Escape gone wrong? Right? Which one is it?

∆ Part 1

Even when I wanted to push my plan forward, there were still a few details I had to take care of.

One of the them was very important.

And that was to talk to the Nekomata sisters about it.



Observing a still somewhat depressed Kuroka-chan lying down on bed using Shirone-chan as a body pillow while she took a nap, I wondered if I should approach this topic in her state. Taking advantage of her state of mind, I would be able to make her agree to a great deal of things easily. I feel like I am bad guy.


"Kuroka-chan... Can we have a little chat?". I decided to ask anyways.

"...Sure-nya". Softly muttered Kuroka-chan in response to my question.

I was currently standing in front of the bed so my line of sight was higher than her lying down self so I lied down as well to be able to talk her without looking down on her.

"Remember when I told you that that I would bring you to my house?". I asked.

Kuroka-chan just nodded in response with a slight smile on her face.

The number of smiles she made these days has been really low so it is nice to one of those again.

"Do you really want to come with me? I might be able to find you a better place if you don't want to though". I said.

Perhaps Yasaka-san would be able to get them a nice house if I ask her. Or maybe with Rias-chan and Sona-chan would want to add them to their peerage, and Kuroka-chan and Shirone-chan would accept?. I don't know...

"No...! Nora's place is where I want to go-nya". Replied Kuroka-chan.

Maybe she doesn't know what I mean with that I said, but... for now this will work for an answer. Perhaps she will change her mind later, when she actually has a choice.

"What about her?". I inquire as I use my tails to poke the cheeks of the napping girl.

She seemed bothered as in her sleep Shirone-chan moved her hand to get rid of what is touching her cheek.

Watching her with a smile, I moved my tails away when she was close to catching them, and when she lowered her hand, I would continue poking her. I have grown evil.

"She also wants to go-nya...". Answered Kuroka-chan as she caught my tails to stop me from bothering Shirone-chan.

Why are you stopping me?. See? You are now taking my place and poking her cheeks with your fingers.

"You could've left me do that for a bit longer...". I said while smiling wryly at her actions.

"She is MY little sister-nya...". Softly replied Kuroka-chan.

"Then I guess I can only tease you? There is no other choice". I concluded as poked her cheeks.

She smiled in response to my actions.

"Hey... Next time they take me away for some tests. Just go to your room. Don't wait for me here Can you do that?. And please don't ask... just... wait, don't wander around. Don't leave no matter what". I muttered very softly.

I am not really sure how good the surveillance they have on us is. However, this is the best I can do to tell Kuroka-chan to be ready in her room, which is many floors higher than this place.

"Nora-nya...". Replied anxiously Kuroka-chan.

"Hey, don't put that face. I am not asking for too much right?. Just wait there. I will do my best so I want you to do your best as well". I tried reassuring her.

"Ok-nya...". Said Kuroka-chan clearly not convinced but still accepting my words.

Now then... it is time to wait.



As I was going through the lay out of this place in my head, I began considering what to do to raise my opportunities to leave this location successfully.

Getting rid of this collar is obviously one thing, but it is just absurd to handle all of the devils in this facility if they start chasing after me.

There needs to be something that keeps them busy for long enough for me to run.

Anothing thing I need to do is to take care of the devils that would be able to organize a response in case I escape. Naberius aside, I have already found a few of his people between the numerous personnel. I must target anyone that would become an obstacle. The question is if I will be able to do so at that time...

A little more observation will have to be done... at least until they take me to that room.



After three days of waiting, it was finally time.

Being guide to that room for what I wanted to believe was going to be the last time, I found hard to contain my emotions. I felt a little restless and nervous. The possibility of a failure ate my mind, but I erased those thoughts and replaced them with my wish to see Kaa-san and Yasaka-san again, as well as wanting to get the two cat girls away from here.

That's right. I WILL get them out here. I will go home. Repeating that continuously inside my head, I managed to calm down as we arrived.

Taking a deep breath, I kept my emotions in check.

"Welcome, welcome... You are finally here. It was about time you arrived". As soon as I entered the room I heard the annoying voice of Naberius saying such a thing.

Fighting the feelings of repulsion I have for this guy, I kept my expression neutral.


"You are truly not fun anymore, ah ah, I sort of miss when you were a bit more rebellious. It made my day teaching you manners". Said Naberius with a smirk on his face after he clicked his tongue.

Don't get caught in his pace. Just let it go.

"Whatever, Zeth, you know what to do". Told Naberius to the guy who brought me here.

So he was called Zeth huh. Never heard his name until now. That guy just silently acknowledge the orders as he took me to the table and binded me.

"You can leave... Don't bother me until I am finished". Said Naberius.

Yes, yes. Don't come here for any reason.

As he left us alone, Naberius was prepared to start today's procedure.

"You can twist in joy right where you are. Today I will finally succeed, no matter what. You will become basically her descendant after I am done with you, finally inheriting her abilities... so it will technically make you a devil as well. Isn't it exciting?". Exclaimed Naberius out of nowhere.

No?. What you even trying to say sicko?. Her descendant? Who's descendant?.

"Oh, and if you are lucky. The success in this process will trigger a chain reaction with the others cells. Well, I don't think you will get lucky. Because you are not that kind of individual... After all, Aren't you here? Oh, wait! You are here, so maybe you are incredibly lucky!". Muttered Naberius.

Ok...? This guy is making less sense the more he talks. Are all scientists like this?. What a dangerous guy. How did they let this guy do as he pleases with no one checking on him?.



Time passed, and Naberius finally shut up.

Taking his intruments again, he put me to 'sleep' with an injection.

Feeling the liquid moving inside me, I did my best to suppress it's effect by sheer will. Which I succeeded doing thanks to all the 'practices' I had.

Things will get tricky from here on. Recalling the plan, I relaxed my body and faked an uncouncious state.


On a rare occasion, Theodore seemed restless and somewhat excited.

It was a very important day, a lot of time was invested in this project. And finally, it was time finish one of the most important phases that would lead to a successful experiment.

The biggest hardship was to find a subject that could survive the procedures... which he found by pure luck. It was not an exaggeration to say that it was almost impossible to find someone who could withstand the experiments. Giving that child the number '10032' was not because he felt like it... There had been 10031 earlier subjects, and none of them had survived. That is a testament to how harsh were the requirements to reproduce the 72 devils innate abilities artificially using this method.

However... he was going to prove that it was possible. Something that no one else had been able to do, by his own hands.

No more being looked down because he is from a branch family. Along with his research data, he would be able to reach new heights of power.



Being extra careful in each of the steps of experiment, Theodore confirmed each action he took twice.

He would take samples often to inspect them and record any possible changes. Theodore would release subject 10032 to put him into different machines that were especially made for this day after countless trials and errors.

"He should be proud, those were made especially for him". Muttered Theodore to himself with a smirk on his face.

Theodore considered that subject 10032 was a lucky fellow among the countless test subject he had. It was the first time that he worked so hard for one, and it will probably be the last time as well. When he finishes this process, he will lose his value, so there won't be any need to waste more time keeping him in a healthy state anymore.

"I never had time to test how much pain would the machine cause considering all that it modifying.. although he shouldn't be able to feel nothing with that amount of anesthesia". Spoke Theodore again.

It was a needless thought, whether the subject suffers or not doesn't as long as it won't change the result. Reducing any possible painful processes will only be done when it is for himself.

As the machine gave out a signal, Theodore took subject 10032 out and lied him down on the operation table again. Watching that the subject was completely covered in sweat, he wondered for a moment if that a result of the use of the machine, or the process itself caused it.

Deciding to take more notes regarding this issue, he turned around to write it down before he felt a sharp pain coming from his back along with some weight on his back.

"AHHHHH!". Theodore screamed in response to the pain he felt, something he was hardly used to.

Turning his head to look behind him by reflection, another sharp pain was felt, along with the lost of his field of view from his right eye.

"ARHHH, WHAT IS GOING ON!?". Exclaimed Theodore after feeling something stuck in his eye.

Moving his hand to confirm what was stuck there... he found something he was familiar with, one of his scalpels.

His thought process was not working properly due the pain, but he was able to tell that someone attacked him. The culprit has to be...

Before he could think of the name of the culprit, another sharp pain coming from his leg interrupted his thoughts again.

Fearing for another attack, Theodore threw his body to one side with all the strenght he could muster in order to gain some distance from his attacker.

From his new position on the floor, he was able to see the one responsible for his wounds.

Standing there, staring at him with bloodshot eyes, was subject 10032. In his hands, he had two scalpels.

"HOW DID YO-". Theodore tried to yell something but subject 10032 did not give him time to do so.

Leaping at an speed unthinkable for a powerless child, arriving near him quickly. Forcing Theodore to crawl in another direction to avoid him.

Cursing at his unsightly appearence, he was finally able to remember that there was no need to run from that child. Because in his pocket...

Neurvously checking his pockets, Theodore tried to find desperately the thing that would put a stop to that crazed test subject. However, he failed to find the controller anywhere.

"...Looking for this?". Said a voice that he had not heard in a while.

At some point, the attack had stopped and subject 10032 was standing calmly while holding in his hands the device that he was just looking for.

"Give that back! Or else...". Threatened Theodore.

But it did not seem to work in the test subject.

"Or else what? You will use this little thing I have in my hands?". Said subject 10032 as he was examining the controller.


Clicking his tongue, Theodore prepared to cast magic. If the controller could not do the work, then he will have to do it by himself.

He might not be suited for fighting, but it is not like can't fight at all.

Just before he activated the spell, he had to cover his head with his arms, as subject 10032 threw the scalpels he had in his hands at him. The attack was able to successfully wound him again, but he at least managed to protect his head. Unfortunately, the spell was broken. Trying to cast again magic, ignoring the pain coming from his wounds, he was able to cast it. A burst of wind was aimed at subject 10032 already near the operation room's door.

"Trying to escape? Where will you go? Just let yourself be quietly get caught. Don't worry, I won't kill you... although I will only promise that". Said Theodore to subject 10032.

The burst of wind managed to hit subject 10032 sending him flying and made him collide against the walls of the operation room. The controller fell out the subject hands during the impact. It rolled on the floor a few times until it was close to Theodore. Grinning widely at this, he got closer to pick it up. The pain of wounds made it hard to walk, but the thought of paying back all of the pain he suffered to subject 10032 made him ignore it.


As he bending his body forward to pick up the controller, such a sound resounded in the room, and it made Theodore freeze.

Was it possible?.

Rising his line of sight from the floor to subject 10032, he saw... that he had his collar in his hands, no longer it was attached to his neck like before. Giving Theodore one mocking look, subject 10032 once again tried to leave, and this time he did not find any obstacle in doing so.

Left alone in the operation room, Theodore felt a surging rage. That last mocking look that subject 10032 gave him before leaving overlapped with all the mockery and sneers he recieved from the Naberius main family, as well as the other noble families. Recalling how he was able to leave with ease, he felt the need to tear apart that annoying face so that he was never given that look again.

Standing up with some difficulty, he was about to press a special button that he has to call for help, but he found it teared apart. The slightly irony of finding the button teared apart when he thought of doing that to subject 10032's face only worsened his mood.

That sneaky b*stard obviously had planned what to do from the beginning, it was not a coincidence that he was able to easily escape his grasps a moment ago.

It would take him a moment before he was able to order his subordinates chase him.

Calming himself, he took deep breaths. As rage invaded his mind, it also affected his wounds, making him bleed more.

First he need to leave this room as it blocked any kind of communication magic. Which he added to get rid of any possible disruptions during his experiments. Now it came as a disadvantage.

Giving more importance at catching subject 10032, Theodore left the room as fast as he could, but before he was able to use magic to relay his order to catch that b*stard... a flustered voice was heard.

"Naberius-sama, there is a problem! The patrol, they- Naberius-sama, What happened!? Who did this to you!? Is there an enemy nearbyy?". Asked a subordinate that came to report something, as he took a look around.

Ignoring the pathetic display and the words of the man. Theodore coldly ordered.

"Shut up. Relay my orders. Subject 10032 has escaped. You must catch him alive. You are free to use any amount of force as long as you don't kill him!". Yelled Theodore at his poor subordinate.

"But t-". The man tried to saying something else but he was cut short by a glare from Theodore.

∆ Part 2

As soon as I left the operation room, I started to run in the direction of the next location I had in mind, the control room, where I will be able to remove the bothersome restrains that stop me from using my own Ki. Passing similar rooms as the one I was before as I ran through the corridor, there was no one stop my advance. Although there was one guy who passed around here just now, but I hid in one of the empty rooms before he was able to spot me, so I doubt that he saw me.

It is a really blessed lay out for me, there were many corridors that crossed with each other so I was able to use my ability to spot anyone before I was seen. They apparently put several operation rooms here, and there are not many people wandering around.

Hiding again as there was someone about to enter my line of sight(without using my ability), I recalled what happened before.

The first phase of the plan included killing Naberius, but I was not able to do so. I did manage to wound him, although it was hardly life threating. It was my fault to not consider the change in the procedures. I truly did not expect that last machine.

It was truly a damned invention, I really have to praise myself for keeping my mouth shut and not screaming from pain. That junk inserted several thin needles in different parts of my body as it injected something inside me. Who knows what the heck was that about, but it probably was part of that deranged guy experiments.

My body still feel sluggish and heavy. But I was able to move and attack Naberius even like that... well, the only part that I was able to accomplish was to take away his controller and using it to remove the collar. It was too much to ask to fight him any longer with my body like this, even when I used the small amount of Ki from my surroundings to strengthen myself. At that time I also used the opportunity to break any kind of button that could be used to call for help, giving me a bit more of time. I had observed him before press a button in a panel to call for his subordinates before so I wanted to avoid that.

For now, I am trying to patch up the few incisions he did. It is not one of my best jobs but I can't be picky.

This facility has 40 floors, all of them being underground. It will be an awful race against time from now on. The control room is on the 37th floor, and I am currently on the 31th. Not really far, but not close either. My room is located at the 27th floor, so I am closer than what I would be if I tried going from my room. Still, it won't be easy.

Going from one floor to another requires a special card that I unfortunately don't have with me. I also planned to take that from Naberius but... it was not possible.

By any means, I need to get one as not only it would allow me to use elevators. The door to the stairs also have that kind of system. Although I was not able to tell that from my floor as the living quarters from experiment subjects or waiting rooms are located from the 25th to the 30th floor. Only at the beginning of those floors there are doors with the system where the door would open with that card.

The problem is... I need the card of someone of certain value as they would be able to have the high enough level of authorization to get to the 37th floor.

I have to get it fast as I don't know when they will start chasing me. I had prepared somewhat for that kind of possibility... however, I can't blindly trust that everything will go as I planned. My earlier experience is the proof that I need to be careful, after being extra careful.

Oh, what is that?.

I used my ability sporadically to detect any danger and to not strain my eyes so I was only able to see certain person(devil) as I had activated my ability again.

I recall that the guy is someone who would sometimes deliver stuff to Naberius before or after I arrive the room... you can imagine that anything that is delivered to Naberius in that room has something to do with my experiments.

He will have to do.

Thankfully, I am surrounded by many useful stuff in these rooms. Many sharp and useful stuff indeed.


Looking around the room, Nora was able to find many kinds of chemicals and narcotics, one them being what he wanted to find.

As he needed to be quiet enough so the noise of the fight does not attract more people. He began moving closer to his intended target, Nora gripped tighter the syringe and the scalpels he carried in his hands.

Thinking that attacking him from behind in the open won't work, he hid in one the empty rooms and started breaking whatever he could throw on the floor, which were objects made of glass, not forgetting to leave the door slightly ajar so the man was able to hear the noise, using the first object he could find to fix the door in place to stop it from closing.

As he expected, the man got alerted and went to check what happened. Although before entering to check he used magic to communicate with someone else to tell him of about what he found.

"It's Zeke, there were some noises coming from the operation room, number 16. I am going to check inside. Send some people over just in case, and... don't forget to send the cleaning team too. It is going to be messy since I heard some things breaking". Said the man, Zeke, before cutting the communication.

Peering from the small windows that the door has, he was able to see the lamp of the operation table on, but nothing else was turned on. He could not tell what was happening from his position so he opened the door and got inside. Looking for the switch to turn on the light he caught with his eyes a shadow as it got bigger, probably moving his way.

Ducking to avoid whatever that thing was, he heard a noise coming from behind him as it crashed with the door.

Tensing up somewhat, he prepared for a second impact, but it never came. What came was a quick stinging pain coming from his chest and the feeling of something being injected in him. A sudden weakened assaulted him and he found it hard to keep his eyes open. It was obvious that whatever was injected into him caused this and he was not able to resist.

Trying to see his attacker, before his body gave away... he was able to see someone who he did not expect. Many thoughts and possibilities of who could be doing this went through his head. He did not expect however, to find the feeble child that his superior experimented with.

"How...". Asked Zeke with his last strenght.

Thinking that the subject 10032 was not suppose to be able to move freely, and even if that happened he would not be allowed to harm someone as the collar would activate if he attacked the people of this facility.

"Does it really matter? You are going to die so those things are mean less". Replied the child in a neutral tone.

Zeke felt like laughing at the situation he was in. He should be feeling fear at subject 10032's words, but his body was not even responding to things like that. Life can be an amusing thing... just earlier he had delivered a machine that would be used for this very child in an experiment... an now the child is about to kill him. Truly... amusing.


Watching as the anesthesia sends the man into a deep sleep, I think about how many times I was at the other side of this kind of situation. It is a little ironic how I ended using the same method used on me before.

Shaking my head to get rid of any useless thoughts, I aim at the guy's neck and stab the scalpel in my hands there.

As someone used to a peaceful environment, I felt complicated about my actions. But there is nothing I can do about this, who knows what kind of problems he would cause when he wakes up again. Still... my hands can't help but shake even though I had mentally prepared myself.

How unsightly of me.

Here I am... taking this man's life but I can't even do it correctly. No... I can't tell if there's a right way to do it but I should at least do it without doubting or hesitating. It is the least I can do.



Taking everything I needed from the man, i tore his shirt a little to make a pouch with the cloth I oobteine, where I could carry few of the things in this room with me... you never know when they will come handy.

I frowned as I looked at myself in detail, I am covered in blood as I was not careful when I tried to kill Naberius. A bloodied patient's gown, is very eerie.

Unfortunately, I won't have enough time to change into something else... not Iike I have anything to change into either.

Checking that I got everything I could, I moved to the exit of the room.

I must leave this place at once, I heard him speaking before he entered, so someone will come here soon.



Moving as stealthly as I could, I was able to arrive near the damned elevator, however... there were two people guarding it.

Using it to reach the floor I want seems impossible for now. There is no was I can win against two fully alerted devils. Getting this far was because I took Naberius and the earlier guy by surprise. Besides... They look pretty tough.


Clinking my tongue at what I saw, I wondered if they were there because I escaped and they are looking for me with that in mind... or it was because they found that guy's body already. There was not usually people guarding the elevator after all.

It is a pointless worry though... as it won't change what I have in front of me.

My other choice should be the stairs...



When I got close to the stairs, I found no one guarding them. It smelled like a trap... so I used my ability and saw behind the door that divides the corridor with the stairs. There I found someone lying in wait.

Yeah... It is not going to be that easy. Without my ability I would've failed pretty much since beginning. Still... Only one person? Is that guy's understimating me? Or is there another reason why there are not many people trying to catch me?.

Either way, this works for me.

Getting closer to the door, I strenghtened my body with Ki the best I could. It is lacking compared to my usual strenghtened self, but I should be able to move better with it than without so I have no choice.

As I stood infront of the door, I tried knocking and slightly moving the door but the person on the other side did not react.

How annoying.

Taking a scalpel from the pouch, kicked the door open and threw as fast as I could at the location of the person.

As I expected, he was waiting for me. Slightly dodging to one side, he avoided my attack. But I did not wait until it happened to attack again, as I threw the first scalpel, I had already taken another one with my other hand and I had thrown it at the guy.

He also avoided the second one, but I kept throwing until at the 5th one, he got hit.

However, I had to take cover as he was able to cast magic even when he was evading and the hit did nothing to stop him either.

Getting out of the stairs zone, I used the walls as a cover. Just in time to avoid a wave of fire burning the place I had been a few seconds ago.

Not daring to put my head in danger by peering through the door, I used my ability. I was able to see through the wall as the guy took the scalpel out before hesitating and getting closer... perhaps to confirm if his attack managed to land on me... or if I avoided it.

Controling my breath that became slightly erratic at the encounter just now, I patiently awaited for the guy. Making a quick calculation, I prepared to hit him. And just as he crossed the door... I with all the strenght I had, hit his nether regions.


A loud shout followed my actions, it even made me feel a bit of sympathy for the guy as a fellow man.

I then waited when he inclined forward as a reflex, so I could hit right on the chin. However, it was not enough to take care of him.

As he watched me begrudgingly and hatefully... I tried to hit him as he took a few steps backwards in order to avoid me, but the way he was standing slight hunching forward made it awkward for him to effectively do so. The proof of that was that I connected a few punches all over his face. Still... he was a tough one, he was preparing a magic circle to cast magic even after my continuous punches. Perhaps they are too weak to really affecting him, or he is just tough. In that case...

Taking the last scalpel from my pouch, I stabbed him right on the neck. The first stab only angered him, but by the second and third stab, he began losing strenght. Wobbly on his feet, he glared at me hatefully one last time as the life little by little began to leave his eyes.

For a moment I thought I saw something leaving his body, but I could've been wrong.

Feeling slightly guilty again, I bit my lips to regain my bearings. It was not time to think about this kind of stuff... The noise surely will attrack more people(devils) over.

Giving one last look at the guy, I retrieved the scalpels I had thrown and started to descent the stairs, my steps might've been a little heavier... or perhaps I was just getting tired.

Who knows...

∆ Part 3

Having taken care of his wounds already with the help of a vial of Phoenix Tears, Theodore was sitting on his desk and his mood was terrible.

In front of him, there a subordinate that just reported the failure at capturing subject 10032.

"So... You are saying that not only you have failed to catch him, but there were also some casualties?. Subject 10032 is at Low-Class(high). And while he does not have his collar, he still has the restrains that stop him from using Ki. Without it, he is just a small youkai. What's wrong with you, imb*ciles!? I clearly told you to remain vigilant. I can accept it if he took you by surprise... but the b*stard that was waiting for him. He has no excuse. To begin with, what was he doing alone?". Complained Theodore.

Swallowing the retorts he had in mind as they would probably anger his superior more, the subordinate just tried to explain on behalf of the dead guy.

"He was waiting for the other person that was suppose to wait with him. Apperently his pairing was suppose to be Zeke... But he... was found dead". Explained the subordinate.

"So the little b*stard is out for blood huh... The report from the time he was captured said that he did not kill despite his situation back then but it seems that we can't trust that report at all". Muttered Theodore as pondered.

The subordinate that observed him just felt bitter at his lack of reaction for the death of his own subordinates. He was already aware of the personality of his superior but he at least hoped that he treated the dead with some level of respect... Although it is absurd to expect that from a Naberius. Their innate magic is related to the use of corpses after all.

"Send more people after subject 10032. Don't let him wander around too much. We can't put all of our force on him right now so get to it now. Don't forget... You must not act alone". Reminded Theodore.

As the subordinate left to take care of the order he gave just now. Theodore was left thinking.

An uncanny timing that the patrols seemed to be focusing in the area this facility is. For extra precaution he had to send a good number of his people to reinforce the barrier just in case. Although he is confident on it, he just can't help but to doubt that something bad might happen. The earlier surprise he got from subject 10032 was enough for the whole day. To be prepared, he will not blindly expect it to be flawless.

Deciding to stay in his office to wait for any news, Theodore wondered how much time this will take. The wounds were no more, but if he closes his eyes... he can vividly remember each of stabs that subject 10032 gave him. It is not a pleasant feeling. He hated to get involved in fights, he also loathed that stupid invent of 'Rating games'. One of the reasons was that he is not as strong as more than ninety percent of the participants, but above all, he just hates feeling pain. Having to through that bothersome even before, he just resented everyone who made him enter the competition.


The mood in the room was a little restless today, Kuroka and Shirone were sitting on floor of their room as they had moved their beds to block the door just in case someone wanted to come in. They were just gazing at the door in a complicated manner.

Kuroka felt like she should try to lift the mood so she spoke.

"Let's play a game-nya! I saw you playing with Nora-nya before, you stare at each other to compete who can last longer, right-nya?". Asked Kuroka trying to sound cheerful.

Her sister Shirone just turned her head from staring at the door to stare at her. Thinking that Shirone was up to the game, Kuroka leaned forward a little to focus more but...

"No...". Replied Shirone as she turned her head back.

Her sister did not actually want to play, she just took a while to answer... like it usually happens.

Smiling wryly, Kuroka was feeling a little jealous at Nora for being able to play with her little sister so easily.

Thinking about him again, she could not help but to worry. What he said is something she is not sure how he is going to accomplish, but she is aware that there is no way that he is going to have it easy.

Kuroka had some hope that he might succeed, otherwise she wouldn't have followed his words and stayed inside the room with Shirone who did not really ask why they should do that.

A part of her wished that he just walked through that door and just took her and her sister away from this place. She... hated to be here. It made her sick with worry everything she thought what kind of experiment is being done on this facility on a daily basis. And what kind of experiment they would put her through.

To be honest, she would gladly go along with any kind stuff they might to her as long as Shirone is ok... but... what if they try to do something like what they did to her to Shirone?. Kuroka might have to do something to protect her.

But now... Nora will probably be doing that in her place. Even though she is suppose to the older one... that cheeky but kind Nora will...

Thinking about it, he never really called her 'Onee-chan'. Maybe it is because she is not being reliable enough.

Deciding to stop those negatives thoughts, Kuroka just tried to think positively.

Overthinking won't get you nowhere, but she does not believe that her thoughts are completely wrong. Nora won't be able to do this alone. But he asked her to wait for him here... if she tried to leave to help him and ended up causing him more trouble, she wouldn't know what to do.

"Onee-sama, let's just wait for him". Shirone suddenly said.

Surprised as she did not expect Shirone to talk, Kuroka did not react at once. Thinking about the words she just said...

"You know about what he told me before-nya? We thought you were sleeping...". Muttered Kuroka.

After a few seconds of wait, Shirone finally decided to talk again.

"I was awake, and I also heard you two clearly. He... Nora, is trying to take us out of here. That is why I did not say anything when we stayed here... I thought it was time". Explained Shirone, unusually speaking in long sentences.

Not being sure if she should be surprised at Shirone speaking to her in long sentences or how she actually heard them talking, Kuroka just blinked without saying a word.

"Since when did you start staying awake when we talk-nya?". Managed to ask Kuroka.

"Sometimes, it is... amusing hearing you two talk". Replied Shirone.

Her tone did not change, but Kuroka could feel that she was saying the truth from the way her expression softened a little.

"You are opening up to him-nya. Are you interested in him?". Asked Kuroka.

Taking the opportunity that Shirone was being chatty, Kuroka decided to approach a topic that she was meaning to ask.

"That is not true!". Exclaimed Shirone somewhat strongly.

"It is nothing bad-nya. I am happy that you are showing interest in other people-nya. Nora is a good kid, so I am sure that you can become friends with him". Said Kuroka.

Noticing how Shirone, reacted with about more emotions than usual, Kuroka knew that the conversation will soon touch the problem.

"He and I are not friends...". Muttered Shirone.

Smiling wryly at that response, Kuroka decided to push for a bit more.

"You know... You can't just keep saying that-nya. If you try to keep your distance because of-". Said Kuroka before she was interrupted.

"No! Don't say anything more... just don't". Said Shirone rather emotionally, her expression went from a neutral one to a deject one.

Thinking that perhaps she was not able to approach the topic correctly, Kuroka decided to drop the subject for now. As it wasn't the first time that she tried to speak about it, Kuroka knew that it was better to stop now... although...

"Ok-nya, I won't say anything more-nya. But... I think you should consider my words-nya". Said Kuroka at last before she finally decided to not speak a word more.

It was Nora's actions that impulsed her to push for bit more today. She thinks that at some point, they will have to speak about this more in detail. Maybe Shirone was not ready, but if she does nothing about it then who knows when she will be.

As her big sister who worries about her well being, she will try to help her the best she can.


"You lost him again!? How can that be? Are imb*ciles taking this seriously or not?". Angrily yelled Theodore at his subordinate's report.

"Sir... He just avoids us. Whenever we try to keep the stairs blocked, he would look for any of the other ones that have a thinner defence. He would sometimes lure away the guards, and other times he would just charge straight into the stairs, forcing his way through before opening the door to another floor. Even if we try searching the floor we never manage to catch him". The subordinate tried to explain himself.

Glaring angrily at his subordinate, Theodore said.

"It still means that you were not able to catch him. A failure is a failure. Just one kid is enough to play around with you guys?. This is why you can't trust other people with a job you can do by yourself". Muttered Theodore.

The subordinate found those words unfair but he just remained silent in order to avoid anymore more yelling. For someone who always likes to act composed, his superior sure had a short-fuse when things did not got as he wanted, thought the subordinate.

"Tell everyone that we should wait for him a few floors lower than what he was last seen. What floor did you lost the last time?". Asked Theodore as he was getting ready to head out and join the search.

"That's... well...". Unsure if he should answer that question, the subordinate just mumbled a few words.

Annoyed at that display, Theodore glared coldly at his subordinate.

"I don't have time for your games, speak!". Said Theodore.

"37th floor...". Replied weakly the subordinate.

Fearing his superior response the subordinate just closed his eyes fearfully.

"WHAAAT!? THE 37TH FLOOR? WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU GUYS DOING? WHY ARE YOU WASTING YOUR TIME HERE!? LET'S GO!". Shouted Theodore in the loudest tone he had done so far.

Begrudgingly cursing his co-workers for sending him to report this time, the subordinate just left his superior's office to regroup with his co-workers and give chase to subject 10032 again.

∆ Part 4


*pant* *pant*

I finally... arrived.

The damn 37th floor.

I managed to get through all those guys guarding the stairs after a lot of trouble. It took me a great effort to do so. My body is riddled with scratches that I would get when they tried grap me but failed to do, burns and cuts that were caused by magic spells... there are also a few hits I took here and there.

There is nothing I can do about it. The luck I had at the beginning was short-lived, those guys started to move with or more people. I had to avoid them in most cases, which I was able to do so thanks to my ability. Being able to observe their locations and movements without they seeing me is one of the things that allowed me to get this far.

Although, recklessly charging into them sometimes to just run straight down the stairs and avoid fighting had something to do with it as well. It is practically the reason that I am covered in wounds so I can't praise my actions as the best. But it was either that or fight and risk getting caught.

My poor pouch became lighter than before, I was down to three scalpels and from the other medical supplies that I had saved... I was down to some bottles of alcohol. Truly a shame, I had inside some nocive acid and other narcotics inside, but I had to use them to help me escape.

Oh well, I took them with that thought in mind so they certainly did their job. I wish I had more though.

Now then... this is it.

In this floor I will be able get rid of this hateful restrains.



What I believe to called 'Control room' is literally at the center of the floor. There are a good number of guards making rounds all over. They are not on pairs either... groups of four at least.

It is not usually like this... or so I had observed.

Not sure what the best way to go is, but I can't take my time to observe them either. I will have to go and act depending on the situation.

Oh? Nothing particularly changed though...



Sneaking here and there, I was able to avoid a few guards, but those were only the ones farther from the control room, and they were scattered as compared to the closer you get to the center of the floor where they are more packed. The whole lay out of this floor makes impossible to head straight to the center following one way... although thanks to that I have been able to avoid trouble until now.

From here on, I have to pay attention not only to the front but also my back as well.

If they manage to corner me... the odds are against me getting out of that. Even though they are not trying to 'kill' me for some reason, I can just expect that it will go well.

Even the mightest hero can be killed if they are hurt in a bad place... that leaves much to think since I am just some weak youkai trapped in a facility full of enemies.



It was time.

I was not found yet, but it will happen in just a few seconds. To lay in wait or to attack... attacking is the best I can do. I need to take the initiative here. Standing my ground is useless since I can't for them to surround me.


Sticking close to the corner of a wall, Nora waited for the best timing to attack the approaching enemies. There were five people(devils) walking throught the corridor, about to arrive to a corner where Nora was.

Taking out a few things from the pouch, Nora took a deep breath to calm himself down and concentrate.

Seven meters, six meters... the distance between them was rapidly shrinking.

When there were just two meters separating them, Nora quickly dashed out of his hiding spot. With a bottle of alcohol in one hand and an scalpel in another, he threw the bottle at the ceiling, breaking after the collision, the content was spilt all over the five devils.

"Aaaargh, my eyes! It's in my eyes!"

"Ahhh! Be careful, it's the kid"

"Urgh, Cell and Zest, you two cover the rest of us while we recover"

As only the closest to him reacted and directed their sight to what was thrown, blinding their eyes upon the alcohol making contact with them. Only three devils were affected. The two in front were the most affected, and one in the middle, probably the leader of the group as he was giving orders, was not completely blinded and he was able to swiftly react and give order

The devils named Cell and Zest moved to take a position where they could cover the others as they were ordered. While that happened, Nora did not stop moving to stare them, he instead shortened their distance with his body reinforced with Ki as it granted him better specs that not having it.

With one hand free, he took the two other scalpels he had left from pouch and threw both of them at one of blinded devils. The attack hit its mark, although there were no fatal wounds. One was lodged on his chest, and the other on his stomach.

Cursing, as his aim was a bit off since he wanted to hit the neck, Nora did not stop getting closer jumped at the injured man. Being careful to actually hit the mark and not miss, Nora kicked the scalpel that was sticking on the chest of the devil, puncturing his lung, as the attack before was not enough to pierce through the chest.


The devil screamed in pain as the scalpel sunk in his flesh.

Nora without wasting his time, grabbed the man from his uniform with his free hand, and using his feet still on the man's chest as a foothold to keep his equilibrium and stabbed the man in throat. Using his knowledge from his studies in medicine, he swiftly stabbed his main artery, before he had to jump backwards as the other two devils were finally near him.

As his body was filled with adrenaline, Nora was in a heightened state. His senses were sharper than before. Many thoughts coursed through his head but the time barely moved forward.

Watch as one the two devils who came forward stopped in place to aid his fallen comrade, Nora had an idea.

Deciding his next action he charged straight at the other devil who was preparing to cast magic... and ran past him. The devil was surprised as he expected to be attacked, but since no harm came to him... his magic was not stopped. Changing his aim from the front to Nora's new new location, a stream of water was shot at Nora... who avoided the attack as he was ready for it.

The stream of water failed to hit Nora, but it hit the comrades of the devil who were being him... comrades that were sent flying.

"What are you doiiiiing!"


"Stop it!!!"

Hastily halting the magic, the devil was flustered at that result. His magic hit his comrades sending them away. He planned to do that to that child as there were orders to keep him alive, so he did not want use a destructive spell. Thankfully he used a non-lethal one, otherwise... he could've killed his comrades.

Just after evading, Nora did not stop to watch the result of the attack, he used the change where the devil was distracted to throw his last scalpel at the distracted devil.

Which even when aimed at the neck again, got stuck in the eye.

"Arh! You little!!!!!"

Shout from rage and pain, the devil covered his eye with a hand, and with the other pointed at Nora he casted another spell.

As Nora felt the temperature around him lowering, he had a bad feeling so jumped at the wall and used it as a foothold to reach the devil.

Having unknowingly avoided the floor frozing, Nora just focused on his enemy. Jumping from the wall to the man, Nora did not manage to hit him as he dodged the attack. His feet landing on the other's side wall, he jumped again without stopping for a moment, mid air, as the devil tried to dodge him again... Nora twisted body to try to reach the guy, but still failed.


Clicking his tongue at his double failure in a row, Nora took a moment to observe his surroundings. He was close to the control room. The noise from the fight probably had attracted nearby guards. It was already lucky that no one had interfered so far so... after pondering for barely one second, Nora left the scene.


The fight just now went well at the beginning... although I was only able to badly hurt two of them, and I even used all of my scalpels. The only good thing is that I was not hurt one bit there.

Not sure how things will go next though.



Moving through the corridors I wondered one thing. How can I make it out of here even after taking this restrains off.

My strenght will certainly go up, but that does not mean I will get the power to crush any kind of enemy. It will hardly matter if they use sheer numerical advantage on me... that is without counting on the skilled people(devils) that might be sent after me.

It was a tricky issue but maybe there is something I could do to avoid a fight were a large number of enemies swarm at me. It will pretty much depend on the fact that I am able to pull off a certain thing that I just thought.



After just a few minutes from my last fight, I found another group of devils that I could not avoid... just a few meters from the entrance to the control room. A smaller group, with four members instead of the five from before. Unfortunately, I did not have the opportunity fot an ambush.

Compared to the last group, some of them carry what it looks like a self defence stick... or something like that. I wouldn't be surprised if those things could transform into some sort of sword or maybe a gun. It's a world full of myths after all.

Warily watching me, they opted to divide into two pairs. A pair carrying those sticks came closer to me, but remaining at some distance after they walked a few steps. Moving each diagonally from me, they seemed to want to surround me.

As they observed me, I did the same. To be honest, I was more worried about the two at the back more than the ones at front. They were not making any particular movements... however, I doubt that they would just stay quietly like they are now the whole time.

Taking a bottle of alcohol out, I did not throw it. They probably won't react the same as the others since they are keeping my moves in check. But I can use it for more than the small trick from before.

There was complete silence, taking a step forward as I reinforced my body with Ki the best I could... I just threw my body at the direction of one of the guys carrying the sticks. His first reaction at my movements was swinging that stick horizontally at me... which I responded by swinging my bottle too. Taking care of covering my eyes in the process I stopped before getting too close, just at the distance where the stick and bottle would reach each other.

The result was obvious... glass fragments were sent flying everywhere, along with the content of the bottle. And as the alcohol was sprayed over the people close to impact zone.

As I covered my eyes, I had no problems. However, the other guy was not lucky as he was not able to cover himself in time. And I did not waste the opportunity I saw. In my hand remained part of the shattered bottle, and I used that to cut the guy in the hand.

"Ahhhhh, that hurts! The said the he wouldn't more of those!"

"Stop whining, they said 'probably'. Get back here"

Such a exchange could be heard, but I did not pay it any mind. I had to move swiftly in order to actually cut the guy. Instead of cutting him I ended sticking the bottle on his wrist making him drop the stick. Although I was not able to follow the idea as I had it in mind, my aim was the stick all along so everything worked out well.

Not forgetting to grap the stick, I had to immediately dodge to one side twisting my body as another stick came swinging at me vertically. It was a really close call as I watched the stick ¹pass awfully close to my face.

Jumping backwards to take some distance, I took another look at my surroundings. Only to have to throw my body down to the floor to avoid a flash of lighting coming.

"Take this change to strike him while he is down"

Rolling on the floor to avoid another flash of lighting, I used the impulse of the roll to get up quickly. As I gripped the stick thoughts, I prepared for any incoming attack. But I was surprised to find the stick gave out sparks.


Although that means the one that other guy has probably can do the same. Mentally telling myself to avoid a direct hit at all cost, shortly pondered what to do. But considering my options, I put my focus on taking down the weakest link.

However, using the time I spent evading, he had increased the distance between us with the help of one his comrades.

Not giving up, I was not going to let this opportunity go.

I found it a bit scary to get close to the guy who carries the stick as the electricity that it had could numb me for enough time for them to catch me, or just plainly knocking me out. Nevertheless, I still charged at guy, taking care of having him stand in the middle of the two magic users and me.

"Hey, move it. We can't attack him with you in the middle!"

There is something I noticed before as they both swung their sticks... these guys suck. Probably lacking practice with it, or just being plainly terrible at it. They swing leaving many openings as they use long movements.

That is something... that I can use.

Getting closer, I saw the guy swing the stick horizontally. Due my smaller height he used a lower than normal attack pattern. Which I exploited by leaping and connecting a swing of mine aimed at his neck, where upon contact I gripped tighter the stick letting out the electric charge onto his bare neck.


A bunch of nonsense came from the mouth from that guy, which I didn't understand.... although what I did understand is that if he was still able to make sounds like that, then he was still holding out so I kept pressing until I saw his eyes roll back.

One down.

As he fell forward, I thought of evading but that would put me on the way of those other guys spells. So I took the guy as a shield and ran that way in the direction that those two were.

"What a nasty kid, he is using John as a meat shield"

"We are suppose to be the devils but... he is on another level. I had even felt pity for him"

Hey, if you truly felt that way then just leave me alone. I don't have that many choices here.

Doing my best ignore those comments, I put more strength in my grip... and when I got closer, I threw the guy in the their direction.

Watching the two got caught up with that... wait, the two?. Where is the other one?.

The answer to that came from a kick that connected with my side at full power that sending me flying until crashed straight into the wall. Then I fell to the floor.

The pain assaulted me but above all, I was out air and had problems catching my breath.

*cough* *cough*

Trying to stand up I noticed that I had unknowingly dropped the stick.

"You sure caused problems..."

I could hear the guy saying something but I was not paying attention to that. The kick did really a good one on me, if it hadn't be from the reinforcing effect in my body, the impact would've been enough to put me out. They do not look like it, but they are rather strong.

Half kneeling on the floor, I was barely able to raise my head before a hand gripping my hair and then slamming me against the wall.

Instantly, my vision was shaken. I could felt a damp feeling on my back.

Is that blood?.

Damn it.

"Don't you know it is rude to not say anything when others speak?"

Said the guy who had me pressed me against the wall by my hair.

My thoughts were not in the words he said but...

Thinking on how this was a major screw up on my part. What can I do?. I got no weapons... only my hands... hands huh. They won't be able to harm him, however... what if...

Cutting the full reinforcement I had on my body, I focused all my Ki into my left hand. Imagining the shape... the basic of the basic. An extension of my fingers, slightly longer and much slimmer.

What do cats have?

The answer is claws.

"Hey, stop ignoring me. I sa-ARRRRRRGH!"

As he kept talking to me he did not see when my new clawed hand made five cut wounds on his arm.

Screaming from the pain, he released me.

I was disoriented but I knew that it was not time to rest so I immediately swung my arm at his guts, then at his legs. I kept doing it because I understood that they were shallow wounds. This is still an improvised technique so the damage is lesser than the intended.

Blood was inevitably spilled from my attacks, and at some point I stopped hearing him scream. Stopping my actions to see what happened, I found him fainted.

*cough* *cough* *cough*

Still having difficulties to breath, I turned to the remaining two.

"You two are next..". I tried to sound intimidating but my voice was barely audible.

One of them did get scared a little as he took a step back, but realizing that they still had the advantage he gulped and took a step forward.

Really, just go.

Internally complaining I began to walk in their direction while removing my claw made of Ki and reinforcing my whole body again. After all, I was able to keep with their movements thanks to it. However, I came to a stop as I saw the I had the door to the control room just beside me.

Moving hand to my waist, I found the pouch still there. Sighing in relief I took out the card moved in front of the card reader. After an simple beep, the door opened.

I had no time to marvel at the interior of the room because an attack came flying my way again so I just evaded by leaping forward... finally arriving at my objective.

And that's it for today's chapter.

Before anyone start saying stuff.... I got to say, there is no way that everyone is a damn power house. Most of those guys were Low Class, or Middle Class at most. So take that into account.

That said... not much was said that facility where Naberius worked in the Canon. Well, I just made up a bunch of stuff here.

One more thing... The MC will not want to have Kuroka to help him in any way during the escape. Do recall how she was judged as a criminal after killing the guy even though he was a total scumbag. Making her stay in her room is to avoid any kind of possibility that she gets blamed by anything if she attacks anyone.

Mmmmm, I guess that's what I wanted to say.

Thanks for reading.

Good day to you.