
∆ Part 1

My consciousness returned little by little, my first thoughts when I felt my body again was... it's sore. Damn it, it is hard to move. Above all, I could feel someone messing with my cat ears... Huh?.

At once I peeled my eyes open, my last memories came back to me at once so I practically jumped from the place I was.

"Ah, be careful!". I heard a concerned voice.

But it was too late, I had already jumped... and everything that goes up... eventually goes down. Which I did.

"Urgh...". I groaned in pain as I fell to the floor.

Looking up, I saw that had jumped from the bed...? It doesn't look like a normal one. Rather... where am I?.

"Are you ok? I was surprised when you suddenly opened your eyes". A pair of eyes which I had recollections of seeing before were curiously staring at me. The owner of those eyes had spoken slightly concerned.

I blinked at that sight. It is now that it hit me... those eyes, that appearance. She was the one who saved me. For a moment I just engrave her appearance into my eyes. Serafall truly is a beautiful girl, who looks to be in her late teens with black hair, tied into twin tails and blue eyes. She also has a child-like body... with a mature part, her breast being slightly larger for her size, which is around 160 cm I think seem to recall.

As her fan, I am not sure what to say...

Perhaps taking my silence as confusion, or simply caution. She just smiled kindly and...

"Nice to meet you☆. I am the Maou Serafall Leviathan☆. Call me Levia-tan☆. Or you can call me as you did before, Sera-tan☆. It has also a nice ring to it~". Said Sera-tan, I mean, Serafall-san in a cheerful tone. Even striking a pose.

It is now that I seem to notice that she is wearing her famous Magical Girl outfit.

I unconsciously smiled at her actions.

"Nice to meet you... First of all, thank you for help. If it weren't for you...". I did not forget to thank her as I stood up.

Brightly smiling at my words, she just walked my way before... she started to pet my ears.

"Don't mind, don't mind~. I am paying the favor for what you did before so you don't have to thank me. I am just glad that you are fine~". In a good mood, she said.

Still, why am I being petted now? Is this what they call to be spoiled by an older girl? But Kaa-san did it before, the same with Yasaka-san... Still having Serafall-san doing it sure brings me a different kind of feeling. I guess that my feelings as a fan are kicking in.

Deciding to leave her do as she pleases, I don't ask the obvious and just look around on my own. No matter how I look at this room, it seems to be a hospital. I guess I was brought here after my whole ordeal. Then, I widen my eyes.

"Excuse me, if I might ask. Do you know what happened to the two girls that were with me in that facility? Can you tell me where they are?". I asked.

Can't be sure if she will know I am talking about, but she is the only one I can ask for now.

"So soft, so soft~ Hehe~ Eh? Ah, that? Well, don't worry, Sirzechs-chan apparently took them personally to his parent's mansion. We wanted to make sure you where alright first before we took you to meet them, Grayfia-san and I brought you to an hospital to receive treatment". Explained Serafall-san as she stopped her actions.


That takes a weight off my shoulders. I am glad they are ok. It was all worthy as long they are fine.

The question is... will everything turn out fine?. Well, that is a stupid question. The future is not set in stone.

Stealthly bring her hands to my ears again, she began caress them all over.

It felt ticklish, but I don't mind if it's this much.

Doing a self-diagnostic, I found myself to be mostly healed. Recalling the state I was in, this was probably the result of using Phoenix Tears on me. Although I noticed a few bandages wrapped around my arms, chest and face.

Bringing my hand to lightly touch those places, I could still feel a slightly amount of pain. It seems I underestimated the damaged I received, to be like this after using a vial of that thing proves that those guys were not pulling their punches. Fortunately, I can manage this sort of damage on my own.



Minutes later, I was seated. In a rather strange place. Not exactly strange, but more like uncommon.

As I had tried to lay down on the bed again, I felt a pair of arms wrapped around me from behind and I was lifted. It confused me at first, but I was even more confused when I was put on Serafall-san's lap as she continued to pet my ears.

I say... if she is like this as I am now, I can only imagine what she would do if I became a cat in her presence.

"Serafall-sama, if it is not to much to ask... Why are you being so... Hmmm, friendly with me?". I timidly asked.

I wondered if my question could be seen as rude so I was unsure how she would react. And while I enjoy this situation as a fan, I am belwildered as why she is being like this.

At my words, she stopped her actions, and turned my body side ways so I could see her face.

"Non, non~ I told you before, call me Levia-tan☆ Or as you did before, Sera-tan☆. Understood~?. As for why...? No reason, I think you had it bad enough already so I am just trying to spoil you a little. Sorry if you didn't like it. So-tan also gets mad at me sometimes for acting like this...". She spoke playfully at the beginning, even winking when she told me how to call her. But the later part was said in a more serious tone, and it ended when she put depressed expression.

Ah, damn it. She is being unfair here.

"I don't mind it then... You can continue doing what you were doing before I spoke, Serafall-san". I spoke while scratching my head. I don't think I can call her that again.

"Hehe~ As expected of So-tan's friend! You are a good kid. Although I would be more happy if you called me like I told you to. You don't have to worry about acting reserved around me. So-tan's allies are my allies. So-tan's friends are my friends. So you can call me more familiarly, Nora-chan☆". Said Serafall-san cheerfully.

This is girl is a toughie.



At the end, I lost to her momentum and I accepted to call her like she asked sometimes.

But something came up and she had to leave. It seemed serious so I asked if it had to do with Kuroka-chan and Shirone-chan. Since she denied it, I did not ask anything else.

Devil's business are devil's business. I can't just get involved... nor I want to. Even after who knows how much time I had to rest, my body felt exahusted. Not exactly pyshically but more like mentally. I had struggled at the facility, and then at the prison. Anything more and I wouldn't be able to withstand it no matter how my Ki heals me.


Walking out of Nora's room with light steps and humming softly, Serafall came to face someone she knew after going a couple of floors down.

"He is awake, Grayfia-chan~". Said Serafall in a good mood.

The person(devil) who was waiting on the hallway breath a sigh of relief.

"How is him?". Asked Grayfia.

"His ears are very soft just like you told me to☆". Replied Serafall with a smile.

*Cough* *cough*

Surprised a little at those words, Grayfia coughed to hide the embarrassment she felt to hear that.

"No, not that... I was talking about his mental state. He went through a lot in a short amount of time, there is also his body. Even though we used two vials of Phoenix Tears, he still seemed to be in pain". Inquired Grayfia.

Changing gears, Serafall put on a more serious expression.

"He seems... fine. I couldn't really find anything wrong with him. Although I am not an expert. As for his body, that is even more complicated. I heard you mention about his mother's skills, and he seems to be able to do the same rather aptly on a lower scale. While I had him on my lap I could feel him using Ki for what I believe was to heal any damage that remained. In short... He is an amazing child". Muttered Serafall softly.

"I see". Replied Grayfia.

The mood had become a little heavy so Serafall went back to her usual self to change the mood.

"Well, I have to go☆ It is time to punish the bad kids who have been naughty☆". Cheerfully said Serafall, but it could hardly hide her anger.

Smiling wryly at that, Grayfia just shook her head.

"I will talk to the doctors here just in case, if he is fine I will take him to reunite with the other girls... after that, I will catch up to you. So don't forget to leave me something". Spoke Grayfia before Serafall left.

"Sure~" Said the Maou Shoujo at last before teleporting away.


That day, many devils in the underworld heard the news. A small number noble Clans of the 72 pillars were arrested under multiple charges. Leading the forces were the Four Maous, but what surprised many was the full support they received from the Bael Clan, whom they are usually at odds.

Many tried to resist or raise complains, acussing the Four Maous of going overboard. And while the regular citizens indeed found to be too much. A public announcement that was transmitted on TV exposed the crimes of those Clans. It left everyone fearful of their safety, but at the same time it reassured them their government was doing something to catch any wrong doer, regardless of their position.

∆ Part 2

Finally getting rid of the damned patient garbs and the prisoner clothing, I wore a simple white long shirt and black pants, cortesy of Grayfia-san. The size fit me perfectly, and I was once again in awe at a maid's skills. Because she probably picked them by relaying in sight... right?.

"Is it really alright for me to freely walk around? I mean I did a lot of things tha-". Having changed, I was preparing to leave the hospital's room when I started to talk to the only other person who with me this time, although I did not manage to finish my words.

"It is fine. We will make arrangements on our end. It was thanks to you handing that box containing such important information that this matter will be solved for good. Taking your situation into account, and the way you were handled... You won't receive any punishment". Explained Grayfia-san in a resolute tone.

I guess I got to thank Naberius for that one... haha, that was a good joke. Too bad that no else heard it.

"How about those girls? Kuroka-chan was in that guy's peerage after all". I asked feeling a little anxious.

This was a really important matter. I am not sure how much dirt will fall on Naberius after this incident, if the blame shifted to the rest of his peerage, then Kuroka-chan could still ended up in a bad position.

"You mean the Nekomata sisters, right? Then you don't have to worry either. Sirzechs-sama took care of that already. They are under his protection and custody, although that is what it will be for outsiders. He told me that he would respect those girls will, and let them decide what to do". Answered Grayfia-san. Who perhaps had read my mood since she spoke in kind tone.

Am I that easy to read?. However, I can't deny that I felt relieved to hear that.

"Thank you... I am not sure what to else to say. I... even though I did my best, at the end. If it weren't for you people, they could've been in a bad position. So let me thank you once again... Thank you very much for your help". I let out my honest thoughts as I thanked her, while I bowed my head.

It doesn't matter how much I did, neither how hard I fought. My methods alone would've lead them, no, us... into a difficult and dark future.

I did not hear a reply even after a while so I raised my head to see Grayfia-san making a complicated expression, she seemed to be torn between speaking or staying quiet.

Her reaction confused me. My common sense might be from my old world but... I did try to be grateful. Did I screw up?.

"It's the less we could do, your presence back then was the only reason why I was able to find those two in perfect health. And your mother did a lot for Venelana-sama too. *Sigh* Nora-kun... about your mother...". Grayfia-san hesitated to continue speaking.


"We still have not found her whereabouts... sorry...". Regretfully said Grayfia-san, she couldn't look me in the eyes.

I breathed deeply after hearing that. It is not exactly a good new, but my thoughts had gone in worse direction so this makes it better.


"Grayfia-san, why are you avoiding looking into my eyes?". I inquired.

It is a strange sight to see the strongest Queen acting in that manner.

"My apologies. We-". Grayfia-san prepared to speak further but...

"Ok, stop right there. I don't feel like this is going to be a pleasant conversation from the tone you were using so let us leave this for another time. However, I think that Grayfia-san should act as always... well, I don't think I have met you long enough to be able to use that phrase...". I interrupted her.

I doubt that it will be something good to hear. And honestly, I am tired.

"Serafall-san said that Kuroka-chan and Shirone-chan are at Sirzechs-san's parents mansion... Does that mean they will be with Rias-chan?". I asked in an attempt to change the subject.

Somehow, recalling their relationship from the Canon makes me wonder how they would act around each other now that their meeting is under different circumstances.

Quickly picking up my intentions, Grayfia-san just smiled wryly.

"It is as you said, they were taken there considering their need for 'custody', also... it seemed a good idea to take them to a place where they could relax. Don't have to worry though, as you know, Ojou-sama is very friendly to others. And since she got very interested in Youkais since meeting you, she will treat them kindly. They will surely get along nicely". Grayfia-san tried to reasure me.

Somehow... that doesn't calm me down.

"I almost forgot, here. This was given to me from a warden. I was suppose to give this to you... although I did not expect that you had made acquantice in the short time you spent in that place". Said the strongest Queen curiously as she handed me a folded piece of paper.

To be honest, I don't recall that. So I just unfolded the paper and read what was written there.

Having finished reading, I was not sure what kind of expression I should make.

"What is it? Does it say something bad? I thought that it was from someone friendly, but it seemed rude to read what was inside... if he wrote a threat then allow me to take care of that". Worriedly said Grayfia-san.

"No, don't worry. It is nothing bad... You wouldn't find him either... *Sigh*". I let out a defeated sigh along with my words.

What do you mean with 'Thanks to you, I made it. Ps: I sent help your way so along with your help this time, you and I are even... and, did you see? My guts were right!'!?. That damned old man...


"Let's just go already...". I spoke a little dispirited.

Sending my mood, Grayfia-san opted for not say anything just prepared a teleportation magic circle.

Ah... I wish I could do stuff like this too.



Our destination was just a few meters before the entrance to the mansion belonging to the Gremory's.

Although, I must say... I did not expect that I would be attacked here from all the places...

I sensed an attack coming from my left and one from my right. Both were threatenng enough so I was about to jump forward to evade when I recalled that Grayfia-san was still in the line of the attacks... although my concern proved to be a needless worry. Miss Maid was not weak enough to be dealt with that. She quickly created one magic circle for each side that stopped the attacks perfectly.

She looked unnecessary cool, but it is to be expected from a maid.

I shook my head to get rid of useless thoughts, the attackers had to be nearby.

Damn it, Will those girls be ok?.

Preparing myself, I was about to walk closer to Miss Maid in case that another attack came, and I almost tripped when...

"Shirone won't work for you-nya! A no is a no-nya!". An angry exclamation was heard coming from my left.

"You are no fun, I just offered it to her because she looked adorable. I won't treat her bad... in fact, you can join too. And with Nora-chan, you would all be together! Isn't that a wonderful idea!? Why do you keep saying 'no'?". A somewhat sulky shout was heard coming from my right.

I face palmed myself at that.

"I recall someone saying 'They will surely get along nicely', I wonder... Who was the one that said that?" I said as I stared at a certain someone in the eyes.

That someone, just evaded my stare... Although for a different reason than before.



Seating in seiza(kneeled) in front of me were two individual, one crimson-haired and on black-haired. Both were rubbing their foreheads tearfully, and their expressions looked crestfallen... in case of one of them, her ahoge was down, and for the other her ears were down, and indicator of their moods.

Grayfia-san just left this to me after confirming that there were no real threats. And went inside the mansion.

"You two, I understand that you can't get along, but taking things this far is too much. You could've injured yourself. To begin with, Rias-chan, using the Power of Destruction on Kuroka-chan is way too much. That is dangerous.". I scolded, starting for Rias-chan.

She just slumped her shoulders dispirited.

"Nyahaha~ You are getting scolded-nya!". Happily jeered Kuroka-chan from the side.

"Kuroka-chan, you are not any better. You went and used Kasha on her. Do you know how dangerous is that technique for devils? I don't think you do because you went overboard". I turned my scolding to the second person(cat-devil) needing it.

She hung her head down, but later slightly raised it and looked at me pityfully with upturned eyes.

"Oh, no. This time that won't work. Reflect on you actions!". I spoke firmly. Although my heart did waver for a moment when she did that.


Oi, Did she just click her tongue at me?. Kuroka-chan has become evil.



A while later, I continued to punish them. And when I was about to forgive them... both of them shared a look then...

"Nora-chan". "Nora-nya". Both said almost competing.

"What? I won't hear your excuses!". I said sternly. I did plan to let them go back to the mansion but I was still angry at them.

I only noticed on the second round of attacks that came flying but the fur of my tail stood and I sweated coldly when I saw what they were throwing against each other. I was truly scared.

"Could you get a little closer?". "Come here-nya". Said both of them.

Following their instructions, I walked forward. Only to be tackled from my front. My brain made me to almost try to evade them, but my instincts told me otherwise so I did so. It is not like I would get hurt from this much anyways.

"I am glad that you are fine, I was worried you know?". Spoke the future Princess of Destruction, this time she was crying... but it was not because I flicked her forehead.

"Nora-nya. Why didn't you come with us? I was lonely, I thought I wouldn't see you again-nya!". Said Kuroka-chan who avoided the fate of being a criminal.

My expression softened at their words.

Lying on the floor, I just recalled what I went through.

Instead of saying something, I just hugged both of them. I didn't think I had to say anything... my actions expressed what I felt more clearly.



Having stood up already, we were about to enter the mansion when I only caught sight of a white blur when I felt an impact on my stomach. I was left breathless for a moment. But one look bellow made me forget the pain.

I must admit that I did not expect this.

Shirone-chan was clinging onto me very tightly, I choose to remain silent and lightly pat her head as I felt the moistened feeling on my shirt. She might not express herself well sometimes, but she is definitely not the cold type.



After that emotional outburst, Shirone-chan along with Kuroka-chan who joined the fray later again, were sticking close to me. The younger group, including me, were now in a room prepared for me to rest. I thought I was too big though, having a bed and even couch and tables for people to sit and talk. I didn't feel particulary inclined to sleep for a while, but I also was not interested in doing anything at the moment so I decided to spend some quality time with the girls. Well, there was a little something I wished to take the opportunity to check now that I am in the Gremory's mansion.

"I have been meaning to ask you but... What happened to your eye? It looks the same color as mine... Your hair is as long as mine too". Asked Rias-chan while curiously staring at my left eye.

Sorry, but I don't know the details. Still, I can't just tell her that some sicko caused this. My hair just grew though.

"I thought I would look cooler this way". I answered with the first thing I came up with.

Kuroka-chan and Shirone-chan both stared at me funnily, but I shook my head to signal them to not say a word. The mood is finally relaxed, and I would have to explain too many things that I would rather not to say.

Rias-chan looked at me doubtfully, but she sighed and did not question me.

"You know what, I am starving... Can you lead me to the kitchen? I would like to make something to eat". I asked.

While I mentioned that to change the subject in case she changed her mind and asked... I was truly hungry. Can't remember how long exactly I have been going on an empty stomach.

At the mention of food, I felt the to clinging cat girls flinching. Rias-chan had a far away look somehow.

"Eh... Sorry for asking...". I apologized.

It was quite a shameless request of me when I am a simple guest.

"No, I can arrange for that, and someone will prepare something for you. It's just... well... we ran out of food, so you will have to wait for a while until they bring more ingredients". Said Rias-chan while scratching her cheek awkwardly.

Say what?. Ah, Kuroka-chan, Shirone-chan, stop squirming, I am trying to talk here.

I gave the two kitties a glare and they both dropped their ears... I did not mean to scold them that badly though.

"No... You don't have to go that far if you are troubled by money...". I spoke.

No food? Damn, Could this be another difference from the Cannon? Maybe they have money issues over here?.

"Nora-chan, someone else would get angry if you said a comment like that. And it is not like that. We just ran out... too quickly". Explained Rias-chan.

Wait... wait. I lower my line of sight to the restless kitties clinging on me, then I raise it and focus it on Rias-chan who nods.


"I am terrible sorry, I will pay for this girls share". I said.

That is way too much food, and they ate it all. I should still have money in the account where they pay me for my novels.

"You don't have to worry, it wasn't as much as you think, there was an event here yesterday so we were low on that area". Replied Rias-chan to my words.

Still, I feel bad about it.

"If you continue saying anything about it I will get angry... We are friends, so this is nothing". Spoke Rias-chan while puffing her chest with pride.

I... well... Ah, whatever. However... friends huh. I won't deny that I feel slightly happy when she still considers me one. Our meeting was rather short and kids tend to forget stuff sometimes.

"Right, right-nya. It is alright because of that-nya". Said a voice who had been quiet until now in a confident tone.

I stared at the speaker expresionlessly. Kuroka-chan... you shameless kitty.

When she noticed my stared she just avoided looking at me in the eyes. Narrowing my eyes I raised my hand and... tickled her.

"Nyahaha, stop! Stop-nya! Nyahaha". Spoke Kuroka-chan while laughing.

"Consider this your punishment. Who was the one who was fighting with 'my' friend when I arrived? It was you! Know some shame". I said in a light hearted tone while I continued to punish her.

Jeez, this girl just do as she pleases if you let her to.

*Stare* *Staaaare*

I felt gazes on me, and I saw the somewhat envious and expectant stare of two other people(devil and cat).

"...You sure get along well". Spoke Rias-chan, her voice sounding a little lonely.

"Nora. Is it fun?". Said Shirone-chan as she kept staring me.


Might as well include them.

"Very... Hehe, for me at least. But don't worry, you two won't be left aside. 'Cuz... We are all friends, right?". I spoke in kind tone of voice, although for some reason I received scared stares.

Not minding that I did a preventive strike at the white kitty who stood no change.

"Hehe, Nora! Hehe, this is no fun, hehe, stop". Pleaded Shirone-chan as she was tickled by me.

Of course, as the kind hearted individual that I am, I ignored her.

"...Eh, I think I am fine like this. I just recalled I have something to do so...". Muttered Rias-chan as she stood up hastily.

Oh no.

"Oh, you won't-nya". Suddenly said Kuroka-chan who taking the opportunity when I was focused on the white kitty to stand up behind Rias-chan.

She skillfully caught her, and the even as she resisted... she brought her in front of me. Is this an offering I wonder?. Kuroka-chan just looked at me like seeking a praise.

Something felt off though...

"Well done, although you won't get away...". I spoke.

Observing like her expression crumbled, it seemed that she thought that I would forgive her if a substitute appeared. Too bad.



As I had continued my tickling, the door suddenly opened forcefully. Someone stood there looking left and right worriedly... but when she caught sight of us.... her expression became blank.

"... You certainly look fine. You are even having fun... even after I came here worried for you, Nora-san...". Spoke certain girl with glasses.

I blinked at that sight, she sounded a little angry.

Leaving alone the vict- girls, the girls laying on the couch, I walked to that someone.

"Sona-chan... Howdy?". I greeted her.

I am not sure what to say to her. Her sister was the one who brought me out of the prison just when I was close to dying, but it was thanks to Sona-chan asking her to do it.

Well... I have no doubts that Rias-chan did not stay still either.

"'Howdy?' Nora-san, I hurried here because I found out that you were take-mhhhghhh". Sona-chan complained but when she was about to mention a certain topic, I covered her mouth with my hand.

Looking behind me, I made sure that all of the girls were distracted trying to catch their breath.

"I am fine, see? It was just a check up, nothing bad happened. But please don't say a word to those girls, they have been very restless and I don't want worry them needlessly... how did you even find out? Rias-chan did not know.". I muttered in a low tone of voice so that only Sona-chan heard me.

Nodding in response, she signaled me to move my hand which I complied.

"You were taken to Serafall Memorial, which is one of the best hospitals there are, and of course, being on my family territory made it easier for me to find out". Explained Sona-chan sounding a little proud.

Didn't know the name of the hospital even though I was there...

"That is amazing". I praised her while I patted her head.

She seemed shy but did not try to back away.

Now then...

I abruptly stopped my action and put both hands on her shoulders.

Confused by my actions... or just because I stopped patting her, Sona-chan tilted her head. But I paid it no mind.

"So you don't feel alienated, you will receive the same treatment". I righteously said.

Connecting the dots, and arriving to the conclusion of what she saw before, Sona-chan tried to get away. Sadly, I won't just allow that.

"It's ok, I don't need that kind of consideration...". Pityfully spoke Sona-chan.

"Don't worry, consider this a bonding time between friends to get to know better. Aren't we friends? Don't you want to get along better?". I asked as I faked a sad expression.

She seemed to waver for a moment after hearing my words.

"We are... and yes. Saying that at this time is unfair". Complained Sona-chan.

I did not reply with words but with actions.

After that, another voice joined the laughing festival that took place in that room.

∆ Part 3

As a result of my actions... I was chased out from the room. Not sure if that was how things should go since it was suppose to be my room, at least for a short period of time.

Regardless of what I thought, I was left outside on the hallway with nothing to do. Since the opportunity presented itself, I might as well take a look around until the girls feel like letting me go back.



I guess this was bound to happen. This mansion belonging to them after all. One individual I already met and...

"So he is the child you told me about. Nice to meet you, I am Zeoticus Gremory, I am the father of Rias Gremory, and while you might not guess from his name, Sirzechs Lucifer too. I finally got to meet you, last time I didn't have the opportunity to thank you for keeping my daughter safe, although it is rather unfortunate how this meeting came to be". Said Zeoticus-san.

Zeoticus, he has the appearance of a middle-aged looking man with long crimson red hair that is tied in a loose ponytail with a black hairband... judged as handsome by many, or so I recall reading in some forums. He has bright blue eyes just like his two children, Sirzechs-san and Rias-chan. He also has a short and red beard.

"Dear, he already met Sirzechs so he already knows. How are you doing, Nora-kun? I was already informed by Grayfia about what happened. I am sadened to hear that such a thing happened in devil's territory. But I am glad that you are doing fine... I wouldn't be able to look at your mother in the eyes if we couldn't find you". Spoke Venelana-san in slightly concern.


Hearing about her but not being able to meet her feels bad.

"Don't worry Nora-kun, we will surely find her just like we did with you. She is someone I am indebted to, and above all, she is a friend of mine". Resolutely said Venelana-san who perhaps noticed my complicated mood.

She truly is missing... Had she been here, the one who would've broken into the prison would be her and not Serafall-san.

"It is as my wife said, well will do everything between our reach to find her". Muttered Zeoticus-san in a firm tone.

"Thanks...". I spoke.

It is what can be done for now, so I will accept all the help I can manage to get. The more people lending a hand, the faster we will find her. I will have to scold Kaa-san severely when I find her... leaving just like that.

Shaking my head to get out of my depressive mood, I turn once again to the people(devils) in front of me.

"My apologies, but... Do you happen to have a library around here?". I asked.

I am not sure if this is their main residence or not so there is the possibility that they don't have one here.

"Looking for a book to read? Sure, let me take you there. Although you are too young so I can't let you read my secret sta- ok, ok, it was just a joke so don't throw that at me". Zeoticus-san slightly joked but later broke in a cold sweat.

The reason? Venelana-san had formed a sphere of Power of Destruction on one hand.


"No, no, I can arrive there on my own. I wouldn't want to interrupt your time together. Well, then... If you will excuse". I hastily took my leave.

I can find it on my own, I could ask for directions from a maid too. I once heard that the most qualified maids would appear if you needed them without having to call out to them... I wonder if that is true.

"Look, you scared the poor child away". Said Zeoticus.

Oh, that doesn't look like a good thing to say. Better hurry and...

"Hooooooh, Am I scary? What part of me is exactly scary? You say some interesting things". Muttered Venelana-san in a sweet tone... but I could feel the thorns hidden beneath those words.

Sorry Rias-chan, I would gladly help you father if this was a regular fight with other kind of enemies... But I can't do anything against her. I will engrave your father's last moments in my head and tell you about it later.

Despite having nonchalant thoughts, my feet did not stop and I left the place safely. The screams I heard were probably my imagination playing tricks on me, for sure.... Rest in peace.



It didn't take long to find the library's location. A kind Maid-san helped me find my way.

I decided to ignore the absurd size it had... if I minded it I feel like I would lose it. Then I retorted mentally more than once as books that practically had the level of a Grimoire(they looked the part just from outside and the grand-sounding names) were at the reach of a child's(my height did not change that much and my body was that of a child) hands.

Thankfully, I did not have to go through all the damn place to find what I was looking for. A book about the 72 pillars.... the 72 devil families.

I had some small bits of knowledge about them, but that hardly amounts to something. And, coming directly from the Gremory's library, belonging to one of those 72 families... the information will be very accurate.

No matter what, all this time in that facility affected me. Although I am not exactly sure how much that guy succeed on making me one, I probably became a devil. This new feeling I had sensed from before in my body is similar to what I believe to be demonic power, but compared to my Ki it is not that noticeable. There is also something I desperately wanted to ignore... thinking that perhaps I am seeing things, but I can catch some things since my escape. Although they are not clear.

Usually people are said to loose a screw when they are crazy, but I might've lost a whole box of them.

Taking the book, I began reading, I did not have forever to do this. Who knows how long I am going to be here. There is Yasaka-san whom I want to meet too.



Leaning on the bookshelf, I was absorbed in my task. There is certainly a lot of information in my hands. In particular, I tried to focus in the characteristics of the different devil clans. 'Power of Destruction' was one of the most famous characteristics that presented itself in Bael descendants. There is the Phoenix 'Inmortality' and Hell Fire and Aerokinesis... I did not focus on them too much as I had an idea about those, but I read how they mention their first generation a lot.

This was somewhat new to me so I could not help to read carefully. Rias-chan's ancestor is mentioned several times including his physical description, along with the original four Maous whom I learned how they more or less looked going just by their features. Zekram Bael, that guy is the one that colluded with the church to kill Masaomi-san and Cleria-san just to keep certain secret like that. Really, I would never want to get involved with someone like him.



Looking for something is not always successful, fortunately I did find information that picked my interest. Well, the descriptions of a certain devil caught my eye, her abilities were somewhat a detail that made me doubt at some point, but it did have a resemble to what I was going through.

Her features... were similar to the woman whose body Naberius took to that operation room. As for what she could do... it is related to souls and spirits. It is said that she commanded ghost and evil spirits. Able to see the lingering spirits of the dead and summon then before her... Heck, that's scary. Ins't that a last boss skill set? She looks like a demon... king... Yeah, I forgot. Devils.

Nevertheless... I am slightly frustrated. Most details about her were removed from this book somehow. Turning the page, I found that it started to talk about a different devil. The page number doesn't match so... this is quite bothersome for me.

∆ Part 4

Walking on the charred floor, a certain individual examined every corner of the floor in detail. Sometimes recovering partly burned files, and some other time finding nothing. It was a tedious work, but he did not complain. In fact Ajukas would actually enjoy collecting this information if the contents did not make him sick.

"There were clear signs of a battle here, and from the report it was mentioned that Theodore Naberius was found dead here. But I must say... this is not possible to be caused by only that child alone. Sirzechs spoke about the origins of the box, but he couldn't have gotten that on his own. Did he have a helper?". Pondered aloud Ajukas.

At least four individuals fought here. There are signs of destruction all over the place, but a simple analysis from his part made him arrive at that conclusion. In that regard, the report was inaccurate in that aspect as well.


A tired sigh escaped his mouth. It seemed that he would need to rewrite the whole report by himself so it would take more time than he initially estimated.

"He is right... 'Deskwork should be erased from the world'". Ajukas remarked the words of that man.

He could help but to think how wise those words were now that he had to work doing those kind of things.



Finishing with that floor, he went deeper, to the last place he could go down.

Fire had made an appearence here, but it was not the same from the floor above. The target here was clearly what was stored here.

Reminding himself to find the culprits, Ajukas, used a number of spells to confirm his reasoning. While it was good to trust his instincts, a more substantial proof would be more helpful. And while he did not find too much, he did find some useful information in the form of a broken storage device. It was not intact as it probably faced the attacks of whoever wanted to destroy what was here. Yet, he could extract information from it with the proper tools... and he could make them in case he did not have them.

Another finding was a certain material that seemed to have been part of some sort of gimmick. Getting it was very difficult so he wondered how Naberius could've have gotten it.

Still, his priority is to collect everything that can be useful, but files and documents are his priority.



Taking a really from the search to compile what he currently has, Ajukas went to his lab again. Using a good number of tools and machines he was able to fix the storage device enough to look what was inside.

"Indeed, it was not a mistake. They tried to reproduce 'Murmur's' abilities with the operations. Yet, I could not find any clue where the body was stored. I did manage to recover the remains of two other devils... but it will take a while to identify them. This doesn't make any sense, where did they get their hands on these?". Wondered Ajukas.

Murmur... It was one of the original 72 pillars, there were not known descendants. And as far as the information of her were, she had quite the dangerous abilities. The fact they tried to reproduce her abilities in that child had to be for some reason in particular.

This line of thoughts made him recall something. There had been clues regarding a certain group of devils belonging to a clandestine organization from what he learned so far. The organization's name had not been mentioned but they were proved to be involved in illegal and highly questionable business.

This whole situation brought a headache to him, Ajukas had been pleased to be able to deal with one of the problems that devil's society had. Which was the corruption of a number of devils families. Now, this appears.

Thinking about it... that child is black-haired, a black-haired Nekomata... a black cat. They are bringers of bad luck.

Shaking his head to erased those nonsensical thoughts, Ajukas continued to work on what was in front of him.


I wonder why... I know that I could not avoid that when I was a younger. Taking baths with Kaa-san... and Yasaka-san(Yay!) was something I could do nothing about, yes, it was inevitable in Yasaka-san's case... I did not resist because of that.

Nonetheless, I was feeling like taking I bath after reading. I was feeling a little weak all of sudden and feverish so I thought that perhaps sleeping would take care of it. Circulating my Ki reduced the symptoms considerably so I did not pay it more attention than it was needed. So I once again relied on maids to find my way... and get me a change of clothes too.

That was rather easy. Arriving at the bath, I politely rejected the need to be helped in my bath. Then, after confirming that I was alone, I closed the door, heck, I even blocked it. Yet... Why?. As I was soaking in the bath...

"Nora-chan! I heard that in Japan you wash each other's back!". Boldly strode in Rias-chan who luckily had a towel covering her body, she was pulling an embarrassed Sona-chan.

No... I mean, yes, but it doesn't work this way.

"Nora-nya! You left me alone-nya!". Complained Kuroka-chan who walked behind the crimson-haired girl.

You were the first one who rebelled and threw me out though?.

"Rias! Boys and Girls shouldn't take baths together. It is not proper". Scolded Sona-chan who was not able to pull away.

I mentally clapped at this girl. The only one with common sense.

"Nora... Why did you left for so long? We were looking for you". Shirone-chan spoke in a sad tone.

...Maybe you shouldn't have literally carried me and send me flying out of the room.

My first action was to take the towel I had nearby to cover myself. I am not a flasher. In that regard, I hastily stood up to reach it so nothing was seen... probably.

Exasperately sighing, I wondered... why. Could I possible have Harem MC qualities?. Nah... I don't get involved in troublesome... things? Wait. No, no. I don't have mostly girls as my friends... actually I only have girls as friends. No, there is He(?) so I am safe. Well, I might try to deny it but there is a pattern here.

Shaking my head in a try to get rid of those thoughts... I find myself losing my equilibrium. Looking down I see the water being colored in a redish color. My first thoughts were... Damn, I wouldn't have adquired the nose bleeding curse Harem MC have, would I?. Touching my nose, I found it to be without blood. Slightly confused... my body couldn't hold it and fell backwards.

As I sank on the water... I noticed that this was not water at all. Having swallowed water when I fell, it tasted different... a nostalgic flavor that I did not taste in this world... Wine.

I did not question my situation... Only, I wondered if it would be pathetic to die drowned after all I went through. Well, considering that this is wine... no, it would still be pathetic.

∆ Part 5

Opening my eyelids, I found myself staring at the ceiling in what I think is the room given to me before. My body felt heavy so I wondered if this was a result from what happened before.

As my other senses woke up, I could detect some slightly familiar fragrances and some unfamiliar ones. Trying to move my arms to sit... I found them to be held down. I must admit that I was in a slightly panic at that moment... what if I was tied down?. But one look to what was holding them down erased that idea out of my head.

Soundly sleeping, I found the girls sprawled all over the bed. Shirone-chan curled on my stomach, Kuroka-chan holding my left arm... well, that explains why I smelled something familiar. And Rias-chan was on my left(clothed thankfully, I recall that she liked to sleep naked on the canon), resting over my arm. A bit more to the left, Sona-chan was sleeping too... there goes the unfamiliar smells then.


I will accept it since they are kids but... they shouldn't do this when they are older.... it will have too much destructive power. Although.... knowing how Rias-chan will turn out to be, I don't know if that will be possible, she is the type to be really affectionate. However... I was surprised that Sona-chan joined the fray. I won't comment on the cat duo as we took naps together.


I will let them sleep for a bit longer.



After a slight hetic wake up when the girls were up, I was lead to meet the Gremory couple in lounge-like room.

"Nora-kun, Are you alright? We were surprised when you passed out on the bath. The girls were scared too". Spoke Zeoticus-san in slightly concern.

You were alive!!! At least Rias-chan will have both parents. And if you were aware of them intruding into my bathing time you should've stopped them. Can't complain too much since they helped me out in the bath.

"I am fine, I don't feel any discomfort either. My body is in perfect condition too". I replied to his words in order to reassure him and the other individual seated besides him.

"However, it was a fact that you passed out. Perhaps we should've taken you to the hospital...". Venelana-san said.

My skills are lacking but I can already guess what this is about. I did know about it but it is frustrating to not be able to solve this on my own. It did not show signs of troubling me until now. Besides... the problem to address is another one.

"Could you keep the secret of what happened to me?". I asked.

For many reasons, this was bad for others to know. Causing unnecessary worry is one those reasons.

"You mean passing out... or perhaps what happened to the water? *Sigh* I understand your concerns but it would be unwise to do so. If you are apprehensive of going to the hospital, our son has a friend who would be able to take a look at you. He is a trustworthy as it can be so you don't have to be wary either". Suggested Zeoticus-san.

Hmmm, I am not afraid of going to the hospital. More like, if I go out again I will get mixed up in some strange business.

"I agree with that. I am not sure of the details but... many things happened to you in that other place. It is literally eye-chatching. And from what my daughter said... before you passed out, she felt demonic power coming from you". Explained Venelana-san.

No need to tell me that. I had already suspected, and just was waiting for confirmation.

"...Alright". I couldn't help but to agree.



"Let me be honest with you. You are not exactly a devil. The process is half-way there. Just the problem you had before is proof that you are in an unstable state. Although... your body seems to be unconciously trying to stabilize itself". Explained the man standing before me.

The Gremory couple did not waste time a took me to see the person whom they were speaking about. The location was a laboratory of some sort so I tensed up and could not relax the whole time. We were guided to meeting room, and while I took a seat, the couple just stood a little farther.

To be honest, after meeting their son's friend I wondered if these guys were so free that they could be bothered anytime but... I am not going to complain. There was also the brief thought about whether I should be surprised... Yet I felt like I would tire myself out if I did so.

"Could you elaborate a little more on that? Also, Do you know the way to fix it?". I asked.

If I am half-way devil, that makes me something similar to a child between a devil and a being of another race... probably.

"I am still taking a look at what was found in that facility. The process itself is somewhat different to how the evil pieces work. They were not turning you into a devil, but more like you are a devil as a side effect. You told me that there were signs of demonic power on your persona, that probably caused what they were trying to archive, reproducing Murmur's abilities". Said Ajukas-san while pointing at my left eye. "Fortunately or unfortunately, the process is not complete. Even if it were, I doubt you become a complete devil".

Shrugging at the end, he just stopped talking.

"Ajukas-kun, you are talking about Murmur's like it was her abilities that were showing. But that is incorrect. We brought him here because he turned all the bath water into wine before passing out". Spoke Zeoticus-san who was waiting along with Venelana-san a few steps behind me.

Those words made Ajukas-kun to widen his eyes. He turned to me.

"...Aren't you able to see strange thing since your eye turned like that?". He said in a very serious tone.

"...Sure". I replied after carefully recalling certain moments during the escape. There was also that place I did not want to recall... where they disposed of the 'failed experiments'.

Ajukas-san just closed his eyes and seemed to ponder what he just heard.

"Wait, I did not hear anything about that. When were you planing to tell us that?". Asked a slightly angry Venelana-san.

Emh... If i say never I would probably be struck down, right?.

"...I will exersice my right to remain silent". I replied. As I turned my head to reply... I could see Zeoticus-san shaking his head trying to signal me not to say that.

Oh oh.

"...I see~". Light-hearted said Venelana-san with a slightly smile.

I gulped at that sight. Her eyes did not match that smile.

"...Even though I read about it, I did not expect that it was possible. *Sigh* Listen, your state is more unstable than I thought. Not only one, but to show signs of the abilities of two different devils. Nevertheless, it is not possible for you to control it as you are now". Muttered Ajukas-san.

...Thought so. You normally don't get strong because some whacko experiments on you. It is already lucky that I am in one piece.

"I will do some check ups on you, and once I have taken a complete look at Naberius' information, I will tell you what can be done. Sorry to hurry you but I am actually busy right now". Said Ajukas-san before walking out the meeting room.

With a sigh, I just followed after him. Before signaling the Gremory couple to stay behind.



The test did not show any abnormal with my body, other than how it was alive considering the strain it was put through... or so murmured Ajukas-san. I did not paid it any mind before, but I might be quite a toughie.

He sent me back to the Gremory's mansion after giving me a bracelet that would keep in check my demonic power so it doesn't run wild like on the bath. Good news though.. my eye went back to how it was before. Well, when I took it off it changed to blue so the change is not a real solution.

I was pestered by the girls about what happened, but I managed to distract them by offering to bake a few things for them. It was also to thank them... so I did my best. Luckily, the kitchen was resuplied so I did not lack any ingredient.

The girls were rather pleased so I think it was a success. Although I won't touch the topic were Sona-chan murmured "...Can I become his disciple?" in a serious tone. Or when Rias-chan and Kuroka-chan fought over the last cookie only to be sneakily eaten by Shirone-chan.

To calm them down, I made more but the Gremory couple also joined the group.

I did not mind it... Although, I was feeling a bit nostalgic when I saw them eagerly eating.

While I could not see Kaa-san... there was still her. She liked sweets too.



It was not until the next day, when I asked them to take me home. And even though she seemed to be busy in some sort of business, Grayfia-san offered to take us home.

When Rias-chan heard that I would take Kuroka-chan and Shirone-chan with me, she asked if she could come with us. And while she did not express it, Sona-chan's eyes told me the whole story. So I promised them to do so sometime in the future.

The devil side got permission to allow Grayfia-san to take us directly to my house.

Thanking one last time to the people who lent me a hand, and saying my good-bye, I was taken along with the Nekomata sisters to my home.



It was a rather fast process. Breathing the clean and familiar smell of the vegetation around the house. I stood still for a moment. I could feel the slightly nervousness coming from the girls but I did not say anything. My mood was complicated as I could not help but to expect Kaa-san to come running from the house to receive me. Yet I knew that she was still missing.

Suddenly, the door opened, my hopes were raised but were half beaten down as it was not Kaa-san who came out. But Yasaka-san wearing her always alluring kimono. Although she seemed to carry a fur ball on her arms... Wait, could she be..?

She looked around for a moment until her eyes met mine, her expression brighter and she walked my way. Even though she tried it gracefully walk our way, her steps were gaining speed until she seemed to run.

Ignoring everyone else, she just pulled me into a hug. I then returned it after being slightly stunned. It thought she would greet Grayfia-san first or ask who the girls were.

"...You dumb cat. Your mother and you are both such a fools. She just left, and then you did the same thing. Can't you think a little about those who are left behind!? Don't you know how worried I was... I thought that you *sob* first her, and you too *sob* y-you inconsiderate *sob* I-I... I am just glad you are here". Yasaka-san scolded me. But I did not dare to complain. Her tears were not something I could just fight against.

Inconsiderate huh. I am. Dumb cat? I am many things but this is a rather tame way to describe me.

"...Sorry". I apologized while I hugged her.

I do not expect her to forgive me. But that does not mean I should stop apologizing. I will continue do so because it is the right thing to do.

"... I was alone you know? When I had my child, I could not share my joy with my best friend. And you, her child either. *Sob*". Complained Yasaka-san.

I just accepted her words. She can blame all the she wants. At the end, it is the truth.



It took her a while to calm down, and... damn she was embarrassed when she stopped crying. Apparently she actually did not notice that I was not alone. To which I felt slightly happy that she focused on me so much. Her baby woke up and started to cry during all that so it was slightly hectic too. But, she, Kunou-chan... was a good kid who went quiet when I cradled her on my arms.

"*Cough* I think this is a good time. I am Grayfia Lucifuge. I greet the leader of Kyoto Youkais". Perhaps tired of waiting, Grayfia-san intervined in her maid-mode.

Wiping her tears quickly, Yasaka-san just acted like nothing happened.

"Nice to meet you. I am called Yasaka. I thank you for all you did for this child. I believe that this topic will be talked over later as I heard that your side was in the middle of some important changes". Spoke Yasaka-san in tone full of dignity.

I can still see some tears on your face so it makes it look like she is trying too hard. I won't comment though.

"Indeed, my apologies that this meeting is so brief but my presence is required to finish something. I will take my leave". Said Grayfia-san with a slightly bow.

I just waved at her who also did the same before going back the same way she came.

Now, only three cats and two foxes remained.

"By the way... Who are those children? Girlfriends? Wife candidates?". Asked Yasaka-san curiously as she tilted her head while staring at Kuroka-chan and Shirone-chan.

No, no. Why are those your only options?. I forgive you because you look cute as you tilt your head.

Kuroka-chan received her stare boldly... although her legs were slightly shaking. You can't fool me. Shirone-chan jus hid behind her sister.

"It is a long story, although you should've have heard about it already. Let's talk inside. There is a lot to say". I said while still carrying Kunou-chan.

"...you are not fun. Alright". Replied Yasaka-san a little disappointed at my lack of retort.

We strode to the house, but I soon noticed that only Yasaka-san and I were walking. Turning my head, the Nekomata sisters had remained standing in their places.

"What are you girls doing? Let's go". I spoke.

"... Can we really stay with you-nya?". Weakly asked Kuroka-chan. Shirone-chan nodded beside her in sign of agreement to those words.

Scratching my cheek, I wondered about the best thing to say.

"You two. Don't be silly. Of course you can stay in m- no, this is OUR home now. Of course you can stay. If you don't hurry, no sweets for you girls. Yasaka-san likes to eat them... and she eats more than you would believe". I seriously said.

My words seemed to affect both of them as they quickly made their way to the house. I would like to think that the sweets part was not what convinced them.













Author notes here!

Now, then.

First, I will tell you that I will make as Grayfia not being married to Sirzechs.


Here we got the last chapter of this volume, Nora is finally going home. Although his mother is still not there.

Writing about the Maou Shoujo a bit more... I kinda wondered if she will be liked. I liked her character a lot so... I can't help but be curious of that.

What else... Ah, Nora status is rather complicated. I recall reading in a comment how someone asked why didn't get a power up. There is a little something about that... Are you nuts? You usually don't get strong after being operated continuously. You actually get weaker depending what is done to you. However, he will get thing out it. Wait for details in the future.

The scene in the bath... was just a whim of mine. To have someone find him. And for him to question certain things. You can't forget that Highschool DxD has an ecchi tag. But above all... something that it bound to happen if you are close to Rias-tan.

What happened to the devil houses was not touched as I did not want to involve devil politics (since I am not that good at that topic) too much. There is the fact that he is not directly involved in that... for now.

Anything else? Nah. That is all I think. Wait, I will fix the chapters about Grayfia-tan to avoid misunderstandings.

Good day to you.