Here and there, there and here

3rd Person POV

Walking through the forest without apparent aim, a figure stepped on some leaves in order all while knocking on the bark of the trees in a predetermined rhythm. His actions had taken him a lot of time already, staring while the moon was above him, the sun was starting to come out by the time that the air around the forest changed. It was a detail that not many would notice, but the figure accepted it without much change in expression. With a serious face all the time, the figure, a tall youth, soon saw how the forest was turning different. The trees had undergone an extreme change and you could almost feel like they were alive. They had grown exponentially tall and their branches could swallow your figure in seconds, yet despite the slight movement of the branches, the youth continued to follow his earlier actions. Stepping on some leaves in order while knocking on the trees' bark. Thanks to that, whenever the branches seemed to move, they would go back to their earlier positions.

It was a tedious process that took the youth hours and required deep concentration to repeat his actions without making mistakes. However, he continued his action without changing expressions.

It was by the time the sun was high in the sky that the youth came out of the forest and a huge Torii gate was several meters ahead of him. Behind that, a large dome-shaped barrier covered a village. He gave the village a forlorn gaze before shaking his head and focusing on the figures standing directly in front of the gate. They were familiar figures and he would meet them every time he came to visit this village. He would usually use another way to enter, but this time was different so he could not simply greet them with a smile and offer them fried tofu.

"What are you doing?" Akagi asked in a less than friendly tone. "Is this some kind of game to you? You usually enter this place as you own it."

"Nee-sama, he is not an enemy so you should get rid of the fox fire." Kaga sighed.

Like the kitsune said, Akagi had summoned several fox fires and they hoovered behind her.

Watching this, the youth inwardly smiled wryly, yet he did not express it outwardly.

"I have come here with one request." Nora spoke in a clear tone. "Please grant me an audience with Amagi-sama."

Listening to the unusual formal tone the duo felt that something was wrong. This was unusual, and added to the fact that the youth had used an uncommon way to get in when he could simply teleport inside the village if he wanted to, the duo raised their alertness, considering that the person before then was a fake Nora.

Just like he had been reading their minds, or perhaps, he simply read their expressions, the youth pulled a wooden token and threw it toward Akagi.

The kitsune took and examined it over a couple of times, before looking at Nora with an odd expression.

"Nee-sama..." Kaga was unsure how to proceed.

"What if I say I do not want to let you enter?" Akagi crossed her arms and looked down on the youth. "Are you going to pretend to wait or will you simply stop playing around and enter your own place. Stop this stupid game at once."

Akagi seemed irked when she saw the youth keep the same expression, but she grunted when he went down to his knees and... placed his forehead on the ground in a dogeza.

"Please, grant me an audience with Amagi-sama." Nora muttered in a formal tone.

Somehow, Akagi got angrier but she was not sure why. Kaga did not find what she saw amusing either and gave her sister a look as if asking what they should do. This gate was Akagi's responsibility so if she did not want to, she would not open the way inside the village. Compared to the other doors, the youth had picked the worst person to ask for entry.

"Do you think this is funny? Is this one of your usual antics? What are you going to do next? Just so you know, I can just leave you out and no one can say a thing. I have the duty of protecting this gate and that gives me the right to decide who goes through it." Akagi snorted. "That's why you should forget it and go try your luck somewhere else-"

Before Akagi finished, Nora had raised his forehead and planted it on the ground again, with even more force than before.

"Please, grant me an audience with Amagi-sama." Nora repeated.

Just like she had eaten a bitter bug by accident, Akagi's expression changed and she gritted her teeth.

"You can just head in normally if you want to talk to her!" Akagi raised her voice.

"Please, grant me an audience with Amagi-sama." Nora raised his head and planted it on the ground again.

"What's wrong with you!?" Akagi had not unsummoned the fox fires and wanted to attack the youth out of frustration.

"Nee-sama!" Kaga held her back. "You can't do that!"

"But look at him! He is... He is... Urgh!!!" Akagi stomped her foot angrily.

"Please, grant me an audience with Amagi-sama." Nora raised his head and planted it on the ground again.

Without caring for the duo's feelings, the youth repeated his actions. Given the strength that he banged his forehead to the ground, it was bound to happen and the kitsunes saw it. The youth began to bleed from his forehead.

Kaga turned to her sister and Akagi only snorted.

"Something of that level is not even worth mentioning, he will recover in no time at all." Akagi grunted.

The duo were aware of his regeneration abilities so what Akagi said made sense. Nonetheless, Nora continued to repeat his actions over and over. A blood puddle had begun to form around the area where he was banging his forehead, and he showed no signs of healing himself.

"...why are you doing this?" Kaga asked. "This is not like you. We have fought many times before, I have an idea what kind of guy you are after putting heads a number of times."

"...I am not coming here as the person you know." Nora muttered. "The 'me' right now is nothing but a stranger. I have followed the path that outsiders use. Just like anyone who gets 'permission' to enter, seeking an audience... I am following all those steps."

Listening to the youth, they began to understand his actions until now.

"You should be also aware that... you could get sent back if we do not find you 'worthy'." Kaga muttered.

"I will just have to do it again then." Nora replied. "I will do over and over, and over, and over, and over... until you let me in."

Sighing Kaga looked at her sister who had a similar bitter expression.

"Nee-sama, if Amagi-nee-sama finds out that he came by and you did not let him in, she will be angry." Kaga said.

Shuddering, Akagi coughed awkwardly.

"...clean yourself, I will go and announce your presence per the rules. If Amagi-nee-sama says that you should not enter, then regardless of how many times you break your forehead by banging it against the ground, I will not let you in." Akagi left.

Going through the door, Akagi most likely took the slow route as a petty revenge.

Sighing at that, Kaga walked toward Nora and him a towel she pulled from her pocket dimension.

"Clean yourself." Kaga muttered.

Without standing up, the youth took the towel and wiped off the blood. Kaga could see how much damage he had done to himself so she spoke.

"Why are you doing this to yourself? There is no need... Nee-sama can be... harsh to you, but you have told me that you know she is a good person at heart. If you had explained your reasons before, she would've at least listened to you before turning antagonistic." Kaga said. "Also, heal yourself. If Amagi-nee-sama sees you like that, there will be an uproar."

"...I am here for a reason." Nora kept his eyes on the bloodied towel. "There is something I need to do here at all costs. However, I cannot involve you, neither you nor Akagi-chan need to know."

Wiping his forehead off blood again, when he lowered the towel, the injuries were gone. Kaga could be wrong, but she felt like the speed he fixed himself had gone up.

"Calling Nee-sama with '-chan' will only make her angrier..." Kaga sighed. "Must you always make her angry? You have proven your worth to everyone in the village and you have earned their trust. Not to mention the affection of many, yet you still find ways to make Nee-sama get mad at you."

"...Akagi-chan needs that. I am aware of certain things she has been mulling over for months." Nora looked at Kaga. "As her sister, you will surely take her side."

"...have you ever considered that you lack the respect of privacy area? Unless you were invading our private property to spy on us, it is unlikely that you heard about it any other way." Kaga muttered.

"...I want to help Akagi-chan." Nora said. "Just stopping that nonsense is not enough. She needs to change her flawed view. Only then, Akagi-chan will become the best version of herself. She will be free of her burdens... burdens she placed on herself."

"You are truly a busybody." Kaga mumbled.

"...that is quite harsh but truthful." Nora smiled wryly.

"...stand up, I will lead you inside." Kaga pointed behind her, toward the village.

Not moving an inch, the youth seemed to be expecting Akagi in person to be his guide.

"Stop wasting our time, I was informed to guide you in, Nee-sama is being punished by Amagi-nee-sama for making you stay out here... like I told her she would." Kaga sighed.

Hearing this, the youth stood up.

Looking like he was not going to take the initiative to enter, Kaga began to walk toward the village. The youth followed after her step by step, stopping if she halted her movements and going forward if she resumed them. The young woman decided to not question his actions anymore before guiding him all the way to Amagi's place. She avoided crowded places as much as possible before using a teleporting formation. It would be troublesome to find some of his admirers since it would hinder their movements after all.




Staying outside Amagi's room, the place he was guided to, the youth refused to take a step inside despite Amagi's offer.

"Are you really going to stay over there? I was hoping that you could discuss your business while having some tea together." Amagi looked troubled.

"I would dare not." Nora used a respectful and somewhat distant tone. "I have not come here in as Nora, a close friend and ally of the nine-tailed foxes, but as a rouge wandering senjutsu user. I have taken all the steps to enter in order to get an audience with a high-ranking person in the village. In this case, I am lucky enough that Amagi-sama, one of the highest authorities, blessed me with her presence."

Lowering his head and not daring to directly look at Amagi, he sat on the door's steps of the room.

At each side of the door, Nora was observed by Akagi and Naga, each with their own thoughts regarding his attitude.

"You do know that it is quite rude to refuse an invitation from a high-ranking party?" Amagi asked.

"...ugh." Nora trembled. "I have come here to wake up the slumbering ones."

"...should I be surprised at this point?" Amagi sighed. "Leave us alone."

The air turned heavy as soon as Nora had spoken those words. Amagi waved her hand to send away everyone else and while unwilling, Akagi and Kaga left. Amagi pointed to the low table where she had placed some snacks and a tea set. The youth had no choice but to move closer to the table, but he did not touch a thing placed on it. He looked at Amagi with a serious look. Amagi sighed heavily as she tapped the table with her finger after sitting parallel to Nora.

"Did you seduce anyone to get that kind of information?" Amagi plainly asked. "There are only a limited number of our people that know about those slumbering. Outsiders have long forgotten after it was made to believe they died. Even Yasaka does not know."

Inwardly, Nora wanted nothing more than to object to that quite strongly since he certainly had not seduced anyone to acquire that information, but rather he had used his clairvoyance. Nonetheless, it would raise more questions if he denied using the seducing route. In a way, this was reaping what he sowed.

"I have my ways." Nora did not comment on anything else and the certain someone who had asked him about it.

Slightly surprised, Amagi widened her eyes and covered her mouth in shock.

"A-Are you really Nora!?" Amagi raised a trembling finger as she pointed at the youth. "Nora would've surely followed with a 'I did not seduce anyone, but if I ever need to do so to get inside information, I would be seducing you, babe'."

"No, isn't that too much? I would not use babe, it sounds strange." Nora had to refute, although his point was slightly odd.

Smiling slightly as she managed to get a normal reaction out of the youth, Amagi fell silent. The importance of the slumbering ones was hard to put into words. Their abilities were not only overwhelming in terms of strength and even in raw power, but they were simply explained, as unique individuals of their race. It was only because such beings existed that the nine-tailed race was not practically wiped out back then during the war hundreds of years ago.

Their state was rather unique since there were several steps necessary for them to wake up. One of them was a matter of time which had already been solved since it had been long enough.

"Nora, I have to ask and I hope you answer honestly. Why do you want to help us with that?" Amagi questioned. "I am your unconditional ally, that much I can say about myself. I have my reasons for that, but... in your case, you dislike to the point of almost loathing to be called a hero. You might like individuals enough to support them with all your might. I am certain that your liking toward me is fairly high since you linked your life force with mine. However, I cannot say you share the same 'liking' value with every nine-tailed fox in this village. I am not saying you are not on good terms with everyone... but I think you know what I am getting at."

"I need them for a reason. I am not doing this out of the kindness of my heart. I have not come here as your close friend. Consider me a stranger who has come here with his personal agenda." Nora said.

"...alright." Amagi sighed. "I understand. I will guide you to their chambers."

"Is that really ok? I told you that-" Nora was about to speak but Amagi raised her hand to stop him.

" most likely already know where they are." Amagi muttered. "You probably also know the way to access their location. Do you think I met you today? I believe you went through all the trouble just because you feel bad for doing something behind my back. You could've easily gone past our security making use of the trust we have put in you to not raise suspicion even if you are found and be done with what you came to do. Yet you came here with all that talk about being selfish. Nora, to me, you will never be a bad guy."

While ignoring the youth who wanted to refute her, Amagi left and the youth had to close his mouth and follow after the kitsune.




Going down several floors, they went down some stairs made of a strangely tough wood. The youth was briefly distracted when he first put his feet on it and he had a serious expression while he went down. His attention was on the composition of it.

After an unknown amount of time, the duo arrived at an open hall that only had numerous paintings hanging on the wall.

"...Youma books." Nora mumbled.

"So you recognized them." Amagi finally spared him a look. "They might look like normal paintings but..."

The wide hall was shaped in a circle and easily spammed hundreds of meters. The number of paintings was rather high and it would be unnerving for those who know what these are to be surrounded by so many Youma books.

"There a many kinds of Youma books. They have their differences depending on which youkai is depicted in them and who wrote them. The purpose is important as well." Nora mumbled. "These ones will never grant knowledge to those who obtain them, but rather, a gruesome death if the greedy and unskilled in these arts take it. The idea of using them as a safety mechanism is interesting but dangerous. They are not mindless puppets you can command."

"That is correct, but the one who created this place made it possible." Amagi muttered. "They will attack those invading until one side is obliterated."

"That is crazy." Nora shook his head.

"You don't have to worry. You will not be attacked." Amagi smiled.

"I was not worried." Nora said.

"Because you are my ally, they will never attack you." Amagi spoke.

"That is foolish." Nora exclaimed. "They should attack any intruder except you, outsiders will always be bound to try and do something stupid that could harm this village out of greed."

Giggling at that, Amagi placed her hand on Nora's shoulder.

"I believe in Nora." Amagi had a gentle smile on her face. "You are not an outsider, to me, you are..."

"...don't say anything more." Nora sighed. "Lead me to the location of the slumbering ones."

Walking away, Nora did not wait for Amagi to finish her words.

"...idiot." Amagi sighed. "If you want me to guide you, I should be on the lead."

Amagi had to retort given that Nora was going ahead without her.




"So this is the place." Nora spoke in hardly concealed awe.

"This is indeed the place. After going past a number of barriers and breaking several seals, you will arrive at the core of the formation. They rest here." Amagi muttered.

In front of the duo, there was a large dome-shaped barrier. Four Torii gates were placed in each of the four directions, between them, sealing stones filled with talismans continuously drew energy from the surrounding area and sent it toward the Torii gates.

Watching closely, Nora felt somewhat itchy and the never-ending hunger caused by his draining ability kicked in. It was triggered by not only looking at the stone but being in their presence. He had observed this place using his clairvoyance way before coming in person and he did not react after looking at the stones. Nonetheless, he was used to it. A hunger so great he would be fine by swallowing dirt in order to calm it was something he had experienced often since getting bitten by that strange guy. He felt his stomach cry and his mouth water but he did not succumb to his instinct. He would not tolerate a failure in his next task so used sheer willpower to keep it in check.

"Should I give you the details?" Amagi asked.

"...the details are not important. I can more or less get a gist of what happened and I already know what to do." Nora shook his head. "...all I ask is for your permission to start."

"...we have tried to wake them up ourselves, but to no avail. If you are unable to, do not get discouraged." Amagi sighed.

"I will do it." Nora said. "I have to."

Leaving Amagi with several questions in her mind, Nora walked over. Observing the first Torii gate, he walked clockwise until he was in the opposite direction he started before coming back to the starting point.

"Let me bring down the barrier." Amagi offered to help.

"If cannot do something so simple as take care of this problem, I am going to fail further down the line." Nora said.

This time, he walked counterclockwise until he was in the opposite direction, Amagi could tell he had done something when he reached that place since the dome-shaped barrier shook slightly. The youth repeated his actions and moved back and forth several times until he was back at his starting point.

"...still lacking." Nora did not look happy even after the barrier began to disperse.

"What are you saying? You were unaware about to take it down yet you managed to do it without any help so fast." Amagi said.

"I took four hours." Nora clicked his tongue. "This is far from enough... I need to get better..."

Whispering the last part, Nora felt bitter inside but he shook his head and headed inside, past the Torii gates. Amagi wanted to cheer him up by saying that people would normally spend years and still be unable to crack down on the barrier. It was only because he combined runes at the later half of the process plus his own knowledge in the first half that he could come so far yet Amagi was unable to. There was something about him at the moment that made her unable to say anything. There was something wrong, but she was not able to tell what it was.

The youth headed inside and Amagi decided to follow since she wanted to confirm with her own eyes something.

" got something amazing down here." Nora spoke in a bitter tone.

Looking at the figures calmly floating after passing the Torii gates, the youth noticed a lack of gravity but he still remained touching the ground, yet Amagi who followed after him was floating.

"Hmmm, is it to help the kitsunes to sleep comfortably?" Nora mumbled before shaking his head.

Raising his hands toward the slumbering figures, a white bandage extended from his sleeves and wrapped around them. He pulled them closer until they were at his arm's reach.

"LINK... Urgh." Nora flinched.

Watching from behind, Amagi felt it. The enormous concentration of energy fills the youth. She was both familiar and unfamiliar with it. It was similar to when she was connected to the ley lines, but the energy this time felt more wild and unrestrained. Controlling such a large amount of raw energy at once would normally tear to pieces the person taking the full brunt of it, yet Nora was somehow making use of it.

His body changed. He grew taller and something akin to horns grew on his head, on a closer look, you could see it was a plant that grew like a crown on top of his head and made a pair of branch tips that resembled horns pointing behind him.

"Tsk." Amagi was unaware of what she did when she saw the outfit grow to fit the youth.

His presence grew just like his body and a wave of ki hit Amagi. She could feel the overwhelming difference between them in an instant and somehow she smiled.

"You really are..." Amagi sighed.

"...sorry, I am a little lacking in control." Nora turned back and saw that Amagi was acting strangely.

The youth, no, he looked without any doubt like a man. If he had this teen's look before, he now looked like a man. Amagi hoped that he did not leave this place looking like that or things would get 'messy' if the kitsunes in the village saw him. Amagi felt her heart skip a beat just from being glanced upon for a second so the young girls up there would have a more extreme reaction.

Raising his hands toward the slumbering ones, the man, Nora, touched their foreheads.

It was a stunning sight, and Amagi widened her eyes with amazement at the control the youth displayed. He directed his ki toward the slumbering ones without wasting anything. The staggering amount of ki coming out of him and being sent toward the slumbering ones was enough to put to shame any currently living Great Youkai. Nora was not simply sticking everything in, but he was refining the ki he possessed to an even greater degree. The wild and untamed ki turned into the most obedient and gentle one as it left his body, making sure it would not harm the slumbering ones even one bit.

Amagi remained motionless as she watched Nora work with bated breath for an undefined amount of time, she did not bother to count and only kept her eyes on his figure. She could not look away.

It was not only until she felt something wrong that she reacted. Nora trembled and swayed, but shook his head and continued. It was then that Amagi noticed what was going on. His body was literally overflowing with ki. Their surroundings had turned into an overgrown garden of sorts. Roots thick as their bodies had surrounded them to protect them almost as if they had minds of their own, but the most important detail was not the surrounding but Nora himself. The energy entering his body was more than what he could take in or even control. He seemed to be growing larger... no, his body was swelling. His body was trying to keep the energy inside his body but there was a limit to it.

"Stop! If you keep doing that, your body-" Amagi tried to get closer but she stopped.

"...not yet." Nora looked back. "I will wake them up. I have to."

Turning back, the man's face was the very depiction of seriousness. Blood was dripping from his mouth as he spoke and some of the veins on his forehead exploded, only to be regenerated the next second, just to explode again. His eye began to bleed soon after yet the youth paid it no mind. Increasing the output one step further caused his hand to bleed and leak ki relentlessly.

It was like a broken faucet trying to keep the high-pressure water from spilling, there was no way it was possible to completely avoid any leaks, yet Nora repaired his body as soon as it broke down further, the process was repeated dozens of times and the mind-blowing healing abilities of Nora were displayed to their full potential. Thus, he stood his ground without faltering again and he did it.

Nora felt like fainting but he kept going until he saw the kitsune's eyelids tremble. Once confirmed that the slumbering ones were just one step away from waking up... Nora lost consciousness. His transformation was undone without his permission. Just like a balloon that popped out, the energy was drained out of him in an instant, almost like it was never there. However, his tattered body that returned to be that of youth had exploded veins, and many muscles had burst, unable to contain the energy coursing through them, while his bones made unsightly sounds after the pressure they withstood had made a mess. Yet, even like that, the youth seemed pleased as a slight smile was formed on his lips while blood ran down to his chin.

Seeing this, Amagi sprang forward as she tried to reach the youth but there was no need as he would never hit the ground. Numerous fluffy tails enveloped the youth and held him gently. The soft fur had a regal and noble image of not being tainted by anything, yet the owners seemed not to care they would be soiled by the youth's blood.

"As expected, the burden was greater than what we were informed."

A calm and authoritative tone of voice commented.

"It matters not. It was obvious he would not give us the full extent of the information... *Yamn* since we would disagree if we happened to know it would end up in this."

A drowsy and gentle tone of voice replied.

The speakers held the youth carefully and they each put a hand above him as they applied first aid using senjutsu.

"Amagi, it seems that it was yesterday we last saw you, and you look like the picture of health... although maybe that is the case for us."

The authoritative voice mumbled.

"Musashi... Shinano..." Amagi felt like crying as she saw the slumbering ones look at her, but she soon shook her head and rushed to see the youth. "He-"

She tried to get close, but two hands, each belonging to the kitsunes, who were previously slumbering, were raised at her to stop her.

"His life is not in danger, his body might look destroyed, but he is brimming with life. We tried to heal him just now, but it was just like adding a drop of water to a lake. His body is saturated with ki to the point that outside arts or the use of healing itself becomes redundant." Musashi spoke in a calm tone. "We shall try to guide the overflowing energy to repair his body, but we are not as skilled as he is. Neither you are."

Adding the last bit as Amagi tried to get closer seemed to be a way to tell the kitsune to stay still.

"...this one expected that her awakening would be accompanied by a shocking spectacle, but this is beyond what this one expected." Shinano sighed. "Despite being in a constant state of sleep... I was able to witness some scenes happening in real-time."

Looking around, Shinano marveled at the spectacle of tree roots surrounding them.

"It seems that leaving might prove to be hard." Shinano sighed.

Sharing a look with her sister, they then looked at Amagi.

"The easiest way would be for the one who created this to lead the way, but as you can see..." Musashi gently caressed the youth's hair. "He is in no condition to do so."

"...what do you suggest? He needs medical attention." Amagi furrowed her eyebrows.

"Medical attention? Hardly, take a look again. He is... amazing." Musashi said.

Glancing again, Amagi saw that the youth had recovered completely before anyone realized it.

"...what?" Amagi could hardly believe it.

"Hmmm, perhaps even our help before was unnecessary." Shinano added. "This one has an idea why that might be the case but..."

Shaking her head, Shinano placed a hand on the youth's chest as she felt his heartbeat.

"His body has gotten used to the side effects of using that form to the point it can fix itself even without being conscious." Shinano explained. "...he must be pushing his body to limits constantly by using that transformation, I cannot fathom how many times he must been at death's door in order to achieve this."

Gazing at the youth with a sad expression, Shinano sighed.

"I have a suggestion." Musashi called out.

"...what is it?" Amagi felt somewhat wary.

"...we should let him rest here." Musashi muttered.

With a twitch of her fox ears, Amagi tilted her head.

"As soon as he wakes up, he will surely stand up and go to work on something else." Musashi said. "My suggestion is to let him rest here for as much as he can."

Nodding at that, Amagi had to admit that it was an undeniable fact that the youth was the type to do just that. There isn't a single time he has been fully resting since she met him. Even the times you could see him standing in place doing 'nothing', the youth was remotely controlling dozens or hundreds of shikigamis to do several tasks in his place. The amount of shikigamis he could handle while doing something never decreased so it was obvious how skilled he was in the art. There was even a faint suspicion that Yasaka had mentioned to her, how the youth did not actually sleep and spent his time training one way or another while evading everyone's eyes.

"Should I prepare a mattress and some sheets then? Where should I place them?" Amagi sprung into action.

Just like that, Amagi pulled several items from her storage.

" are awfully prepared." Musashi raised an eyebrow at the items that Amagi pulled. "Is that pillow really necessary?"

Among the items, there was a pillow that had a large 'YES' written on one side with several hearts around it, but what truly made Musashi narrow her eyes at Amagi was that the other side of the pillow had a 'I WAITED LONG ENOUGH, LET'S DO IT' message.

"...I shall carry some normal pillows next time." Amagi lowered her head in embarrassment.

"I sure hope you do." Musashi muttered. "Outsiders would see that and think that you are on your cycle or that..."

With a slight smirk, Musashi pointed to the bed where Shinano was using her tails to place the youth.

"You had other plans for him." Musashi giggled.

"Wait, no, he is too young for that yet." Amagi waved her hands in distraught. "Nekomatas should grow some more because-"

"Do you honestly believe that?" Musashi had a cunning grin. "Should I remind you that such a thing is to protect young Nekomatas, FEMALE nekomatas. It is also only about giving birth to kitties only. They are more than capable of intercourse. Not to mention... he is a male. He is more than ready to do many, many things."

Leaving those words behind, sinking in Amagi's head, Musashi walked over to the bed and gently caressed the youth's head. There were mixed emotions in her eyes as she did so. The stronger emotion was affection but there was also pity and grief. The kitsune stopped after a while and looked at her sister.

"Now then, I guess it should decided how WE will lay down." Musashi glanced at her sister.

Not bothered by that, Shinano yawned.

"A nap beside him is lovely no matter how we sleep." Shinano softly said.

"Oh? Then you can sleep on the edge of the bed while I snuggle up to him. You are ok with that?" Musashi asked.

"...this one believes we should give the positioning more thought and not hastily make decisions." Shinano replied.

Giggling at that, Musashi tapped her chin in thought a moment later.

"Wait, you will sleep with him?" Amagi inquired

"I thought it was obvious." Musashi replied.

Nodding at that, Shinano seemed to agree to that.

"...what about letting him rest?" Amagi sighed.

Tilting their heads like they could not understand, Musashi and Shinano shared a look just to finally understand what was said.

"We did not mean that kind of 'sleeping together'" Shinano muttered. "We only wish to offer our bodies to give him some comfort."

"...what about letting rest?" Amagi repeated herself.

"It seems the wording has caused misunderstandings." Musashi naturally got on the bed. "Letting him sleep like that would be uncomfortable so we are offering our bodies to accommodate him while he sleeps."

Taking his left side, Musashi used one of her tails as a pillow for her, and along with her sister who had taken the other side of the bed, they each put one tail to make a softer resting place for the youth.

"...if you had something like a bed, why don't you just pull pillows and the like?" Amagi asked as she pulled a pillow.

Just the pillow appeared, a lightning bolt struck it and the pillow was not more.

"My apologies, I just woke up and I am having trouble controlling my body well." Musashi sent an apologetic look toward the kitsune.

Accepting the apology with a forced amicable smile, Amagi decided to pull more pillows.

"Do not worry, I happen to carry a spare one with me." Amagi muttered.

However, just as they appeared, several attacks came flying and destroyed the pillows she pulled out. This somewhat sparked Amagi who could only force a smile toward the apologies that Musashi and Shinano sent her way for their slip-ups.

It took Amagi over 97 tries to finally give up. The message had been clear since the first casualty (pillow) had left the world. Yet, seeing the duo all cozy with the youth struck a nerve in Amagi.

"We wish you a good night." Shinano mumbled with a yawn as she closed her eyes.

Musashi did the same, but Amagi briefly caught a smirk directed her way and it touched her buttons.

Looking at the bed, there did not seem to be any space left. The youth's right and left were taken. No matter how much she was teased, Amagi would never be so daring to take it by dragging them away. They were extremely important for the fox village.

There was one detail that she saw and could use.

"Poor guy, he was offered a pillow... but never a blanket, he might be comfortable but he should be feeling cold." Amagi was aware that she was making terrible excuses.

If they wanted to keep him warm, the kitsunes snuggled around him could use their tails to do that. Yet they did not do so. The youth was resilient enough to not be bothered by something like that. Not to mention that it was not exactly cold around her. However, they left a perfect spot for her. They left a place for Amagi who had managed to connect the dots.

The youth was not someone simple. He was the incarnation of unpredictability and whenever he went to, changes occurred. Allowing him inside the fox village made everything more lively and he also saved Tamamo no Mae, a woman who was a living legend and idol for the nine-tailed race. His presence alone caused many kitsunes to look forward to the future after the previous method to increase their numbers was no more, although this created more than a few skirmishes among their kind when deciding to use the other available method.

Just like that, Amagi climbed the bed nervously. Perhaps because the previous outburst from the youth hit her hard, but once she changed position, the ties of her kimono came undone and her breasts, always tightly wrapped had nothing to keep them in place. Amagi's cleavage manifested as her breasts almost spilled out of her kimono, nonetheless, just as she tried to fix her appearance, she saw how Musashi and Shinano had the youth's cheeks sandwiched with their breasts duo to their usual state of displaying their cleavage and shoulders. Thus, Amagi did not change anything as she rested her head on the youth's chest.

"Here you go... a warm... blanket." Amagi whispered.

She had to admit that she was not prepared for it. Amagi felt at peace as soon as her head was laid. She was not sure if it was the rhythmical heartbeat of the youth that had a relaxing effect or because his presence was naturally capable of making someone relaxed to that degree, but Amagi felt her eyelids getting heavy and naturally closed them without fighting against it. It was strange, such a thing would usually raise her alertness but this time Amagi felt like indulging herself.

Before she could fall asleep, Amagi raised one hand toward the youth's face and gently caressed it.

"Sleep... well..." Amagi whispered before falling asleep.

Once the peaceful breathing of Amagi and Nora was heard, Musashi opened her eyes.

" need this rest." Musashi spoke in a gentle tone. "You have worked hard until now. Just relax and let us spoil you on this occasion. As your elders... we will always support you whenever you need it."

"Is this alright?" Shinano asked in a worried tone. "They surely have a packed agenda full of responsibilities..."

"Even if they can manage their exhaustion through the use of senjutsu..." Musashi sighed. "They must be mentally weary. Amagi has been carrying heavy responsibilities ever since 'THAT' event. While this one has been... he has been pushing his body past his limits since he was little. The amount of responsibilities and tasks he performs at the same time after learning how to use shikigamis is beyond the norm."

"Being capable is not always a good thing. He is... able to do the work share of hundreds, no, even thousands of people by himself." Shinano sighed. "His body is always one step away from breaking down due to the heavy load."

"...yet he insists on doing it and hiding it." Musashi looked over the youth with a tinge of pity. "That is why I want him to rest. Even if this small rest will barely contribute to him relaxing and letting go of his worries. Our job is to support him in any way we can."

Saying this, Musashi tenderly caressed the youth's head.

"Rest well, my dear. As long as I am here, I will not let anything or anyone disturb your sleep." Musashi affectionately said. "...and that includes giving him some privacy, gap youkai."

Waving her hand, a purple lightning bolt was formed and it traveled toward a corner of the room. Nonetheless, before it could strike the small gap in space opened there, it closed. The strike made an estrenduous sound yet the area around the bed was covered with a translucent dome-shaped barrier that prevented the sound from disturbing those sleeping.

"Ara, isn't that a cold way to greet an old friend? We have known each other for ages by now, yet I was attacked out of the blue." Yukari's voice could still be heard.

Looking behind her, Musashi saw another gap opened there but this one was wide enough to show the nonchalant appearance of Yukari, the gap youkai's upper body sticking out from the gap.

"That is how I have always treated peeping toms." Musashi snorted.

"Ara, that is true, I guess." Yukari giggled. "Congratulations on your full recovery and regaining consciousness, my friend."

Hearing, Musashi's expression eased somewhat.

"...just leave. Let him rest even if it is for a couple of minutes." Musashi mumbled.

"I am afraid I cannot do that. There is a reason I am doing this, other than my simple interest in him." Yukari said.

"Some you have some plot in your mind." Musashi asked.

"It hurts me to hear you say that. It almost implies that I am a cunning woman who is always behind the scenes of some sort of 'unique' event." Yukari faked some tears.

Rolling her eyes, Musashi did not point out the numerous events that the other woman caused.

"Isn't it more in tune with your nature as a fox to form some sort of plan to deceive people?" Yukari mumbled. "It is not like you do not have a second agenda toward that 'boy'."

"I do not wish to harm him in any form." Musashi replied. "My motives are pure compared to yours who is always being sneaky.".

"Listen to her... she says pure despite having thoughts that would make the most chaste angel fall to depravity just from hearing what she wants to do to that 'boy'." Yukari waved her hand casually and a gap large enough to swallow a lighting bolt directed at her manifested. "Ara, did I say something strange?"

"You are rather chatty. What happened to the Yukari I knew who could sleep for decades straight nonstop?" Musashi growled but did not deny the claims.

"I had no interest in anything in particular until..." Yukari did not say anything but her gaze lingered on the youth for a second.

Seeing this, Musashi used one of her tails to hide the youth from Yukari's view.

"Hehe." Yukari narrowed her eyes.

"Yukari. Just leave." Musashi asked. "You are well aware how sensitive he is to gazes. He can try to ignore it, but... you should know that it is uncomfortable to be observed all the time while he is aware of it."

Sighing, Yukari shrugged her shoulders.

"I shall concede on this occasion. One must not be too greedy after all." Yukari turned toward Shinano. "I am glad you are back with us."

"This one is also thankful for her full recovery." Shinano mumbled. "Seeing you healthy as well also brings joy to me. It is also a sign that the plan worked on your side as well."

"...everyone's recovery has gone as we all expected. However, the ones who did not use the method have suffered for a long time." Yukari looked over at Amagi. "They have been fighting all by themselves."

"...the bravery and loyalty is most commendable, however, the reward will not be something that will be obtained for certain." Shinano said. "One cannot foresee this man's fate. Since the moment he was born, he has never been a slave to fate. Neither resists it by fighting against it nor accepting it and going along with it. One might be able to see bits of his future by looking through the countless bonds he has formed with other individuals, but even so, they are blurry at best."

"...the Kudans, the Norn sisters, the god Thoth, and several other prophets are unable to give me a clear answer." Yukari muttered.

"There is no clear answer... at least not for him." Shinano sighed. "He is unique... in many ways."

Nodding at that, Yukari looked down.

"...the only thing they could see was-" Yukari mumbled.

"Darkness swallowing everything." Shinano said.

"...I will take my leave." Yukari mumbled. "Take care of him in the meantime."

"No harm will come his way with me here." Musashi replied.

Nodding once more, Yukari left.

A complicated expression formed on Musashi's face as she looked at her sister.

"Is there no way to change that?" Musashi asked.

"This one cannot give you an answer to that question." Shinano muttered. "If I continue to peek at 'that', I will get its attention. If that happened, I would be alerting it. The crawling chaos... it has knowledge of the past and future, it could notice my presence and with that, it would become aware of everything we have planned."

" it is the only way." Musashi seemed depressed as she said this.

"Fate can be cruel against those who try to alter its course." Shinano shook her head. "Unfortunately, we are not at the level of a Transcendent. If we could wield such a level of power... We could offer more than our simple assistance."

Tenderly caressing the youth's face, Musashi had a bitter smile.

"Despite our strength growing, we are still lacking." Musashi said.

"What defines a Transcendent is not an unsurpassable level of strength." Shinano mumbled. "You must build your path or follow one to the end. You must go beyond the walls of an Absolute. At the same time, you have to-"

"Urgh..." Nora grumbled.

This was enough for the duo to cease their talk and share a look.

"Please... rest." Musashi and Shinano whispered before sleeping once more.


Nora's POV

Feeling all the muscles in my body screaming in pain, I open my eyes once I feel the strange environment I am in.

Unfortunately, even after opening my eyes, I fail to see anything.

Briefly doing a routine checkup of my body, I looked for any side effects from using Link, the magic I created using demonic energy, that I use to connect with the Ley Lines. Nonetheless, other than the excruciating pain from the burden, I was mostly ok. I was still operational. Even if my body refused to move... I could always use the bandage to cover my body and control it that way. It would not be my first time after all.

However, I felt that the situation was a little odd. I recall that... I failed to remain conscious after I helped wake up the pair of Kitsune sisters deep in slumber.

Sighing, I used my ability to take in my surroundings and I immediately turned off my ability after one look.

Pausing for a moment, I did not even dare to breathe.

Once again, I used it to check around only to still see the same scenery as before.

Thankfully, I still had my underwear on me. Yet, my previous outfit was barely covering my body anymore as I lay on top of a bed with three mind-blowing beauties who were in compromising positions.

I offered my most sincere thanks to the deity who took pity on me and offered this blessing upon me. Although I also cursed that bastard since this would be a headache down the line if a certain kitsune called Tamamo learned about it.

Trying to get up... was useless. Not like I was not enjoying myself here, but I would not go as far as putting aside my itinerary just to enjoy some ecchi luck. My body was not budging at all.

It seems that the continuous use of that form has left my body out of commission. Yay.

Fuck it.

The soft flesh covering my face was extremely arousing, but I had another thing to worry about at the moment. I need to visit several places after negotiations here are done.

Thankfully, I was able to supply energy to keep the shikigamis working even if I was unconscious. Many of them work on simple commands and those that do not have begun to be able to act on their own. It seems similar to how tsukumogamis are created... but these guys have begun acting like that after receiving and carrying countless orders. Given that I made some sort of backup center to work as a network to sort and store information about them was also helpful in making the most experienced ones able to develop intelligence.


Hearing some noise, I feel the group of women moving. My eyes finally can get to see the ceiling.

"Good morning."

A gentle but domineering tone reaches my ears.

Deciding to put aside the sweet and affectionate undertone, I cast my gaze to my side.

There she was, one of the kitsunes I awakened.

As one would expect from this world, she was a stunningly beautiful woman. Long black flowing hair went down past her curvaceous hips, on the other hand, the domineering and strict air about her was betrayed by her gaze, gentle and somewhat playful.

"Good morning to you as well, my beautiful and fair lady." I said. "I have one question before I continue talking."

"Oh? Ask away."

The kitsune smiled at my lines before gesturing me to go on.

"Why am I laying in a bed with three half-naked women while also being half-naked myself? I did not happen to go on a rampage and use your body to release my pent-up emotions, did I?" I bluntly asked.

My question made the smile on her face freeze for a moment before covering her mouth with the back of her hand as she began to laugh.

"No, it is nothing like that."

Looking at me with a pair of half-closed eyes as she hid most of her expression behind her, the woman's eyes had a strange glint as she stared at me.

"Although, we would be ready to comply with such a request if you asked."

If I was not so darn good at hiding my expression, I would've spat out the words of this woman. For once, I did not expect her to utter this kind of line. The information I managed to compile regarding her personality was that she was a serious woman, and she would only tease those she was close with. Such people were very small in number. Yet here she was, saying some outrageous stuff. Not to mention... that her eyes looked deadly serious.

"You say 'we', but perhaps you should consult your sister before making such a bold claim." I snorted. "You need more than that to fluster me."

"...I-I think there are way too many people right now, if we go to a secluded chamber, this one would..."

A sweet whisper right beside my ear was heard as I felt the warmth and weight of another person cling to me.

Just like I expected, the other kitsune that was lying on my other side got closer as she placed her head on my shoulder and whispered some deadly (sweet) words.

"Ok, I give up. I am flustered." I accepted defeat.

There is not much I can do if I am attacked on both fronts. Not to mention, I doubt my body has the strength to resist two women at the level of Great Youkais if I taunt them. They are not displaying hostility but rather an exceedingly obvious desire. This could be concealed by beings of their caliber with ease, yet they are openly displaying those desires to me.

I ignored the black-haired beauty's click of the tongue and how she mumbled the word 'coward'.

"It is a real pleasure- urgh, to meet you." I forced a smile.

There was another kitsune lying on top of me that almost made me act up. Considering that her head was around my belly and yawned, her hot breath hit my belly directly. Adding that the fact that her chest was dangerously above a certain part of mine made me somewhat sensitive.

"Is there a problem?"

The black-haired beauty asked with a knowing smile. The lady had glanced below and was aware of my predicament, yet acted like she was oblivious to it.

"You are having fun huh." Nora sighed.

"Hiiih!" Amagi suddenly jumped. "Wha? What? What happened?"

Amagi sat up. Looking around, the young-looking woman held the left side of her tummy. As she sat, her garments which were practically working as a blanket at this point, slid down. A considerably small and delicate garment was barely holding her ample chest but it was ready to burst at any moment. I had the urge to help the captive mounts to regain their freedom and assert their presence. Yet, the intricate flowery pattern distinctively made with black and purple undertones fitted Amagi perfectly. Destroying that piece of garment would be a sin.

My body... still did not respond. I managed to squeeze that wonderful belly after doing my best but it is not responding anymore. From my head down is out of commission it seems. Except for my friend down there that might be taking the strength I usually handle the rest of my body to raise.

Just as I was preparing to use my bandage to cover my body and control it mentally, I shuddered when a warm breath reached my ears.

"Right now your body is exposed so she will notice the bandages."

The regal tone whispered in my ear.

I paused but acted like I did not hear her.

"...we are here to support you so I would like you to give us a chance to show you that."

Saying that, the woman sat and her kimono was almost dropping in a way I will consider intentionally trying to show off given that she smirked slightly once she noticed my look. On the other hand, the other kitsune lying beside me also sat up but as she did, she shyly held her kimono and tried to cover herself.

Either way, they are dangerous for my... Eh, heart, yes.

"Look at you, what an unbefitting look."

"...I don't think you have the right to say that to me, Musashi. What happened? I recall lying down..." Amagi-san was at a loss.

I almost spat out when I heard that name. It seemed the flirty black-haired fox was called the same as my Musashi. That is an instant positive point in my book... or not.

"It seems you are clueless, how about you look below you?" Musashi smirked.

The fox that was enjoying herself gestured with her delicate chin and crossed her arms as she waited for the result of her actions.

Instinctively, I believe Amagi-san felt things were going to be hectic as soon as she looked down given that she began to sweat coldly.

Or maybe it was my bud down there where she was 'mercilessly' resting her bouncy behind that let her know what was coming.

Either way, Amagi-san shook her head and refused to look down but Musashi-san gestured once more. Shaking her head again, Amagi-san turned toward the white-haired fox who peeked at me shyly and then at Amagi-san.

Looking down reluctantly, Amagi-san swallowed hard as soon as she saw me.

"Acting shy now? You were so wild before we went to sleep. Where is the woman who almost tore down my clothes with her bare hands because I took too much time to undress?" I said.

Anyone in their right mind would reply this way. It is the only plausible answer one could give.

The woman who is composed most of the time, capable of teasing Yasaka-san and treating her like she was nothing more than a child seemed to freeze at my words. Perhaps her mind is trying to examine her memory thoroughly since the current scene is rather unique. Nonetheless, one must not allow her to ponder for too long.

"Ready for round 3? We ran out of condoms so it will be raw now." I licked my lips. "I did promise to help the nine-tailed race to propagate their numbers so I plan to follow that until the end. Don't expect to sleep for the next week, I gave you the rest you desperately asked so your batteries must be ready for a whole week of non-stop mating."

It seemed my words not only gave Amagi-san enough a critical hit but awoke something in her. Her eyes gained a dangerous glint and she licked her lips as her breath got heavy. The woman dangerously leaned toward me and I inwardly sweated.

Crap, I overdid it. I am used to making the girls faint if I say words like this.

Got too full of myself.

Yup, this is bad news.

I can feel a pair of hot breaths on my ears and without looking, I can tell who the owners are.

I will be made into their plaything, given that I cannot move my body, they will do with my body as they please.

Hmm. Three hot women will do me things that cannot be said openly in broad daylight.



There is not really a downside for me, is there?

Gulping loudly, I prayed for Yasaka-san's protection. I refuse to lose this body's virginity to anyone other than Yasaka.

Other than that, I am open to many 'plays'.

Not sure what the two kitsunes I woke up have going for me, but I don't feel ill so I don't feel like pushing them away if they do not cross the line.

Yup. I am trash.

As Amagi-san places her hands on my chest and lowers her face, I can honestly say.

Trash? Sure, I am. However, I am one happy trash.




"Amagi-nee-sama!" Amagi's voice as she forcefully broke the sliding door to the room was loud and filled with worry.

It was a couple of hours later when I was finally released. My body was not responding to my orders from the neck down even now, but it was not like I felt nothing.

I happened to enjoy the 'relief' and 'service' quite a lot. Contrary to my worries, there was no sex. Although there were quite a lot of things that were done that were... Ahem. Given the glossy skin these ladies currently have and their happy grins, they certainly enjoyed themselves just as much as I did.

"Akagi, how many times do I have to you to not cause a ruckus inside? It is improper🎵 " Amagi's reproaching tone lacked the usual severity behind it.

"I am sorry, Amagi-nee-sama.....?" Akagi was ready to hang her head low out of reflex but she stopped midway.

She immediately spotted Amagi as she noticed her strange tone. Akagi's expression was quite amusing as her mouth dropped when she saw what was happening in the room.

We had already moved from that underground place after Musashi-sama and Shinano-sama took care of the roots blocking our path.

This was a guest room in the name. In reality, this was my room. The only reason why I could not call it 'mine' was because there was a little with of an issue with where I stayed. For once, I did not use it that much. I mostly hang out in the audience room where visits get received as well as where matters relating to the village get discussed.

It is already questionable how an outsider, not to mention a cat, has enough weight to get a saying during such a meeting between nine-tailed foxes, but I have gotten used to it.

Nonetheless, the biggest problem preventing Amagi-san from giving me a room (in the same place as her) is none other than Akagi-chan. The same lovely kitsune staring daggers at me right now. It was interesting to see how her surprised expression twisted like that.

Yeah, the way she is tilting her head is giving her a shadow in her eyes, and those lovely red eyes seem to glow in the dark so it gives a very... Umm, 'contrasting' look. Yup. That is what I wanted to say.

I could not exactly blame her.

For reasons that she could not understand, and I neither, I was lying with part of my body on Amagi-san's thighs and my head was comfortably snuggled in her bosom. While there were a pair of kitsunes acting like servants as they fed me some concerning peaches.

I have never been picky about food. Back then, I was thrown to the streets after my parents died so I could only eat whatever I happened to find on the ground so I am grateful as long as I can fill my stomach.

Nonetheless, I cannot simply look away from this.

They are far from being ripe for eating. After all, these are Immortality Peaches, they usually take several thousand of years before being ready and offer the miraculous effects of immortality and god-like strength. I reckon from the taste they barely reach a couple of hundred years yet their effects are already somewhat helpful to me.

Still, I am not sure what the heck are these kitsunes doing with such a thing and how they are wasting such a precious object on the likes of me.

"Do you want another one?" Shinano-sama asked.

Maybe I could continue to eat them. If can understand the principles behind it, I could make some good old counterfeit goods with similar effects. However, given my limited time, I am afraid the quality will be subpar.

"Now now, Shinano, it is my turn to feed him, why are you cutting in the line?" Musashi-sama chuckled.

The duo of Kitsunes was in an extremely good mood. Indeed, these vixens were all happy after-

"Wait! What is the meaning of this!? You! You! Cat!" Akagi-chan pointed at me.

A cat I am. I cannot say otherwise.

"I thought you had arrived with good intentions, but as soon as I take my eyes off you..." Akagi-chan gritted her teeth. "What are you making Amagi-nee-sama do!?"

Hey, I was dragged here. It is partially because my body is unresponsive so cut me some slack.

"Get up-" Akagi-chan took a step forward but immediately froze.

"A-K-A-G-I!" Amagi-san said each letter forcefully.

Her strict tone made Akagi-chan's ears and tails drop. Despite her... eh, wild nature, Akagi-chan would still listen to Amagi-san no matter what.

"I think there has been a problem of communication so far." Amagi-san mumbled. "This person here is not only the nine-tailed race's benefactor for saving Tamamo no Mae, he is an ally to our race in general. He is a personal friend of mine and above all, he IS a guest. He must be treated with at least the basic manners you seem to forget!"

Each word made Akagi-chan tremble even more.

"You always antagonize him! Even now, you just intruded into the room without even bothering to see anything other than him." Amagi-san exclaimed.

Hey now, you make it sound like she only has eyes for me. I could not blame her either. An outsider like me who practically has the same authority as her is not exactly thrilling.

That said, I believe she is simply jealous because Amagi-san used to spoil her when she was little. From her point of view, I am not only the 'b*stard' who can screw over her race if one day I decide to go rogue, but I am also taking away the time she has with Amagi-san who raised her like a little sister.

I know what you folks might want to say, mother is a more fitting term. However, if I even associate those two words in my head, I will get a smack on my head from Amagi-san.

"Above all, you came to cause a ruckus at this time! You are obvlious to the two other presences in the room." Amagi-san sighed. "How can you be so rude as to not introduce yourself? You should also show minimum respect, these two are-"

"Amagi-san..." I sighed.

Musashi-sama seemed ready to talk but I opened my mouth first.

"I don't think she is completely in the wrong." I said. "We disappeared for a long time without letting anyone know we would do so."

"However, she is antagonizing-" Amagi-san wanted to retort.

"Isn't it normal? I am a cat, not a kitsune. I took the person with the biggest influence from this village with me to who knows where and disappeared. Even without having negative opinions about me, Akagi-chan... no, anyone would react like that towards me. It is not a matter of liking or not the person. She is supposed to be one of the guardians of the village. She is just doing her job. Even if she was reckless, it is not a big deal. No one got hurt or anything so there is no need to make this a bigger matter than it already is."

I managed to move my arm and tried to use it as support but I felt my body scream, nonetheless, I was a big boy, I just got to deal with it. Sitting down was more complicated than I thought, controlling the involuntary reactions of my body was difficult despite my several weeks of practice so I held back the sweat my body was ready to pour from forcing myself and my expression remained unchanged.

Inwardly, there was a spell I had been using continuously that began to 'deal' with the pain. It did not erase it but rather made it seem like it was not there. The damage was still there, but it is something I planned to use later so I could not complain.

"Amagi-san. No matter what, this situation does not need to escalate any further." I said.

I could feel her disappointed sigh as I left her comfortable body, but it was enough rest already and while it was barely possible, I could move without using the bandages to control my body like it was a puppet.

"You should use this chance to teach her instead." I mumbled. "For example, there is a clear lack of planning in case of events such as this. It is not good if the subordinates are unable to properly react to different situations. It might be rather important to prioritize locating the leader, but it should be equally important for panic to not spread."

Sighing, I stopped. If I began listing and explaining all the points, I might take

"Just cut her some slack, I think after this she will not do it again." I muttered.

"Very well, if you say so..." Amagi-san nodded. "You can go... as soon as you properly apologize to them."

Looking at Akagi-chan who gave me an extremely grateful look, I was genuinely concerned about what Amagi-san considers a lesson in manners. I had never seen someone so moved by my actions.

Instead of asking, I planned to leave so Akagi-chan could be finally introduced to the kitsunes who had pieces of peaches on plates beside them so they could feed me.

There were a couple of kitsunes making their way toward this location that would make it hard to leave later on. They would also be able to sniff what happened before and that would be bad.

"Please, wait a moment." Shinano-sama called out.

"Please, if you would be so kind as to grant us a few minutes of your time." Musashi-sama added.

I looked at them a little concerned.


However, I thought they were satisfied with what happened before.

It seems I failed to mask my expression since Shinano-sama blushed and looked away, but still peeked at me sneakily while Musashi-sama gave me a charming smile.

"If that is what our esteemed guest desires, we would be more than HAPPY to DO as YOU PLEASE." Musashi-sama said. "However, we would like to discuss certain matters, alone."

Directing her gaze toward Amagi-san who was getting ready to follow us, I was stared at by the kitsune, but I shrugged my shoulders and nodded. The pain was intense, but I should be acting like my usual self or Amagi-san would catch out onto my state. There an a certain buff woman acquired after doing, ahem, that kind of stuff with me. I initially did not want to believe it and say it was bullshit, however, this world had a guy who could get more powerful by gazing at boobs.

"Very well, if you would be so kind as to let me guide you." Musashi-sama immediately stood up.

Standing to my right like it was the most natural thing to do, she locked arms with me. While, on the other hand, Shinano-sama was more shy and she could only stand up and hold the sleeve of my outfit.

"Well then, we will take our leave. We can save introductions for later. This matter is a lot more important." Musashi-sama said.

I decided to ignore the smirk she had as we passed beside Amagi-san and the vexed expression on the kitsune who remained.




"So, did you bring me here for round two or...?" I cut to the chase as soon as we entered another room.

The soundproof barrier cast by the kitsunes was perfect so I saw no need to add another one.

"Haha, why yes. I would not mind engaging in another round. I very much enjoyed it... just like you." Musashi-sama chuckled. "However, letting ourselves lose to our desires was a blunder I did not expect. I have to apologize for imposing our lust onto your wounded body."

Clicking my tongue, I did not deny anything but neither did I affirm her words.

" is ok. Amagi did not find out. That child... she was the one who indulged herself in her desires the most." Musashi-sama muttered. "Above all, you are good at deceiving others in regard to your feelings and physical state. So you can fool a lot of people with ease."

"You make me sound like a piece of shit." I sighed. "Not like I am not one though."

"Please, do not think I am trying to accuse you of anything." Musashi-sama mumbled. "You are... No, I guess I made a poor choice of words already so anything else I say will only seem like I am trying to cover for it."

Sighing, the kitsune had a complicated look.

"We should get straight to the point... time is limited." Shinano-sama muttered. "We should not impose more than necessary."

"...indeed." Musashi-sama nodded.

The two kitsunes released my arms and stood in front of me. There were many emotions contained in their gazes, but I could not understand why such a thing was possible when I had clearly never met them before. Judging from the way Amagi-san acted, I can also confirm that it is not like my memories were messed up. I doubted such a thing after meeting so many people at 'that' organization who seemed to genuinely hold goodwill toward me. Ignoring people like Yukari who enjoys getting me in trouble sometimes, there are some like Ryouma-san and Oryou-san who act with an absurd level of friendliness toward me. There are a lot more individuals such as the Saintess who talks about settling things peacefully but always goes around settling things with her fists. A certain girl goes crazy and says Nya a lot despite not being a cat.

"You have our full support in your plan." Musashi-sama said. "You just need to say what is in your mind, and you should consider it done."

"I am not sure what you are talking about." I mumbled. "...I just need your assistance one time, just one time is enough. At that time, you just need to use all your power with a spell. I require nothing more."

Inwardly, I felt like asking for help. They seemed strong, but... I know that I should not do it. The affectionate gaze they had on me made me reconsider what I should ask of them. Strong people, I need a lot. I need as many as I can gather, but... involving them more than necessary will only be a cause for them to die.

" are still saying that? Even when your body is on the verge of collapsing?" Musashi-sama asked in a sad tone of voice.

"Not sure what you mean about that." I sighed. "I only had one objective for coming here and waking you up. I planned to use you until you served your purpose and then discard you."

Shaking my head, I prepared to teleport away.

"It seems I wasted my time here." I muttered.

"Wait!" Shinano-sama called out. "We will do whatever you say so please wait for a moment."

" you make it seem like I am asking for money." I sighed. "Look. I am well aware none of you mean any harm. The situation before... I was simply indulging myself because I wanted to. My body... it is ok. It can still move. It has yet to fall apart."

"That is just a fancy way to put how it will soon break down." Shinano's gentle expression shifted. "You do not understand how dangerous your state is, however, you will only use some flimsy excuse about your medical knowledge or hide behind your inhuman vitality."

Placing her hands on my shoulders, Shinano gently fixed the wrinkles on my clothes.

"...have you met someone else who has the ability to see the future?" Shinano asked.

"Yes." I nodded.

Inwardly, I felt bitter. It was indeed the case.

"You must be aware then." Shinano added. "About..."

"I am a fuzzy figure." Nora replied.

As expected of an outsider like me, I don't seem to belong here at all.

"It is... more than that." Shinano mumbled. "This one is unable to see your future at all..."

"I see." I smiled bitterly. "I guess this means..."

"No, it is different, even if this situation-" Shinano tried to speak but was interrupted.

"What about Kaa-san?" I questioned. "Are you able to...?"

"I..." Shinano was about to answer but I shook my head.

"Never mind, regardless of the answer... I would have to ask 'her' to erase the contents of my memory about it." I sighed.

If I let the contents of that remain in my head, I could get complacent if it is something good or I could lose my hope if it was something bad.

Turning around, I ignored the extended hand of Shinano reaching to me. The magic circle activated this time and I was gone in just a second. I felt my body give in just at this moment and my consciousness became faint. I had to make some last-minute changes to my teleportation location because I would collapse in the place I appeared in.

The Library-




"You are quite a pain in the ass, you know that?"

Those heartwarming words were the first thing I heard as soon as I woke up. I felt like a thousand needles were stabbing my body and they were in fact there.

"Do not blame for the pain, the state your body is in makes it impossible to make this painless."

It seemed I showed signs of discomfort for a moment, but I could only smile bitterly at my situation. Despite that, I was thankful for the person who was doing this. Acupuncture is helping my body to stabilize. Even if she sounded annoyed, she still went out of her way to stop reading just to do this for me.

"I could never do that. It would be too cheeky if a kouhai complained when his senpai is helping them like this." I spoke.

"You know it then. It should be obvious but you need to be thankful. You need to sing praises of your senpai and worship her."

Chuckling at that, I noticed that there were only two presences around beside me.

It felt terrible and I had to unconsciously flinch from the pain, but my movement was smoother so I sat.

This seemed to be the library at-

"I take it that it was you, Paisen, who did this." I said.

"Hmph, I was the only one here when you arrived."

"I see. It is a shame that Xu Fu was not here, but I stumbled upon a wild Paisen. I guess my luck is pretty good." I muttered.

That one was my best choice to help me out given that asking Nightingale would be... troublesome. Despite her usual way of conducting herself, Xu Fu-chan was not going to say anything to anyone. However, it was lucky of me to stumble upon Yu Paisen.

"I don't like that you make it sound like I am some sort of rare Pokemon."

Clicking her tongue, Paisen, better known as Yu Mei-ren was my senpai at my secret workplace in the organization.

"Oh? So Paisen did play the game I recommended?" I smiled.

The pain was mind-blowing but I ignored it.

"...did I even have a choice? No matter how much I burned the consoles you gave me, you appeared with dozens more the next time."

"Haha, you make it sound like it is a bad thing. I just wanted to have some senpai-kouhai bonding time and raise my kouhai points with you. As long as my kouhai stock value went up in the market, I am sure we could get along better." I said.

"The heck are kouhai points supposed to be..."

Giving me a fed-up look, Paisen mumbled.

"Hehe, you are interested huh? Of course, you are. Yes, you are." I said in a proud tone. "This kind of system was made for two reasons, number one is to see who is the best kouhai of them all, the kouhai-est kouhai. Number two... Hehe, I was just bored."

"...has no one ever told you about your shitty personality? Argh, whatever..."

"Now now, Paisen, I know you are feeling left out." I chuckled.

"Huh? What part of my speech so far has given you that idea? I am sure I displayed zero interest in your antics."

"Indeed! Just like there are kouhai points! There are senpai points! And someone like Paisen has won the highest number of points registered in history!" I exclaimed.

In response, Paisen scowled.


Clearly expressing her disgust- I mean, it is obvious she is being shy about it.

"I should've just left you to your own fate..."

Sighing in a tired tone, Paisen poked several places on my body and I felt a terrible pain, however, I smiled brightly at her.

Clicking her tongue, she gave me a serious look.

"You think holding back the pain makes you look cool or something? You are several hundred years too young to fool your paisen- urgh, your senpai."

Resisting my urge laugh at her mistake... I said nothing.

"Whatever, I am just waiting my time telling a fool who clearly has no regard for his own safety to take care of himself."

Paisen mumbled before turning around.

"You can remove the needles in a while. I believe it should be easy for you."

Saying this, Paisen began walking away and two steps later, she came to a stop and turned her head.

"It doesn't matter if your vitality is monstrous to the point of regenerating from small chunks of your flesh. It is also pointless to eat all kinds of miraculous fruits like that pseudo peach of immortality. I have seen many people try to harness the power of the ley lines for their own agenda. Compared to the guardians of land who are connected to it through several safety methods, doing so directly is harmful to the body to the point of killing people on the spot. You have been extremely lucky so far, but there is no such thing as infinite luck. You must be aware of this more than anyone. Continuously trying to draw that kind of wild and untamed energy coursing through the earth is... a fancy way of suicide."

"...sorry, but-" I was unable to give an answer.

"I was not expecting you to stop so don't apologize. You have your reasons, just like we all have. Whether they are good ones or not is difficult to say, but I find a shame you are sure to die soon."

Her nonchalant tone spoke lengths of how used she was to see people around her dying.

"...because I am the best kouhai you ever had and you would miss me?" I asked.

"Did you hit your head several times before coming here? No."

It was a shame she was this much of a shy person.

"...I am sure I would be slapping your head if I heard what you were thinking. Argh, whatever. I just end up annoyed when we talk. Just get the hell of here already, I will be going to have lunch, I don't want to see you when I come back."

Turning around for good, Paisen left.

"In other words, you mean to say. Idiot, if you say that aloud, I would be so ashamed I could die. You need to leave or I won't be able to handle the embarrassment." I nodded at my apt translation of what she meant.

"There is no way that is true, you idiot kouhai."

Storming back, Paisen smacked my head.




Slowly pulling out the last needle, I felt the improvement in my state once more. The treatment was masterfully done. Given the long time Paisen has lived, it seems she had picked some skills along the way.

" you want me to get you some other medicine?"

A concerned voice reached out to me.

The other presence I felt since a while ago finally came forward.

The woman talking to me had a curvaceous figure with a rather ample bosom. However, if anything, her mesmerizing deep purple eyes left a stronger impression of her. Her long brown hair curved at the end in an unnatural way and the area around her bangs was styled in a cute, ear-like bun held by hairbands decorated with large blue orbs and purple spirals. She was usually dressed in long-sleeved gothic with frills and pleats, a dress that barely showed her pale porcelain-like skin, but this time she was wearing a sweater and a skirt that clung tightly to her body. It was honestly... arousing.

This temptress. It was not enough with her hobby of cosplaying and dressing in various outfits, but the fact that she only showed those to me was difficult for me to bear.

Ignoring my desires that want to run wild, I watched the woman who acted purely out of concern for me pull several items from her pocket dimension. They all seemed like medicine to aid the sick and weak, but it would be a waste to use those on me since the effects would never be seen.

"I appreciate the gesture but..." I said.

"...I understand."

Slumping her shoulders, the sexy lady put back everything into her storage.

"Murasaki-san, what brings you here?" I asked.

"Please, call me Kaoruko as always." Kaoruko waved her hands in front of her.

" are still my boss though." Nora smiled wryly.

"Are you... still angry that I never mentioned that? Also, I am only the substitute leader." Kaoruko pointed out.

"Not really... I just... How to say it..." I mumbled. "I guess I always had the feeling that there was something wrong or rather strange with our meeting."

There is also the strangely high affinity that many in this organization have for me. One example was Nyatora, who was rather familiar with my fighting style despite never facing her before.

"...I can tell you all genuinely have goodwill for me, but I don't remember ever meeting you before." I said. "I considered that you might be kind to me because of Kaa-san, but that is also unlikely. Only Yukari-san seems to be familiar with her... or so I have seen so far. I asked Kaa-san and she is not familiar with this organisation. No, to be precise, her memories of it have been affected. Isn't that right, were-hakutaku-san?"

At those words, Kaoruko was visibly flustered and hesitated greatly, but as she opened her mouth to say something, she bit her lips and swallowed those words back.

"I am not trying to make things difficult for you." I smiled bitterly. "There are many things I do not know. It would be a waste of time and energy to get angry at others for not informing things to me, it is not like you are my subordinates or anything, the same applies to other people outside in the world."

In the end, I am just some regular youkai. I am not the heir to some prestigious family or have some ancient bloodline lying dormant in me. I am just a guy who is doing what he can every day. I have worked hard to create my own network, but it is lacking in many ways. I am still inexperienced and naive in several affairs so I can easily be fooled. It is not just this organization. There are probably other people with foundations for hundreds of years that have gone through a lot of ups and downs so they polished their skills.

I have been training some kunoichis since a while ago and even took that group of unnecessarily erotic women under my wing to nurture their skills as they work for me. It was a plan to help me find Kaa-san, but that is out of the way.

"...are you still planning on coming here?" Kaoruko asked.

Looking down and refusing to meet my eyes, the sexy librarian seemed afraid of the answer.

"You never harmed Kaa-san and even helped me find her, do you think I would be angry with you because you used your abilities on her?" I shrugged my shoulders. "The reason you did that was to seal certain memories. I have an idea why you did that so I am not angry. Besides, I am aware of the fact that everyone who meets people from this place will forget about them if you desire to."

"...still, we were not there when she was kidnapped." Kaoruko said.

What qualifications do I of all the people have to blame others for that? I was not there either. Her son, her kin, her very blood. I failed to do something for my loved one. Just like I failed my parents back then.

Shaking my head, I gave Kaoruko a bitter look.

"It was not your fault. Kaa-san is not a little kid. As an adult, she did what she believed in and she faced the consequences." I sighed. "It was stupid, but she will do it again if it is to keep me safe. She is an idiot who will abandon her safety for my sake."

" also suffered in that place." Kaoruko mumbled.

I did not need to think it deeply so I immediately shook my head.

"I was able to save two unfortunate kitties thanks to that." I replied. "It was also my own choices that led me there so I was just taking responsibility for my actions."

"You were tortured beyond anything humanly possible! How can you just call it taking responsibility!?" Kaoruko raised her tone.

I was a little surprised. It was not the aura her body gave off that seemed greater than Yasaka-san, but the fact that the gentle librarian who never raised her voice had done so now.

It seemed to be a topic that made her emotions burst out.

"Hey, I am a big boy. It was nothing really. Just a couple of scratches." I said.

My attempt at a joke backfired me because Kaoruko's face was filled with grief.

"...he extracted your organs while you were awake and did not use any painkillers just to see you suffer." Kaoruko spoke.

True, that guy did that more than once. However, I am a big boy so I never let out any sound that gave out I was suffering from pain.

" you did manage to get the data of what happened there." I smiled wryly. "I thought I did a good job at destroying those."

"It took us years to restore that kind of information so rest assured that no one else knows about you or the cat girls except the people you already know about." Kaoruko added.

I am well aware. After all, I assassinated anyone with even a slight amount of knowledge about the cat girls. As for me... I could care less about who knows. That girl is aware of it but she kept it to herself for some reason. I am not sure what to say that my 'fiance' has that kind of intel about me. I am not sure if Zekram, that old fart, chose her as a candidate to marry me for that reason. However, she has impressive skills so I found it possible to work together on some projects.

"I will not deny those days were... tough, but I am standing here now. That happened long ago and it lost importance. I am just happy I could bring those girls back home and that they have been enjoying their lives." I said. "Everyone had their own muddy past but they remained as good people. For me, it is enough if I can do something for them because they deserve it."

"...even if you have to pay the price for that?" Kaoruko asked.

"You make it sound grander than it is." I smiled wryly. "I just did what I had to do, no more, no less."

"How much weight are your shoulders carrying?" Kaoruko inquired. "You take off their loads and put them on your back to protect them like it is normal... regardless of how heavy that load is."

"It is only obvious I do so. The moment I decided to mess up with their lives and get involved with them, it was the moment I had to accept responsibility for my actions. Don't misunderstand me though, I was never forcing myself to do it." I explained. "However, the fact that it is also my responsibility is what strengthens my resolve. I cannot fail them, I must not fail them."

Biting her lips, Kaoruko said nothing for a while.

" are walking a path full of thorns with your bare feet." Kaoruko mumbled. "You are just suffering by yourself while carrying everyone on your shoulders. While you carry their world, a place free of worry and pain, you are being crushed and your feet sink deeper in that torn-filled path."

Mildly surprised, I gave Kaoruko a deep look. I was aware she was not your run-of-the-mill person given her long life, but she always behaved like a gentle and shy librarian who would be easily flustered. However, she was now giving me a serious look, an unwavering gaze as she conveyed her words.


"That is ok. I am fine with that." I replied.

"That's wrong! You are-" Kaoruko raised her tone.

"I just don't want to lose anyone anymore." I could not help but smile.

My smile must've been a sad one despite my intentions to change it because Kaoruko was looking at me with a complex gaze.

"It is always nice chatting with you." I meant that. "Let's attend a cosplay event if the opportunity allows it."

That promise might be hard to keep though. It was not like I disliked her. I was fond of this librarian. Normally, new recruits were not allowed to enter certain areas of this humongous library, but she vouched for me so I was given free access. There are many things I was able to learn about by browsing through the collection of books here.

Back then, I was unaware of her status so I simply felt grateful and would chat with this gentle librarian often, while offering her sweets and helping her with her cosplay hobby.... the last one is a bit odd. Without her status as the current leader of this organization, you can pass it as a coincidence that I happened to enter while she was changing her clothes and was about to dress as a maid for cosplay reasons.

Actually, that was suspicious as heck. I curse my immense love for maids for making me less cautious... or not.

Regardless of the reasons she approached me, she has done nothing but watch out for me. Inviting me to dinner and going to watch some movies together... darn, I am being conquered slowly. She told me she had no friends and given her shy nature at times, I just tried to make her open up and interact with the world outside. I did not expect that she was in fact courting me.

"I did nothing of that sort!" Kaoruko mumbled. "I did enjoy it though... a little more and..."

I was able to barely listen to the full message but I decided to ignore the rest for my pant's sake.

"I will need to borrow Yukari-san for a while, is that fine by you?" I asked.

" come you ask for her help but not mine?" Kaoruko gave me a chilling stare.

"...She is stalking me 24/7 so I might as well make that lazy voyeur work for change." I was honest with this.

"...I am extremely sorry for her behavior!" Kaoruko suddenly did a dogeza in front of me.

I considered the possibility that it was Kaoruko's order to observe me but it seems Yukari-san was doing as she pleased. It is fitting, but as one of the culprits for stealing my underwear, I would like that she did not to cause me headaches at times.

"Never mind it, I am not such a boorish guy who would get angry for that sort of thing. I receive enough fan service from the ladies so I have to accept that they would want material about me." I sighed.

It is concerning but understandable. Some of the girls are... a little crazy, their level of obsession is not normal so I understand that they try to cope with the desire to possess me using other means. Kiyo-kiyo sometimes takes human form and hugs me tightly in her sleep. A normal guy would be crushed to death by her grip, but I just let her be.

"...I am really sorry, for real, about those idiots." Kaoruko banged her head on the ground.

She must be imagining what sort of things I have gone through.

Well, I am fine with most of it. As long as the girls do not hurt each other, I will let them deal with most matters by themselves.

"I will be going then." I smiled wryly.

I did not help Kaoruko since her actions were not only out of her desire to apologize but rather to hide her expression. The things I said are showing in her face so I will not say anything else.

"Wait." Kaoruko grasped my leg tightly.

Just as I was about to pass by, she stopped me in my tracks. Her head was on the ground so her expression was hidden, I also did not use my ability to see it.

"Are you certain you want to go down that path?" Kaoruko asked.

"I am not going to regret it." I replied as such. "This is the only method I could think of. There is a good chance of success... in the worst case, I have several contingency plans so it will not fail."

I have been preparing for several days. If I had more time, I would maybe find another way but this is beyond me. The information regarding 'THAT' thing is enough to make me despair. However, I am not the type to give up. I don't care who it is. I will succeed. Regardless of the price I have to pay.

"...even if that means you will-" Kaoruko's voice trembled.

"It's ok. I am just a regular guy. Facing an enemy of that caliber is already beyond my scope." I said.

Pulling a handkerchief, I left it in Kaoruko's hand.

"...I see." Kaoruko took the object and wiped her tears.

Standing up, I was unable to see the same kind-hearted woman I was used to. In its place, the face of someone who had lived a long time could be seen.

"I will show you something, but at the same time, you will have to forget it later on, no, I will take those memories away until none of that remains." Kaoruko placed a hand on my forehead.

The one who came to kill Kaa-san used the same technique on me just before kicking the bucket so I was familiar with it.

"Our duty has been rather simple. To face those who do not belong to this world originally. That includes Outer Gods and Evie x Etoulde beings." Kaoruko explained. "There are quite a few beings of similar nature as those, but we have not gotten information regarding their origins."

Outer Gods was a given, considering how rampant these guys are with the cult. However, I did not expect to hear about those overpowered existences. ExE, personally, I hoped that they didn't exist in this world. However, it seems that is something that was still the same as the DxD world from the novels. I had some ideas on how to face them in the future since I expected things to always go to hell but I am nowhere near a level I can do something about them.

"However, we... no, this is a personal wish of mine." Kaoruko mumbled. "I wanted to be your strength."

As she said this, I felt how an incredible amount of information was poured into my head.

"Just say the word, my master, my lord. I will make sure your orders are fulfilled." Kaoruko said.

Reading into the memories was honestly difficult. Compared to that guy, Kaoruko's memories seemed to be more complete. The amount was staggering and I was unable to immediately process what she said.

"I see." I nodded.

This is what I needed. With this, I can be certain that Kaa-san will be saved.

It is understandable why she would take away these memories after I understood everything.

I guess, I need to do that first.... it is the only option after all.

"...I order you." I point at her.

Kaoruko gulped unconsciously.

"...dress in this French-style maid outfit I have modified. It has a mini skirt that barely covers anything. The chest area coverage is so small your ample bosom will pop out if you are not careful." I pulled out a special maid outfit and presented it to her. "So, for starters... get naked."

It was interesting to see Kaoruko's expression, which looked like nothing would surprise her or get the best of her, to turn blank.

"I got another one for you, Yukari. It is an order." I called out.

The gap in space that had been just opened was immediately closed.

"...I might've made a mistake." Kaoruko reacted.