Epilogue II

3rd Person POV

"It is time." Nora suddenly said.

Appearing out of nowhere, Nora spoke words while glaring at Serafall. Gulping, the magical girl knew what was coming.

"Let us continue the topic from before, what is this brother-in-law stuff? I will cancel the magical girl project if you try to avoid the topic again." Nora narrowed his eyes.

"Nooooooo~" Serafall clung onto him. "I just thought you guys look cute! Don't take away my dream of having a magical girl's peerage!"

"...sometimes, I feel like the scariest existence in the Underworld is actually Nora-kun instead of the Four Maous or the old fart Zekram." Grayfia sighed.

"Hmhp, you and your parents are just the same..." Nora shook his head. "That said, they were happy as long I took either the older or younger child."

"...eh?" Serafall suddenly widened her eyes.

"I guess I expect nothing less of HER parents." Grayfia chuckled.

"They want grandchildren." Nora shrugged his shoulders.

"Eh...?" Serafall was frozen in place.

"She IS a Maou, but before that, she is still the child of those idiots parents." Grayfia nodded.

"Indeed, they begged me on their knees as the only guy who is so close to her to get the job done." Nora muttered.

"Hehe, is that so?" Grayfia smiled but her eyes looked scary. "Do they think you are some kind of breeding horse? It seems I should pay them a visit."

"Please don't. I think they just want Sera-tan to try to get into a relationship so she does not end alone." Nora said. "There are some twisted women out there... like that noble lady who established a harem of shotas because she could not stand older men after being completely rejected so often."

Looking slightly sad, Nora sighed.

"Oh, I remember that woman. It seemed like her family had strong libido and a normal partner would not suffice since her mother end up sucking dry the father and he died pretty soon." Grayfia commented.

"Yeah, I was once her doctor and fixed her problem, but after that, she no longer kept her harem. The boy were happy because it seemed like they were reaching their limits but on the other hand..." Nora looked down.

"She is now onto you." Grayfia took the words out of Nora's mouth.

"I am just an innocent cat." Nora stomped his foot. "I have been the target of noblewomen who want a long-standing relationship or a nightstand lately."

"It cannot be helped, you are directly supported by Zekram, the old fart, many see you as the next King of the Underworld so they want to form a special relationship with you." Grayfia spat out. "They are interested in the power you will wield politically, but your identity as a devil and youkai is enticing."

"...putting aside how Murmur is a rather unique devil, I am pretty sure not many are aware of my other two devils' abilities. The third one is specially being kept a secret and only the Maou's and you know about it." Nora said.

"It is because Youkais are known for their high fertility rate." Grayfia added.

"That is mostly for bunnies, horses, and those types of youkais." Nora refuted. "I am a cat!"

Sighing, Grayfia put both hands on Nora's shoulders and looked at him in the eyes. It made her notice how much he had grown since she no longer had to look down on him or lower herself to match his eyes.

"Nekomatas are known for their high fertility rate as well. Not to mention that your vitality is exceptional even among Youkais. At your age you already possess stamina beyond even Ultimate Class beings, you are only 14 years old. Imagine how monstrous you will become once you become older." Grayfia muttered. "Besides, due to the higher rate of females in the world, you are bound to get many requests for marriage just to form a tie with you. They just need a child and they are getting all the benefits that come with you. Because you are good-natured and would never abandon your offspring."

"...I am not a breeding horse." Nora looked fed up.

"Well, it is bound to happen until you find yourself a spouse. You don't have a formal fiance after all. There are rumors about you and me thanks to a maid I will punish later... and probably thanks to Zekram who seems interested in Murmur having offspring with my bloodline, there is also Rias-oujou-sama and Sona-oujou-sama whom you are close to. Not to mention how your presence alone prevents any house from trying to put forward a proposal to tie their families with them. I am thankful for that, but rumors spread." Grayfia spoke with concern.

"They only see them as walking wombs so I will never allow them to even think about it." Nora said sharply. "My reputation was never a concern of mine, but I need to watch out for theirs."

"I would rather that you watch out for yours more than anything." Grayfia helplessly said.

"I don't care what those guys think of me that much. There might be good apples, but there are as many bad apples." Nora grumbled. "The time when I crashed the school showed me that I will not get along with 50% of devil society."

"That was something that the other party made reality, the population in general has to be blamed, but you should not ignore that they were manipulated into believing you are a bad guy." Grayfia exclaimed.

Snorting, Nora had a condescending smile on his face.

"I will not forget to repay that." Nora said.

Sighing at that, Grayfia could not blame Nora.

"Now then, I would like to flirt with you guys for a bit longer, but someone came for me." Nora muttered.

At a distance in front of them, Melusine stood awkwardly.

Waving his hand as a goodbye, Nora walked towards the petite girl.

"What to do!?" Serafall suddenly spoke.

Feeling a heavy headache on the way, Grayfia glanced at Serafall who had a peculiar expression.

"Just imagine! If Nora-kun marries So-tan and me both... we would ALL live in the same house." Serafall spoke with stars in her eyes.

"Here we go..." Grayfia sighed.

"Hehe, a breakfast with So-tan and Nora-kun. Then we all go to the same building to work, a joint office... hehe." Serafall had a wide smile on her face. "We would take turns serving coffee and snacks to each other..."

"...I will be hearing about this for days." Grayfia helplessly laughed.

"And then! AND THEN! KYAAAAAA!" Serafall's embarrassed and high-pitched scream attracted the attention of their surroundings.

Signaling to everyone that nothing wrong was happening and there were no enemies, those who recognized Serafall easily accepted what happened.

"And then you and Sona-oujou-sama will both have his children." Grayfia muttered.

"Eh? Me too?" Serafall asked with a surprised expression.

Looking at her friend like she was an idiot, Grayfia wondered what was she thinking when she considered only Sona having Nora's children.

"...of course. Your parent would certainly expect to see a grandchild from you and your sister. There is also the issue that you are a Maou who married Nora-kun, a person who is already being eyed by many young and old noblewomen. For many... uncouth devils who have expectations in the offsprings of Nora-kun, you will find it hard to have a happy life." Grayfia said. "They will judge you and Nora-kun silently since they would be afraid of... Nora-kun's retaliation."

"Isn't it strange that they would be more afraid of him?" Serafall tilted her head.

"...remember when Sirzechs accidentally destroyed the maid outfit that Nora-kun was working in that time?" Grayfia exclaimed.

"...never mind." Serafall dropped the subject.

"Putting aside how Nora-kun almost made Sirzechs bald... Serafall, I think you should consider the topic seriously." Grayfia explained. "It is not something absolute, but you will most likely end up having a child as well if you marry Nora-kun."

Sighing at her friend's clueless expression, Grayfia spoke.

"I will have to explain this more in detail next time." Grayfia muttered. "Serafall. Regardless of our friendship that spans over decades, I will give you a piece of advice. If you want to marry Nora-kun for some half-hearted desire to be the same as your sister whom you have not confirmed who she wants to be with... I will get angry."

"You don't need to be like that... it is not like I dislike him." Serafall pouted.

"Like and love are not the same." Grayfia said. "Do you know how many devils come to him because they like 'him'? Those women are after his connections, his money. I have one wish and it is that he marries someone that loves him."

Looking at her friend, Grayfia sighed.

"Sorry, I just tend to overreact when he is involved." Grayfia shook her head. "I think he has gone through a lot already so I want him to have a lover whom he can spend meaningful time with."

Furrowing her eyebrows, Serafall reacted to Grayfia's words.

"Like going on dates?" Serafall suddenly asked.

"If that is what both enjoy." Grayfia responded.

"You mean like going to the park and spending time there." Serafall exclaimed.

"...yes, they could go there to hang out or to do any outdoor activity, like the lake we went to the other time where they rented boats for couples." Grayfia uttered.

"How about going to see a movie?" Serafall inquired.

"If it's a movie, I guess it depends on the mood. We were in the mood for some comedy so we watched a couple of movies together and had a great time." Grayfia muttered.

Nodding at that, Serafall had a subtle smile already.

"Oh, he told me that you two went to see another magical girl movie together." Grayfia suddenly spoke.

"I had a great time, I was taking him to see the classics so he could make magical girl cosplay for So-tan." Serafall smiled.

"Indeed, he learned in order to teach the kids at home who have begun to make their own customized clothing and because of our hobbies in cosplay." Grayfia said.

"Thanks to that, we had to make a new room in your house so he could work on the cosplays." Serafall muttered.

"I feel a little guilty when he stays overnight working so I put him in bed against his will to work." Grayfia grumbled. "I can finally sleep when that happens."

With a subtle smile, Serafall gave Grayfia a strange look.

"...you know. Your house used to have several beds." Serafall chuckled. "How come you know only have one?"

Looking away, Grayfia avoided Serafall whose stare was difficult to bear.

"There is only one bed, and you surely joined him in bed." Serafall smiled. "It was acceptable when he was way younger, but he is way older now..."

"...he is only 14." Grayfia coughed.

"Grayfia." Serafall called out.

"Look at the time. I should go and aid Sirzechs already since Nora-kun is ok." Grayfia turned around.

As she tried to flee, Grayfia found a hand holding her shoulder.

"The one who has to be angry is ME! What have you been doing to him!?" Serafall raised her voice.

"Wait, stop! I really have to aid Sirzechs!" Grayfia tried to escape.

"Who cares about that idiotic siscon guy!" Serafall yelled.

"You are a siscon too! And both are fellow Maou, shouldn't you treat him better!?" Grayfia retorted.


Sound of destruction where heard for a while until Nora came to deal with the issue.


3rd Person POV

"Haha, to think it would still escape." Sirzechs saw the vanishing magic circle.

"The fact that even with all of us here, he was able to escape..." Okita muttered.

"My left arm is a mess..." Sirzechs turned to see his arm that filled riddled with bullet holes. "Even in THAT form, it was still able to escape."

While Okita sent a message to his colleagues who tried to chase after the man they were after, Sirzechs looked down at the arm they had managed to cut from the man. It was highly contaminated as it exuded foul energy. The man who was able to take on most of his peerage and had been pursued for a long time was dangerous. It seemed extremely familiar with the way they all fought and was able to effectively neutralize most of their attacks before they landed on him.

"He had many opportunities to clearly put one of those strange bullets in my head, but he always decided not to." Sirzechs mumbled. "He did not attack anyone who did not attack him... however, he appeared in the middle of the Gremory Castle."

Sighing, Sirzechs could do nothing but ponder why was that man able to do such a thing. His method of appearing did not look like any normal teleportation circle.

"I do not want to fight you." Sirzechs muttered the words he heard when they first met. "As the Maou, I am fairly familiar with people who do not dare to face me, but that only means that it is normal for others to cower in fear. However, it also means that not many are familiar with my fighting style since most of them died in the war."

Scratching his head with his healthy hand, Sirzechs could make guesses.

"The time we pressured him the most was when Grayfia joined the team." Sirzechs mumbled. "What to do...?"

"My lord, we are making arrangements to track this person's whereabouts, but he most likely left the Underworld." Okita muttered.

"Yes, it is as you think. He left already, I tried my best to prevent him from escaping by strengthening the barrier, however, he opened a hole and escaped." Sirzechs said. "Locate him, but do not engage on your own."

About to receive a phoenix tears vial from Okita, Sirzechs shook his head.

"It is useless. There is a curse that prevents them from working." Sirzechs smiled wryly. "I already tried using them a couple of times."

"Is there anything we could do to fix it..?" Okita furrowed his eyebrows.

Suddenly recalling something, Sirzechs pulled a vial from his magic storage. It was one of the remaining vials made by Nora with a suspicious label that said concerning remarks about not blaming the manufacturer given that they were free samples and in the experimental stage.

He had used them before and they worked perfectly fine so Sirzechs believed it was Nora's way to mess up with the users.

Drinking the vial without a second thought, the content went down his throat and he could feel the energy course through his body. Vitality incomparable to any vitality-enhancing medicine and-

"As expected, this one worked." Sirzechs looked at how his arm healed before his eyes.

About to ask Okita to run a few errands, Sirzechs noticed something strange. Okita seemed to be growing bigger and bigger.

"What?" Sirzechs widened his eyes when he listened to his voice, one he had not heard in many years.

"My lord....?" Okita's trembling tone was odd.

Picking up the vial he had dropped when he noticed the changes, Sirzechs read what it said in the side effects column.

"Excessive grow of hair, turning into a shota..." Sirzechs facepalmed.

"My lord, could it be..." Okita looked at his boss in an unfriendly manner. "I won't hand over my daughter to you! So what the child said to me was true, someday, a man would use medicine to turn younger to target my daughters!"

"I don't think that is the issue here though...!?" Sirzechs retorted.

The bickering lasted for a couple of hours before Sirzechs was able to make the other party understand that he had no hidden agenda.


3rd Person POV

"I ask you once again, would you put your life on the line?" Nora asked.

The only people beside him at this point were the Saintess who had still not overcome her shame and kept blushing and Akiko who was glaring daggers at the Saintess. Nora was facing Morgan and Melusine who was working as her escort along with Baobhan Sith.

"It is my land, it is only befitting I do something of that level." Morgan replied.

Smiling, Nora walked toward Morgan who looked slightly stiff, and raised his hand-

"Good, let's do this then. I knew you were like me, but I wanted to make sure." Nora grinned and patted her shoulder. "However, I am still your temporary knight so I believe there is one way to ask that is more befitting of a queen such as yourself."

Understanding that this was all just a test, and how he wanted to proceed, Morgan raised her head proudly and declared as she put a hand on Nora's chest to his surprise.

"My knight, this land has become tainted with a wicked curse. It is time to prove your loyalty and skills, get rid of the curse, and turn this land to the previous state." Morgan ordered.

Chuckling, Nora pulled out the necklace she had and winked. The bulge around his chest began acting up and from his hakama, a round and white ball emerged.

"Your orders are my command, my queen." Nora grinned and noticed that which had fallen.

Slightly stunned by his actions and words, Morgan coughed when Baobhan Sith glared at her, but soon enough, her eyes went down to the white fur ball. Rolling on the ground, the fur ball came to a stop and jumped while raising a hand.

"Is that...?" Baobhan Sith raised a trembling finger and pointed at the fur ball.

Shrugging his shoulder now that the cat, or rather, Cernunnos was out of the bag. Nora waved at it and it waved back before rolling towards him.

"Cernunnos was never guilty, just a victim so I did not think it deserved to die." Nora said.

Picking it up, the fur ball happily raised its arms in joy as Nora held it.

"Priestess, are you willing to take care of it?" Nora muttered.

Looking at Morgan for permission, she saw the other party nod.

"Yes!" Baobhan Sith held Cernunnos with tears running down her eyes.

Watching the spectacle, Nora noticed someone else acting differently.

Melusine extended her hand like she wanted to say something but she bit her lips and lowered it, however, Nora noticed it and walked towards her.

"What's up?" Nora asked.

"Ah, hmm, no, please continue..." Melusine lowered her head in shame.

"My queen, would you allow me to delay your command for a few seconds?" Nora asked.

Feeling somewhat bothered, Morgan nonetheless agreed.

"Is it bothering you?" Nora tried to reach for the places covered in darkness, but Melusine stepped back.

"I am... filthy." Melusine made a sad face. "I can no longer show my-"

Before she could degrade herself verbally anymore, Nora grabbed her chin and seriously spoke.

"I won't allow anyone, not even you, to call yourself like that." Nora said. "I understand the problem. I just want you to answer a question for me. Will you entrust yourself to me?"

Blushing, Melusine nodded. Nora ignored the glares that were born out of a misunderstanding and released the grip on Melusine's chin. He gently put it on her cheek.

"Bear it." Nora said. "Drain."

Feeling a chill run down her spine, Melusine felt her instincts flaring up and telling her to escape. The threat of death could be felt from Nora's hand but she ignored them and remained in place. Looking at how Nora smiled at her, she felt like she made the right choice even as something left her body.

"You are the most noble and beautiful knight, that is how you were known, and how you will be known. Nothing is going to change that." Nora put his hand away.

Not only Melusine could notice the changes, but those observing (glaring at) them from one side were shocked to see how the dragon girl's wing turned into a radiant white again. Like the feathers of an angel, Melusine was no longer cursed.

"Put on a smile. You look cuter that way." Nora winked and was about to leave when Melusine jumped at him.

Before he could say anything, he noticed her silently sobbing so he let her hand on his neck for a while.




"Sorry, I was a little emotional." Melusine apologized.

"Don't worry about it." Nora said.

"...although, even if I am back to how I used to be, I am not attractive to you." Melusine recalled that most of Nora's companions had greater figures than her. "I guess that is why you don't want to marry me."

"Huh? I never said you are not attractive to me. You are a cutie." Nora muttered.

"Cute... but not enough to marry you. They are all much bigger than me so I must look childish compared to them." Melusine mumbled in a sad tone.

"Hmmm, I think you are misunderstanding something here." Nora spoke. "It is not like I do not consider you attractive. I just think you have just rushed when you said you considered me a fiance. You don't even know me well enough. Heck, you don't even know my name. The most a guy or a girl can accomplish with a partner like that is a nightstand. That is usually the case when you rush stuff like that."

"Would you even consider a nightstand with me? I don't think I am attractive to you that way. Mating with me would be out of obligation." Melusine retorted.

"I know I am going to cause a mess but..." Nora sighed. "It is not like I am not attracted sexually to you. You just have a petite figure, but you are a woman. You are old enough to bear a child, however, you just happen to have a petite build. I like busty women, but that does not mean I don't feel attracted to petite ones."

Once he said this, Nora knew he had screwed. It was easy to guess when he saw the shocked faces of the surrounding gallery that had grown before he could even notice.

"Does that mean I have a chance!?" Melusine asked.

"I am sure you can find another guy instead of a bastard like me, but to answer your question... you are legally old enough, so I don't see an issue with you dating or having a child." Nora said.

Looking at the carnivorous glares he was receiving from the surrounding petite young women, Nora coughed. A certain fox whom he was currently fused with was chiding him, but he felt like he could not leave Melusine like that.

"Yup, a smile fits you more." Nora grinned when he saw Melusine's wide smile.




"So, why are you guys following me?" Nora asked.

"Milord's safety is always my priority." Akiko muttered.

"I know that you will do something crazy, so I will be tagging along, any problem with that?" Artoria looked to be in a bad mood as she continuously glared at Morgan.

"I have to see things through, it is my responsibility as your queen." Morgan spoke.

"I am her escort." Melusine said.

"...I can't handle the looks anymore." Jeanne sighed.

Briefly apologizing to the last one for pushing it too far, Nora did not feel that much of a regret when he saw her maid dress.

"It should be good enough to be here." Nora looked around and nodded. "I am still not good enough using this spell so I can only use it one time."

No one else said a word, and Nora grabbed the magatama.

"I will need your help." Nora said and the magatama glowed in response. "Not yours."

The purple cat made of flames that had followed from a distance was about to take a step forward but stopped when Nora spoke.

"Sorry, but this child is more than enough." Nora smiled wryly when he saw the cat sadly lay down.

The cat stayed obediently in place but it still seemed displeased.

Nodding at everyone, they understood what he asked and they gave him space. He stood in place and held the magatama with both hands like he was praying.

"These lands have been polluted by the wicked so grant me your strength." Nora spoke and closed his eyes.

Little by little, the glow of the magatama grew. An absurd amount of ki began to pour out of Nora and it rises like a pillar. It was so tall that none present could see the end of it.

"O' Earth. Please accept my offering" Nora spoke and the land around him began to change. "The power of life, the power to change"

Each word caused the surrounding area to vibrate and more ki was concentrated around Nora as it began to pour on the magatama. A gust of wind began to blow with Nora in the center and those around were amazed by the spectacle. Morgan in particular had her heart beating loudly with expectations but it dropped when she took at Nora.

"You!" Morgan spoke.

Slowly, Nora's hair began to turn white. At the same time, the gentle sound of a wind chime could be heard close by yet no one could find the origin.

"Unleash the power to heal the land" Nora chanted. "For as far as I seek, cover these lands in green hues. Turn these lands into a verdant sea, let nature take root once again and chase away the wicked"

Slowly opening his eyes, Nora opened his hands and the magatama floated while radiating a gentle glow.

"Nature Reclamation" Nora said.

Once his words were said, the enormous amount of ki surrounding him poured into the land along with the one stored in the Magatama. Not only the land was being purified but the trees, grass, and flowers grew back again. Morgan could tell how the land not only went back to how it was before but it was filled with more vitality.

The grunt of Nora brought her back to reality and before she could extend a hand when she saw him fall back, Morgan saw how Akiko and Artoria had already stood at each of his sides to prevent him from falling. The boisterous youth who had created a storm since he arrived had done a great service and now looked so tired that he could barely stand. Morgan was aware of what price he had to pay to end up like that. It also made her realize what his question from before meant.

"Hey there." Nora greeted the duo holding him.

"Enough with the chatter, grab onto me." Artoria grumbled.

"Milord, do you need me to bring you anything?" Akiko asked in concern.

"Hehe, thanks. I can walk just fine." Nora tried to stand on his own but the duo did not let him go.

"You cannot fall." Artoria said.

"Milord, allow me to be of use to you." Akiko pleaded.

Smiling wryly, Nora still tried to stand on his own.

"Sometimes you need to stop being stubborn." Jeanne stood behind him and gently pushed him. "What do you say?"

Sighing, Nora allowed himself to be helped.

"Alright." Nora mumbled and then smiled mischievously. "Onee-chan~"

Akiko and Artoria froze. The duo slowly like rust machines turned their heads toward Jeanne who looked embarrassed.

"I knew it." Artoria said.

"What did you do to Milord!?" Akiko inquired in a jealous tone.

"I got this strange feeling when I first saw you, but to think you were this much of a monster." Artoria looked at Jeanne. "To get this guy to call you like that only at the cost of dressing as a maid..."

"You two are exaggerating." Jeanne replied.

"Exaggerate!?" Artoria and Akiko exclaimed at the same time.

"He is the man who, when he was on trial for a supposed crime he committed in the Underworld, managed to leave the court as a free man with the pretty female judge and the lawyer that was trying to put him in jail, all to go on date with both!" Artoria muttered.

"Milord is the man who bested Amagi-sama, Amagi-sama along with a few other nine-railed foxes with the greatest minds in a game of logic and words. Their punishment was to make them wear a small-sized bunny suit, and he pulled it up." Akiko explained.

Shaking her head, Artoria glanced at Jeanne with some shock.

"Listen, I won't ask, but to only wear a maid outfit for the right that many women had fought and failed to get, you need to be a big shot." Artoria said.

With the corner of her lips twitching, Jeanne was not sure what to say.

In that manner, the group headed back. Morgan heard the news of her land being purified and becoming even more fertile than before.

Part 3

3rd Person POV

Inside the throne room, Morgan stood in front of her throne. At each side, her knights stood in order. Tamamo, Artoria, and Nora were in front of Morgan in a kneeled position.

Watching from the sidelines, many of Nora's people stood proudly while watching Nora. Some even pulled cameras as they recorded the moment.

It was an improvised version of an awarding ceremony. Given Nora's state, there was a ruckus once he appeared in front of his people, but he calmed them down and told Morgan who wanted to arrange a grand ceremony to start with everyone else while he took care of an issue. The most difficult group he dealt with was the Valkyries who almost went berserk seeing his state yet he dealt with it with words.

Morgan knew there were things she was not meant to see so she accepted. It was a little suspicious when the voluptuous shinobis appeared and led him away. He had a darker look and reeked of blood once he came back, but she did not ask. Morgan decided it was not the time to ask and he would not answer. The youth arrived just in time to be part of the last batch.

"For all the service you have provided, you deserve a proper reward." Morgan spoke in a loud tone. "Currently, a monetary reward is being prepared and it will be handed over to you in a separate room."

Morgan walked toward the trio and spoke.

"The three of you, along with a few others have earned the right to receive something that not many got the chance to." Morgan stood before Tamamo. "A Fae blessing, it is something as valuable as a god's favor for many."

Leaning forward, Morgan lightly kissed the forehead of the fox woman. The duo made uncomfortable expressions briefly, but they acted like nothing happened. Once that was done, Artoria was next. This time, Morgan and Artoria scoffed, however, the ceremony was carried.

Once she stood up, Morgan pulled a spray and used it on her mouth before she wiped it with a handkerchief. On the other side, Artoria pulled sandpaper but Nora smacked her head and Tamamo smacked away the sandpaper. Artoria grumbled, but she still remained in place.

Morgan glared at the exaggerated reaction before pulling her blue lipstick and applying it to her lips. Her actions made more than one raise an eyebrow, but Morgan and Artoria's exchange was already strange to begin with so no one said anything.

"My knight, you have done a great service, your merits go beyond those of anyone so your reward must be just as extraordinary." Morgan smiled.

As she leaned forward, she bent a tad more and whispered in Nora's ears.

"This could be considered a great prize, but also a punishment." Morgan whispered. "Thank you for everything."

The first part made Nora sweat coldly but he relaxed on the second half. He tried to reply but his lips were stolen. Morgan had pulled his collar and their lips were joined just like that. Everyone except Morgan widened their eyes and they almost bulged out. However, Morgan did not care. Not only her lips, but her tongue went on the offensive. Aggressively, Morgan explored Nora's mouth and entangled with his tongue. Even as surprised as he was, he responded in kind. He did not remain passive for long, he began to push her tongue and they both seemed to compete as they kissed. It was a competition to see who would be getting the upper hand at the end.

"Excuse me!? Could you please not kiss someone else's husband all of a sudden?" Tamamo was no longer respectful.

Reacting first, she pulled off the queen who had an enchanted expression. Their lips separated and a bridge made of saliva extended before Morgan was far enough to fall down. The queen licked her lips with a satisfied expression.

"Tasty." Morgan muttered.

Her words set everyone on fire.

"Mother!?" Baobhan Sith called out.

"Your Highness!?" Melusine looked visibly shocked.

Many muttered words of surprise, curses or plainly tried to take advantage of the situation to attack the cat, but were unable to since there was someone to restrict them.

"Could you please not do that when you have the same face as me!?" Artoria yelled.

"Kuh, I let my guard down. Who would've thought the Queenie would use the chance when he was weak to try to eat him!? The handkerchief, where is it!?" Tamamo pulled out a handkerchief and began wiping the lipstick on Nora's lips.

"I am not sure what you are trying to imply. He is MY knight, and he performed better than everyone else. It is important to make a distinction at times like these." Morgan smiled. "I am a benevolent ruler so I gave him, the best blessing I could give."

"That's a lie! You do not need to kiss him on the lips to grant him the best blessing." Tamamo retorted. "You tried to snack on my cat!"

Growling Tamamo glared at Morgan who kept a composed smile. The young woman licked her lips once more, before turning around like nothing had happened and walked up to her throne before sitting. Looking down haughtily at Tamamo, Morgan crossed her legs very slowly when she noticed Nora glancing at her in shock.

"What of it?" Morgan raised her chin. "I am Morgan Le Fay, the descendant of the evil witch. It should be obvious that I do things differently than others."

"Kuh, I am going to get you for this." Tamamo threw some small fry lines.

"Haha, well, I will be waiting." Morgan defiantly said.

There was a cough and Nora was finally rebooted.

"First of all, thank you very much. I think you were tasty too, although your tongue play could use some improvement." Nora muttered.

Smiling, Morgan almost got down and smacked the cat for his remarks, although she held back when she saw him smirk slightly. He seemed to be getting back at her.

"It is an honor to receive your best blessing." Nora said. "What is this blessing for though? Do I get to shoot lasers from my eyes? I always wanted to do that."

"...no." Morgan sighed. "Your steps will be unhindered on water, you shall be able to walk on any body of water without sinking. That is what you desired the most so that was my blessing for all of you."

Freezing, Nora opened his mouth in surprise. The youth began shaking.

"Holy shit. I can turn water into wine." Nora muttered. "Now I can walk on top of water, I am just like C-"

"Nope, don't say it!" Artoria tried to cover the youth's mouth.

"But it is obvious who I resemble with these new skills." Nora had starry eyes. "Holy cow, I am Crist Angel. The magician."

Opening her mouth to retort but hearing something completely different from what she expected made Artoria look defeated.

"Puh, puh! You thought he was going to say something different." Tamamo laughed at the young woman's face.

Her laugh was shared with a certain pink-haired fox in the gallery but Tamaño was too busy laughing at Artoria to notice her bitter enemy.

"Morgan, can I ask you to grant me an audience with you at a later time regarding what I mentioned before." Nora ignored Artoria who attacked Tamamo by pulling her cheeks.

"Is there any need to make matters more complicated? The woman you want me to speak is in the peanut gallery already so you might as well introduce me to her." Morgan said.

Smiling wryly, Nora called out the figure who stood out. Wearing a magical girl outfit, Serafall carried herself with grace compared to her easygoing self.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, I am Serafall Leviathan, a devil and one of the four Maous in the Underworld." Serafall bowed.

Looking slightly bored compared to when she spoke to Nora, Morgan only nodded to respond.

Having already a speech to give, Serafall was about to open her mouth before a ruckus broke out.

"Hey! Who are you? Why are you covered in blood!?"

"Who let you in!?"

"You cannot proceed any further than this."

Having difficulties walking, a figure covered in blood had entered the throne room. The guards lying unconscious behind her were the answer to how she had made her way to the meeting.

"Ara? I just heard that there was some interesting event going on and came to take a look."

The nonchalant voice caught the attention of everyone in the room and their reactions varied greatly. However, the Fae knights nearby pulled out their weapons.

"Ara, even though you all look cute, you are pointing at me with a weapon. I am sad..."

Even when she was surrounded, the figure did not seem scared in the slightest.

"Who dares to barge in the room?" Morgan stood up.

"A pleasure to meet you, I am Lina." Lina said.

Amidst the ruckus, a figure silently made his way through the people.

"Restrain her and lock her in a cell for the time being, I don't have the mood to deal with her today." Morgan ordered.

The knights were about to restrain Lina when a figure stood between the two, not to help the knights, but with his back facing Lina. Nora had his hands spread as he shielded Lina.

Smiling wryly, Lina watched how Nora took her side at once.

"Could you please leave her alone?" Nora asked.

"Ara? It flatters me that you are taking my side, but I am evil, you know?" Lina smiled mischievously. "Look at that, the maid over there is glaring daggers at me."

Walking slowly, Lina leaned her body on Nora. Her head rested on his right shoulder and her left hand embraced him as it rested on his chest while her right hand pointed at Grayfia amidst the peanut gallery.

"Nora-kun, get away from her. She is with them!" Grayfia warned.

Moving at high speed, Grayfia had made a dagger of ice and planned to bring it down at Lina who just had a confident and almost mocking smile.

"Grayfia, please." Nora pleaded.

The youth only said that much, but Grayfia stopped like it was an order. Her position ended up with her dagger stopped right before the place where Lina's face had been, and it was now Nora's face in that place. Nonetheless, it was not only out of her own free will that she stopped, but Lina had used her right hand to stop Grayfia's.

"Nora-kun, she is a criminal who has committed countless crimes." Grayfia said.

"And so I have, I have committed many crimes too." Nora responded. "Please, she is my life savior."

Pulling back, Grayfia's dagger broke down. However, the maid still glared at Lina who stuck out her tongue at her.

Once this was over, Lina's body completely rested on Nora's. She seemed exhausted so Nora gently laid her down.

"It seems that things are progressing in a direction no one can follow." Morgan muttered. "Lower your weapons. We are not ungrateful enough to threaten the life savior of our benefactor. Baobhan Sith, find a suitable room and guide the womanizer- I mean, our benefactor there."

Nodding without saying something else, Baobhan Sith noticed that Morgan had a foul mood so she departed immediately.




"This is nothing." Lina smiled wryly.

"You have several broken bones and one of your kidneys is not working anymore, how can it be nothing." Nora worked hard to heal Lina but he seemed to have trouble.

"There is a trick to it so do not worry if you cannot do it." Lina said.

In the room he was guided to, Nora, Artoria, Grayfia, and Akiko were around Lina. Baobhan Sith stood in one corner in silence. The whimsical fox had gone it rest on Nora's magatama as it hung on his neck.

"A trick?" Nora grumbled. "F*ck."

It had been a while since Nora had been trying to fix Lina but he had been unable to no matter how hard he tried.

"I came here to tell you one thing. You don't have any time to waste with the likes of me." Lina grabbed the youth's hands.

"Don't speak about yourself like that." Nora glared at the young-looking woman.

"Fufu, when I tell you what I came to say, you will not have any time to worry about me." Lina smiled.

"I will not abandon you. I owe you too much for that. I am not the type to forget a favor." Nora said.

"Listen. Your mother has already been rescued. She is in Urakyoto." Lina spoke.

Biting his lips hard enough and forcing his body to stay in place, Nora almost dashed away without caring for Lina any longer.

His reaction not only surprised Lina who was wide-eyed but Grayfia, Artoria, and Akiko as well. They could hardly believe what they heard but they also wondered why he had decided to stay.

"Are you doubting me?" Lina smiled wryly. "I speak nothing but the truth. I was working with your sweetheart, Musashi to accomplish that goal. She killed the last enemy standing in our way to take Saya away. Thanks to a joint operation between THAT organization and ours, we could accomplish the goal of taking your mother back to Urakyoto."

"Why is it you who came to tell us that? Surely Musashi would've been a better choice." Grayfia asked in a doubtful tone.

"She fainted a while ago. While I was covering her escape, she managed to take your mother to Urakyoto, but she fainted as soon as she put a foot in there. I only came here to deliver the news." Lina explained.

"It is hard to believe, what do you gain from that?" Grayfia glared at the other party with clear distrust.

"Heh, I could ask you the same thing to you. Why is the strongest queen here following the orders of Nora? You are stronger than him and have access to more money than him if you want to. What is it in there for you?" Lina retorted. "What are you expecting of him?"

"You bi-" Grayfia was about to attack Lina.

"Both of you! Shut up!" Nora growled.

Looking extremely pissed, Nora glared at Grayfia and Lina. The two immediately shut their mouths and straightened their backs.

"I don't give a damn if you want to hurl insults at one another when I am not present." Nora said. "Grayfia. I want you to take me to Urakyoto right now. Can you do it?"

"I can warp there at any time." Grayfia replied at once.

"I am taking Lina with me." Nora narrowed his eyes. "I believe there will not be any issues, right?"

Her face twisted like she ate a bitter bug but Grayfia still nodded.

"I am dragging you with me." Nora glared at Lina.

"Heh, a prisoner of war. This is the second time I-" Lina was about to give a sarcastic reply.

"You are my patient. Not a prisoner. I won't allow ANYONE to lay a hand on you, but you will obediently allow yourself to receive treatment." Nora narrowed his eyes. "I won't be having you escape at any time. If you do, I promise I will drag you back even if you go to hell to hide. Understood?"

Nodding meekly, Lina did not dare to give any smart-ass answer.

Pulling a needle and other medical supplies, Nora glared at Akiko and Artoria.

"You will help me transport the patient after I treat her. I assume you have no issues either." Nora asked.

"Tell me what to do." Artoria replied looking clearly uncomfortable.

"Your wish is my command, Milord." Akiko responded.

Using a bandage among other medical supplies, Nora patched up Lina's injuries starting from the grave ones.

He continued to bite his lips during the whole process and when he finished, Lina looked much better compared to when she arrived.

"I can usually do a better job at a most faster rate if I use ki, but I can still treat you using other means." Nora said.

"Hey." Lina called out.

"Why did you not run home already? I believe, by now you should've been contacted using magic by Yasaka. You know she is there. I could afford to wait, I was mostly exhausted. I will not succumb to my wounds." Lina asked.

While she did not like the young woman, Grayfia was also curious so she listened quietly. Artoria snorted at those listening quietly and sighed when she saw how Nora kept struggling to stay in place.

"Do not abandon your friends. Always pay back any favor two-fold. Wash your teeth before going to sleep. Never abandon a patient. Be kind to girls." Nora spoke as he stored the remaining medical supplies. "Those were things that Kaa-san always said to me. She told me to never forget them so I could grow into an outstanding adult. I have never forgotten any of that. I always follow those rules. Even after she left. I have kept those words in my heart. Because when she finally comes back, I can proudly stand in front of her and say I am not a complete degenerate. I can proudly say I am the son of Saya Shiki."

"I see." Lina smiled.

"Grayfia. Use this. It should open the gates to that place. From there, please take me where Kaa-san is after you locate them." Nora gestured for Artoria and Akiko.

The duo went to him as he pulled a stretcher and they gently moved Lina.

Taking a small token from Nora's hands, Grayfia activated it and a Torii gate emerged. The group easily passed through and just when everyone had left, before the gate closed, Baobhan Sith followed after the group.


3rd Person POV

There were many questions for Nora's group once arrived at Urakyoto and many who managed to recognize Lina almost attacked her on sight, however, Nora easily commanded everyone who dared to raise their weapons without even once having to repeat his commands. The group hastily left Nora's house and he immediately accommodated Lina in one room. It seemed like everyone had left except the maids Sirius and Alkaid. There was another tenant and that was an unconscious Musashi. Nora checked her status and easily recognized Nightingale's handicraft. He used the remaining ki he had gathered to Musashi and gently caressed her hair.

Sirius stayed to guard Musashi while Alkaid stayed with Lina. Just after Nora left, Musashi opened her eyes.

"I have to warn him..." Musashi grimaced.

Standing up with some difficulty, she caused Sirius to hear her and enter the room.

"You have to tell Nora, he needs to hear it before he meets his mother. She-" Musashi bit her lips.




Grayfia and the rest had already been waiting for Nora and they all teleported to Saya's house. Nora looked clearly anxious as he had confirmed that Saya was in the room.

Standing outside the room, he could hear Saya's laughter as she chatted with Yasaka, and Nora's heart pounded loudly. Several people were waiting outside the room, clearly waiting for him to enter first before they could see Saya.

Nora sweated and had to wipe his hands to get rid of the sweat. Taking a deep breath, Nora put on his best smile and opened the door.

"Nora-kun." Yasaka called out and planned to say a lot more but Nora simply entered the room and sat beside Saya who was lying down.

"The doctor arrived." Nora jested.

Doing a cursory check-up, Nora sighed in relief when he noticed that Saya was the very picture of health.

He noticed Saya looking curiously at him, and before he could say anything. She opened her mouth. The words that left her mouth caused great impact and they were said as Kuroka, Shirone and everyone else entered the room.

"Yacchan, when did I get a doctor?" Saya looked puzzled. "Excuse me, but who are you?"

Having trained for a long time with the old man he met in jail, Nora became able to differentiate people telling obvious lies. Thanks to that, he could tell. She was not acting. The sad expression Yasaka had also confirmed the thought that had appeared on his mind.

Everyone felt like they could hear the sound of something shattering.










Author's Notes

I want to make sure of one thing, it might seen like Grayfia and Serafall relationship progress with Nora was pulled of you know where, but I have to clarify, I will post extra stories about it and focus a bit on the devil side. Right now I will not since the flow of the story would be strange, but please do no BASH me for what I am writing.

Here is the chapter again after delays. Health got way worse suddenly. After having a new guy and having him suddenly decide to not show up again, makes job harder. Such a pain. Doctors just ask me to have exams for this and that, yet nothing shows up. Same old medicine.

Anyways, I try to deliver longer chapters because of my delay.

A lot of things happened in the chapter. Morgan smooched Nora to get back at him. You guys can figure out what usually happens to a guy who has many of his love interest watching when gets kissed by a new girl. Although this is Nora we are talking about, he will just shrug it off. Morgan also had another motivation to do this. First, she is quite possessive. There is no way she is letting her temporary knight escape her grasp. Having tasted the cat, she is kind of into his taste. So she got hooked. Can't say there are no maiden feelings involved, but it surely cannot be called love.

The last part is the begining of the climax for the next part. Quite a long way until now. Please keep reading since the next arc is one I had envisioned since I started writing the first chapters.

Hope you like the chapters and feel free to leave any questions you have.

Oh, there was a part where he was reeking of blood. He did not kill his allies, but if you recall the previous chapters, you should know where the blood came from.