
∆ Part 1

Another training?. You might be thinking that it is plain and boring when you only heard the word 'training', but when the meaning of the word gets drilled into your body..... well, you don't really think too much.

Kaa-san started the training just as she finished explaining what we were going to do.

Since it was too 'harsh' to start with all content at once, she just made a light version where I would move my body to get use to what was to come.

Like for example...

"Nora-chan~ Why are you running now~? Didn't you want to learn the way of using 'Kasha'~?". Said Kaa-san in an upbeat tone while chasing after me.

Her movements looked like lightly skipping but the distance they covered was not short at all.

What's with that high-speed movement technique?.

It looks cool.

"Yeah, but it was the idea of me using it. Not you using against me like that". I yelled while desperately trying to run away far from her.

This woman, she is chasing while throwing those damned fire-wheels at me.

Something about learning with the 'body'.

I am not going accept that, Kaa-san is usually kind but it looks that when it is time to train a switch gets flipped somehow and she turns into a really dangerous person. I can only shed tears as I recall how unwilling she was when I began training. Maybe I asked the wrong person for guidance.

The fox eared one is kinder.

Damn it.

She is chasing after me with no signs of hurrying but she can easily catch up to me. Kaa-san also throws me those things and I have to dodge them.

This can also be considered training, right?. I don't need to get burned with that, right?.

Ah, that was a close one.

Because I was distracted I almost got hit with that one.


*Pant pant*

My heavy breathing could be heard as I dropped my speed. I was gasping for breath.

No more... I kept using Senjutsu and even Touki sometimes to allow me to run for more time but Kaa-san has bigger stamina than me and much more Ki.

"I give....". I said as I dropped on the ground.

She can burn me if she wants. Don't have the energy to complain anymore.

"Nora-chan. Today... I might've been playing around a bit, but the training was supposed to be me teaching the feeling of 'Kasha'. I will not really burn you. But you still tried to run away". Said Kaa-san while standing in front me who is lying on the ground.

I was truly too tired to answer so she took it as me not wanting to say anything and continued.

"What are you afraid of?". Asked Kaa-san.

I could not help but to react a little to that.

No matter how tired I was, I uncounciously did it.

"You.... don't really want to fight, right?". Said Kaa-san while kneeling in front of me.

I wonder...

"If you don't want to fight... Why are you so rushed in order to 'get strong' and 'train'?. From what I heard how you faced that creature... I can understand that you were reclutant to fight it with your bare hands but that was understandable considering the difference in size and your current abilities. Approaching an enemy recklessly is rather foolish after all, even more when the difference in power seems obvious". Kaa-san started to use her Ki to take care of my exhaustion from running.

I was afraid of it.... but I think she also means in the broader sense of the word.

"Putting aside that oversized dog. I can't help to imagine myself breaking those wooden logs, and when I imagine doing that to someone or something... I hesitate. Is it really alright for me to recklessly use that strength as I please?. Many questions come to my mind... but I guess that... I am just afraid". I said as the exhaustion reduced enough for me to speak.

Kaa-san just listened without interrupting me.

"At those times it really hits me how different this world is from my previous one. It could be just me being a wimp though. Even when I know that I should just do it... *Sigh*". I said as I stood up.

This was enough for me to move again.

"You, my son, are a fool.". SpokeKaa-san as she stood up too.

With a bitter smile on her face, she stayed standing in front of me.

"I knew that you tend to overthink things too much but I now see that I was being naive by underestimating you". Kaa-san continued saying.

I can't deny what she is saying at all though.

"Everyone has those kind of worries sometimes. Fear is something common after all. Nevertheless, considering the other party well being when a fight breaks out is almost suicidal. Don't hesitate, your fists won't reach anyone if you think like that. If you don't feel like using them, then you need to find reason to do so. Not for plain violence, mind you. I can't say that the same reason will work for you but... when I fight, I do it for my safety. I am a doctor, a healer. If I get taken down, many others would suffer. This is not me simply being afraid of getting hurt, but I have a responsibility to uphold. With that responsibility, comes my pride of what I do. I might've spend some time off my work but I am a doctor. Treating people is my call. It also is the reason why I would fight for others... but that is me. You need to find your own way". Said while putting her hands on my shoulders.

I think I have a reason I could contemplate, but I wonder if I can use it.

Distracted with those kind of thoughts, I noticed a minute later that I was burning, or rather, covered in flames.

I almost yell in pain but I discovered that there was no pain.

These flames were colored white... they gave a gentle feeling of warmth.

While I was amazed for this experience I was feeling, I heard Kaa-san speak.

"'Kasha, is a technique exclusive to our kind. They are spiritual flames that we summon with Ki. They are usually in the form of wheels covered in flames... although you might not get to see the proper shape since you are covered completely by them". Said Kaa-san while staring at me as I played with the 'spiritual flames'.

It is a strange feeling but I can't really tell how the flames work.

"There are different ways of using it, but one of the most useful ways is to imbue with the power to purify. Kasha is a Senjutsu technique, as such... it uses the positive energy in nature. Basically, you can say is another form to use Senjutsu to do a more specific task. Although you can also consider it a technique made to attack". Explained Kaa-san.

That sounds easy to understand but...

"Why am I not being burn at all?". I asked.

Common sense is telling me that this is not possible. Wait, common sense is not working properly in this world.

"Those flames belong to me, and although the nature of the caster influences the flame... you could say I did not 'want' that you got hurt by them, and they responded to my will. This is not really easy so you nee-". Kaa-san stopped her words mid way.

The cause was simple.

On my hands there was a small 'Kasha'. A green colored flaming wheel.

It was weak, small and it looked like it would not last long but... it was on my hands.

I don't really understand what 'spiritual flames' means, or any of those concepts... but I felt like gathering Ki in a way similar to the feeling that the flames that Kaa-san used to cover me and I was able to make a small one.

"That was... fast...". I could heard Kaa-san muttering to herself.

This is pretty interesting.

Looking at the small Kasha... I recalled that I still don't have an idea why I would fight for, but I decided to put that aside. As Kaa-san said, I overthink things too much. Instead of worrying about such a complicated things... I should just do it for something more simple. I let those girls go ahead because I did not want them to be hurt. But I lacked in resolution to use my own hands to hurt that thing. If escaping had been impossible back then... Would I have been forced to use my fists?. Perhaps I lacked that, a proper motivation. Luckily, everything when well, but if things had been slightly different, my hesitation could've been our doom.

I am still lacking... but at least being aware of my short comings, I can try to change them.

Instead of fighting from a safe place, I could use my fists... if they are more effective, then using them is what I will have to do.

"As expected of my child...". I could heard Kaa-san muttering again.

I suddenly have a bad feeling.

"I did not want to add this to the routine since I thought of giving priority to learning 'Kasha', but now that you can use it easily... we can add archery to the training menu. I initially used as a method to train your control in Ki, but since I made you stop raising your reserves since you could not keep up with the control... Well, now we got time to focus on control again. Meaning... Archery lessons. Oh, you can start using meditation to raise your reserves as you wish to. Don't worry about the amount, we will have enough training time for you to control all that". Explained Kaa-san with a wide grin.

Oh no.

God, what have I done to you?.

Wait, the biblical God of this world is dead.

Damn it.

I will complain to that guy(?) then.

What have I done to you?. Damn you, He(?).

And so... It started.

∆ Part 2

-Time skip, 2 months.

Today I was having one of the rarely seen now free days, spending my time in kitchen.

Kaa-san was at not home now.

She was trying her best to accomplish the request from Venelana-san. But she was going alone this time.

Apparently it would be pretty hard to meet the patient with me in tow.

This happens a couple of times every month. With me learning that the person she is trying to heal or cure, being Misla Bael only before she left today.

I was not as surprised as I thought I would, I mean, I had my suspicious since the requester was Venelana-san and the difficulty meeting the patient made it hard miss the possibility. Or maybe I was simply to tired to retort anymore.

Anyways, I was on my own today.

Or not, I actually called someone to come here.

It was not hard since she prepared the means to communicate.

"Nora-kun, I brought the things you asked. Really, you have some guts to make me bring this for you every time". Playfully said a voice that I was very familiar with.

I turned to face the owner of the voice and I saw Yasaka-san walking into the kitchen with a bag containing a number of things.

"I am sorry, I could have used the things here but Kaa-san would make too many questions later". I said sounding as apologetic as I could.

"Well, I don't really mind since this is nothing for me. But since Saya-chan won't allow anyone else other than you and me here... It means that only I can bring you what you asked anyways". Spoke Yasaka-san while putting down the contents of the bag on the kitchen table.

I can't thank her enough for going along with my idea.

"But... lately I have gotten a lot better so you get to eat what I make, which turns out tasty right?". I said.

I have taken a number of jobs in my past life, and one of them was in a bakery. But I was lacking in practice... you could say I was rusted in the area.

You can't really blame me. I said I worked there but I did not stay there for long. My skills were not that polished so I forgot some of the steps. Learning some things once again is not always easy.

"You are right... It is one of the reasons why I help you. Although I must say that you are improving pretty fast". Replied Yasaka-san.

I am not technically improving, but that is how it must look to her.

"By the way, how is your health lately? Having a baby in your belly is not easy". I said to change the subject.

Well, I was curious about that too.

"Oh, don't worry about it. This child is not causing me any trouble. I am also receiving a lot of care from my people so nothing is bothering me during my duties either. You can't forget how Saya-chan also takes care of my health. Well, you too". Replied Yasaka-san with a gentle smile.

That smile makes her look really beautiful.

Although, the devil inside my heart can't help to remember that day when I asked my well earned reward for my efforts at the Underworld.

I asked her to pet her tails until I got tired and... well, these hands of mine are really gifted because after I petted her tails for a long, long while, she was blushing subtly and decided to go home early that day.

I can't be certain of what I exactly did but... that sight sure was... *Gulp* erotic. Everytime I remember that, I can't help but to think how sensual this woman is. Kuhh, the jeaulosy.

Since then she has not allowed to pet her tails no matter how I ask her.

I am not really sure what I did... but I will find out how to do it at will. I feel like this is the dream of too many males across the multiverses.

"Nora-kun, Nora-kun? Are you listening to me?". Said Yasaka-san while lightly shaking my shoulder.

My reminiscent of that memory distracted me too much.

"Sorry, I was thinking about something else for a moment". I honestly apologized.

This is no good.


"You were saying?". I asked.

"I was wondering... Why are you trying to do this?. I don't think you have problems with money, so you could buy sweets easily if you wanted. Even for a cake...". Curiously asked Yasaka-san.

That is true. Thanks to the youkai duo making that 'mistake', I have now the money of the sales not only from my original story, but even the other ones I wrote. I have a bank account with a lot of 'zeros'... and they are not on the left side, if you know what I mean.

Not wanting to touch the money, I left it in their hands to manage. I hoped to leave my earnings to help them but they don't listen to reason and don't want to use it for themselves. So I told them to invest it as it would 'help' me in the future... I just want to leave it to them though.

"I wanted to make something with my own hands. I have been in her care all the time, and I would like to thank her somehow. She is not the type to celebrate her own birth day so I thought of doing a small celebration as thanks. The cake and sweets I make... I doubt she would deny eating them in the party". I replied.

I had actually tried asking for sweets to Yasaka-san before and gave them to Kaa-san before... but she said that I should eat those myself.

She really doesn't like celebrating anything related to her either. However while this might be really low of me... I doubt she would reject handmade cake or sweets.

Hehe. I am awfully evil.

"*Sigh* You are making an awful expression right now... But I am slightly jealous of Saya-chan". I heard Yasaka-san muttering.

Jealous? I wonder of what.

But asking will not change anything as I am now. She will just tease me and change the subject as she has done it before.

"Oh, I forgot to ask... How is Saya-chan's training going?". Asked Yasaka-san.


My body reacts even if I don't want to.

"It is... difficult". I answered.

I did not want to touch the topic too much so I started to prepare the ingredients to make a cake.

"If it's too hard for you... then you can come and stay with me a few days. Fufufu, what are you imagining? You precocious child". Teased Yasaka-san.

Don't tempt me, woman.

Joking can be dangerous.

In many ways I would accept that invitation, but I doubt Kaa-san would just agree. Heck, she might even storm out into wherever I stay to take me back.

Since I was apparently invited to stay a couple of days in the Gremory mansion by Venelana-san in order to play with Rias-chan and Sona-chan... Kaa-san did not like the idea.

I would like to think that it is plain overprotectiveness but the feeling I get sometimes is somewhat different.

"Would you fight Kaa-san later if I go?". I asked jokingly to distract myself.

"Hmmm, maybe?". Said Yasaka-san with a pondering expression.

That did not sound like a joke at all.

Forget it.

It probably has nothing to do with romance.

If I ask I lose.


For the rest of the day I baked as much as I could.

Yasaka-san helped me by tasting what I made.

She was particularly harsh in her reviews though.

Many times I had to remake the whole cake for minor details.

If it was too 'tough' or too 'soft' she made me try again until I got the proper combination of both.

I was just doing a sponge cake but she was really strict.

I wondered if she was adjusting the flavor to fit her tastes. Nevertheless I would like to believe that she wouldn't do that. This was for Kaa-san after all.

I planned to make some jam or cream to fill the cake but... this might take a while if I continue like this. And I haven't even started with the other things I had in mind.

The path ahead seems long and arduous, but I guess that's how life is in every aspect.

Not sure how to feel when I talk about baking cakes though.

"Nora-kun, I think you should've left this one a bit more in the oven". Said Yasaka-san... while eating a big slice of cake.

And yet, you seem to be enjoying eating it.

Never thought she would be this kind of character.


-Time skip, 2 months

Time passed by and I continued to train.

Including archery, I made some good improvements in my use of Touki while I fought.

Using both was not exactly realistic since they were methods of close range and long range respectively, but I could combine aspects of Touki such as increase of my movement speed. Aiming while moving is too hard for me now, but I can at least dodge and take aim pretty quickly already.

It might be due having a good teacher(Kaa-san likes to refer herself as such), I have made improvements in archery going from literally my aim at distant targets, or my shooting speed that was pretty slow at the beginning... Still falling short if I compare myself to a certain someone.

For close combat... Kaa-san literally made me a punching bag. A blow containing healing Senjutsu does no damage, or rather, fixes the damage too fast. It allows me to continuously receive more blows before I can get taken down.

Yay! Hurra for me!.

No, it is insane.

When I was not taking blows everywhere, she made me dodge really fast attacks... which were mostly unavoidable to be honest. I can't even follow the speed of the attack, my body sometimes reacts but it is mostly an unconscious action. It was reckless to ask me to that... but Kaa-san did not accept any objection from me.

Ultima-class beings are too scary.

I wondered once exactly at what level I was, but when I asked Kaa-san, she just said knowing won't change anything at all. Even if I had the same power level as her, she could easily wipe the floor with me as I was now. What I needed to know was not my strenght level to compare it with others, but how to fight using what I had at hand. I felt like she was dodging the subject somehow.

However, as a matter of fact, calling themselves Ultimate-class was not even that accurate since many beings in that level were stronger that others within the same scale... or so she said.

Said scale just worked as gauge of 'power' but not fighting abilities.

There were many people who could defeat enemies with a stronger power through many means. Sacred gears were some of those unreasonable means. Among the humans there were many who used Holy Swords and Demon Swords to fight, wielding absurd powers that were even effective against dragons, an absurd specie.

Yeah, I can recall that from the Canon. Not sure how alike it is but going with I heard, those things cann help people to prevail against many strong creatures just with their special abilities alone.

It seems that is still the same here.

Well, after that long explaination from her, she told me that if wanted to compare to someone... I could use her or Yasaka-san as an example.

I felt the impulse of flipping a couple of tables at her for such unreasonable idea.

Because I had tried that before... and taking the full brunt of their auras was too hard for me.

The gap in strength is too wide to use a reference.

Regardless of my complaints, Kaa-san didn't say anything more about it.

Adding one thing to my training was meditation to raise my reserves of Ki. During that fight I learned how absurd the consumption can be when you are using some techniques. And running low in the middle of a fight can be deadly.

Kaa-san complained that I could raise my reserves too easily. But I couldn't really tell the difference. To be honest, our home was a really good place to meditate, since the flow of Ki in the surroundings is really pure. I had no problems making use of that.

Still... It might have something to do with 'raising my affinities' as He(?) said.

I don't think I have the best affinity out there, but I hope that is close to what many call, protagonist level. Those guys always got an absurd power up everytime. They surpass people who spent hundreds of years growing their strength through training in matters of months.

I can only sigh at that unreasonable ability.

Well, this is now reality so maybe that won't happen?.

Not my problem though.

Hmmmmm... that sounded like a flag. But let's ignore it.


-Time skip, 1 month

You would think that I only had training related to fighting?. Well, no. I was also learning how to use the healing qualities of Senjutsu in long range instead of using close contact. Not to mention the bunch of books I had to read related to medicine, you could say instead letting the 'Ki' just do all the job, I am controlling it to do what I want it to do.

Besides that, I was not allowed to slack of in learning about different kind of herbs and their effects.

The worse part was that Kaa-san made me eat different kind of plants in order to understand how they affect the patient.

How is that the worse part?.

Putting aside their 'mind blowing' taste... some of those were poisonous. Like really poisonous.

Under the careful watch of Kaa-san I had to ingest a number of those strange looking herbs, in order to understand the effects it caused. Sometimes my temperature would raise, I would get stomachaches... you name it, I suffered it. She made me treat myself with Senjutsu sometimes, other times I had to make the proper antidote myself.

I would prefer to go and fight that oversized dog again than to continue doing that cursed training. But Kaa-san was merciless. I ingested so much of those herbs that I developed some resistance to the effects they had.

Haha, happy me, right?. I because I became more resistant to poison... but at what price?.

Even so, I had no other choice than to accept it.

Still, I once again had this terrible feeling. Kaa-san was rushing too much with the way she taught me.

Why do I feel that way?.

∆ Part 3

-Time skip, 2 months.

It has been close to six years since I came to this world... not counting the time I spent in Kaa-san's womb though.

I wish I could tell what season we were just looking outside... but in this place where Kaa-san built the house, it's spring all year. All for the plants she is taking care.

Thankfully, my laptop helped me solve the problem of the date.

Confirming the date, I saw how it was the day of Kaa-san's birthday.

I had been waiting for this.

December 1st.

The weather must be rather cold outside.

Kaa-san is out since earlier and she will be coming back quite late.

Meaning that I have time to prepare everything. Well, what I can do on my own anyways.

While I feel bad for her, I needed Yasaka-san's help again.

She already received payment for her help though...

So many sweets and slices of cake where given to her already... so many of them.


Having done all the preparation necessary, I was just adorning the cakes. I originally planned to make a big one... But later considered that having a variety might be better for Kaa-san who's tastes are not in one kind of sweets, so I made a number of them in smaller size, along with things like cupcakes and macarons.

She can be quite handful. Eating sweets bought by Yasaka-san and not the ones I bought with my money.

With such a thoughts in mind, I lightly smacked away the hand that was stealthy coming closer to cream of the cake I was currently decorating. This would make it the 9th time it happened.

"Could you stop doing that? I need to finish this... Yasaka-san". I said to the cream thief.

Seriously, this is more Yasaka-san playing around than anything. If she really wanted...this cream thief could send me flying and take what she wants.

"But... I am hungry.... You know, because of the pregnancy I get cravings often that make want to eat a lot". Replied Yasaka-san pitifully.

I could feel my eyebrow and the corner of my lips twitching a little.

Don't be fooled.

I made her enough cookies to fill two jars.

While it might not seem an exorbitant amount... She was already eating bunch sweets brought by her before I gave those to her.

I had read that pregnancy changes eating habits a lot.

But this is too much.

I wonder if it's because she is a Youkai... or maybe this is how the last months of pregnancy usually are?.

Kunou-chan, you made your mother a dangerous sweet-tooth monster. Is this some kind of signal?.

You won't be the same right?.

I don't have to worry about you going with a bad man because he offered you some candy, right?.



Perhaps I will need to pay attention to her for a while as she grows up.

Lost in thought as I was, my hand kept smacking away the hands coming for the cream.

"I will make you more if you stop doing this...". I said the magic words.

And as I expected, she stopped her actions like they were a lie.

No, even if you put your graceful look as you sit in perfect seiza... I already saw how you acted a few seconds ago, which couldn't be further from 'graceful'.

Perhaps she noticed from the way I was looking at her that I was not buying her act so she started to speak to distract me.

"By the way... I have been getting a few letter that Saya-chan brought with her. Apparently she made a great progress treating that person over that side. The letter contains words of thanks for passing the request to Saya-chan. To be honest, I had my doubts it would work out at the end but... It was hard for me to decline it". Said Yasaka-san.

Let's go along with her here.

As for the letter... Maybe from Venelana-san or Sirzechs-san.

"Isn't that good?. Kaa-san was pretty happy when she got some of those phoenix tears, since getting them is not easy...". I spoke.

More than happy, she was burning with desire to surpass the effects it has. Well, more like the ability from the Phonex clan. Reattaching severed limps is not exactly difficult for Kaa-san... but that depends on how damaged the limbs are.

There was one time when she took me during an emergency to treat a heavily injured youkai.

I once again was amazed at her absurd ability.... Although I only saw from an outside perspective, watching how she put those leg and using her Senjutsu to reattach it to the guy was really mind blowing for me. She was even able to regrow some of the guy's missing toes.

I was left in awe because of her skills.

However, no everyone could match her abilities.

The consumption of Ki is terrible, but she reduces the consumption by directly controlling the Ki with an outrageous level accuracy instead of spreading the Ki everywhere. Restoring piece by piece the damaged parts.

It is something that requires really profound knowledge about anatomy... in this case, 'Youkai anatomy'. Not to mention her insane control over Ki and the vast reserves you would need to maintain the treatment if the damage is too large.

"That is one thing, but there were several hints in the letter that they wanted to thank you too for what you did. But since Saya-chan refused to take you there... they were asking me to help them mediate with that. Fufufu, not only Saya-chan... Nora-kun is popular over there too". Said Yasaka-san while grining.

I can't say anything about it. I don't really think I did that much... I mean, I did keep them safe, but who ended saving them at the end was Kaa-san.

"You can take the credit for that. If you had not prepared that token, my presence there would've changed nothing". I said.

I almost finish with this cake.

Damn, I forgot about the drinks... I think they would like Sake?. Wait... Sake with cake?.

"That is not true, what you did was praiseworthy... although reckless as well. It truly helped to maintain peaceful relations with the devils". Sincerely praised Yasaka-san.

Maintain, is it?.

"Haven't you thought that instead of just maintaining... you could try improve the relationship?". I asked.

In the canon, she agreed to this but... It was much later into the future, and there are differences from the Canon since they are no longer characters following a script. They have their own wills.

"That would be nice. For this child in my belly, and for you... there are others whom I would like that as well. I think it would be wonderful if there were no more conflicts". Said Yasaka-san, her eyes seemed to stare something far from her reach, and her hands were caressing her bulging belly gently.

This world is not that peaceful. I have been blessed with my environment.

I can't forget that.

"It would be nice if we could have a better relation between each power. Exchanges between factions could help with that". I offered her an advise.

At the end, it is the decision of those in power how to act. My wish comes from my knowledge from the light novel. I can't be sure if that is the right decision for Youkais in general. So I will leave it to Yasaka-san who is the leader of the faction... although I will offer her an advise regarding this topic. She has more experience in this area than me so she will choose what it's best for her people(youkais).

"You talking about an 'Alliance'... right?. It is not that easy to make one. If for example we were to meddle too much with the Devils, we might incur the animosity from Angels and Fallen Angels who are odd with each other". Said Yasaka-san.

Once again, politics are hard to understand for me. But she does have a point.

"I guess you are right... Sorry for talking carelessly about it". I replied.

I might be seeing this from a naive point of view, but that does not mean the world works like that.

"You don't need to apologize, Nora-kun. It makes me happy that you think that way. Perhaps if there were more people like you... the fighting would stop once for all". Said Yasaka-san with a troubled expression.

I don't think the world needs more people like me. Although I think that peace is best... I like the idea of the alliance because it will benefict Kaa-san and Yasaka-san. I am not a hero... not I think I can save the world. I just want the people I care to be safe.

Although... If I can extend a helping hand, I will do so. It would leave a bad taste in my mouth if I ignored someone whom I could help easily.

"Don't put that expression. I truly think that people like you is what the future needs. You might not think like that, but I do". Said Yasaka-san while gently embracing me from behind.

I was too busy thinking to notice when she stood up and walked behind me.

This woman.

"I didn't say anything". I spoke without moving away.

It feels soothing to be like this.

"Your face said it all. With how many people do you think I have to communicated everyday?. In my position I have to meet different people for who knows how many reasons. The conversations we have are not always peaceful, in fact you could call them a war of nerves. Reading each other's intentions from every little action is the norm". Explained Yasaka-san.

Experience huh.

"I... just don't believe that I am the kind of person you think. Just leave it at that". I said.

Finally moving away from her, I went to store the cake until Kaa-san arrived.

You could say I am running away.

I wonder why... but for me it is hard to tell her about me. I thought that maybe I would not feel that fear after finally telling Kaa-san, but perhaps this fear will never disappear. I get needlessly anxious.

The feeling that is not the time yet... or maybe it's just my fear talking. Not sure which one it is, but I won't continue this topic for now.

Today is not a day for something like this.

"Such a troublesome child... You resemble Saya-chan in your stubbornness". I heard her mutter in low voice.

∆ Part 4

After waiting for a few hours... and giving Yasaka-san two more rounds of sweets, Kaa-san arrived home.

Of course, Yasaka-san had people who would let us now when she arrived at Urakyoto so we could be ready to receive her.

When she entered the house she seemed lost in thoughts. But her expression changed when we welcomed her.

"Happy Birthday!". I said while opening my arms wide in front of Kaa-san.

Yasaka-san was holding a small tambourine and she was shaking it in a smooth and upbeat rhythm. Maybe I should've gone with the maracas?.

"What are you two doing?". Said Kaa-san.

She seemed somewhat surprised and amused.

Good, at least she did not dislike it.

We could've done a better welcome if we had more people but... for now it is too hard to make Kaa-san change her mind about allowing more people in the house.

"Well, I wanted to make a little celebration for you... so with Yasaka-san's help, we prepared this". I said as I guided Kaa-san taking her by the hand to the kitchen.

On the table, there were small sized cakes, cookies, cupcakes, macarons, brownies... I made a number of things in hope that Kaa-san found something that she truly liked.

Although I might've overdone... I will exercise my right to blame the kitsune here. She said the more the better... and I did as she asked. Perhaps I allowed my feelings of wanting to spoil her to meddle in the decision a tiny bit. Which also included the reason why I did not make any Japanese styled ones... since she usually eats those, she wanted to eat a different kind. Well, I was more familiar with western sweets so it also influenced in the decision.

"You two did this?". Asked Kaa-san as she saw the number of sweets lined up on the kitchen table.

"Nora-kun made them, I just prepared the ingredients". Explained Yasaka-san as she also entered into the kitchen.

For a moment I saw Kaa-san put a sad expression but she changed it pretty fast into what it seemed to be a resolute one. But just a moment later she smiled fondly and walked closer to me, and hugged me pretty tightly.

I found it hard to breath due her breasts squeezing my face, but she let me go when I thought I saw He(?) waving me at the end of a long tunnel.

I found her expressions odd and her hug was strange as well. She wouldn't normally hug me that strongly.

"Thank you...". She muttered after releasing me.

"Don't worry about it... I just wanted to thank you for all the effort you have put raising me". I told her after catching my breath.

Kaa-san was about to give me another hug but Yasaka-san interrupted her.

"Leave the emotional hugs for later, he made you all these tasty treats so you will be eating them, right?". Said Yasaka-san as she came between the two of us.

I would like to believe that she did it to help me... and not to be able to eat faster. Yeah.

Obvious answer.

"Yasaka-san is right, taste them. I practiced a lot so they should be good". I spoke while pointing at the sweets.

There should be at least one that grabs her interest for real.

While I know that she will eat them, I am not sure which one she will like and which one she won't.

"But... Aren't there too many?". Asked Kaa-san while taking a cookie with chocolate chips and eating them.

So she is in the chocolate chips faction huh.

I glared at the kitsune, but she just avoided looking at me in the eye.

"Don't worry about it... I am sure that there won't be leftovers so eat at your own pace". I said while sorting the drinks that Yasaka-san brought after I asked her.

Coke, Green tea, Sake... quite the odd arrangement here, but I really was not sure what she would like more.

I had already tested eating sweets with coke and green tea before, but I never tried drinking with Sake.

I little curious I prepared a cup of sake to take a sip but... two hands stopped me in place.

No need to think too hard about who are the owners of these hands.

Besides me, only Kaa-san and Yasaka-san are here so it has to be them.

"What are you doing? You are too little for that". Said Yasaka-san while smiling.

"You are too young for that, in fact. I wish you don't ever touch alcohol at all". Spoke Kaa-san seriously.

It is easy to understand Yasaka-san's concern since she thinks that I am a child. But Kaa-san, you know that technically I am old enough for this. Besides, it is just a sip, I know that my body is too small to try drinking too much.

Although this could be a crime of sorts. Do Youkais care about it that much?.

Well, coke will be then. It's been a while since I drank one of those anyways.

Guess I will be a good kid... for now.


The small party was a success, Kaa-san liked most of what I made... the rest was not exactly disliked by her, but more like she did not get the chance to taste them because of Yasaka-san.

I would like to think that they were good enough to make her eat so much of them, and it was not just because she is a glutton.

Those too were even competing by eating... but I am not sure if they could properly taste it like that. But... since they seemed to be enjoying themselves like that, I left them alone.



As for presents, we each prepared something different, Yasaka-san gave her a new kimono, with blue as a base, having embroidments in green forming shapes of two tailed cats at the borders.

She liked the present... a lot.

Mine?. I would give it to her later... I wanted to talk to her before the day ended anyways.



It was now late at night, and I was taking care of the mess that the two women left.

Cleaning up everything did not take as long as I thought so I finished fairly fast.

It was time to talk to Kaa-san about earlier.

But first... I went to my room to get something.

After that... I went to her room.

I expected it but there was some light coming from her room, from a small gap left by the not completely closed sliding door.

"Kaa-san, Can I talk to you for a moment?". I said waiting for an answer outside her room.

Which came a little delayed.

"Can it be tomorrow?". I heard her say.

"No...". I replied.

Once again, the answer came after some time.

"Come in... I guess I know what you want to talk about". Spoke Kaa-san in resigned tone.

After entering..

There, Kaa-san was not wearing her usual sleep wear or the Miko outfit that she uses when she does her work as a doctor.

She was wearing a hakama that gave a different impression.

This one did not seem to be made from normal cloth, because it gave a similar feeling to Youjutsu and Senjutsu but I can tell that Kaa-san is not using any of them.

It must be one of those enchanted clothes I read in novels.

On her back, she had a quiver full of arrows, and on her left hand she had a long bow.

There is much I want to say but I guess I have to start with something simple...

"What are you doing?". I asked while narrowing my eyes at Kaa-san.

This makes the feeling from before ring alarms in my head. But I need to face this calmly and not jump to conclusions.

"Hmm? What's that in your hand?". Kaa-san did no answer the question but instead focused in what I had in my hand.

"This is your birthday present, but don't change the subject". I answered.

In my right hand there was an Omamori(an small amulet for protection).

Having been going out by herself I thought about making one... although it was not as good as the sweets I made.

With green color as the base, I tried to embroid something but... I might have no talent for this, even after a good number of tries since I started practicing there was not much difference in the final work.

A chubby cat with four tails.

"Is that suppose to be me?". Asked Kaa-san as she got closer and took the Omamori from my hands.

"I am sorry, I couldn't do any better with the presentation... But we can talk about that later, right now I want to know what you are doing? Why are you dodging the subject?". I asked again.

She looked fondly at her present.

"I see... I actually like this a lot. I will treasure it". Said Kaa-san while gently stroking the Omamori.

"Kaa-san!". I raised my voice.

I couldn't hide my anxiousness anymore.

"I am sorry... I will take care of this and come back soon". Kaa-san said as she hugged me.

Suddenly I started to feel weak...

I tried to drive my Ki inside my body to recover but Kaa-san's Ki did not allow it.

During the hug she interfered with my flow of Ki.

"It took a while longer than usual since you became somewhat resistant to this kind of substances because of your training. Sorry. I knew you might try to stop me. I wanted to go while you were asleep, but today's party took me by surprise". I heard Kaa-san say.

I was in her embrace and I could barely keep myself awake.

The effects... came... from... some medicine... she made... I... have to resist.

I bit my lips as hard as I could and got rid of the the need to sleep for a moment.

"What are you.. doing? Don't... go". I said with some effort.

Not sure what she wants to do... but... it doesn't look... good to let her... go... alone...

My... consciousness...

"It's ok. Kaa-san will take care of everything". I heard her gently saying that as she stroke my back.

I could not... hold... it... anymore.


Holding the uncouncious Nora in her arms, Saya stayed in that position for a moment longer before carrying him to his room.

She knows that he will be very angry when he wakes up, anxious even. But she had to do this.

A few months back she got a letter from a stranger during her work in the Underworld. She thought of ignoring the letter at first but the name of the sender made her rethink her actions.

Curiousity got the best of her and she read it.

The sender was her disciple, whom she had not heard for a while.

The contents were something that she was not prepared. Inside, he wrote about a number of thinks he did that made her want to rip the letter but she had to finish reading it first.

He wrote about the reason he sought to learn under her, and how he planed to get close to Yasaka using her as a link.

The first thing that came to her mind was to let Yasaka know, but in the letter he stated that doing so would make him use of a card that made her hesitate. As Yasaka was currently pregnant, she was in a delicate state. He explained how he had a number of his 'people' inside Urakyoto, and they would not hesitate to follow his orders to attack Yasaka if she spoke too much.

Saya decided not to tell Yasaka, but she did not understand what he meant to do by sending her this letter.

The content ended there, but it left her with many questions.



Once in a while, during her visits at the Underworld, she would receive letters delivered by strangers. The sender was always her disciple. He used the letters to explain how he was responsible for the ambush she suffered before Nora was born, and how he wanted her to perish back then.

Saya spent a long time at a loss what to do with what she learned through the letters.

Not to mention the feelings of betrayal.

It came as a huge shock knowing all that information.

She considered for some time what to do...

The location of her 'disciple' was unknown, she could not let her friend know. Her child, as much as an adult he is inside, she does not want him to know about this. He is prone to worry too much.

However, she came to a decision after reading one of the letters which explained how he was the one who planed the whole incident where Nora was teleported away.

Regardless of she not knowing where to look... she had to find him. For Nora's sake.

But there was always the possibility that it could be a trap.

She had to think that maybe... maybe she would not be coming back in the worst case.

Leaving her son alone pained her, so...

She trained him the best she could in a short amount of time. Teaching him all she could.

In the meantime, Saya did something that she did not expect to ever do since losing Nora's father.

Asking help from the devils.

Help to locate her disciple, Hiroto.

Which they agreed surprisingly easy. Even when she did not explain the reasons.

Some sort 'wanting' repay her grace.

She did not care about the reason. Saya only wanted to deal with her business.



Thinking about it...

Part of her understood that her 'disciple' wanted her to find him. Even when expecting a trap, she decided to go.

Days went by, and she finally got list of possible locations given to her by the devils.

She narrowed it down even further, and found him to be either in Japan, or in the Underworld.

There were clues of him moving around Tokyo so she would start there.

Nevertheless, going would mean leaving Nora behind alone.

It might take a while, but she will be coming back. Still... she was found out before leaving.

Her silly child caught onto her behavior and probably wanted to ask her about it, perhaps he would even try to stop her... but she considered it before. That is why she prepared certain burnable herbs that would knock him out without him knowing.

Today was a pretty happy day for her.

There was a big surprise when she arrived.

Her child even baked so many things for her.

It brought tears to her face, but it also strengthened her resolve.

Saya can't deny that part of her wants to find Hiroto just for revenge. He planed the death of the man she loved after all.

However, she was hesitating because she had to take care of Nora... but since Hiroto wanted to harm Nora as well....

There will be no mercy.

As a doctor she strives to save lives.

Although that does not mean she has never taken one before.

Going back to her room again, she finished preparing her supplies for what is to come.

Thanks to accepting the request of curing that woman, she got many useful things.

In particular she got her hands on Phoenix Tears, which work pretty well at healing wounds. Extremely useful during battle when she has to take care of not wasting Ki.

She was very interest in the so called immortality of the members of the clan that makes these 'potions'. Since she aspires to raise her healing skill to a higher level by studying the Phoenix Tears.

So far, she has managed to regenerate small parts of the body from other people, however... It is a very ardours job to mend such a wounds from so many people.

Taking into account the differences between races and how their bodies work is not something you can do in seconds. But this little vial contain something that defies common sense.

In her case, she could deal if they were her own wounds easily, but it is still taxing to do so.

During her younger days, she recieved heavy injuries to many times and she learned how to perfectly restore her body parts efficiently even during battle.

A skill she has not taught Nora yet.

His body is too young to go through all the steps necessary to reach such a level.



Counting the vials containing the Phoenix Tears, 5 of them were in her hands.

Taking them all would be the best choice since they would help her save her Ki so she can focus it in a fight.

But her child's face comes to mind as she has the vials in hand, so she left two vials for him in case something happens.

The Omamori that Nora made was still in the room.

Looking at the embroidments, a slightly smile comes to her face.

So she took it with her.

To remember him when she is far from him.

Hopefully, she will be back soon.

∆ Part 5

When I woke up, the sun was already up in the sky so a few hours must've gone by already.

I don't think I slept more than that.

Damn it.

Quickly getting up, I searched inside and outside the house, but Kaa-san wasn't anywhere.

There wasn't much I could do so I called Yasaka-san.

She left a token similar to the one before that helps us to communicate from long distances.

In any case, I must let her know what happned... and ask if she knows what Kaa-san was going to do.

She planed to go somewhere to fight or that is what it looked like. I don't think she would be wearing that attaire otherwise.


After telling Yasaka-san what happened, she just told me to wait for a moment.

A few minutes later, she came to the house.

"I put my people to look into her whereabouts for now. From I learned before coming here no one saw her leave Urakyoto". Said Yasaka-san as soon as she saw me.

I bit my lips at her words.

"I did not hear anything from her but... Are you sure of what you told me?". Yasaka-san asked worriedly.

We were standing near the entrance. So I lead her inside, to the kitchen table where we could speak peacefully.

"She even used some sort of herb or drug to make me sleep". I explained as we took our seats.

She furrowed her eyebrows at my words.

"To even go that far... What could've happened?". Muttered Yasaka-san.

I did not know the answer to that question. It bothered me how little I knew about it.

As my mind was still not completely awake, it took me some time until certain memory came to me.

"Wait... If I am not wrong...". I muttered as I hurriedly stood up.

"What is it?". Asked Yasaka-san, surprised at my sudden actions.

Not bothering to explain I moved first to my room to check something, then later to Kaa-san's room.

A moment later I came back to the kitchen again.

"You said you could trace our tokens right? The tokens you gave me before, the ones I was suppose to give to Kaa-san, and the one I had to carry". I immediately said as I got closer to Yasaka-san, grabbing her by her shoulder.

Surprised at my behavior, the blonde kitsune took more time to answer than usual.

"I can indeed do that. It was how you asked me to prepare them. Although I never got to try that function. However... Wait... You are saying I should use that function?". Asked Yasaka-san after thinking about my words more deeply.


"If you had it prepared as I asked... You have a way to track in a larger range than what mine can do. Can you use it now?". I asked hopefully.

At that time, I... put the tracking token inside the Omamori.

Although I did not exactly expect that she would do this. Many times before when she would leave to the Underworld leaving behind the token, I tried to tell her to take it but she did not listen... To avoid that in the future, I had considered how to have her carry it.

Before giving her the Omamori... I thought of putting it there.

However, I don't think that it will remain there for too much time.

She is not that naive. As Kaa-san left in a hurry, she might have missed it but she will eventually find out my petty trick.

"It can cover a larger area but...". Yasaka-san was still feeling doubtful of what I was saying.

I guess I got ahead of myself by not properly explaining myself

"Before Kaa-san left, I somehow left it on her. So we could try to find her while she has it on her". I gave her a simply explanation.

Understanding what I meant, Yasaka-san stood up.

Due the height difference I could not grab her shoulders as before anymore so we broke contact.

"I will immediately check her location". Said Yasaka-san before leaving in a rush.


I hate to make her run errands because of pregnancy but I can do nothing about it.

It is troubling how powerless I am when it is needed.

Not only when there is need to fight... but cases like this as well.


It was not until one hour later when Yasaka-san came back.

Her crestfallen look pulled some strings in my heart. I could not bet used to seeing her like that and I did not like when it happened.

However, it also made me anxious since I knew what she was going to do before she left.

I brought her to the kitchen table again.

This time I prepared her some green tea before taking a seat in front of her.

"I found her location. She is currently in Tokyo. However...". After taking a sip of her tea, Yasaka-san started to speak but hesitated to continue talking.

She found her. Hearing that I felt some relief but seeing her hesitate I could not alllow myself to relax yet.

And as expected...

"I tried to send some people to confirm Saya-chan's whereabouts but they couldn't get into the city. Apparently, there are disturbances in the area and we can't intervene in any way". Said Yasaka-san after a moment of silent.

Her expression seemed bitter.

"Is there no way?". I still asked even though I knew that she is not the type to give up for something minor.

"I am sorry... The youkais can't interfere no matter what. It is a private matter of the church. It seems there is an ongoing problem and they won't allow outsiders to interfere... if I caressly tried to do something, we could earn their animosity". She explained with an apologetic look.

Her words made me tighten my fists under the table

This made things pretty difficult for her. Acting on impulse could lead to a full scale conflict with a major power. Even if their influence in Japan is not as strong as in their base country. Many people(youkais) would be affected if a fight broke out.

Yasaka-san can't act caressly.

Then... What should I do?.

Closing my eyes, I started thinking.

So far I relied on Kaa-san and Yasaka-san, but now Kaa-san is not here and Yasaka-san has her hands tied as well.

Really, I have been taking things for granted...

Am I a kid?.


I can only shake my head in disappointment at my mindset.

Letting myself get this spoiled...

"Nora-kun... Don't worry...". I heard a concerned voice.

Opening my eyes, I find Yasaka-san peering at me front up close, her worried expression only made me feel worse about how I have been acting.

Worrying her too. I should get my act together.

She must also be anxious about her friend, and now she has to deal with the child of said friend.

"I am ok... Sorry to worry you". I tried to reassure her with a smile.

"It will be ok. Believe me". Yasaka-san said as she lightly ruffled my hair.

Hey now, don't play around.

I stood up avoiding her hands.

And the dangerous position where her cleavage was in sight. If she aimed to distract me... she might've completed her objective... only slightly.

She really likes to wear her kimono that way.

"I will go to keep an eye in the situation. If something happens I will let you know". The blonde kitsune said after standing up.

I nodded at her words.


You could say I was never a logical person.

To be honest, I surprised myself sometimes due my reckless behavior. Making choices that complicated my situation uncounciously was a talent of mine.

Well, more than a talent... You could call it a bad habit.

This time is no different.

In my room, I was getting ready to leave.

I came to that decision. You could ask one hundred people and I know than more than half would call my behavior reckless or pointless. But I will repeat myself, I am not a logical person.

Wearing the most common looking hakama I could find, I tried to dress myself in way that would not point my affiliation to the Youkais in Kyoto.

Although I am technically not affiliated to them.

Since only Kaa-san and Yasaka-san are my 'allies'.

In any case, I just want to avoid implicating them in the possibility that I ended up mixed with the church's people.

I can't trouble Yasaka-san more than I already have done.

I went through the house a couple of times earlier so I found a few things that will come in handy during my outing.

In Kaa-san's room I found two vials of Phoenix Tears which will surely be useful. It also worried me that she did not take them all.

She also had a number of pills she made... and although I would like to make a number of comments regarding the taste they leave in your mouth. They have the wonderfull effect of providing enough nutrients to cover a full meal.

She had a jar full of those things. Kaa-san used them for patients that found it hard to eat normal food for different reasons. Since it could event be dissolved in water, it was truly a godsend for those who need it.

Once again, I have a lot to say about the taste. It is important so I will say it twice. I have a lot to say about the taste.

Anyways, this one of the great things about having a mother who is a pretty skilled herbalist and can concoction pills and some 'potions'. Something she hasn't taught me about.

Other than that... there was an spare bow she had but it was not possible for me to use her's.

It was a long bow, very much like mine, the 'yumi' or Japanese bow is pretty long. Considered as a long bow if you go by Western standards.

Can't use it very well with my size.

So I had to use my normal training one. Which had the size of a regular bow... Still making it sort of a long bow for me.

Can't expect much of my almost six years old height.

Filling the quiver of the bow to the brim with arrows, I equipped myself with it, the bow, and a leather pouch with those damned pills.

But just as I was going to leave the house... I went back to take care of a couple of things I forgot.

One of them was to take another pouch, but filled with seeds. I had trained a lot in making plants grow as I wished so I am sure they will come worthwhile to bring along.

There was also a note where I apologized to Yasaka-san a lot for what I was going to do.

Surely this will cause her a lot of headaches... but I can't sit here and do nothing.

I will accept any scolding or punishment she will probably give me after coming back.

The last thing was the most important one. The other tracking token that belonged to me. While it did not give a detailed location where I am due the distance, it still pointed faintly to one direction.

Considering how I already knew that Kaa-san was in Tokyo, I had to get there and this thing will give me a more detailed location as I get closer.

Leaving Urakyoto should be rather easy, the hardest part was to leave this place, the house was in a separate dimension or space, but it also had a powerful barrier to prevent illegal entry to anyone other than Kaa-san and Yasaka-san who knew the method to enter.. I would be included in the list of the people who can enter and leave with no problem but I was not taught the method to leave on my own yet.

Thankfully, I learned it by watching Kaa-san.

Think about any other thing I could've forgotten and confirming that I had everything... I left the house.

Taking a deep breath, I took my first step to look for Kaa-san.

So this is it for what I call, Volume 0.

I made this volume with that number in mind so I will kept it like that.

This is not the end though, the story will continue in Volume 1, which will be posted the same as I posted these chapters.

Now, let us talk a little about the chapter.

Kinda long for an epilogue I think.

But I originally wanted to make one more chapter before the epilogue. However I did not want to put too much info dump anymore. So I kept the training shorter than I planned.

Making Saya to go an take care of her disciple, Hiroto, it's something I planned as soon as I writes about him.

It is unrealistic that Nora fights the guy and comes back alive.

Not to mention that Saya is very overprotective of her son.

I wonder if what I wrote about her insecurities was well recieved.

Do write a review with your comments about it.

With that done, now Nora has to leave home.

He is someone who got to comfortable with peace. Even if you consider his little adventure before, he was saved at the end.

Now, Saya is not there, and his other pillar is not able to help him. Quite the problem he found himself in.

While I described him as someone in his 20, he is by no means someone really mature or 'adult'. In highschool DxD there are even people with 10.000+ years and they act like children.

Besides, I plan to describe his background story as the I write more chapters.


You got questions?

Leave a comment

Have a nice day.

See ya.