Musashi Great War First Part A

Musashi Great War

Part 1

3rd Person POV

Katana against katana clashed over and over at a speed that was hard to see. By the time you caught the katana swinging at you, it was nothing more than an after image. Yet, there has not been a clear hit by anyone. Just as one of the katanas swept past her practice partner, the body also vanished, just like an after image.

After clashing one more time, the two figures busy and focused on facing the other party relaxed their stances. Both figures were wielding a katana on each hand and sheathed them at the same time in a similar manner, just like a mirrored image.

"You have really gotten better." Musashi praised.

There was pride in her voice, just like she was the one getting praised.

"I am flattered." Nora smiled wryly. "But... I am still far from getting to your level."

Chuckling at his humble attitude, Musashi could not help but wonder why he never honestly accepted praises.

"It makes me jealous how fast you have improved in dual-wielding." Musashi said, however, her expression was far from one of jealousy but she looked rather pleased.

"No no, this is nothing, I feel that I am lacking. I am blessed with such a great array of teachers yet I can only do this much." Nora chuckled.

Those looking at the duo constantly praising each other rolled their eyes.

"Urgh, get a room!" Artoria yelled.

"A room?" Musashi tilted her head after hearing that but soon reddened like a tomato.

"Only if you join for a 3P." Nora retorted.

Giving a smart reply seemed like usual Nora, but the fact that he was blushing as well made his verbal attack ineffective.

"Aren't you the cutest? Is that the best you can do?" Artoria smirked.

Along with Artoria who was wearing a blue hakama and a white haori ready to step in for training, Saya, Kuroka and Yasaka were part of the ones observing. They all were wearing similar outfits like Artoria, but their hakamas were different. Compared to that, Nora and Musashi were uniquely dressed. The youth, who despite moving nimbly and soundlessly until now, was wearing rusty armor that would make anyone think it was a miracle it was even able to move. Contrary to that, Musashi was wearing her usual but always vibrant outfit in red and blue. A short sleeveless blue dress with a white undershirt, it has red accents and lacing around her bountiful chest and her lower body had red hakama pants with slits on her soft thighs for greater mobility.

"Why don't you come here and see what I can do?" Nora taunted. "Or what, you are all just talk? It is about time I teach you a lesson again."

"You and what army? You think I am the same girl as before?" Artoria retorted. "I'm gonna whup your ass so hard that you will need to get a new one."

"No dear, I dare not to underestimate you. I am well aware that you are not the same girl as before." Nora honestly replied.

His honest answer made Artoria to be briefly stunned. However, those looking at the duo had an idea what was going to be said next.

"Last time I fondle your breasts I noticed how much you have grown." Nora radiantly smiled as he spouted easily misunderstood words. "You cannot call yourself a girl. Your bra size is pass that."

Smiling at that, Artoria placed a hand over her mouth and-

"You are dead meat, you brat." Artoria giggled innocently.

Just like that, the duo began to fight.


It was over an hour later that there were traces of destruction on the training ground such as gouged out pieces of trees and earth.

"I hate you." Artoria spat out as she tried to catch her breath.

Laying down on the ground while facing the sky, Artoria's chest heaved up and down rapidly. Despite her enhanced physical abilities due to her man-made draconian organs, and Nora's meddling with her body so it had improved performance... Artoria found it hard to keep up with the youth. Following his pace was almost impossible for her. It was not about momentarily raising his speed, but rather how he kept his top speed from the beginning to end. The youth was able to perform actions with an insane reaction speed that almost looked like he never stopped thinking.

"I like you though." Nora grinned with a refreshed expression.

Extending toward Artoria, the youth lightly stepped on her foot and when he pulled her, Artoria just had to remain with her back straight for the youth to pull. She was immediately pulled up and her body was glued to Nora at once. Snorting, Artoria looked at him and felt inclined to ask.

"Why would YOU like ME?" Artoria inquired.

"I wonder." Nora did not take advantage of her and took a step back. "Rather than having a reason to like you, I just find it hard to dislike you."

Without saying anything else, the youth turned around and spread his arms. Artoria was left slightly stunned and found it hard to mutter a word back. Looking at the youth who anticipated Kuroka pounding on him to hug him, Artoria could only sigh. She recalled that it was not long ago that she could stand toe to toe against him. She might've been lacking in the physical department, yet she was proud of the skills she honed to protect her sister. However, right now, Artoria was losing in all departments. His physical abilities were past the level of a High-Class being, you could not even compare one serious punch of the youth without even using senjutsu or touki to the one your regular High-Class being who used several spells to enhance their strength. He had grown stronger. Yet, he would never acknowledge it.

It was frustrating. Artoria felt like she was being left behind and she hated that feeling. No, that was wrong. She came to hate it. At the time she met him, she would've been happy if he had left her alone with her sister. She would've been ok if he decided to just let them go their way. However, he took them in and changed their lives. Nora underestimates how his actions changed their lives. Objectively speaking, Artoria knew they would both be dead if he had let them go back then. Putting aside how the organs transplanted to her would've rejected her and killed her, Artoria was well aware that the threat of the church only disappeared because the youth made a move. His array of connections back then was terrifying enough.

Noticing how Artoria kept staring at the youth, Kuroka turned around and stuck out her tongue at her before hugging the youth tightly.

Rolling her eyes at that, Artoria sighed. The black cat seemed to see her as a rival, but it was hard to say even for Artoria if that was really the case. She had never considered matters such as having a couple. Before meeting Nora, they had to worry about their next meal instead of trivial matters of having dates like normal girls.

Somewhat upset that Artoria was not getting angry, Kuroka snorted and began rubbing her head on Nora's chest while openly sniffing him.

Clicking her tongue at the childish behavior, Artoria was about to leave when-

"Nora-nya is tasty today as well-nya." Kuroka took Nora's hand and nonchalantly licked it.

This time Artoria reacted. She stiffened slightly. The blonde tried to act like nothing happened but Kuroka's sharp eye caught her split of a second reaction and smirked. This in turn irritated Artoria.

"Nya? What is it-nya? Is there something bothering Artoria-nya?" Kuroka called out.

Wisely staying out of the conversation, Nora looked at the distance. He had tried to call for support from the gallery observing, but they were busy either enjoying the show while eating popcorns (Saya), sulking (Yasaka) or looking at Kuroka with envy (Musashi).

"Why would I be bothered?" Artoria scoffed.

"Nyahaha, because I can taste Nora-nya while cannot-nya." Kuroka straightforwardly said.

With the corner of her lip twitching, Artoria wanted to rebuke the cat but-

"It is impossible to forget-nya." Kuroka muttered. "Once you taste him once-nya, you cannot forget the taste-nya."

Unable to offer a comeback to what was said, Artoria's body unconsciously reacted and she salivated.

Smirking at that, Kuroka left the youth alone and walked toward Artoria.

"I will not lose to you-nya." Kuroka declared.

"...I never intended to compete." Artoria sighed.

It was partially true since she never thought of having that kind of relationship with anyone.

"One day-nya, you will not be able to say that-nya." Kuroka said seriously.

"Why do you make it like I am your rival? I have never expressed that kind of desire." Artoria honestly questioned.

"I can tell-nya." Kuroka replied. "Artoria-nya has changed-nya."

"That cannot be used to explain why you think I am your rival in love." Artoria shook her head. "Why do you taunt me all the time?"

Smirking after hearing the blonde, Kuroka raised her chin like she had the upper hand and was arrogantly trying to mock the blonde. She walked toward Artoria and with a side glance as she walked around her, Kuroka opened her mouth once she reached Artoria's ear.

"I have never-nya, ever-nya, said you are a rival in love-nya." Kuroka directed those words to the blonde.

Widening her eyes, Artoria realized it was the truth.

Smiling wryly at the shocked expression of the blonde, Kuroka did not tease her any longer.

"I am not saying you should like him-nya." Kuroka mumbled. "But I want you to be more honest-nya."

"...why do you remain here-nya?" Kuroka asked. "Alice-nya is not staying here-nya. She went to study abroad and is learning from the great magician associations that Nora-nya deemed as trustworthy-nya."

Staring into the eyes of the blonde, Kuroka carried a serious look instead of her playful and teasing expression from before.

"Kuroka-chan, that's enough." Nora called out.

Kuroka trembled when she heard his strict tone, but she still gave one last glance at Artoria with a clear meaning before turning around with a lowered head.

"Sorry-nya." Kuroka meekly apologized.

Sighing at that, Nora could only stroke her hair and he was unable to reproach her behavior.

"Artoria. Consider this house to be the place you can always go back to." Nora said. "This is your home. No one has the right to ban you from being here. No one."

Pulling the cheeks of Kuroka, Nora seemed to be directing his words to the catgirl as well.

" not have a place to call home is sad." Nora spoke. "Reasons or whatever are unnecessary."

Saying this, the youth left Artoria as he carried Kuroka in a princess carry and took her where everyone else was sitting.

It was not like Artoria was completely oblivious to what Kuroka meant. Her whole life had been for the sake of protecting her sister. Yet, at this point, she had willingly decided to stay at Nora's side. The youth had not used their previous 'contract' by saying that his 'property' should stay with him. He only 'abused' that right for pointless things like making her cosplay in different costumes, a maid outfit being one of the most common choices. However, he never tried to tie her down. Somewhat, that annoyed her. She could not discard the thought that another emotion might be involved, but she got angry with the idea of the youth being ok with people parting ways with him going through so much together and benefitting from him for so long yet not paying him back.

Thinking about, Artoria had an odd feeling after today's mock battle. It was not only how the youth was finally letting his nonsensical big pool of ki to overflow and carelessly use spells, but Artoria got a strange feeling from him. Something one could only understand after facing someone over and over just like they usually do. The youth was shouldering something. Artoria did not know what it was, but he was hesitating. If she considered what she knew about him, everything boiled to him trying to hide something. Artoria doubted that anyone else had noticed it. Everyone looks up to the youth way too much, to the point they never consider him to feel troubled. Artoria could understand that very well, because part of her, the part that had an almost blind faith in him being able to overcome anything that gets in his way, that part of her was the same. Yet, was that truly the case? He has done a lot of things that defy common sense more than a couple of times and that has made him look like some sort of peerless being. 

" are a troublesome man." Artoria sighed.

While bitterly smiling, Artoria decided to go toward him. His back that had grown through the years looked strong and reliable, but all the same, Artoria felt it was a little lonely as well.




"Nora-chan, I have been meaning to ask you..." Saya curiously looked over her son.

Placing a tray of neatly cut watermelon pieces on the engawa, Nora tilted his head with a curious expression. Artoria and Kuroka had both reached at the same time for the biggest (they were all the same since the youth had made the cuts while taking into account equality) piece and glared at one another. Handing over the piece the duo were fighting over to Yasaka who was on the right side of Saya, he then plopped down on the left side of Saya, he handed over a piece to Musashi to his left. The shocked duo (Kuroka and Artoria), who were sitting behind the group, soon got their bearings back and reached for another piece, the same one again.

"I heard your Ooku was rebuilt several times." Saya muttered.

Hearing that, Yasaka and Musashi almost choked while eating the watermelon.

"...could you please not use that term?" Nora sighed.

"But I think it is quite fitting." Saya tapped her chin thoughtfully. " have greater influence that the emperor, you are also wealthier, and above all, you are more handsome."

Hearing her words, everyone but Nora could not help but nod.

"Thank you for trying to make me feel better with my appearance, but I am not exactly handsome. I cannot say I have greater influence either. The people I happen to know are the real deal, not me. I also cannot compare wealth to the imperial house, being cocky should have a limit. I just have some small business on the side while writing as my hobby. The Murmur Household wealth was also provided by Zekram for the sake of reviving the House and managing the territory, but that is something I have been slowly paying back."

"You are kidding, right? You are one of the writers with the most successful career of all times. The amount of books written by you easily surpassed the four digits and that was two years ago. Not only they are about entertainment such a light novels, manga and the like, you have also written books about improving your health, exercising manuals... even erotic books." Artoria could not help but retort.


"It is nothing much." Nora smiled bitterly. "You are making a bigger deal of something of that level."

"Of that level...? You can be a real pain in the behind." Artoria heavily sighed. "Why can't you accept that you have accomplished something amazing?"

"Ok, let's stop right there." Saya mumbled. "Nora-chan, it is not good to act so humble. There are people who work their hardest yet do not accomplish anything, if you act like you are doing, it can be interpreted as their efforts being worthless. You also need to accept praise even if you do feel like you deserve it. Praise and recognition will always follow you every time you do something someone else was unable to do. Such is the result of fame. You will also become the focal point of many scrutinizing eyes ready to point out anything you do, whether it is good or bad. You might be working under a pseudonym and your identity is only known to few people, people will still try to dig as much as they can about the person behind all those works. You should be aware that there has been some controversy and conspiracy theory that you do not actually exist and several people are responsible for publishing those works."

"Quite the fools..." Yasaka sighed. "It is indeed hard to believe that one person is doing all that, but Nora-kun is not someone you can define with common sense."

"...Indeed." Saya nodded.

Following that action, Artoria and Musashi nodded while Nora could only smile bitterly as Saya patted his head.

"Please don't bully him that much." Saya pulled the youth for a hug and buried him in her bosom while affectionately playing with his hair. "You also need to find a way to deal with it, I am sure you can do it."

Without letting him go, Saya continued to affectionately pamper him the youth did not try to move away, in fact, he did something that made the group doubt their eyes. He let his weight fall onto Saya and he hugged her.

"I think I trained way too much." Artoria rubbed her eyes.

", you are not hallucinating." Yasaka sighed. "This guy is without doubt..."

"A mothercon?" Musashi asked.

"...I was going to say Saya Supremacist, but I think that fits as well." Yasaka smirked.

"...I can bully him with this." Artoria suddenly had an idea.

"Do you think he would be bothered?" Yasaka mocked.

Clicking her tongue, Artoria considered it a pity that she could not make fun of him for a moment although she doubted that she could even do it. She knew that there were some boundaries she should never cross.

"By the way..." Saya suddenly spoke. "I think you all went out off your way to distract me."

"...It must be your imagination." Yasaka looked away.

"H-Hahaha." Musashi awkwardly laughed.

"I think I need to go and train some more..." Artoria tried to stand up.

"Nya?" Kuroka curiously exclaimed. "Why does everyone act like that-nya?"

"Hmmm? You know something?" Saya inquired.

"...It was called after it happened, Musashi Great War... nya." Kuroka said.

Looking with her head tilted at the girl, Saya directed her gaze to the rest but just from their reactions she could tell that she did not misheard the black kitty.

"Nora-chan, am I getting too old? I don't understand." Saya sighed.

"Are you trying to make an enemy of about 90% of the female population? You are still young, and you look stunning. How many guys can actually say they have such a beautiful mother? I am extremely lucky to be at the top of that list with an attractive woman like you as my mother." Nora lazily rubbed his head on Saya's thigh and enjoyed the pressure her breasts were giving him amidst the deathly stares of the other women around him. "Putting your beauty aside, even the main characters of that war cannot fully understand why they called it a 'war', although it was quite... the struggle."

Before Kuroka could complain about Nora's statement, the youth's tail was already creeping toward her waist. It had grown longer and easily wrapped around her waist, before pulling her toward him who opened his arms to snuggle her in his chest. Just like that, the youth calmed down the kitty who was about to retort to his words.

"Hmph, isn't it nice? You got such a beautiful woman giving you a lap pillow." Yasaka snorted, jealousy clearly displayed in her face, but she made no attempts to take the youth away from Saya despite her desire to do so.

"Indeed, Kaa-san is among the top two hottest and most attractive women in Urakyoto with no feasible competitor." Nora nodded. "Only someone like Yasaka-san could ever be her equal, you two are the sun and the moon of Urakyoto, nothing could beat the two of you together. If Saya is like the moon, giving a peace of heart to the habitants of Urakyoto with her gentle care... Yasaka-san would be like the sun, her presence is like the sunlight that brightens the lives of the youkais of this land."

There was silence after those words were said and the youth did not concern too much with Artoria's click of tongue and muttering that he was a mothercon for adding his mother to his flirting. Musashi silently whistled and gave him a thumbs up and Kuroka was sniffing him a bit too much, but still between the allowed range before it turned any of them on. 

"...Yasaka-san, I have the best son of all the times." Saya looked at her friend with a strange face while she tried to suppress a grin from forming on her face, although she seemed to be doing a terrible job at it.

Looking at her friend like she was watching a fool, Yasaka scowled.

Snorting at her friend's cold response, Saya pulled out her phone and took a short video of Yasaka before smirking and showing the screen to everyone present. In the video, and even in real time, you could see Yasaka's tails happily swinging back and forth.

"At least the tail is honest..." Saya chuckled.

Blushing at that, Yasaka used a spell to hide her kitsune features, alas, it was too late since everyone was already staring at her with warm eyes. Nora was even getting a copy of the video on his own phone.

As revenge, Yasaka pulled hers and also took a video of Saya. With a smirk, she showed everyone, making sure that everyone had a good look how Saya's tails had formed a heart behind her.

"I am not ashamed though." Saya shrugged her shoulders. "In fact..."

Poking Nora's cheeks, Saya looked at the youth with a hopeful expression. The youth sighed and sat beside Saya while they pressed their shoulders together. Kuroka remained with her head on his lap.

While giving Yasaka the greatest smug smile so far, Saya and Nora 's tail formed a large heart behind them. This drove Yasaka mad, however, Saya's revenge was not over. Giving Nora a sidelong glance, the duo soon made another heart using his left hand and her right hand respectively. Yasaka was fuming, but Saya did not know self control so she pulled Nora closer until their cheeks were glued together and moved the heart using their hands to look at Yasaka with their eyes.

Rolling his eyes at Saya's childish behavior, Nora was about to move away but Saya was not done yet. She softly kissed the youth cheek and whispered so that Yasaka could hear.

"You are really the best thing that has happened to me in my life." Saya placed her forehead against the youth.

The kitty that was also going to get restless quieted down at that. She observed Nora's face carefully and saw him briefly display deep emotions before immediately covering up with his usual wry smile.

The touching moment was interrupted by Yasaka who had been 'slightly' pissed off by Saya's actions.

"You, me, outside." Yasaka muttered as she stood up.

Standing in front of Saya, she gave the woman a deathly stare.

"Don't wanna." Saya clung onto Nora while giving her friend a challenging look.

This made Yasaka lose it and leaped to attack her friend, but poor kitsune was not ready for Saya to use her beloved son as weapon, even Nora did not expect to be grabbed by the collar of his haori and being thrust toward Yasaka, 'coincidentally' causing Yasaka and him to kiss.

Smirking at that sight, Saya took advantage of Yasaka's frozen state to push Nora forward, causing him to push Yasaka down.

Neither Nora nor Yasaka expected this so they had their eyes wide open while they stared at each other.

Almost letting their desires run amok, they were close to throwing caution to the wind but Saya's presence made them stop and they awkwardly stood up.

Saya sighed at that but soon her expression became stern.

"You really do not waste an opportunity to take advantage of him huh." Saya snorted.

"No, I-" Yasaka shook her head.

"Wouldn't you be able to easily evade that?" Saya snorted. "My poor boy's kiss, his 'first' stolen just like that."

Pulling a handkerchief and wiping imaginary tears from her face, Saya soon noticed that a strange silence had fallen in the area. Even Kuroka, who seemed ready to rage due to the kiss was acting tame while looking away.

"...Oi." Saya glared at her friend. "You could not wait for him to grow up? Huh? Did you assault him? Huh? What is it? Cat got your tongue? Nah, I bet you got his instead."

Feeling wronged, Yasaka wanted to refute her friends logic but-

"Oi! This is the time you immediately say it is not true, you ero-vixen. What else have you done? Don't tell me you have already eaten my son without my knowledge and made him keep quiet about it? Were his charms too strong for you? When was it? Was it during the mating season? I notice that he is the most handsome man around, but to think you could not keep your pants on... Kuh, Nora-chan, I failed you!"

Rolling his eyes at Saya's nonsense, he wanted to explain this situation before it got more chaotic but-

"I DID IT!" Musashi spoke.

Not only Saya and Yasaka, but even Nora turned toward Musashi with wide eyes. Kuroka and Artoria clicked their tongues at the way Musashi had stood up. It seemed that the distracting tactics to hide THAT event that Nora put had been in vain.

"You went and did 'nyan nyan' with MY NORA-CHAN!?" Saya exclaimed.

"I knew it, letting my guard down on this child was a mistake... they casually take baths together and they go out with their faces all red..."

"NYA!?" Kuroka turned toward Nora in surprise after hearing this.

"Don't we do the same...?" Nora read the mind of the kitty.

"...not often enough-nya." Kuroka pouted.

"I always marvel at your guts for speaking about taking baths with other naked women despite being in front of the woman you are trying so hard to court." Artoria commented. "Even if your mother is present, you truly lack shame, huh."

Smirking, Artoria stared at Nora expecting her words to bother him, yet-

"If I had to put a number of times I have been with a woman naked in the bath and even in other places, Artoria, aren't you the one with the highest score? As far as I recall, the one who has seen me naked the most is you too. I sometimes consider you a tsundere because you use spiteful comments to hide your love."

Almost choking with her own saliva after hearing that, Artoria firstly and foremost took a look at Saya and sighed in relief when noticed that she was not paying attention to what Nora just said. In fact, she seemed to be the only one who heard what Nora said. In her panic, she did not notice that detail.

" learned a new trick." Artoria clicked her tongue.

"Shush." Nora hushed Artoria and pointed toward Musashi who was being cornered by Saya and Yasaka.

"You two, please calm down. Leave her alone, don't you think it is a bit scary to be cornered by a pair of Ultimate-Class beings, not to mention, being deeply related to the guy she likes? She might've misspoken a bit. I am still a virgin... I mean, I decided to eat up Yasaka-san first so unless that happens, I will remain pure, ahem, more or less." Nora recalled that while he did not have conventional sex, he did have some 'encounters' and some 'fun' with other women he was close with so he was not exactly pure. "It is about my first kiss. She was the one who took it."

"Yes! That's what I meant! I k-kissed him." Musashi slightly stuttered from embarrassment.

"Oh..." Saya relatively calmed down. "You were the one huh. I thought it would be Yasaka-chan who won in the end in that regard. Heh, she lost."

Wanting to hit her friend for smirking when she said that, Yasaka composed herself as well.

"You wanna hear the story?" Nora did not have to ask because Saya was already nodding her head.

Patting his lap, the youth did not wait for long for two heads to rest on them.

"...Kuroka-chan." Nora sighed but decided to ignore the other kitty that put her head like it was the most common thing. "I guess I should start this. I had already liked her for a while, but I never meant to impose my one-sided feelings, not to mention I had not embraced the idea for a harem completely...I also have to consider whether they want to form part of it or not."

"Has there been anyone who was not satisfied with you? Tell me the names, I will hunt them down..." Saya offered to 'kindly' help out.

Rolling his eyes, he pulled her cheeks.

"I am talking now, if you do not listen quietly, I will not give a lap pillow." Nora said.

With that, Saya made a gesture of zipping her mouth.

"So, it all began a few years back..."




- Flashback starts (A 'few years' back)

The intense clashing of katanas could be heard in the backyard of the japanese style house. Two figures were exchanging blows continuously. One figure could barely keep up with the pace the other party was setting. Blow after blow at speed hard to follow was not the only issue, but the combination of faints and the bluff the woman facing him used were all unique and hard to keep up. Not to mention her footwork was tricky and the patterns changed too fast.

It was a light training practice where several people would exchange blows to test their skills.

Soon enough, as the duo expected, the figure who had the advantage the whole time sent the weapons flying off the hands of her enemy.

"Musashi is really amazing..." Nora raised his hands in defeat when his 'enemy' placed her wooden swords on his neck.

"Haha, it was only this way because you are starting to learn how to dual-wield, you could've lasted longer if you had used only one weapon like you are used to." Musashi chuckled as she put her wooden swords away.

"Not at all, I believe Musashi is skilled enough to make it quick even if I used a method I was more used to. Even as a human with lower specs, you have skills to make up the difference in strength." Nora sighed. "Musashi is amazing."

"Haha, you say that, but soon you will be able to keep up with me. You have fast learning abilities and your eyes react perfectly fine to my movements." Musashi mumbled.

"No at all. I barely improved. I have to put ten times the effort to archive simple things for others. I have to look for ways to improve on my own. Shishou is not the type to hold back so having such a great teacher is bound to leave a little bit of experience in me even if I suck. She just uses movements I cannot react to beat me up into a pulp everytime so " Nora slumped his shoulders. "I have a legendary teacher but I barely pick a thing from her. Am I really that bad as a student? I only get beaten up..."

"Hmmmm, did she tell you anything of that sort?" Musashi did not immediately correct his words despite being wrong.

"Why would she waste her time saying something like that? She just says stuff like 'Oh? You are up already?' and then she starts attacking me." Nora muttered. "Sometimes I would wake up after fainting and find myself already holding a weapon in my hand as Shishou heel is about to land on my face."

" that so." Musashi coldly sweated.

"There are times she brings out Gae Bolg in both hands and plainly destroys me before I can even get into a stance to fight." Nora said. "If I faint after that, she goes 'Not yet huh' and takes me to the Curruid nest she has. I get thrown there as she watches me fighting for my life for no apparent reason."

"" Musashi was not sure what to say.

"I somehow survive that and she drags me back to fight." Nora muttered.

"...with no rest between?" Musashi asked.

"No." Nora looked at Musashi in confusion. "That barely takes a day so there is no need to."

"No, no, no... isn't it normal to take a rest between that?" Musashi retorted.

"If you let down your guard by sleeping, I would wake up tied and hanging on a cliff ready to become food for the Curruid." Nora mumbled.

"...alright, tell me where that woman is, I need to have a little chat with her." Musashi narrowed her eyes.

It was one thing to have a harsh training but that was too much. Musashi could not accept Nora being treated that way so she planned to go and 'talk' to his Shishou.

"Do you even know where the Land of Shadows is...?" Nora inquired.

"" Musashi shook her head. "I think I can get there if I put my mind into it."

"Like you entered my bath after looking for the kitchen last night?" Nora asked.

"...I apologized for that!" Musashi exclaimed.

"I am not bothered about that." Nora shrugged his shoulders. "Still, I can't tell you."

"Why?" Musashi insisted.

"Shishou is a bit... harsh at times. I don't think a godslayer will take it kindly if you go and challenge her." Nora sighed.

"...godslayer?" Musashi widened her eyes.

"Yes, my Shishou, Schatach is a goddess and she has the title of god slayer because she faced many gods in the past and after killing them." Nora explained. 

"...that is some amazing teacher." Musashi chuckled awkwardly. "Come on, you have to be joking..."

Chuckling, Nora pulled his phone and showed Musashi a series of pictures. It started with Nora doing a peace sign as a lady in bodysuit was about kick him, then in changed into him being choked using her thighs but her still had a peace sign with his hand.

"...this doesn't look like a harsh training at all." Musashi gave Nora a suspicious look. "You seem happy to be choked by her thighs."

" comment." Nora coughed and saved his phone.

"So, do we have to wait for you lovebirds to acknowledge our presences or can I smack you strongly in the head so you can finally notice we are here?" Artoria's voice was loud enough to finally get heard.

It was only that the duo noticed that they were very close to one another as they checked the phone screen before.

Not only Artoria was given them a stare, but a myriad of sulky girls were also staring at them.

Flustered, Musashi whistled while looking away. On the other hand, Nora stared at Artoria fixedly.

"...what is it?" Artoria had a bad feeling.

"Sorry, I almost misheard what you said. I had to double check." Nora shrugged his shoulders.

Noticing the smirk on his face, Artoria knew she should not ask. However, Alice, Artoria's imouto was curious by nature and mischievous to heart. The girl who most likely knew she could cause chaos spoke out without hesitation.

"What did you think my sister said, Onii-chan?" Alice asked in an innocent tone.

Like he had been waiting for it, Nora grinned.

"Something about giving me head, but I surely misheard." Nora smirked. "There is no way she would be so bold-"

Musashi beside him spat out and hastily covered his mouth but the words had been heard loud and clear.

"Artoria-nya." Kuroka gave the blonde a suspicious look.

"Nee-sama, what does 'giving head' mean?" Alice asked in an innocent tone but the amusement in her face could not be hidden.

"...a good girl needs to cover her ears at times like this." Kunou covered her ears. "I should ask Kaa-sama later though."

"Question. Kaguya, do you know what he meant?" Yuzuru asked her sister.

"O-Of course, I know." Kaguya coughed, a blush evident in her face. "S-Something like that is plainly obvious, b-but I can't go about disclosing such a thing because those matters only spoken by those who know about it. Since you, my dear sister, are unaware of it, I cannot simply tell you."

"Troop, a new word. Do any of you happen to know what this is about?" Shirone asked the group around her.

"N-No." Charlotte blushed and looked away.

"N-No." Yume frantically shook her head.

" head? Not a pillow...?" Kanna seemed uninterested.

"Is it a fighting move?" Ayanami tilted her head.

"...I need an intelligence member." Shirone sighed.

A mass of darkness exuded an angry aura and seemed ready to attack Artoria.

"Stay." Shirone said.

With those words, Miyako's aura became tame.

"Suzaku-nee-sama, why are you blushing?" Akeno asked in confusion.

Having a bad feeling, Suzaku covered Akeno's ears just in time, but she could help letting her imagination run wild since she heard it completely.

"For n-nothing..." Suzaku shook her head.

"H-Head!" Kasen seemed to be ready to jump in, but she held back.

Compared to Miyako, her objective seemed to be another one though.

Dropping the tea she brought in a tray, Akiko looked at Artoria with wide eyes.

Thankfully, Alkaid caught it before it fell to the ground and caused a mess... only to leave the one she brought to fall instead. Her sister's eyes gleamed and she moved to catch the tray her sister dropped but Sirius was a klutz so she dropped hers as she tried but failed to catch her sister's tray.

"This place is so fun." Asuna commented as she also appeared with a tray of her own.

"Chaotic is the word you want to say..." Karin sighed.

"It is a lively place, I am sure you would like it here." Tamamo chuckled. "There is never a boring day when you are near my hubby."

"Is it really ok to do as he asked?" Karin asked.

"You mean dressing as a maid? He is my hubby, you can treat his words as mine. You were sent here as my bodyguards/servants but I find it bothersome to deal with that. being a maid in this house is not bad. Besides, the uniform is not bad, is it?"

Looking at the cute design of the maid outfit, Karin could not find a point to raise a complaint about other than-

"Do I really have to wear this tag?" Karin pointed at her name along with a heart mark at the end on a tag placed on her chest.

"I don't recall that being part of the design." Tamamo shook her head.

Looking at Asuna, the girl in question smiled happily.

"It is cute, right?" Asuna said.

Sighing, Karin prepared to give her friend a talking since she had used it because she heard Nora had ordered her to.

"I came to play!" Serafall's lively voice was heard. "I brought So-tan as well, Nora-chan!"

"N-Nee-sama, you cannot just barge in unannounced." Sona hastily ran after her sister.

Arriving from a teleportation circle, the Maou did not attract much attention because everyone was focused on Artoria.

"I-I came as I promised..." Gabriel's shy voice was heard as she timidly arrived from inside the house followed by a stiff looking Yasaka.

Two young women were following after Gabriel, but compared to the highest female authority on the Heaven faction who wore a white summer dress as she hid her halo and wings, but still retained her angelic purity. One wore a mismatched denim and top while the other one was wearing... a maid outfit.

Once she arrived, Gabriel turned toward a figure who noticed her arrival and immediately locked eyes with her.

Serafall sent her a look filled with rivalry, but Gabriel was unaware why a Maou was doing that.

Back to Artoria, the girl was at her wits end.

"I hate you." Artoria spat out as she saw the chaos unfold and the girls stare at her with a mixture of curious innocence and animosity.

"And I love you." Nora winked and formed a heart using both hands before blowing a kiss toward Artoria.

This caused another uproar as the girls glared at Artoria furiously. Even Alice seemed to be looking at her sister with jealousy.

"Why are you teasing her so much? Jeez..." Musashi smiled wryly.

"She is a funny gal and enjoys butting heads with her." Nora admitted.

"Is that so? You are usually running around doing this and that so I am glad you have someone to play with." Musashi muttered.

"...I am not a child." Nora smiled wryly.

"Hehe, too bad, I was in a playful mood and wanted to invite you to play in a festival that is being held nearby, but I guess Nora-kun is too big to enjoy that kind of thing." Musashi shrugged her shoulders.

"No, wait, bring me." Nora's expression shifted.

Looking surprised, the youth reached for Musashi but stopped his hand when he was about to touch her. Smiling dejectedly, he put his hand away.

"Gosh, you are cute!" Musashi melted seeing his dejected expression and opened her arms wide.

Hugging the youth, she buried his face in her ample bosom and spun in place.

"Hehe, you don't need to make that kind of face, I was planning to drag you there even if you said no." Musashi chuckled happily.

"Ah, sneaky-nya." Kuroka who was ready to unleash her wrath (?) onto Artoria saw this and reacted.

This caused a chain reaction and numerous eyes were directed at the duo hugging.

Musashi noticed this and froze, her heart skipped a beat when she noticed that she was actually doing something bold and she got embarrassed.

Calming down- no, Musashi tried but was unable for some reason. She got extremely conscious of Nora. The youth had reached the limit and had to breathe, which caused Musashi to turn bright red in an instant. Sensing Nora's breath in her chest gave her a weird and fuzzy feeling that sent butterflies to her stomach.

"Hey, don't move around." Musashi's face twisted in an awkward smile.

She tried to shift her body and separate their bodies, but being looked at made her nervous. Musashi lost her balance and she felt forward. Seeing as she was going to fall onto the youth, Musashi tried to shift her body to protect him, but the youth had the same idea. This caused the funny spectacle of Musashi moving so Nora would fall onto him, but Nora had the same idea so he ended up below her at the end. That said, this did not plummet to the ground like everyone expected. Musashi, who had braced for the 'impact', opened her yes timidly and noticed that she was face to face with Nora who had made the amazing feat of holding both of them from falling by using the muscles of his knees to remain parallel to the ground by keeping his back straight and his feet firmly planted on the ground.

"Nora-kun..." Musashi was rather happy by Nora's actions and smiled brightly.

Looking at her messy silvery and pinkish hair the youth unconsciously brought one his hands to one stray bang soft hanging on his forehead as he smoothed the stray bang back into place.

It was like they were in their own world, the ruckus of everyone looking reacting seemed unimportant, yet they were conscious of each of other. Musashi gazed at the youth's green eyes and she was mesmerized in the emerald gleam of the cat like orbs. the same could be said from the youth who gazed at Musashi and lost himself in her sapphire colored eyes that were filled with a hidden desire, buried for everyone but her to be known.

They slowly and unconsciously brought their faces together but they seemed to notice what they were doing and stopped, before looing away awkwardly for a moment.

"...I should stand up." Musashi smiled wryly as she tried to brush up what happened, but the blush on her face could not be

Just as Musashi tried to stand up, the youth had the feeling that he heard a fed up sigh and... he lost his balance.

Falling to the ground made not only him to be surprised but Musashi as well, the duo were stunned by the fall but even more because Musashi had fallen straight on top of Nora again. Specifically, her face, no, her mouth had explicitly landed on top of Nora's.

The duo opened their eyes wide and at the same time they turned as red as humanly possible. It was not the most romantic way of kissing. They had their eyes wide open and they were somewhat sweaty, yet it was thoroughly burned into their memories. It almost felt like their beating hearts that were about to jump out of their chests were beating at the same rhythm, no, it was actually the case. They became conscious of one another to an incredible level. Their nose continuously took each other's scent inside of them while the rest of their bodies felt the warm they gave off.

"OOOOOIIIII! What'cha think yar doin' ya thiverin woman!?" Tamamo's loud was heard by everyone.

The sheer emotion behind it was enough to make the group about to attack to flinch for a moment and it had enough power to make Nora and Musashi to react. The duo hastily separated, but what they did next added fuel to the fire. Nonetheless, it was not your run of the mill fuel, but an experimental kind of rocket fuel because the level of animosity they attacked was not normal.

As they stood up, they licked their lips slowly to savor the lingering remnants of the other party and the duo shared a shy look only to see what caused them to turn away.

"Ah ah, so that's how yar gunna play huh." Tamamo's strange accent was ignored, but everyone could feel her anger and deep-seated jealousy bursting. "Musashi, you have flipped my switch. Beast Mode ON."

Perhaps noticing that no one minded her accent or maybe because she got a clearer mind, Tamamo spoke in a calm tone the later part.

"Asuna, Karin, go and fetch that woman for me. I think I need to show her that you need to follow the pecking order or you will get hurt." Tamamo waved her hand.

Tilting her head for a moment, Asuna soon dashed with a smile on her face. Looking extremely reluctant as she sighed, Karin let out some arcs of electricity and turned into lighting, moving at an incomparable speed to that of Asuna who seemed to be playing.

Once the maid began using her abilities, everyone else seemed to react and followed suit. A mass of darkness ready to swallow everything was among the most showy one, but the large snake capable of gulping down everyone in place did not get placed too behind in that list. Each of the girls used their own means to secure Musashi and have a talk. On the other hand, the poor Musashi shook in place seeing a practical 'avalanche' about to swallow her whole. 

"Tricky." Nora clicked his tongue.

With one swing of his hand, the youth threw several 'items'. His actions were like an invisible wall had been erected between the duo and the avalanche.

"Let's scram." Nora sprang into action.

Sweeping his foot at Musashi, he made her lose her footing and caught before she hit the ground before picking her up in a princess carry. Tapping the ground in a particular rhythm, a magic circle appeared.

"Wait, wait just a moment! What's going on? What did you throw away?" Musashi, who could hardly follow what was going on, asked.

"Catnip, a magazine of illegally taken photos of me as I change my shirt, snacks, and some of my underwear." Nora replied calmly.

"WHAAA-" Musashi's voice was cut off since the magic circle teleported them away.




Appearing outside his house, the youth clicked his tongue as he looked around.

"That woman acts fast. She already locked teleportation outside Urakyoto?" Nora looked toward his previous location with a bitter smile. "I did not set up that kind of barrier so you could trap me when you got angry at me."

"Wait, stoooooop! I am having a hard time following what's going on." Musashi used both hands to rub her forehead.

"...well, it has been triggered." Nora shrugged his shoulders. "It was something bound to happen at some point. I am not completely obvious about everyone's feelings so I expected that things would be wild once they learned about my first kiss. Not like how I had in mind for it to happen."

Sighing in exasperation, the youth could hear loud sounds of destruction and flashes originating from all sorts of attacks could be easily seen from his position.

"No, not that." Musashi shook her head.

"Oh, I prepared a barrier that is supposed to help with almost instantaneous movement all over Urakyoto for key figures. I secretly added emergency checkpoints outside in the human world but they have been blocked." Nora explained.

Noticing how the sound of the fight was getting less and less loud, he assumed that the ownership of his decoys had been claimed.

"Not that either." Musashi gave a piercing stare at the youth.

Looking at how serious Musashi seemed to be gazing at him, the youth gulped thinking that something important must've escaped his mind.

"...where can I find a copy of that magazine? I mean, your underwear, you go around throwing your used underwear?" Musashi asked.

Inwardly face palming, the youth smiled wryly.

"You are really Musashi." Nora chuckled. "No, that is used underwear, but rather, brand new."

" threw quite a bit, do you always keep that much at hand?" Musashi inwardly clicked her tongue after failing to get an answer to her first question.

"...once I use one, and change, I will never be able to see the same one ever again so I have to constantly keep a large stock saved up for my use." Nora spoke in a neutral tone and his eyes seemed to lack some luster as well.

"...if you are being bullied, you can come and live with me, your underwear will be safe with me." Musashi spoke in a gentle and reassuring tone.

"Your offer is incredibly tempting, but I recommend that you do not say that again and think of how to rephrase that." Nora smiled.

"Ah..." Musashi realized the issue."

Pulling a pair of items from his storage, Nora put it on Musashi's hands before looking away with a blush on his face.

"Use it responsibly." Nora mumbled.

"Eh?" Musashi was at a loss until she felt the piece of cloth and the paper texture in her hands. "No, no, no, it is not like that!!!"

Immediately shaking her head, Musashi tried to deny everything, but her hands kept an incredible grip on the items.

"It is ok, I understand." Nora smiled reassuringly. "I will get you more volumes of the magazine at a later date."

Before she could deny anything, Musashi heard what the youth said and gulped involuntarily, but she hardened her heart and bit her lips as her hands trembled with extreme unwillingness while she tried to give back the items, however, she stopped.

" do not want them?" Nora's extremely hurt and sad expression was dangerous.

"...I accept this gift gratefully." Musashi stored the items 'reluctantly'.

Before they could exchange any other words, an alarm rang all over Urakyoto.

"As the ruler and representative of the youkais, I, Yasaka, commands all of you to catch Nora Shiki and Musashi Miyamoto! These two need to be brought to me."

An announcement could be heard all over the city and many citizens looked to one another curiously.

"Did they fight again?"

"No, she mentioned another person, perhaps it is a shuraba situation."

"...when is it not a shuraba situation with Shiki-sama?"

"...I cannot offer a retort to that."

"Should we listen to her?"

"Why not? Sounds like fun, last week Shiki-sama had put a ban on sweets for Yasaka-sama so once he let himself be caught, we all got sweets made by him for free."

"I was outside town that time..."

The conversation of the citizens seemed to be rather relaxed.

"The biggest contributor will get a massage coupon and a date coupon depending on their performance."

The spirited shout of several women could be heard all over the Urakyoto.

"He was illegally kissed by the woman Musashi, so she must be brought before me as well."

This time, Yasaka's words caused a huge stir and many women began to lit up torches that they pulled from who knows where.

"...we are so screwed." Nora sighed as he saw several women looking at him with a strange glint in their eyes.

"...I would join this hunt if I was not a target myself." Musashi sighed.

" is just a massage and a date, I hardly think it is worth the hype." Nora smiled wryly.

Looking at the youth who seemed to honestly think so, Musashi heavily sighed again.

"Where should we go?" Musashi did not dwell on the topic.

"I wonder. I have some houses prepared in the city but they are common knowledge for the girls at home, while the ones in the underworld would be known by Grayfia-san and Serafall-san..." Nora mumbled. "I could contact Marion, but I feel like she might be joining the girls as soon as she learns what is going on."

" have safe houses?" Musashi sweated coldly.

"One can never be too prepared." Nora said. "The ones in Valkyrie's living quarters should also be compromised... gununu, this might be a real pinch huh."

"You sure sound composed..." Musashi sighed but did not feel like things were looking bleak.

"I mean, I got the always reliable Musashi-chan at my side, I am sure we can pull through anything if we are together." Nora smiled.

Blushing at that, Musashi had to cover her face to hide the embarrassment.

Chuckling at that, the youth began to run away as the number of women surrounding him had begun to rise.

There was no way he would be stopped by regular citizens. They might be youkais, but they lack training in combat so their attempts to stop him were unsuccessful. There were some that made the youth pause because he had to throw a towel or two along the way.

"Showing me their naked breasts is not a tactic I expected, not gonna lie." Nora sighed as he escaped.




It might've been obvious but letting down Musashi would've been the most logical choice since they would be able to move separately and even disguise themselves, but the duo remained like before as they ran all over Urakyoto. It would normally be the one running around the one who got tired first, but Nora was the very picture of energy and he even stopped to offer water to the women who were out of breath. Nonetheless, this only made the women of marriageable age to gain several boosts and try harder. The problem is that they were against a guy who could run for long periods without sweating so they were no match for him.

"We have been running around for a while, are you trying to attract all the women in one place?" Musashi asked.

"Looking for a gap to escape, but security is tight. Things are oddly calm since none of the tengus have made a move, otherwise, I would be more pressed to escape. I guess she was to reduce my stamina as much as possible using the citizens." Nora mumbled.

Reaching a back alley with no exit, he glanced and saw hope in the eyes of the women who believed that he was cornered, yet the youth stepped on a wall and jumped to another one as he climbed out of the alley, leaving the women with eyes filled with despair. It was a little exaggerated that they were acting like that, but the youth recalled that some of them were rather late for marriage and decided to give them a little freebie. Throwing back some magazines of the same kind he used to stall the wave of madness from his 'friends' before, the youth hoped the ladies felt like it was worth wasting their time.

"You can be really evil." Musashi gave the youth a reproachful look.

"Urgh, don't do that. I will seriously cry if you do that for too long." Nora looked affected as he almost slipped when landing.

"...hmph." Musashi pouted. "Womanizer."

"Gah." Nora stumbled and came to a stop. "Seriously, if Musashi disliked me, I will cry."

"You are exaggerating." Musashi mumbled.

Before the youth could elaborate, an arc of electricity was seen striking the ground in front of the youth and as he stepped back, another one struck the ground behind him.

"Yahooo! Master! Asuna has come to pick you up!" Asuna's upbeat voice easily reached Nora.

Raising her hand as high as she could, she waved at the youth with a friendly smile. In contrast to that, the one who appeared in front of him had a serious expression as she sighed.

"Asuna, we came here to capture the two of them..." Karin muttered.

"Oh? Is that so?" Asuna lowered her hand as she pondered with a hard expression. "Could you get caught so we can all play again?"

"...should I let myself get caught?" Nora mumbled.

"Hey!" Musashi exclaimed.

"Alright, I know. I was just joking." Nora sighed. "Sorry, you know I cannot go back for now or things will be a little dangerous."

Furrowing her eyebrows, Karin could not understand what the youth meant.

"Look, consider this scenario, the guy you love is kissed by another woman right in front of you. Not only that, it is the first kiss he had been saving and prevent advances from you for a long time." Nora said. "I would be extremely pissed off. They must be quite shaken and might act on impulse if they see us in person."

"...That is a rather clear assessment." Karin mumbled. "However, you could also say that you are running away because you are afraid of the consequences."

Smiling bitterly, the youth shrugged his shoulders briefly before looking serious.

"I think it is normal to run away if you cannot face a situation. I won't say you should always run away, but sometimes, if you fearlessly go and face a problem that you have no idea how to fix, you might just make things worse. I don't mind betting against the odds in a battle, but... I cannot do so in these kinds of matters." Nora said.

Not only Karin and Asuna were listening closely to the youth's words, Musashi also looked at the youth from her position. One her hands had made her way onto Nora's chest and she felt his heart beat while he spoke. He was being honest as he spoke every word.

"You are more thoughtful than I initially considered." Karin admitted. "I expected a more irresponsible answer."

"...I am still running away." Nora mumbled bitterly.

"She did say you were not going to be someone easy to figure out, but I guess I was underestimating you." Karin said. "However, that is that... and this is this."

Arcs of electricity coursed above Karin's skin as she looked at the youth with a serious expression.

"Figures." Nora looked at Musashi. "Do you trust me?"

"...I would usually answer 'yes' without questioning you, but I feel like I should shake my head here." Musashi had a bad feeling.

Smiling widely, the youth had a bright smile that stunned not only Musashi but even Karin who was looking at him.

"I luv u." Nora smiled as he threw the young woman above him with considerable strength given that she disappeared from everyone's view for a second, her cry as she flew away was ignored by everyone to protect her maiden heart.

"Yosh, shall we do this?" Nora changed position so that the 'maids' were now at each of his sides as he signaled them to come forward.

"Hehe." Asuna chuckled dashed toward the youth as arcs of electricity danced around her.

Without saying anything, Karin matched Asuna's movements perfectly as they both moved at the same pace.

The youth kept a composed smile and bid his time, he did not bother reinforcing his body. There was no need, or so he thought. The duo 'attacking' him did not want to harm him so he did not fight for real. Nonetheless, that did not mean he was giving up.

Just when they were close to him, Asuna lunged at him with open arms and a bright smile on her face that almost made the youth catch her hug mid air and spin in place to kill her momentum.

"Sorry, I will play with you all you want after this is over." Nora mumbled.

Side stepping away just before Asuna could catch him, Nora light altered her posture mid air so that Asuna did not fall face first on the ground. Thanks to him, Asuna easily landed on her feet. On the other hand, Karin took the opportunity to close in and place both of her hands on Nora's shoulders.

"Given that you are my 'master', I have to apologize for doing something like this." Karin said.

The tone she used to call him master seemed to tickle Nora off somewhat.

"I will make you call me master from the bottom of your heart and not because someone ordered you to." Nora said.

"...I would like to see you try." Karin replied in a slightly daring tone.

Just like that, Karin sent a jolt of electricity coursing through her body toward the youth.


Flying high in the sky, already tired from screaming and already on descense, Musashi saw a burst of light and sighed since she knew Nora was involved in that. She only hoped he could catch her in time.


"...not gonna work." Nora said in a nonchalant tone despite his clothes being slightly burnt and smoke coming out of his body.

"...this makes no sense." Karin was bewildered. "I am certain I used enough power to knock you out, even if I did not accomplish my goal, you should've been paralyzed for a moment."

"Do you think I have not been receiving my fair share of electric shocks? I train with Akeno-chan how to control her Holy Lighting so I have received my fair share of shocks. Her father also tortures- I mean, trains with me whenever Akeno-chan gets mad at me... if you want to deal with me, anything but being serious is not a choice." Nora chuckled. "I am not a fan of using this kinds of techniques, but since this is not a serious battle... I think Shishou will not beat me up for doing this."

Feeling a chill running down her spine that was somewhat different than she was used to, Karin tried to step back but the youth gently held her left arm and pulled her closer before she was able to free herself. The maid soon found herself with an arm wrapped around her waist in an extremely compromising position. Her chest was glued to the youth and she could feel every muscle on his hard chest even though they had their clothes on. However, as much as she felt inclined to experience the new feeling he exposed her to, his warm breath on her face was too alluring to ignore. It had an intoxicating smell that made her body weak. Nonetheless, the youth was not done with her. He took one of her hands that remained awkwardly and placed it on his chest. Karin felt like the lighting user was the youth and not herself. Her hand seemed to have life of its own as it began to feel the youth's abs.

"I guess you like what it is in front of you." Nora smiled meaningfully. "Reactions like these from maidens such as yourself make me question if I am actually handsome or the just the smashed potato I believe I am."

Biting her lips, Karin could not deny the youth's words given her current actions.

"Heh, maiden... Isn't that just your wish? You know nothing about us so how can you tell we are 'maidens', we are a long lived race and we could've thrown away our maiden status long ago." Karin said.

Trying to put on a defiant face, Karin's face reddened all of sudden and had to use one hand to cover mouth to avoid any noise from leaking.

"See that?" Nora smirked. "If you want to act like you have experience... try not to make a sound from being caressed over there."

As the youth spoke, he placed his finger on Karin's pantyhose clad leg and slowly caressed her as he moved his hand upward. This caused Karin to shake but despite her ability to turn into lighting at will, she made no efforts to escape.

"I can tell you are a maiden, and a pure one at that." Nora muttered. "You see... I actually have a good nose for that. I can smell when a woman is a 'maiden' or not. I can also tell when they are... 'frustrated' and have some 'needs'. You are... *sniff*"

Moving his head toward Karin's neck, the youth sniffed before pulling back. One look at Karin's face who was shaking from shame made the youth chuckle.

"How cute of you." Nora smiled. "Other than a deep curiosity I can tell from your hands still feeling me up, you are without doubt a virgin."

Before Karin could say anything, the youth placed a finger on top of her lips and he made a low shushing sound.

"Let's keep the teasing up to here, my dear choco maid. I truly find you attractive so I have to hold myself back from doing something more daring than this." Nora whispered in Karin's ears as he closed in. "You are a good girl deep down, but I understand your... distrust toward me. There is much to nitpick about me, I am lacking in several areas so I must look like something that would cause distress to the person you were sent to serve, Tamamo. However, I plan to change that. I want you to give me a chance. If you do that, I will show you through actions that I can make Tamamo happy... no, not just Tamamo, I want to make everyone happy, I will make them all happy."

As the youth pulled back and stared straight into her eyes without getting distracted, Karin could see through his green eyes how serious he was. There was a profound and heartfelt appeal in there trying to convey a simple feeling... the one where you want to be trusted. Karin was now at the point where she could decide whether to trust him or not. She had a feeling that he would simply take his distance if she decided not to and this whole teasing would end. However, in doing so... she would lose something.

"...I will be watching." Karin said. "You can let go of me now."

"Thanks." Nora smiled happily. "Oh, I put my hands away a few seconds back then."

With a smile that clearly asked for a beating, he had his hands in the air.

It was than that Karin noticed that she was the one pushing her body onto him. Not only that, one hand tightly gripping the ties that keep the hakama in place while her other hand was... touching his abs direct, a details she was dumbfounded about given that she wore gloves but one look to the ground she saw the poor white glove laying there, she could feel that it was silently judging her and asking why she had thrown it away.

Slowly and reluctantly, Karin took a step aside after releasing the youth and she picked her glove like nothing happened.

"You might leave." Karin coughed.

"I am still waiting for Musashi." Nora looked high in the sky and he could make out how the young woman was already on her way down. "Maybe I shouldn't have enhanced my strength before throwing her..."

Sighing, the youth wondered what to tell Musashi when she nitpicks his rough handling.

"You are not going to attack me?" Nora asked.

Looking at the remaining maid, the youth was curious why she had remained quiet all this time.

"Huh? Why would I attack you?" Asuna smiled. "I came here to play! Oh, wait... I was supposed to capture you."

Tapping her chin thoughtfully, Asuna pondered for a second.

"If I capture Master now... we can play. Ah, but if I capture the Master, he might get angry and will not play with me." Asuna pondered hard.

Looking at the maid who seemed troubled, Nora walked up to her and while she was distracted he placed both of his hands on her cheeks, turning her head toward him. Nora briefly enjoyed the soft texture of her squishy cheeks and felt almost inclined to play with them but he used his superhuman self-control to hold back.

"I will not get angry if you decide to follow what you were ordered to. That choice is yours to make, not mine." Nora mumbled. "I can only ask you to listen to me, just like I asked the choco maid back there. I want you to give me an oportunity to fix this mess. I will probe the two of you of what I am capable of." 

Nora smiled at the listless expression from the young woman who seemed to have her mind on something else. Perhaps she was not even listening to him, or so the youth thought.

Looking at Nora listlessly for a moment, Asuna smiled widely once again.

"If you promise to play with me later, I will let you go!" Asuna clung onto the with fervor.

Grinning at this, Nora was actually sweating inwardly, he had not felt ill will so he was one step late to react. No, it was not as simple as that. His body never tried to avoid it so it never motioned any sort of reaction. Yet, he soon calmed down after looking at the gaze filled with expectation directed at him.

"I will play with you a lot." Nora released her reluctantly. "It is a promise."

Putting on a disappointed expression after being released, Asuna smiled again once she heard the youth's words.

"Now then..." Nora could tell that his 'partner' in this escapade was getting closer. "Time to catch the princess."

Drawing a symbol in the air, the youth created a gust of wind using a simple Youjutsu spell. The gust of wind reduced Musashi's fall and the youth caught her once she was close enough by leaping in her direction.

"The path is clear, my princess." Nora smiled at his 'princess'.

Trying to suppress the smile that was creeping at her face from hearing the youth call her that, Musashi attempted to pout as an expression of her displeased mood.

Seemingly able to read what was on her mind, the youth acted almost by instinct and kissed her cheek.

"Kuh." Musashi felt like an arrow hit her heart.

"Don't be mad." Nora's sweet whispers were a huge hit to Musashi.

"...let's just go." Musashi's barely audible voice was squeezed after she saw the youth ready to 'attack' again.

Watching from one side, Asuna got closer to Karin with a curious expression.

"If we wanted to capture Musashi-chan, we should just call Master." Asuna commented.

"...If he played dirty like that, even I would be in danger." Karin sighed but soon realized her mistake.

"Eh~" Asuna had a wide grin on her face.

Leaning toward her friend, Asuna poked her cheek.

"So Karin is weak against that kind of 'attacks'." Asuna giggled. "How cute~"

Face-palming, Karin regretted leaking such a thing in front of one of the two people she never wanted to find out.

However, sometimes, bad news come in numbers. From the corner of her eyes, just before he left, Karin saw Nora giving her a glance as his cat ears twitched.

"...I wanna go home." Karin sat down on her spot while covering her face.