A message

My apologies for not delivering the chapter so far. I am having several issues such as health problems. Technically nothing major, but they piled up to screw me over. I thought my phone had died too for a while so I had been struggling to write. I had days where one of my hands was almost impossible to use. I have been lacking sleep for several days and when I finally have time to write, I got blackouts. It is a pain since need to charge my phone which is my only source to write and post. And if I cannot write during the night, I cannot write at all since I spend my day at work.

The chapter itself is around 20000 words so far. So do not worry, it is not like I have nothing written. The problem is that I am seriously exahusted and that does not help me to write or to recover for the issues I got.

I should be posting soon.

My apologies again.