass one finger in the middle of her core. She is wet already, but I want her to be more.


He takes her panties out and opens her legs a bit further apart. He, without thinking twice, gets a full lick of her core. All her muscles contracts. He licks her clit, leaving little bites on it. He licks her opening, but one thing is bothering him: she is not moaning or showing pleasure. He gets up and faces her. "Are you enjoying?", she nods. "Then I want to hear you moaning and screaming my name- his hands travels down to her pussy. "Enough of this no talk rules, ok?", she nods. He puts one finger inside her. "Then say it"

"Ok" she says with almost no breath.

He gets back on his knee and licks her clit while fingering her. He continues his arousal, stimulating her insides with his fingers and her rest of her core with his tongue. Now he is hearing her loud moans. Her head goes back, she holds herself on the edge of the table. He gets up, with his fingers playing with her clit and his moth sucking on her nipples. "cum. Cum on my fingers baby", he gets his head next to her ear. "Get this pussy wet for me. I wanna see this cunt dripping".

" I'm... I'm...", she tries to speak but couldn't

"Cum. Cum. Cum", with each cum he said, his movements increased, his finger rubbing her to maximum pleasure.

She feels something building inside her. She pulls him closer to her body and moan her way to the pleasure. She felt herself wet, too wet. She came on his fingers. He takes then out and lick one of them. "Taste yourself", he gave her the other two finger and she sucked on them. " I was going to fuck you, but I'll give you a perfect first time, somewhere nice. - she smiles and find it a sweet gesture. She gets down and pushes him back. She changes positions with him.

Her little hands run down his chest until it reaches his pants zipper. She bends down stay on her knees. She sits on her calf. She passes her tongue on his member from outside of the cloth. He opens the zipper and get his clothes out. He is fully naked in front of her. She takes his dick on her mouth and suck on it. It is a fat and big dick. It didn't fit inside her mouth she used her hands to extimulated the rest of his length. She licks its head and rolls her hands on the rest. She takes her mouth out and start to only use her hands.

"Get your tongue out", she does, and he puts himself inside and fucked her mouth. Her tongue touching and licking his cock were driving him crazy. "Come here", he takes his dick out and he sits on the black leather armchair.

She between his legs. She sucked him faster and as deep as she could. He gets a hold of her hair and forces her head down. When he touches her trough his precum gets out and the next is his seed. He holds her head in place until all his liquid is on her mouth. "Let me see it", she opens her mouth and shows It to him. He squeezes her cheeks, "swallow it", she did it.

It was her first time trying it. She swallows it and taste the content. It was warm and a bit strong, salty even. He gets her up and places her on his lap.

"How is the taste?"

"Mine is sweeter."

"You didn't like it?"

"I like it, it is just strong and salty"

"Good", he kisses her letting his tongue explore her territory. She does the same. They kiss until he stops it. "Want to sleep?", she nods. "No more nodding, I want answers"

"Yes, but first I really need to brush my teeth", she says with a straight apologizing smile, he gives her a short nod and a smile. "Can I use your shirt?"

"Here", he hands it to her, and she gets up and go brush her teeth.

He cleans himself too and go downstairs to get some water for both. When he returns, she is inside the room by the big window wearing his with shirt. He gets closer and hands her the cup. They drink it all and he hugs her from the behind. "I'm sorry for being an asshole with you earlier and in the first day and in the day next and the next", she chuckles

- It will be a lot of apologizes then"

"I know ..."

"I didn't finish, but thank you for buying me and thank you for not leaving me alone during my panic attack"

"I like to hear your voice. It is soft but firm"

"Thank you, I guess. This voice happens to be tired", he calls her to the bed and they under the sheets and tiredness took over both.