And thus, He tried training but...

Part 1


-Time skip, 2 years


Now, my age is 3 years old, or at least my body is.


I finally managed to start speaking again, although in Japanese this time. It took me some real effort since Japanese speech was never my forte when I was learning the language and I kept making mistakes in the pronunciations. However, using the free time I had for something useful, I practiced over and over until I no longer made mistakes.


My first words were heard at one time by Kaa-san who instantly celebrated and bragged at Yasaka-san for days during her visits. I simply said Kaa-san and she was bursting with joy for such a long time. I truly did not dare to joke and call her by her name to see her dejected look; still... that wish is something the evil (sadistic) side of my heart kept asking me. But I kept my guard and never did I make the mistake of listening to that voice in that regard.


A funny detail I later learned about was that for some reason I could read the language too. Once again, I can only think that it was because of He (?). That saved me some study time. You might ask why that was a funny detail. Well, I spend a couple of years learning Kanji, something I never finished and I suddenly became able to understand it just like that. Yes, pretty funny.


Using the time I did not have to spend learning Japanese, I focused on my Ki.


About a month ago, Kaa-san started to teach me some basic techniques after she saw my growing Ki reserves. I wondered if all Youkais taught their children from a young age.


There was this one time when I was meditating when she came without me noticing her and started to help me gather pure Ki, this enhanced my Ki gathering speed. At that time I thought she was going to start questioning me but she simply said 'As expected of my child and went away'. She is too good to the likes of me. I kind of felt guilty for not telling her anything... but I am afraid of telling her.


Unaware of my inner turmoil, she kept lending me a hand now and then, although she warned me that I could this process freely in the house because this was a specially made place. It was just for her and no one else was allowed in here other than her trusted friends. I told her how she only had a friend since Yasaka-san was the only one coming... as you guessed, Kaa-san was angry. She wasted no time on softly whacking my head. Later, she spent days sulking at my rude words. I felt a bit apologetic, but my old habit of saying insensitive things sometimes is not something easy to control. I was also curious about the fact that I saw no other people coming here so those words had different motives.


One day I kept thinking of ways to improve my Ki training when I recalled how Ki is life energy. It works along with my vitality, in other words, stamina. That reminded me that I had not done many efforts in the physical area.





Deciding my next course of action, I started with the easiest thing I could do to accumulate stamina, jogging. Running around the house had to suffice for now. Twenty minutes later I had to stop due to my lack of breath. It seemed I was truly not fit for a long jogging training. The start is always hard so after a quick rest, I continued jogging. The process kept repeating itself multiples times until during one of my rests I had no energy to continue.


In the beginning, I thought of jogging using the slightly strengthening effect that came up with circulating Ki inside my body, but one problem came up. I was not used to it, so I could not start using it just like that. There was also the fact that in my previous life I had an accident after an operation that left me unable to run or jog, so I was curious about that feeling of being able to do so with freedom. I think that my former mindset due to that accident kept me away from thinking about this kind of training, along with the proper methods to do it.


With my legs in that tired state, I couldn't jog so I had my hands free. My fairly unimaginative mind could only think of doing push-ups. Long story short, the process was similar to jogging. Leaving me laying in the garden of the house. With some free time, and lacking mobility, I spend that time admiring the house style.


I considered it a traditional Japanese style, I think they were called 'Minka', having all from tatami mat flooring, sliding doors, to wooden verandas called engawa. It gave me a different feeling from the architecture that I was used to in my previous world.





I spent approximately half an hour admiring (laying down, unable to move due to muscle pains) the view until Kaa-san came back.


She was terrified when she found me lying there alone. As she saw me, I almost felt like she teleported at my side at once and started pouring her Ki on me. I think she could've also used magic but I am not an expert. The problem came later after finding out how I was there because I exercised until I was exhausted, she first felt relief, then after her eyes got so watery that I thought she was going to cry... she got angry. It was my turn to be terrified.


After scolding me for an hour, she banned me from training for a while, not just physical training but I couldn't gather Ki either.


I decided to remain silent and not complain about it. I made her worry after all. My behavior was unnecessarily reckless and I could've done this without worrying her like this.





I could not gather Ki, so I spent my time either practicing calligraphy which I took as a hobby because although I could understand Japanese, I could not write it easily. The kanjis were different from the characters of the alphabet I was accustomed to so I tried calligraphy to get used to.


To put it in nicer terms my current ability, I could still improve... talking with realistic terms... my calligraphy sucked, it looked like drawings from a 3 years old kid, wait, I am 3 years old so I guess I am safe.


So much writing had also a hidden agenda of mine. I wanted to be a writer in my previous life, but many situations lead to the outcome where I could not even try. I am not really expecting to have an amazing talent that I have never been able to use, but I still wanted to try things I never got the opportunity to. My goal is to go back to my old world but I still plan to enjoy my life, my new opportunity.


While writing the slightly crooked kanji, I began wondering what I should do. I was talking about my life here. How to earn money, or how to make a living. It was a real problem in my previous life, and I doubt this time would be any different. At some point, I would need to do it.


Hmmm, I feel like this has moral issues but... as an avid reader, there were countless works I know, I should consider using that knowledge at some point. Still, I will not use it for myself. I somehow want to repay Kaa-san and Yasaka-san for all their care. And in case I don't get a good job, I won't worry them if those stories become popular works.


With that problem out of my head, I felt my traces on the paper were lighter and steadier than before. I would like to think that I got better even if it's for a tiny bit.


Part 2


My days were peaceful without being able to practice with Ki. Just one week without doing it and I started to feel uncomfortable. I kept having ideas about what kind of things I could try out with Ki. There were also some things I was curious about. In the Canon, there were not many Nekomatas. I recalled how they are supposed to have two tails but... I also remembered how that problem was addressed in the light novel. One of the female protagonists had only one tail, but perhaps due to her young age or her power level, she did not get her second one until later. I am certainly young and weak so I can't confirm which one was right.


Nekomatas were able to use different arts derived from the use of Ki, Senjutsu and Youjutsu, also having the ability to use Kasha.


Youjutsu is a form of spell craft for youkais. It contains both offensive and defensive spells. I think that covers elements manipulation and illusions, but they're also spells that create barriers. There was not much explanation on this as far as I recall.


Senjutsu on the other hand was more widespread, able to feel the flow of Ki in living beings, their life energy. It has a wide range of uses, starting from enhancing the body to increase its strength, defense, or speed. It also allows you to create illusions, which can be pretty useful if the user is skilled. Being able to read the flow of Ki, makes you able to keep track of Ki signatures in the surroundings, granting you the ability to track people even from long distances.


Kasha is an exclusive technique to Nekomatas, an extension of Senjutsu. They are flame-covered wheels made of Ki. One of the most useful points is that when it is in hands of a skilled user it can even be used to purify.


There was also Touki, which can be reached by sheer psychical training if I recall correctly. The normal way to use it is by training along Senjutsu, but people who train their body to the limit are capable of using it. Like a certain devil was able to do so, a truly impressive individual if you ask me. Using Touki is using your aura to cover your body, raising that way its psychical attributes even further. If raised high enough, they are even able to counter or block magic. As this aura is used to cover the body, it can even be used to cover weapons, raising their durability greatly.


Although knowing all that was not that helpful. Besides Touki and Senjutsu, focusing on strengthening the body, I have no idea how the other two might work.


I am stuck in that part, but continuing the train of thoughts won't help me. Preparing my things to start practicing calligraphy... Kaa-san came looking for me, wearing what think is a Miko outfit, with a white haori and a red hakama.


With a serious look that said I could not oppose her.


"Nora-chan, come with me for a bit. We have to talk". Kaa-san spoke in a strict tone.


And without waiting for my answer she turned around and started to walk away.


I wondered for a moment what this was about; I have hardly heard her speak with that tone before.


The only thing that comes to mind is the incident from a week ago. I guess it was time to talk about it. So I stood up and followed her outside the house where she was walking to.


Just before going out, she told me this.


"I was scared at that time, I thought something bad had happened to you. To be honest, I was more hurt by the fact that you had tried to do that alone. I considered not letting you practice anymore, but I understood that you wanted this. However, I won't allow you to half-ass this. Be prepared, because this will also double as your real punishment for acting as behind my back". She said this in one breath.


I did not know what to say. It is as she said, I could've told her about it. But I was afraid, if she started asking questions, Kaa-san would find out about my situation. I simply came here and took her child's place, and I am scared about she might feel after learning that fact.


This can't continue like this. She has been a kind mother.


Having those thoughts, I came outside.


There, I found Kaa-san and even Yasaka-san waiting for me, they were wearing haoris and hakamas. I already saw Kaa-san, but even Yasaka-san is wearing one.... although her cleavage is still showing a lot.


I expected Kaa-san for the training but not Yasaka-san.


Seeing me step out, this time Yasaka-san initiated the conversation.


"Nora-kun, Saya-chan told me how you wish to start learning the different techniques of Youkais. I know you are quite the bright child, but... It will not be easy. You might've heard from Saya-chan how you were a rare type of Nekomata, a Nekoshou before, but that doesn't mean you have to start learning fighting techniques". Yasaka-san spoke while having a troubled look on her face.


I know all that, I learned about being a Nekoshou this one time when they were talking about me. How people would pay attention to me in the future. They were worried about my safety.


Nevertheless, I can't always remain here. It would be the easiest option. But... I got a new life and I want to live it to the best I can without hiding. Sadly, in this world, I need a certain level of strength before I can do so. I don't wish to become the strongest, although I also don't want to get killed by some random stray devil or exorcist.


That said, I can't deny how much it interests me the use of Ki, something that was not found in my previous world.


That is why I will try to get stronger. I had at least tried, but it did not go that well in practice. I couldn't grasp the limits of what I can do correctly. And the result ended up worrying Kaa-san.


Now that she is trying to train me herself, I can't very well turn my back to what I wanted to archive because it might be a little hard.


That is why-


"I want to learn, no matter what". I said in a firm tone of voice.


Little did I know, how I would come to regret that at a later date.


"*sigh* I see, if you truly insist I won't stop you. I came here to assist Saya-chan by teaching you Youjutsu". Yasaka-san sighed helplessly as she muttered that.


Although I am happy to have her come here and teach me... Why does she have to teach me Youjutsu? I mean, she is an incredibly powerful youkai. I recall that in the power system of this world, she was around Ultimate-class. She is more than qualified to teach me. Still, why her?


"I know that Yasaka-san is a powerful youkai. However, given that she is a nine-tailed fox... Wouldn't the Kaa-san who is a Nekomata like me be a better choice?" I voiced my doubt.


This time, Kaa-san who remained silent so far was the one to answer me.


"I am not able to use Youjutsu that much. I have not talent in that area despite being a Youkai. I only have Senjutsu and Touki as my skill set. That's why I can't teach you Youjutsu". Kaa-san replied with a somewhat downcast look before she once again put that serious face she had at the beginning.


Just because she couldn't do it, Kaa-san dragged the leader of the Youkais to teach me. As expected, Kaa-san overdid it. Her change in expression worried me a little but I could not focus too much on that because Yasaka-san interrupted my thoughts by talking to me again.


"There you have it. Nevertheless, the fact that she can't use Youjutsu as skillful as others does not mean she is weak by any means, Saya-chan, your mother is very strong as she is. Not to mention that her Senjutsu is well known for its healing abilities". Yasaka-san said a little excited.


She must be proud as her friend. This also made me think about how talented individuals like her are targeted by some groups.


"Yasaka-chan, please don't tease me. I might be somewhat known but that is only because I take jobs outside Urakyoto to aid people in need of my abilities or to help make connections". Kaa-san said, being embarrassed because I could see a slight red tinge on her cheeks.


I do recall how she sometimes leaves me with Yasaka-san, there were a couple of occasions where she came back days later. Was it for that?.


"Kaa-san... Is it really like that?". I inquired in a curious tone of voice.


I recall that it has healing properties, but in the Canon, Senjutsu did not play a very active role.


"Are you doubting your mother? I am a big-shot in regards to healing". Kaa-san said, her tone started as somewhat angry then later she bragged.


I can't help but doubt it somehow. She is a klutz. Can she be that good at it?


"Ah, that face. You must be thinking something rude". Kaa-san muttered once again.


Her serious look gone, replaced with a sulking face. She looked ready to pound my head... but Yasaka-san talked at this point, saving me in time.


"Jeez, call down Saya-chan. Nora-kun does not mean to be rude since he only knows about Saya-chan, the mother. Not Saya-chan the youkai. It is normal for him to act that way". Yasaka-san explained.


That is true, I don't know too much about Kaa-san. It makes me feel complicated.


"Well, he will learn about it in a few minutes". Kaa-san's spoke. Her eyes carried a strange glint.


Abruptly, I felt a chill on my back. An idea to go back to my room appeared on my mind.


"Are you regretting it already?". Kaa-san's muttered with a grin.


That reminded me of--


-Flashback starts


A young man could be seen facing the sun during sunset, standing beside him a middle-aged man was doing the same.


"Son, a man has to see things through after he decides to do something". The middle-aged man spoke in a firm tone.


At that declaration, the young man answered with an exasperated tone.


"Dad, you came in the middle of my afternoon class, took me in the car, drove me to the closest beach that is a few hours from school, to tell me this". The young man muttered.


Turning from seeing the sunset to face the young man, the middle-aged man simply answered.


"Yes". The middle-aged man nonchalantly said.


The answer left the young man somewhat speechless.


"Dad, what about work?". The young man asked.


As far as he knows, the middle-aged man was supposed to be working.


"That does not matter; I felt that you needed advice from me so here I am". The middle-aged man answered as he tried his best to avoid the accusing stare that his son was giving him.


-End of the flashback


What uselessly exasperating memory. But it is a precious memory. I should follow the advice Dad gave me.


"No, I believe in Kaa-san". I said.


She is going this far for me, and she always took care of me. There is no need to fear.


Kaa-san seemed to be stunned for a moment before muttering a simple 'I see' in a really low tone of voice.


Yasaka-san smiled at my answer.


"Then let me start my part first, I am afraid that after Saya-chan starts her punish-, I mean, training, you won't have the energy to learn later". Yasaka-san mumbled.


Wait a moment, Yasaka-san!? That sounded ominous. What the heck is going to happen to me?


"Fufufu, Don't look at me like that. I can't do anything about it, and I don't want either. I am also a little angry but I will leave this to Saya-chan". Yasaka-san smiled as she spoke, but her eyes were not smiling.


Yasaka-san is scary.


I guess that I am reaping what I sowed. Thinking about it, there was this one time when Dad-


-Flashback starts


On a beach during sunset, a pair made of a young man and middle-aged men were standing side by side watching the sun goes down.


"Son, never anger a woman". Suddenly, the middle-aged man said in sagely tone.


The son, somewhat resigned to his situation just decided to ask something out of curiosity.


"What would it happen if I angered more than one?" The young man inquired.


The middle-aged man seemed to consider the question for a moment.


"You should drop on your knees and apologize. Otherwise, I don't think you will be getting off that one alive". The middle-aged man replied with a serious glint in his eyes.


The young man, decided to take those words to heart... or so he would try, but the words were long forgotten the next day.


-Flashback ends


...I should probably follow that advice.


But, not minding my thoughts Yasaka-san continued talking.


"Let us start by talking about one of the simplest spells that a Youkai can use, they are also commonly known among our kind. The transformation spell". Yasaka-san explained.


Writing a few symbols on the air, perhaps the equal to a magic circle to youkais. She then got covered in some sort of light and transformed into a dog-sized fox, a nine-tailed one. Although I could've wondered why she didn't have the same size as the Canon, I was rather impressed with this so-called 'spell'.


The beautiful nine-tailed fox had golden fur which looked pretty soft, made me want to pet it. But I held back my desire. I was fond of animals in my previous life so I unconsciously felt the urge to pet her as I would've before.


Perhaps aware of my urges, the nine-tailed fox came closer to me and using Yasaka-san's regular tone of voice, which I don't know how she could talk while in that form, talked to me.


"You can try petting me for a little bit. I am proud of my fur. You can also consider it a repayment for that time where I played with your tail, fufufu". Yasaka-san commented in a happy tone.


I wanted to forget that time, but she had to remind me. Having embarrassing situations known to someone who likes to tease you... is something you should avoid. Believe me, they never forget, never. Although the teasing is mostly done by Yasaka-san, Kaa-san sometimes joins as well.


Still, I put aside all that and tried petting her.


It was soft, that is the only way I can describe it. However, I am not sure how to feel knowing the fact that this nine-tailed fox in front of me is a young-looking but extremely attractive woman. Heck, I won't think about it.


After a while, Yasaka-san seemed to have enough and decided to turn back into her human form.


"How is it? It is the most basic spell among Youkais, I thought of teaching you this first since it is something that works as a base for other useful spells like illusions, and transformation into people". Yasaka-san described.


She does have a point I think. If I were to go out like this into the cities, the best outcome would be to be confused with a cosplayer. The worst case, some random exorcist could start chasing me. Yeah, I think I need to learn this spell.


"I would love to try it. But... since Kaa-san can't use Youjutsu... Won't this mean I will most likely be the same?". I asked.


Kaa-san, having heard me, just told me.


"Even I can use those, as long as you are a Youkai, you can use them. It is the more difficult ones that I can't use". Kaa-san calmly explained to the worried me.


Good to know.


"Why don't you try it yourself, Nora-kun?. You can just copy the movement of my hands as you were writing just as I did with my hand. They are helpful to stabilize the spell. Although the most important thing you should focus on is moving your Ki with the thoughts of archiving the result. Concentrate, don't let your mind wander, you can do it". Yasaka-san encouraged me.


I guess that I should do this right away.


But calling it transformation... I think shape shifting sounds better, although that is an unnecessary concern right now.


Let's see... concentrate, concentrate. Use your Ki in an orderly manner. Don't let it rush out all at once. I have read enough novels to understand the outcome of recklessly pouring too much of something in magic or spell-craft.


Think of pouring the Ki in the signs you are making and-


"Eh? Nothing happened?" I said after finishing the process.


Observing my progress, Yasaka-san did not say anything. She just remained silently staring at me, perhaps waiting for me to continue trying after my failure.


Well, it looks like I am not a genius. Guess, I have to walk on the path of hard work to get results. Nothing has changed even in another world.


Once again, I will continue trying.


Part 3


-Short time skip, 5 hours later.


I had already forgotten to count the number of times I tried but failed. Honestly, I was exhausted.


This particular Youjutsu spell didn't require a large amount of Ki to work, but even then I am almost out of it. You could say I practiced non-stop since the first try... and yet I have not succeeded even once. However, I have been pretty close or so I would like to believe.


During the time I spent trying over and over, Yasaka-san offered me advice a couple of times, although she did not say anything else other than that.


She and Kaa-san had some free time so they decided to drink green tea while eating different kinds of snacks that Yasaka-san brought with her. They were happily chatting and keeping an eye on me while sitting on the engawa, also called 'outer corridor'.


Even then, I kept trying until I reached my current status of being almost, almost out of Ki.


The next one will probably be the last, so I would like to make it work.


I think back at my earlier failures, which came in form of all mistakes. The first time, I did not have an image of what I wanted to transform so failure was unavoidable. After that, I kept screwing at the control of my Ki due to anxiety because I failed too often. Perhaps that is one of the reasons why the two women decided to give me space and keep their eyes on me from the distance. It made me reflect on how much care they are showering me with, even though they are angry at me. I would like to make them proud by succeeding.


I kept using the spell continuously, making every try to count, and keeping in check which action caused me to fail. Yet, the process was not that easy for me. I am still an amateur at using my own Ki so my control was lacking. I could not concentrate all the time so when my focus fell short, the spell failed.


Now, in my last try, I will take a moment to catch my breath. Repeating the process in my head, and again. Confirming that it is most likely correct... I began pouring my Ki again.


Come on, work.


The process went pretty smoothly and now... nothing. When I thought I had failed, my field of vision began to change.


I was only three years old so my field of vision was not that tall, to begin with, but even then the change made me aware that something in me was different.


Trying to raise my hands in front of me, I could not find them; instead, a couple of furry paws with very small claws in them was what came into view.


I immediately became ecstatic.


I did it!!! YEAH!!!


I became a... cat.


Yeah, saying it like that takes all the fun somehow.


I turned to look at the engawa, hoping to find the two chatting women. But I failed to do so.


I kept looking in the direction of the house wondering where they could be when I felt a pair of hands raising me. Wow, this is not amusing. I am sorry neighborhood cat from my old world, I shouldn't have carried you against your will just to pet you. I think I understood many cat's feelings just now.


I did not resist too much since the hand felt familiar. Turning my eyes in the direction of the hands, I saw the two people(youkais) I was looking for.


Raising me with her hands, Kaa-san seemed to be slightly restraining herself for some reason. Before I could wonder about her strange reaction, Yasaka-san took me from Kaa-san's hands.


"Oh, if you are not going to do it, I will. He is normally adorable but he became a kitty and the feeling is even stronger". Yasaka-san muttered.


I was confused about what she was referring to until she brought close to her always dangerously open cleavage... and hugged me. I was at loss, but I decided to think about it later.


I started to enjoy the situation for a bit until she started to pet me all over.


Hey, don't pet me there. Stop, stop.


*Nya Nya*


I tried talking but all that came out was a cat's meowing. Damn, her ability to speak before must've some sort of spell. Normally animals don't talk... or transform.


I was at her mercy for a long while, a  long while.


When my eyes started to lose their light due to her continuous caressing and petting of my fur, another pair of hands came to my rescue. However, these pair of hands were not from a savior, but more like the second wave of attacks.


"Nora-chan is my child, so I should be the one cuddle him first". Kaa-san spoke with a righteous (?) tone.


Taking me in her ample bosom, she began to cuddle me too.


"That is not fair, you have him all the time..." Yasaka-san complained with a pout.


Oh, by the love of-


I never thought I would see the mighty youkai leader like that, Kaa-san on the other hand... Well, I had seen her act like that a couple of times already. She likes to cuddle me while we sleep. Maybe a bit too much., not  like it bothers me though.


Even when the two friendly (?) quarreled, the cuddling did not stop. I decided to give up. No one would save me from this one.





Laying soullessly in the backyard. I was trying to get myself together again.


They only felt satisfied after two hours; it was only then that Yasaka-san taught me the way to undo the transformation. Just by relying on the provided Ki at the transformation, you can keep that form for days. That made me almost go mad because during the cuddling I would sometimes wonder when the spell would stop working, but it looked like I would spend my days like that unless they taught me the way to undo it on my own.


Getting petted here and there, you might not think it is a big deal, but as a former normal human, this killed me a little on the inside. Well, it was not that exaggerated but it still felt strange.


I think I get why in some novels the characters would say the phrase 'I can't get married anymore', you guys... my sympathy will always be with you. I understand your feelings now.


As for the two young women, they were smiling happily on their earlier spot while drinking green tea.


I don't even have the strength to protest.


And there was still Kaa-san's training left.


"Kaa-san... Shouldn't we start with the training already?". I questioned.


At my words, she erased her earlier smile like it was a lie.


"You are right. I was waiting for you to catch your breath, but it looks like you are ready". Kaa-san commented after standing up and walking my way.


For some reason, I started to feel pressure coming from her.


It was the first time that she had attempted to show her strength in from of me so I got slightly nervous.




Unconsciously gulping, I stood my ground.


This is training.


I kept repeating that on my head over and over until she was standing in front of me and the pressure banished like it was a lie.


"You truly want to continue even after I tried to intimidate you with my aura for a bit. I will take it as you not wanting to back away then. My training won't start by teaching any sort of technique. You are still not at the level where you can learn one. All you have to do is... to run, for now, that is what you are going to do". Kaa-san's said.


That seems simple... no different than what I did before. There has to be a catch somewhere.


"I only have to run?". I asked in confirmation.


Without answering me back, she just nodded and signaled me to start running.


I found all this somewhat strange but her expression did not tell me anything else.


With no other choice, I started running, but as I passed her and turned my back to her... I felt an impact hitting my back. The suddenness made me miss my steps and I tripped, basically being knocked down.


Eating dirt during the fall, I hastily stood up to look behind me with a surprised expression.


There, Kaa-san was standing with a cold look.


"Why are you stopping? Keep going. This is the training. You have to run. I will aim and shot you with Senjutsu bullets. But don't worry. They not the harmful type of bullets. They are made by healing Senjutsu. You will feel the impact and the pain... but no damage will remain. That way you can train longer. This is what you wanted to do... so keep running". Kaa-san urged me to continue.


That's... really scary.


I have to run, but I can't just forget about Kaa-san either. This forces me to train in another aspect of both Senjutsu and Youjutsu. To read the flow and to feel auras. All that by continuously running. Truly simple as she said, I just have to run. However, by doing it, I will be training in multiple things at the same time.


I was knocked down at the time of the impact, the sadness and sense of betrayal were more painful than the hit. Still, once I turned... I was able to see the trembling hand that Kaa-san used on the attack, it was shaking. Her other hand was tightened in a fist too. I am not an expert at reading auras, even calling me an amateur is praising me too much if you compare me to skillful people. Nonetheless, even I could sense how conflicted she felt while looking at me.


I think I understood a little a bit about Kaa-san today. That strengthened the resolution I had to be more honest with her, but for now. I only stood up and started running again, I was aware of how painful every hit was for her so... I will do my best to avoid the healing bullets.


I ran and ran, doing my best to dodge her bullets. Sometimes I turned to see where they came, while the other I tried to sense them by reading the flow of Ki in the air.





I was spent. I had collapsed a while ago. I ended having Kaa-san to carry me to my room. Healing me with Senjutsu, she just left after that without saying a word.


The training was more hellish than I thought; those bullets had another objective that I learned later after I got severely tired and could barely move.


They helped me to recover stamina. Meaning, I could run again because my tiredness was taken care of.


I despaired a little after learning that, but I got my bearing pretty fast.


I couldn't stop at that point, if I did... perhaps my conversation with her would not go well later. I had no proof of that, but I was not going to allow it. That is why I kept going. The process of getting tired again kept getting shorter and shorter until I truly could not move anymore. Lying there I finally paid attention to the sky and saw that it was already dark. The training was over.


I was quite tired, so I could feel my eyelids closing involuntarily.


I had no energy to resist.


Still, I have something left to do today.


So I had to-


Part 4


Yasaka's POV


In another room of the house, two young women could be seen sitting.


The blonde-haired one, Yasaka, was the first to break the silence they kept since a little while ago.


"Don't you think it was too harsh from you to use your healing Senjutsu to keep him going? I know that it was sort of a punishment for doing such a reckless thing on his own... but...". Yasaka muttered in a worried tone.


Her voice carried her concern for the young Nora.


The other party, Saya, kept her head lowered.




Yasaka sighed at that reaction. She was not exactly in the position to judge her best friend for her actions. Nora was Saya's child, so she had to respect her decisions regarding the upbringing of her child.


But this time, the situation was a little complicated. She was aware of how much her friend was affected by finding her child resting unmoving in the backyard. If that happened to her, she would also lose her ability to think reasonably. Yasaka was also angry after learning that he was just training without care for his body like that. He was just three years old, even though youkais were sturdier than humans, they were still rather fragile at that age.


Still, arranging this training was suppose to be a lesson for Nora, and yet... the child who was supposed to give up quickly kept going and going. One side had to keep the act, while the other took it seriously. The result was insane training where he was brought back to a level of health barely enough to move and then continuing like that. Although Saya is a master in regards to healing with her Senjutsu, the sheer act was close to torture.


Right now, Saya must be filled with guilt because of her actions.


All this probably has something to do with-


"I thought he would give up. I just wanted him to realize how scary and extreme training can be. But he kept going. I don't know why I continued doing it... no, I think I know". Yasaka's thoughts were interrupted when Saya suddenly spoke.


"Is it because of that after all?" Yasaka, having an idea what this is about just asked.


Another moment of silence went by before Saya opened her lips again.


"I was frustrated; I did not want him to keep going in that path. If he started to learn about how to fight... I was afraid that he would get hurt badly at some point down the road. I know how I can't always protect him but... I was reminded of him. He is no longer here, the only thing I have left is Nora. And yet, I was frustrated at Nora because I thought he did not understand me. He would leave me alone too. That is why I kept going despite the pain I felt... I am so stupid. He is a child... no, even if he is not one, I could've just told him. But instead, I forced him to go through that". Saya mumbled.


Her voice contained guilt, also being on the verge of crying.


For Yasaka, seeing her friend like that was painful. But there was not much she could say to her. She already knew her faults so she could not tell her anything in that regard. As for consoling her... well, she knows someone who would do a better job than her.


She wondered why that child was awake after just a few minutes after he was put on the bed. She recalls that he should be very exhausted, enough to sleep for at least a day. Even now, he should be barely keeping himself awake by sheer will.


Whatever the case, this was bound to be a better solution than anything she could do by herself.


Standing up, she decided to leave the next part to Nora. This child is somewhat precocious, but she is extremely fond of him. She has plenty of fun teasing the kid, always enjoying his reaction. This relationship makes her wonder sometimes how it would feel to have a child of her own. Thinking about her situation made her reconsider whether she should have one though.


Giving one last look to Saya, she passed by the side of the young Nora. Patting him on the shoulder, she sent some of her Ki to aid him in remaining awake for a while longer. Although she is not as good as her friend, she still can manage to help him a little bit.


With that, she left for the night.


Part 5




As I saw how Yasaka-san probably went back home. I turned my sight to what was in front of me.


I managed to push back my sleepiness and came here. Just to hear them talking about me.


I am not sure if it was right of me to hear all that. But I guess that proves what I had in mind correct.




A sigh could not help but leak from my mouth, the sound being enough for Kaa-san to notice me. I was wondering how did she not know I was here even though she is that good at using Ki, but one look at her face right now and you can tell that she is not mentally prepared for it.


That is the face of someone who is about to cry.


Damn, it.


I can't run away here.


As she has things that she probably wants to say, I also had things I wanted to say.


With that resolution in mind, I step closer to her. My steps are a little unsteady due to muscle pains and exhaustion, but I could still do it.


"Nora-chan? I thought you were asleep..." Kaa-san said while trying to fix her appearance.


The serious and almost menacing look she had during training was already gone. Instead, a face like she wants to cry but can't do it is what she has.


"Oh, that's right. You were hungry, right? You did not get to have dinner after all. Stay here, I will make something real quick". Kaa-san muttered with an uncomfortable tone of voice.


After seeing how close I was getting to her, she started mumbling stuff about me having dinner and while that is true. She was just trying to avoid me.


She was about to stand up from her seiza position but came to a stop after-


"Wait". I said one simple word.




"Kaa-san... I am sorry. This happened because of me". I spoke using a soft and gentle tone of voice.


I apologized while looking at her in the eyes.


Although I could not kneel to do it as my dad's advice said due to the muscle pains... I at least did my best to make it as honest and sincere as possible.


I of course heard what she said before when talking with Yasaka-san, and at the end... I believe that we could've avoided all this if I had been honest earlier.


Kaa-san seemed at loss for words. I can't blame her though; she probably expected different words from me.


"Why? I was the one that..." Still at a loss, she reacted to my words with a question.


I raised my hand to indicate her to stop and she did just that.


I felt scared. My hands were shaking a little.


"Kaa-san... There is something that I wish to tell you. I... believe that everything I am about to say might sound difficult to understand. You will probably think it is a lie. But please, believe me, I am being honest. Just listen to me until the end. Any questions can be saved until I finish and also... I will also accept whatever you decide". I said.


Even though she was confused, my tone seemed to convince her that I was going to say something important.


"Ok... Have a seat Nora-chan. I think it will make it easier to talk. Do you want a drink?". Kaa-san replied.


I took a seat as she told me to, but I signaled with a shake of my head at the mention of a drink.


She just accepted it and remained seated, waiting for my words.


So I started-





I talked about how I died, my meeting with He (?). It seemed short when I thought of it in my head, but when put into words, the content of the talk kept getting longer as I spoke.


During all that, Kaa-san silently listened, without changing her expression.


I wonder how long I talked... but it eventually reached an end.


"And that's it... I am sorry to have deceived you". I said and lowered my head to apologize.


I was afraid to look at her in the eyes. Having someone like me in the body of her child and taking his place. It is not something you can simply accept. But I can't continue to lie and worry her with my actions.


What will she do?. She is a kind person so I don't think Ka- No, Saya-san will do something drastic.


Still, our relationship as mother and son will probably come to an end.


She will-


"You know... I have always felt that you were somewhat different from other children. Because of my job, I have treated a large number of people, and many children were among my patients. However, you acted differently than them. You did not cry that much, you always seemed to pay attention when Yasaka-chan and I talked. The list can go on for a long while, but that is that. What makes you my child is the fact that I had you, I gave life to you... I took care of you. It does not matter whether it was a normal baby or a baby with someone else soul". She said while hugging me tightly.


I was being hugged by Saya-san all of a sudden.


"I guess, we both had things we should've talked about. But let me make one thing clear. You are my child. That won't change". Sa- no, Kaa-san declared.


She ignored my apologies; she did not accept them or deny them. Perhaps it is her way to make things less awkward. Accepting them would make it seem like I was doing something bad... but rejecting them would like what I did not have her forgiveness.


She is truly more than what I deserve.


I remained silent, deciding not to speak.


Her answer made everything clear. I also did not question her for what happened before. The situation almost forced her to talk, but she must not be ready to explain it to me yet.


"Do you want to talk more about it? So far I called you Nora-chan, but perhaps you would like to be called..." She said that with a sad tone.


You can't expect her to not feel anything about what I said. She must be worried about how I feel regarding the way she talks to me, considering I am older on the inside.


"There is no need, right now, I am Nora Shiki, your child. You can refer to me as you like. You also shouldn't mind the way you treat me". I said to her.


"I see... then I will do you as you say, Nora-chan. But still... You being older on the inside explains a lot, like...". She commented.


Oh no.


"Ahhh ahh, I am quite hungry. What are we going to eat for dinner today?". I suddenly spoke in an attempt to change the subject.


"Now now, no need to be embarrassed. You were just staring at Yasaka-san's breast from time to time. I felt a little hurt that you were so hooked on hers. I wondered if mine were not enough for you. There is a size difference but I am confident that their shape is good". She ignored my attempts and continued with the topic. "That said... since you are old enough to understand and talk about certain topics... why don't you tell me your insights in that matter? Why do you like hers so much? Were mine not to your liking?"


Argh... No, I can't... stand this. I mean, I am a man, although with a child body my desires are almost nil. However, I was still a healthy young man before.


Besides, Yasaka-san is an extremely attractive woman in my eyes. Damn my lack of subtleness. It is not like Kaa-san is not attractive though, but she is my mother. Wait, she is technically not but and the same she is... argh, don't go there me.


These women were too savage to me, taking me to the bath with them. The worst is my inability to do nothing. Well, I doubt I would have the guts to lay my hand on a super-strong youkai. That is one of the reasons why the process was torturous to me. The other one was just the plain old morals... or rather... well, I will not fall into senseless sex just for the sake of doing it again. If I do it... I wish it is with someone that means something to me.


"Please, forgive me". I pleaded pitifully.


Kaa-san just stuck out her tongue playfully at me. Was she just teasing me? Then she got me. Because, she asked that as a joke, right?


Not bothering to continue the topic, and not clarifying anything either, she began speaking about something else.


"By the way, Nora-chan. I am still not sure about a couple of things from before. But, I just have one question to ask you. Are you happy to be here?" Kaa-san asked me.


That is a tricky question, I still have things I would like to accomplish. One of them is to simply go to my family's grave and pay my respects once more with my new resolution. Just for that, I wish to go through the path He (?) told me I had to. But, coming here, living with Kaa-san and Yasaka-san... I have my doubts about leaving now that I got a place here. Nevertheless, the answer is obvious.


"Yeah, I am happy here. Although I have things I want to do... those things are mostly old regrets. However, I have enjoyed my time with you. Thank you". I declared to Kaa-san.


I always regretted not telling anyone in my family that. But right now, in this new opportunity, I had the chance to.


"I see". Kaa-san replied in a soft tone of voice.


Her eyes were slightly watery, but the emotions behind those tears now, were different this time.


"I think we should talk some more, I could tell you about me... while you could... tell me... about you...". I wanted to say but my body felt heavy.


I wanted to continue talking, but now that all the weight on my shoulders was gone... I could not contain the sleepiness any longer.


I got to thank Yasaka-san later, her little help was one of the reasons I was able to remain awake until now.


Ah... I think that today I will be able to sleep a lot.


Part 6


Opening my eyelids, I did not see the ceiling of my room I was accustomed to.


Instead, a never-ending whiteness was what I saw.


I feel like this happened before.


Wait. I wouldn't happen to die again, would I?


"You have not died". A voice which I had not heard in years said.


The white space gave me a clue. But He (?) truly is here.


Am I dreaming then? I was not supposed to come here this easy.


"We are in a dream, but I am real". He (?) spoke in a tone that sounded a little more human-like.


Ok, I did not consider that this was possible.


"I never said it was... Although I can't say I am there. I just took you halfway where I am. That way we can talk". He (?) explained.


I tried turning my head and there He (?) was.


I did not understand his (?) explanation that much, but I hardly understand what he (?) says sometimes. Nothing new here.


"You sure have changed. You now got a tail". He (?) said while maintaining a grin with the mouth I saw last time.


"That is on you, you were the one to put me in Kaa-san". I managed to answer him (?).


Talking here seems more difficult than before.


"That is because you are now alive, different from the soul you were when I saw you last time. You should be happy, there was no better choice for you. That child was not going to be born, and that woman was going to live past that day either. By putting you there, you changed her fate. Well, I did this and that, but who cares". He (?) nonchalantly spoke.


He once again said another outrageous thing. I don't even know where to begin retorting.


"What do you mean with Kaa-san not going to live?" I asked this first.


"That child was cursed somehow. If left like that, she would've died. Putting you there was good for her as I prepared the vessel for you, saving her in the process. The child on the other hand stood no chance, the baby was already dead. Even someone of your new mother's caliber in that world would've died by that; the baby couldn't do any better". He (?) calmly explained.


What the heck?. I don't even know what to say about this.


Did someone curse Kaa-san? Who was the bastard?


"I did get rid of the curse. It would make no sense to send you there to die instantly after all. Although I do not know the details". He (?) commented.


At least the curse was gone.


"Thank you for that". I sincerely said.


"Don't worry about it, I just erased it. Not much effort was put on my part". He (?) said while shrugging his(?) shoulders.


He is getting more human-like.


"That is because of your memories". He(?) muttered.


Using my voice makes no difference to him, he just reads my mind.


"This is a dream, something like that is even easier here". He (?) commented.


Why should I even care anymore?


"I also have to thank you for allowing me to be born there. Saya-san is a good mother". I said.


That is something I can't deny, how He (?) left me in good hands.


"Don't mention it. I thought you would be happy with that world. Now then, tell me... How is it? That world?" He (?) said while wriggling suggestively a pair of eyebrows (?) that suddenly appeared on his (?) face.


I think part of what he (?) tried to suggest was lost without the eyes. But I still feel his (?) somewhat no-good motives while asking that.


I had completely forgotten about that by now.


"You are not happy? From what I read on your memories...". He (?) started to talk.


"Ok, ok. It is great. I love that world. Yeah". I interrupted him (?).


That guy was about to remind me of many things. For the sanity of the current me, I can't allow anyone to tell me that aloud. I have a weak heart. The shame would be too much.


"Hmmm, ok. If you think it is too shameful to hear about it...". He (?) said.


He (?) luckily dropped the subject.


This is supposed to be a dream but I am tired already.


"What did you call me here for?" I decided to get to the point already, my sanity would suffer if I keep this up.


"Oh yeah, I was just curious. Why have you not used any of my gifts?" He (?) asked.


What? I never heard anything about that.


"What do you mean?" I answered his question with another question.


"You forgot already? I changed your body, or soul, in this case, a couple of times before I sent you to your rebirth. Remember? I changed you so you could see 'Outside'. But you never could, as for the other... Oh, I never told you about those". He (?) explained.


I think I recall the thing about seeing... I never tried it before. As for the other ones, I thought it was the ability to understand Japanese.


"No, I did help you a bit in that regard, but the change is something different from that". He (?) said.


"Change? I don't feel anything strange in me". I answered in an uncertain tone.


I don't feel any different.


"It is regarding that... you should have a good affinity... but... Hmmm, I see". He (?) seemed to consider something.


"What is it?" I asked full of curiosity.


I don't want something unknown in me.


I prefer to know if there is some weird stuff lying hidden in some part of my body.


"You denied that power, so it did not work. How interesting I must say. Since it is like that, I will change my gift for something that will fit you some more". He (?) said and put his (?) hand on top of my head.


Hey, watch it. My cat ears suffered enough today.


"I will make you more adaptable to the energy of that place... as a Youkai you have a good affinity to Ki. At least that is what your memories of that world tell me. I planned to give you a bit of my power as it is... but you threw it away. Instead, you kept the Ki. So, I will make able to accept the energy from that place better. Although, you should still be careful... losing control is very easy". He (?) warned.


I don't recall throwing anything away but... meh. I did not even know he left that kind of thing in me so I can't say anything about it.


As for the rest of what he (?) said... I am not sure I want to try my luck too much. I should ask for advice before trying.


"By accepting you mean..?" I just asked.


"You wanted to use magic right? I adjusted your affinities so you can try it. You did not have much affinity but now it should be possible. Just remember, you still have to learn it. Giving you an all language knowledge is one thing, but knowledge of magic is another thing altogether". He (?) spoke.


That is still awesome. I always wanted to try it.


"Go now... I will be watching. To choose to throw my power away like that. You are the first. That was a wonderful choice". He (?) said.


He (?) seemed to be saying goodbye, but I...


What... it feels like...


Urgh, I am waking up? Why now, I still had something to thank him for... I...