Part 2
After entrusting the task to the unusual group I met, Yukari opened a space gap in their location, as if she was expecting me to have everything wrapped up by then. A brief look was exchanged between Kafka and Yukari, but I ignored it. It was not like they would give me a straight answer if he asked.
I became busy for an hour in Yukari's mansion, as I 'rewarded' the great Youkai. By the time I left, Yukari, Ran, and Chen were all red in the face and had satisfied expressions. The specifics were kept secret, like everything that happened in that mansion.
Then, I went home. It was not the place where I lived with Saya and where she chatted with her friend Yasaka, but rather the big mansion where I slept most of the time.
Upon my arrival, I found it deserted. Everyone was out. It was not a coincidence that it was that way. I had given my maids specific tasks to fulfill so they were busy handling them. The other residents were sent to have fun in the ninja village and visit Kunou who had decided to stay there for a while to become a kunoichi. Thus, the house was all for me.
Sighing, I felt a wave of weariness hitting me. However, I did not allow myself to even sway.
"That Yukari... trying to get me to relax." I sighed as I recalled the lewd acts I committed. "If I let myself get complacent, I might as well be unable to move for weeks."
Shaking my head, I pushed back the feeling of weariness. I took one step and two steps, all while controlling my body using ki. At times when my body did not work, I considered how to make it work even if that happened. Controlling the ki around my body, I managed to reproduce somewhat the normal way the body moved. However, it was still far from perfect. Simple movement was not enough. That could barely help me to go from one place to another. There was a need to make it possible to use it in combat. The clumsy movements were just asking to be killed in battle. I needed to appropriately make my muscles do their jobs.
Considering my options, there were a couple of ways. The first thought I had was the use of electricity. As long as it courses through my body, I could more or less affect my muscles.
Using my unconventional idea as the base, I used magic on myself, immediately failing to gauge the correct amount and I ended up stiffened in place.
"Practicing with Akeno-chan and being almost tortured by her father made my body somewhat resistant to lighting." I sighed. "That's not normal, Barakiel. You were probably taking your anger out on me after your daughter said did not want to live with you just because she wanted to move out to my place. There was also the time you made her mad and she came to my place... yeah, you were just jealous of me."
Not exactly happy memories since the cadre was not holding back, however, I am used to being shocked and electrocuted by now.
Giving the next try to move my body more careful consideration, I controlled the amount of electricity. If I use too much and it spreads uncontrollably, my movements will become erratic.
A jolt was felt in my arm and it moved slightly. On the next try, I was able to bend my elbow slightly. In my mind, I took the examples I had collected and did some slight calculations. The next movement was a lot smoother, I managed to move my arm and make my hand touch my chin. I repeated my actions a couple of times until I was able to scratch my chin. The pain that came with my method was less than I thought so I considered making it a possible technique for others to use in case of emergency. However, that would require me to polish it until I get rid of the side effects as much as possible.
Sighing, I continued to practice for a while.
I was able to casually walk after much effort, but battling will prove difficult with my current mastery of this 'technique'. However, I made quite a difference once I tried to combine the current method with the last one. It is a pity that I have barely been practicing both for so little time.
While I considered how to improve it, I received two messages. One was from the lewd Suzaku who sent me a rather mouth-watering picture of herself in a new lingerie she had just brought, asking me to go to her place later. The other one was from a certain group of people I had been working with. After rescuing them from a certain death at the hands of corporations, the group of scientists (99% composed of women for some odd reason), they decided to study the supernatural as well to increase their knowledge and create even more groundbreaking medicines. I did not have the heart to tell them that many of the medications they were trying to study were already made. However, since some of them have unique approaches, I believe the experience and the methods they develop will be useful. It will all depend on how much are they willing to make an effort, and those same women have given me a call, or a message in this case.
"They finished making those huh." I sighed.
Talk about doing their best.
"Just as you requested, the vials contain the drugs you were asking for. We processed the pieces of that katana you asked for and made vials enhancing the effects of the Nenekirimaru. It should be powerful enough to even fatally affect Great Youkais."
The person who readily handed me a file with the effects and the process taken to make the vials placed on a table nearby, stated in a weary tone.
The lab she had been working in until now was a pocket dimension that was rather small in scale compared to the rest of the places I had created, although that was simply in comparison. It was practically a large hospital with several teaching rooms and research labs. It was roughly 300 square meters, and it was fully furnished and filled with the necessary equipment for the doctors to work right away.
The bags under her eyes and her unkept appearance were proof of the nonstop attention she gave to the vials. The woman with green eyes and brownish-red hair was one of the most knowledgeable about supernatural given that one of her parents was not human. Among the people I saved, she was one of the calmest and was able to adapt the fastest.
There was another lady who also adapted quite fast as well, but she seemed to be out at the moment. I was half thankful since that other lady makes me think unwise. It was not to say that the lady openly displaying a wide gap of cleavage in front of me was not sexy with her curvaceous body in her pink top that is unable to close the upper buttons and the black skirt below I always fear it would tear off given how thigh it fits around her. However, the other lady, a good friend of this woman was... A dangerous woman. She had a difficult to dealing with the 'curse' that went crazy when I was close to her. I named it 'Harem MC clumsiness disease'.
"...if you think there might be problems with the contents of the vials, I could run some test with you here and-"
Smiling wryly, I inwardly apologized to the lady who probably thought my silence was because I had issues with her products.
"It is fine. Given the time lapse you were given and the quality of the materials, this is considered to be above what you were supposed to do." I said. "Those are pieces from a mass-produced product anyways, there were bound to be issues, yet you created a top-grade product."
I had not given her that much time to get familiar with the knowledge to make something like this yet she gave me a fine product. I had expected something of much worse quality since the pieces I traded with that shitty bastard were not of the original katana. I had collected a few pieces of the real one, but I wanted to use those along with some materials I was missing.
"I want to begin working on one of the fragments from the original." I pulled from my pocket dimension, a wooden box covered with ofudas. "I want you to prepare for the next job."
The woman, without batting her eyelids, took the wooden box and inspected it. As she took it, she noticed the marks on my hands that I got for simply holding it. There were burn marks on my skin and it took me some effort to heal it.
"...I could make it work. However, I believe making a weapon out of it to harm someone should be more effective in a fight."
Shaking her head, the woman said something scary for a medic.
"I am not so naive to ignore the fact you want this for killing and not for simple research projects. You do not need to protect me by using white lies."
Her words were straightforward and I had no retort to that. Rather than letting them believe a white lie, I wanted to slowly let them see the other side of the world. However, given the project she has been doing for me, it was obvious she would guess.
"...sorry, the less you know, the better for your safety later on." I said. "Things might turn chaotic in a week so it would be better for you not to ask anymore."
Giving me a deep look, the woman sighed and pulled back, no longer with the intention of asking more.
"Just in case, study the beast-slaying weapon, Hrunting. It could be helpful when you try to make the next formula." I said.
The more you know about something, the more you will be able to find better uses for it.
"...what are you even hoping to kill using those?"
Pointing at the vials, the woman asked.
"...a nekomata." I replied plainly.
My words earned me cold silence and there was no answer to my words.
Perhaps what I said made her ponder too much since went back to work. I offered a hand while giving her a massage and restoring her lost stamina. She insisted that she was ok after filling up a large mug with black coffee, but it was obvious she was reaching her limit. Thus, I put her to sleep while I worked on the project myself.
It was not that I was not pressured by time, but I could delay things a little. The details I had to be present to solve were not that many. I could use shikigamis to do my work in my stead. It was taxing to do so, but I was a big boy. I had to do what I had to do. My body is already on the verge of collapsing anyway.
The blood dripping from my nose was nothing new so I just continued my work while remotely summoning and controlling more shikigamis. After a few hundred more, I hit my limit again. The rest I had before was completely 'wasted'.
There was a call from Marion so I left another shikigami doing my work in the lab after using some recovery potions I had gotten. They were barely able to let me summon and maintain a couple of shikigamis, but it was better than nothing. At this point, I had been taking numerous health potions and stamina regeneration potions to aid my recovery, but the good quality ones had already been spent and even if I got more, it would be less effective if I used the same kind. Taking so many made them less effective and given how many I ended up chugging down... they might as well be completely useless from now on.
My dear Marion mostly focused on matters regarding the Underworld so she was always busy and would stay a lot in my mansion there. I was not dense enough to not notice her growing 'attachment' to me as we interacted through the years and she was rather straightforward the moment she made up her mind. There is no day my bed is not warm for me when I arrive and her flushed expression every time is arousing.
Given all of that, she is now the person who sleeps the most on my bed and she has claimed (I gave her the right) to sleep there. Just like my maids at my other house, we've had our... moments. I practically gave her the green light after I gifted her a set of endearing lingerie. Which has somehow become a thing. Everyone I get 'involved' with will ask or expect me to gift them one. It is both amusing and concerning how attached they have grown. I never considered myself the type to get seriously involved with so many women so despite my time getting used to it, I still find it strange. Yet, I will not simply ignore them after they have made up their mind.
Perhaps it was thanks to Marion's influence that the number of people daring to try the method of keeping my bed warm has gone up by 3 digits. Not sure how to feel about having my own rooms in so many places.
Even the ladies I rescued and expected to be on their own way after they could stand on their own feet when I got rid of the slave magic cast on them have expectations of that 'kind' toward me. My poor cat meat might not be enough to feed all those mouths.
"Master, welcome." Marion gave an exemplary bow.
My first maid. The person who had served me first had grown through the years. It was not only her butt that always caused me to have impure thoughts along with her wide hips and thin waist, nor it was only her soft breasts. Compared to the canon, for some reason, her body had been 'upgraded', perhaps because of these dishonest hands of mine. I had noticed that... several ladies displayed greater growth after getting involved with me in 'that' way. There was no doubt I had changed their diets as they grew, adding many plants with benefits so they grew stronger. However, I judged that my touch was the greatest contributor to their growth in terms of 'size'.
Nonetheless, I never spread this. I already had a way to enhance bust size permanently, if it was known that even without using techniques or concoctions I could create similar effects... I shudder thinking about what ladies would be willing to offer in exchange for me laying my hand on them. I had my hands full with the clients from the massage parlor I started with Venelana. Women with hundreds or thousands of years of pent-up frustration liked too much my touch.
"Master, are you ok?" Marion asked in concern.
My thoughts distracted me more than I thought.
"It is fine." I shook my head. "Did you manage to...?"
"I have acquired the necessary materials already, as for the other issue... I have contacted several parties but most of them have refused to do business." Marion said.
As expected, not everyone would be so keen on partaking in that kind of deal.
"So? The ones who are willing are giving you trouble?" I asked.
At those words, Marion bit her lips.
"...they are trying to take advantage of you, master, and have raised the prices ten times." Marion explained.
Nodding at that, I somewhat expected such a thing. Despite buying 'metal scraps', those were military-level materials before. If you had the right knowledge, assembling them together should be easy and they could be used right away to create more conflict.
"Master, if you give me more time, I will surely-" Marion muttered.
Shaking my head, I considered the time it would take them to gather the material and perhaps it would not be on time if we looked for other sellers or tried to lower the prices.
"Money is ultimately to be used." I replied. "The fact that you found people willing to sell that is already praiseworthy. Humans and supernatural creatures generally stay away from each other regarding weaponry."
"However..." Marion still seemed unwilling.
It seemed that there was something else bothering her other than the amount of money.
"Let's go and solve this issue at once." I said.
"Guehehe, we meet again, my beloved Marion."
A pig. A human pig was the first thing that greeted us as soon as we went toward the place the other party had selected for a meeting. I hid my presence pretty darn well and used the magic spell from my ring to make myself invisible as I followed behind Marion. I did not expect to find this 'lifeform' as soon as I teleported so I was quite surprised. He did not look like he had an ounce of supernatural blood so I dismissed any idea of the guy being a descendant of some sort of youkai or other fantastical creature.
We appeared in a large warehouse filled with crates that contained a lot of illegal objects. There seemed to be even cages on the far side of the warehouse with exotic animals and even people. The location was hard to grasp given the remote area without any sort of building that I could use as a reference and the language of the numerous armed personnel was too diverse. Their physical characteristics were also all over the place. I released some talismans and let them go unnoticed to spread all over the place. I am not exactly a nice guy, but I am not rotten enough to look away from women and children being treated that way. The tears running down their faces were enough to infer what happened to the fathers so I was not too optimistic in finding them stored somewhere else.
"...I have warned you to never call me that way." Marion spoke with a chilling tone.
This was quite amazing. I have never heard Marion use this kind of tone with anyone. She could try to mock others or the like, and even maintain an expressionless look, but she learned how to keep her killing intent and repulsion in check after taking a course from the maids in Zekram's place.
"You did? I am too old to remember then."
The talking pig, paid it no mind. Her attitude did not seem to bother him as he smiled happily (?).
"Pray tell, did you come after considering my offer?"
Rubbing his hands like some third-rate villain, the talking pig sat on a crate. It almost felt like the poor crate would not be able to hold him and it would get flattened, but perhaps the idea of turning into a joke after being destroyed by a fatso ass was a good enough incentive to make it resist against fate.
"Please keep those kinds of fantasies inside your head. I am only here to talk about the weaponry I mentioned before." Marion spoke in a flat tone.
Her words did not upset the guy and he only smiled wickedly.
"You surely jest, Marion. I am not the sort of person to simply hand over dangerous and illegal things like weapons."
Using exaggerated gestures to explain himself the talking pig shamelessly used an excuse only he would dare to believe.
"Is that so? I guess we both wasted our time then." Marion prepared to turn around and leave.
"Wait, wait, wait... Don't just go, dear me, one cannot even play some games with you."
Somewhat flustered, the talking pig called out. Perhaps the warehouse heat or simply because he moved too much after being flustered as he tried to get down the crate but was unable to, he pulled and handkerchief and began wiping his sweaty face.
"I did not come here to play. I have received an order from MY MASTER, to accept the previous price. Like before, you are free to choose the payment method whether it is cash or gold." Marion turned back again, clearly annoyed.
"Oh, so that is why you wanted to meet again so soon, and here I thought you could not wait to see my handsome face, guehehe."
Smiling creepily, the talking pig laughed.
" are going to make me throw up." Marion expressed her disgust.
"Too bad, the prices have changed. You took too long to decide my dear."
With a somewhat mocking smile, the talking pig shrugged his shoulders.
"Are you going back on your word?" Marion narrowed her eyes.
"It is not my fault. The market is always changing and there will always be another buyer ready to accept a deal no matter the price."
That seemed like bullshit to me. Given how the 'product' was not very popular, and the probability of finding more cost-efficient deals for better equipment... this guy was just straight-up lying.
"However, I am a man of my word and can certainly arrange something for you, my dear. It will only be a little complicated for me... I will have to deal with a lot of troublesome people."
Once again, the talking pig tried to get down the crate to make an exaggerated act, but he was unable to. This time, however, he seemed angry about it and gritted his teeth while his face turned red. Waving his hands, some of his subordinates came to his aid. A couple of muscular men with shaved heads that screamed military training but were most likely turned to the dark side helped the talking pig and he finally was able to stand on the ground again. His small height was compensated horizontally with a big and round belly, however, it was further highlighted by the tall and muscular subordinates.
I was not the only one rather amused by that sight since Marion smirked as well. However, compared to me hiding using magic. Marion's face was clearly seen by the talking pig.
Immediately hiding his anger after seeing her face, the talking pig stared at Marion with his creepy smile again.
"Of course, with the appropriate amount of money and an 'incentive', I could get you what you need."
Raising a hand and making a circle with his thumb and index finger, the talking pig seemed to be ready to raise the prices even further.
Just like we had discussed before, I 'signaled' Marion that I had no issue with how much money I would use for this. My dear maid jolted and did her best to keep a poker face but her fists were tightened as she tried to restrain her reactions.
Why is she acting like that? Well, I am being a horny young master to his hot maid today. My hand went below her rather short skirt and pinched her generous butt.
"M-My master has told me that money is not an issue. He just wants the job done." Marion still failed to keep a poker face.
To be fair, I would also find it hard to focus if someone sexually harassed me out of the blue. Why is it that Yukari's face appeared in my mind after I thought of that? Certainly not because she has used her ability for that kind of despicable act, no sir.
"Great, that is wonderful."
The talking pig liked his lips creepily.
"Then... about that incentive. You see, that is the MOST important part."
Before he opened his mouth, I could already see his doom coming. Someone was coming this way. I was mildly surprised because I had never seen anyone with abilities like her. No, I guess there was that American guy with his sacred gear I had talked with before.
"I am aware you wish to accomplish what your master asked of you... however, there is no free lunch in the world. I believe you know what I am talking about without saying it, right?"
Giving her a look over, the talking pig expressed his desire for Marion's body. Her blushed face as she gritted her teeth probably made him get the wrong idea. However, she was actually half angry and half embarrassed because I was pinching her butt.
You can judge me if you want, but if I had not done this, she would've gone and beheaded that talking pig already. I had to retort to this method because... it felt really good. This stupid and sexy ass. It has turned right to my tastes.
Giving it a last squeeze made Marion tremble, but not a sound came out of her mouth. It annoyed me, but I will have to 'discipline' my maid later.
The talking pig wanted to make a move, perhaps thinking that Marion's silence was her way of agreeing to his perverted agenda.
Nonetheless, he received a wake-up call when one of his subordinates came running to say something to him in some broken English.
The person getting here as she destroyed anything blocking her path was still a good distance away, but given her speed and how nothing was slowing her down. Her unique abilities seemed to be quite versatile since she was able to move at great speed while she struck enemies without needing to stop. No, I guess her ability to actually pull that off is nothing to scoff at.
"What!? Then why am I paying you for!? Take that devil down."
Tilting my head, I wondered if I had been found out. However, there was no need to blow my cover just yet. One look at them and it was obvious the 'devil' they found out was not me. The talking pig issued several orders all in different languages. I guessed that if he wants to hire people from such a wide range of origins, he must have at least some understanding of what they are saying. It would be pretty lame if he ended up selling himself and had to count the money that was used to buy him because he was unable to understand what his subordinates said. I considered the possibility of this guy using some sort of magic artifact, but it was like I asked Marion, to find a guy with no deep ties to the supernatural. He was just capable enough to learn that many languages.
"Why have she come to haunt me!? I have not gotten close to her area. No, maybe... Did she learn that the weapons sold last time came from me? That is impossible. I killed everyone related to that deal."
Muttering to himself, the talking pig paced from left to right rapidly. He was sweating even more than he did when he was struggling to get down the crate. His hand went toward his chest pocket, but he shook his head and pulled out his hand. I furrowed my eyebrows when I used my ability to check what he had in there.
Suddenly, he turned toward Marion with bloodshot eyes.
"Your master! He is a devil, right? Devils make contracts! I want to make a deal. I am prepared to pay any price."
Despite his frantic plea, Marion simply gave him an icy look.
"So? Do you think you have the qualifications to make a contract with my master?" Marion spoke in a haughty tone.
From time to time, she still lets out her arrogant self. I guess that being the heir of Murmur makes me a bit of a big deal. I have the Underworld King as my backer, and the current Maous are my friends. There are several mature 'madams' from devil houses that took a fancy of my poor cat meat after the whole massage business and would be pleased to 'lend a hand' for 'anything' I ask for. Implications aside, I believe they have the power to deal with annoying nobles if they feel like it.
Perhaps... I am actually a big shot? I usually lend my service to people who need it and make contracts that I find amusing or need to take care of. However, I also take jobs as suggested by Zekram that involve taking away lives and getting mixed up with women who are meant to be of use one way or another.
Nonetheless, I am actually more comfortable taking simple jobs like finding lost cats or helping people with their daily life problems. The other day I got a job that required me to gather evidence a husband was cheating on his wife, only for the actual story to be that the guy had found a lost puppy and went to visit it every day because his wife did not allow him to keep it at home.
Thus, I feel strange when Marion makes such a great deal of making a contract.
"You came to me to get weapons, right!? I am not sure what sick game your master wants to play by collecting those, but he IS interested in getting them, right!? I can get him what he wants, just get rid of that devil, that damn ghost."
There was not much reaction from everyone when the word devil was mentioned, but when the talking pig said the word 'ghost' his subordinates began to whisper among themselves and they looked rather scared. Even the ones who did not seem to know the language were muttering words like 'ghost' or 'grey ghost' in hushed tones.
The talking pig realized that he said words that lowered the morale of his men, but given the pressure the attacker was putting on him, he had no time to get everyone to stop talking. He seemed to see making a contract with a supernatural being his priority.
It was not a bad deal, making a contract and getting what I want... however, I don't feel like helping out the bastard who has been eyeing lewdly my woman. Even if I had not gone all the way with her, I have PUT MY HANDS on her. That much is enough to make her my woman in my book. It is about a matter of taking responsibility. I am not going to be all day wrecking any guy who feels even the slightest amount of lust for my woman, but I will not be so magnanimous as to simply ignore it happening. I am small-minded after all.
There was also another detail the man seemed to forget. I had taken a straightforward approach and decided to trade it all for the sake of not attracting any trouble, but-
"Why should I do that?" Marion smirked. "If you died... we could just take what we need without paying anything. You won't say it is unfair, will you? I doubt you reached where you are through legitimate business dealings. I can even guess that you have taken what is not yours more than once."
It is that way. The warehouse is certainly not big enough to contain what I seek, or at least from the outside, it looks that way. However, there is quite a space buried underneath. I had used my ability to scan everywhere and easily found it. There was more than what I initially sought. Thus I think I will be able to fill my pockets with some extra change. The people down there... I am not sure if they can be saved, no, I guess the question will be if they want to be saved.
"Damned bitch."
The talking pig turned bright red from anger.
"You think you are such a big deal!? You are just a mere human. A pawn. I have seen people like you working for the devils more than once and you never end up well. You are just going to get used and then discarded."
Smiling chillingly, Marion said nothing.
"What if you come from a devil's house!? You are still flesh like us."
Yelling several profanities in several languages, the talking pig ordered his men to attack Marion.
"You must hide a way to contact your master on you or some sort of scroll to teleport... Damn it, I used the last one I had against the Phantom Bullet."
I guess he is betting everything on finding a supernatural method to flee. Given the speed at which the attacker is moving, unless he leaves by air, he will be eventually caught.
Unfortunately, he is facing Marion. Among my maids... she had the lowest base stats as a normal human. No special constitution or sacred gear. Under the maid guild, she learned several self-defense skills. However, I did not consider it enough.
Before the weapons were aimed at her, Marion swung her arms rapidly and small needles flew from her hands. Using the Aport spell I often used to get objects from my storage space to my hand, she combined it with a quick hand movement to throw the needles practically the moment they landed on her hand. The needles are coated with several poisonous concoctions she prepared that can cause diverse effects. This time, she seemed to be using paralyzing effects.
I handed her several books and made her memorize everything. Given that she wanted to brew tea for me, and I made poisonous tea to train my poison resistance... it was obvious she would need to learn about it. She also felt the need to because Akeno-chan had also learned to make poisonous tea to help me train.
Despite her quick reaction, the people under the talking pig were numerous and they had some skill. Surviving for a long time in this kind of life was not easy so they must be able to adapt pretty quickly. Using the crates to take cover made Marion's needles ineffective. It was not like she could not use magic to bypass that problem, however, she decided to not do that.
"How about you stop with your unsightly behavior? Even if you managed to kill me... do you think my master would offer a hand to you?" Marion smirked.
"Shut up. Devils are just a bunch of conceited bastards. However, if I offered him some other women, he would surely accept them. What if you are pretty? You are only one woman. I can get him dozens and even more experienced. He will forget about you after tasting the women I give him."
I tried to stop Marion by using the previous method, but I was one step too late.
By the time I was about to pinch her butt, she had already dashed forward, a beat later, she had kicked the talking pig on his stomach and sent him rolling backward, destroying a few crates on the way. Her display of strength was enough deterrent for the men to stop trying to attack her or maybe they were worried about their pay- I mean, their boss.
Lucky for them, Marion did not plan to kill the guy. The blow looked more impressive than it actually was. Taking a page from a cat like me, she wanted to play with her prey before dealing with it.
"You should stay down there like the piece of trash you are." Marion narrowed her eyes. "You think you have the right to decide which women my master can put his hand on? They need to meet certain criteria to do that or to be selected specifically by my master himself. A pig like you who would 'eat' anything that is put in front of him has no right to even think of giving my master some sow you have put your hands onto."
Please don't say that, I have put my hand on a couple of ladies that beg me to call them 'sows'. I think you are insulting them... although, considering their kinks, I think that would make them happy.
The talking pig had no way to talk and some of his teeth had been sent flying all over the place.
The pig tried to desperately check his chest pocket but a loud noise made him freeze.
It sounded like there was an exchange of fire coming from far away, however, it got closer and the amount of fire decreased as soon as it seemed to be outside the warehouse.
The person attacking arrived and the burly men trembled like small animals. It was honestly creepy to see grown-up men acting all scared when the other party was just a young woman unarmed... or not. Darn, what's this!? She looks way cooler in person than what she looked from far away.
Her shoulder-length gray hair swayed with the wind and her body was covered by a rough piece of cloth. I believe it is called a poncho or sarong, depending on the location. Around her neck, an unusually long muffler almost reached the ground. Her purple eyes were calm and lacking the negative emotions I would expect from someone nicknamed 'ghost'. She looked like a real beauty... a real beauty with a great perception since she locked eyes with me.
A sharp cry pierced everyone's ears as an eagle dove down from the sky and landed on a crate near the woman.
"Why have you come!? Grey Ghost! I stayed away from your turf! Is that not enough for you!? Have you gone mad? I don't care if I get killed for this, I will make my men outside go and kill everyone in your little 'town'."
The pig spoke rather well for someone lacking teeth. Picking a piece of his teeth that landed nearby, I noticed that they were fake ones so perhaps he had lost his to another beating or for some other reason.
"...I brought down everyone on my way here. If there are more, I will take them down once I finish my business here."
The woman, nicknamed as grey ghost spoke in a dispassionate tone.
Given the abilities I saw her use, I believe she is more than capable.
"Your men took her. Where is she?"
This time, while she looked calm, there was anger behind her tone.
"My men... took... No... There is no way..."
Shaking his head frantically, the pig seemed to be close to a mental breakdown.
Before things went south, I made the shikigamis protect the people and animals.
Curses and gunshots began happening as soon as the shikigamis took action.
This caused the woman to tense up and raise her weapon. A unique weapon I must say. It seemed like a composite bow made of mechanical parts that resembled pieces of a truck.
It had a strange resemblance to the way the American agent used his sacred gear.
The woman easily drew back her bow's string, arrows composed of some kind of energy appeared, and then... the men around us were sniped. They had no way to resist at all. Unable to dodge the oncoming attack, they had their heads destroyed. The arrows shot flew past the heads and went on for a long time.
This terrified the talking pig who gritted his teeth and pulled out a paper with a magic circle and tore it apart. A magic circle appeared at once in front of him, and he was able to successfully summon a devil. It seemed to be his last trump card since he only used it after his negotiation with Marion was not possible and he was unable to take her down and contact me. I was quite familiar with the magic circle and I could only inwardly sigh. Marion shared my same expression but the woman raised her guard. It was not without any basis since a terrifying pressure enveloped the warehouse, making the building itself shake.
It was an obvious result since the talking pig had summoned a greater devil, you could even say he was the oldest devil in existence among the 72 devil bloodlines. The incarnation of chaos and ruthlessness... the old fart.
Zekram, holding some gardening tools appeared in the middle of the warehouse. He blinked in confusion and then looked around.
"How unexpected. It has been centuries since I have left any summoning paper for contracts, yet there was still one around." Zekram put away his gardening tools using magic.
Undusting his gloved hands, he fixed them. Then he took a proper upright posture as he evaluated his surroundings without any urgency.
"Y-You are the devil my family made a contract with long ago..."
The talking pig almost looked like he could jump out of happiness, but his body did not allow him.
"...a talking pig." Zekram rubbed his chin.
Hey, old fart, I have been mindful to not even mutter it since it would be disrespectful.
"Our families go all the way back, we used to be close!"
Seeing the apathetic tone from Zekram, the talking pig scrambled over to him the best he could. Dragging his body without caring for his dignity or the like.
"...I will need to hear more than that to remember, strange creature." Zekram raised an eyebrow. "I have lived for several thousand years."
While these two had their exchange, the woman was sweating slightly as she found it difficult to manage the pressure Zekram was giving. I was warding off the pressure that could fall onto Marion so our side was not affected, but I still kept my disguise. I would rather not to talk with the old fart.
The shikigamis on the other hand were keeping the kidnapped ones safe and out of any sort of pressure too.
"Oh? I have a vague recollection of your ancestor. We did happen to make some business transactions back then." Zekram had a distant look on his face as he spoke. "I was quite satisfied with his way of handling business that left no loose ends so I told him to keep that summoning circle and use it in case of emergency. However, to think he never got to use but his descendant did. I had honestly forgotten all about it until now."
"Yes! It was passed down by generations as something akin to a family heirloom, and we would use it if things were too dire and the family faced extinction."
"Is that so?" Zekram nodded. "I can understand why he would make that call. His son back then was a little dull so he might've been afraid he would get into some trouble."
"That is precisely why I called you! I need your help! There is a risk of my family meeting its demise with me. I have not left a descendant and-"
"Ah, I get it. You don't need to say anything else. I understand what is going on by looking at the state of my surroundings." Zekram raised a hand to interrupt the talking pig.
"Does that mean you are going to help me!? Hahaha! Perfect! The legends passed down in my family said you wielded the greatest power of them all. The power of destruction. With you on my side, Grey Ghost is nothing. Hahaha, then I will have you destroy that woman over there..."
Somewhat caught in his delusions, the talking pig seemed unaware of the raised eyebrow Zekram had as he looked at him. I was very familiar with his expressions and how depending on the party, said expressions could mean a different world altogether.
Nonetheless, for the woman who was extremely vigilant of Zekram, hearing the words from the pig put her on edge.
I have seen the old fart even face ultimate beings and his presence alone can intimidate them despite the 'differences' in their classes. To begin with, he is only considered High-Class as his noble status and the strength he wielded after retiring. However, like many supernatural beings, the older he gets, even if he does not train, the more his power grows. I would say it is the most unfair trait supernatural beings possess that even without hard work, they become more powerful.
"Have you made a mistake?" Zekram suddenly spoke. "You seem to have the wrong impression about me."
Those words were enough to make the talking pig freeze in place and stupidly stare back at the old fart.
"You seem to believe my presence here is because I answered the summons to obey your command, isn't it?" Zekram had an amused smile on his face. "You are taking me lightly. I might not be taking jobs anymore, but it is not like I have forgotten how they work. I am not senile yet."
"Don't tell me you are unaware that devils do not work for free? We always offer our services after an appropriate price has been paid." Zekram slowly explained. "There has been nothing but delusional talk coming from your mouth since the beginning."
"B-But, my ancestor..."
"I indeed favored your ancestor, however, it was never to the point where I will work for free. He was a cunning man, but he at least knew that for the appropriate service, an appropriate price had to be paid. We had common interests and I answered his summons once. I also had some dealings with him. Yet, it was equal business partners. I was not his slave ready to obey every command." Zekram smirked. "You have made a certain mistake, no, I guess there was more than one."
Sighing, Zekram raised his closed fist and raised his index finger.
"You are not your ancestor. I have no obligation to listen to you. A rude fellow who knows nothing about common courtesy and lacks in manners is not worth my time." Zekram calmly said and raised another finger. "I had given your ancestor a piece of advice after I handed him that paper. It was to never deal with supernatural beings. However, I believe his descendants did not pay attention to it."
Raising a third finger with his left hand, he used his right hand to point at Marion.
"The gravest mistake you have made is to think of messing up with him." Zekram said.
Shocked, the talking pig looks at Marion with a betrayed look.
"You were a man!?"
I almost spat out after hearing that. Marion would've jumped and killed him if I had not been holding her back.
"...I feel sorry for you ancestor." Zekram sounded somewhat depressed.
From the hand that was pointing at Marion, the power of destruction emerged and a terrifying amount of demonic power created a fist-sized ball made of power of destruction. Without warning, he threw it at my maid.
The old far was crazy.
Without any doubts, I held Marion from one side as I extended my left hand to receive the attack. As soon as I caught the power of destruction, I felt my skin suffering from it, but I closed my hand and there was no further damage. I used drain to absorb it.
My invisibility disappeared after the attack touched me and my annoyed face was met with a smirk from Zekram. The woman seemed oddly unsurprised by my appearance.
"As you can see, even if I were to lend you a hand, I would be unable to defeat him. You failed to do your research. You know nothing about what kind of being he is, and yet, you threatened to kill him? How dull of you to even think you had the chance. Did you even think for a moment what it means to face a noble devil? If he had any backers, how would they react?" Zekram said. "At times, they don't have to do anything. Their backers will take care of everything without even alerting said nobles."
"B-But you are at the top of them all. There should be no one more powerful than you!"
Trying to grasp any possibility of survival, the talking pig directed those words at Zekram.
"I might've been the most powerful below the Maou-sama many years ago, but the latest generation of Maou are complete monsters who cannot be measured with common sense. It's as simple as that." Zekram muttered. "Times have changed and you should be thinking according to that train of thought. Instead of relying on some ancient legend passed down by your family. Not to mention, your attitude is displeasing."
"How can that be? I have what it takes to make a contract! What do you want? Money, weapons, women! I have it all! Oh, do you perhaps fancy more men? I can find them as well. I usually kill them because they are harder to control, but if there is a special order, I can get them for you. Even children-"
His words were cut short by Zekram slapping him with the back of his hand. The talking pig rolled on the ground and he ended up stopping with his back hitting a crate, and lying sideways, perfectly capturing everyone with his gaze.
"Should I say I am disappointed? No, that only applies when you have expectations for someone. I had none for you." Zekram fixed the glove on his hand. "I have lived since ancient times. Money is something I have to spare. I can casually gift castles filled with gold if I please. Why would I need your money? The rest of your offerings are even more of a joke. I have no interest in men or children, and personally look down on those who put their hands on a child. As for women, I could find women even more beautiful than you could even imagine if I wanted... you have nothing that could interest me."
That was kind of cool. I should note it down and use it if I have the chance.
"...why? I can still offer... my soul..."
"Why would I want something as disgusting as your soul? There were indeed several devils that asked for that kind of payment, but I was not among them." Zekram said. "It serves no use to me."
"Anything... just ask for anything..."
Hearing this, Zekram's expression turned into a sneer.
"If I wanted to take your life, would you give it to me?" Zekram asked in amusement.
Hearing that, the talking pig shut his mouth.
Watching from afar, Marion had no reaction. She was the one who socialized with Zekram the most among my people given that she already knew our relationship, plus she has accompanied me when I was taken by Zekram to be taught about many devil habits since ancient times. She has also seen how this guy can be a total physico without changing expressions. On the other hand, I can see that the woman with the unique bow had a complicated expression. It was a mix of pity as she was seeing another person being played around and a sense of urgency to rush past Zekram, yet his presence did not allow her to even move.
As for me, I could not care less. Given all the stuff he has done, he does not deserve pity. I can only imagine how many people that guy ruined.
"Hmmm, supposed you find something I am interested in." Zekram suddenly glanced at me and smiled.
At those words, there was a faint hope inside the pig's eyes.
I wished nothing more than to escape, but I was curious about the woman, and I needed to retrieve what I came to acquire here.
"I would still be unable to help you." Zekram chuckled.
Waving his hand, numerous spheres made from the power of destruction were formed where his hand passed.
"Because he is here." Zekram declared.
Just like that, the spheres were shot randomly.
If I half-beat this guy to death, would he get angry?
Even as I extremely seriously considered kicking the old fart's ass, I moved. There were six spheres. The first one was aimed at Marion again so I used my left hand to grab it and absorbed it. One down, five to go. The next one was aimed at the woman, and she reacted by raising her bow and nocking an arrow that was shot as soon she finished pulling the string. The arrow hit the sphere squarely in the center and they both canceled each other. I was rather surprised since I expected either the power of destruction to destroy her arrow or the arrow to pass through it and continue beyond. However, there seemed to be more than meets the eye with her ability. Controlling the amount of power to offset an attack is not something normal that just anyone can do.
Given that this side was taken care of, I dashed forward. Marion, expressing her faith in me, bowed and wished me good luck. Her cam reaction makes me consider, this chick has grown a lot.
Two of the spheres had already hit the ground and continued to spread like fire. A different usage compared to how Venelana, Sirzechs, and Rias wield it. As expected of the oldest user of the ability. Even if he cannot surpass Sirzechs in terms of firepower, he must be capable of using it in a variety of forms no one can imagine.
"Drain." I spoke.
At the center of this mess, I absorbed everything using my ability. These days I have been using it more often to practice but most of all, I want to make it a habit.
The power of destruction was easily absorbed, it did not matter if it was close or not, I took what I wanted. It required quite a bit of focus to take in what you wanted and not drag unnecessary things. There was even I felt like it would go berserk and turn into a black hole.
The last two spheres had hit the ceiling and focused on only destroying the bases that kept the ceiling up there. The pieces were numerous and heavy. If they fell, someone might get hurt. Particularly, the kidnapped people. The mark on my neck itched and might be wanting me to use it, but I refused. I pulled my always trusty broadsword and did my best. I felt my muscles swelling and my bones felt like they were crushed, but I properly archived the effect of using the little something I had been preparing for days.
By using a pivot point in the air, with air steps, I spun fast and the force of my swung broadsword sent the debris flying away.
I took a forceful break as soon as there was nothing that could harm the kidnapped people and took off toward Zekram who had begun to amass a massive sphere of power of destruction about the size of a small truck.
With a composed grin, he saw me getting closer and threw it at me.
I know what he had in mind with this.
Thrusting my left hand forward, I was swallowed by the power of destruction, but my ability was stronger than what the sphere could do to me. I had been practicing a lot and even grew the guts to spar with Sirzches using his Ultimate form. I was almost turned into dust a couple of times and had even half of my body destroyed more than once, but I came to understand this ability further.
The sphere was absorbed but while I was busy with that, Zekram had already made another one, but this one was twice as big.
"From all the people I considered that would be suitable for that kind of ability, Famine's Knight powers were not something I would guess would end up in you." Zekram said.
I was surprised, and I was unable to mask my expression completely. However, the threat was not going to wait for me.
"Yet... why is it that you always waste your potential? This is not everything you can do. There is more to this power than this." Zekram spoke in a calm tone.
I was starting to get a little pissed off at this guy.
"None of your business, you old fart." I grumbled.
Before I was swallowed by the sphere, I showed him the middle finger.
The bastard saw that and chuckled in response.
It was honestly annoying. Nonetheless, I had no words to retort. He was right concerning this ability. There was much more to it. Yet, it was not something I preferred to use. I had tested its limits and what it could do before, but it was not pretty to see or hear.
Sighing, I raised both hands. This bastard would not leave alone until he was satisfied. He has that sick personality.
"Drain." I spoke.
Compared to before, the sphere was immediately absorbed. It was not simply because I was using both hands. No, I simply raised the speed at which I could take in everything.
"I guess, I did not need to go any further." Zekram dispersed the next sphere of power of destruction he was creating.
Presumably satisfied, he nodded and then turned toward the talking pig that stared at me in disbelief.
"As you can see, this is hopeless even if I step in." Zekram spoke in an amused tone.
Still annoyed, I decided to go beyond what he expected. I concentrated and with both hands still extended forward... a blast of power of destruction bursted.
I controlled the amount to be enough for one person only, Zekram himself. There was nothing to worry about anyone else getting caught in the crossfire since there was no one behind since I was now on the side of Zekram, compared to the beginning when I was facing him in front.
Zekram widened his eyes but soon a grin covered his face. His reaction was unbefitting of such an old fossil as he claims he is. Without delay, he took the most optimum course of action. He created a blast of his own and off-setted my attack.
The blast ended up being directed toward the talking pig who was still recovering from the despair after Zekram destroyed his hopes. It was not difficult to imagine what a normal human would end up with after receiving such an attack.
There was nothing of him left along with a gaping hole as the only proof there was something there a moment before.
Clicking my tongue, I lowered my arms. As I expected, the recoil from using this ability was big. The Famine Knight could do much more than just absorb things. However, I could not use this ability properly yet. I was not sure how it even worked so I could only mindlessly destroy my body as I tried to figure out the proper way to make it work.
Clapping his hands, Zekram looked at me in satisfaction.
"It seems that this summoning was at least worth my time. I almost considered it a waste of time." Zekram nodded. "It pleases me that you are growing stronger."
Looking around one last time, the old fart gave the woman who was openly aiming to shoot him a nod before snapping his finger and teleporting away.
He did not need to say anything at all, he will probably ask for my presence soon so I might as well go there after I am done here.
After he was gone, the woman lowered her bow and sighed in relief, a drop of sweat running down from her forehead and going all the way down to her neck.
"...are you not scared of me?" I asked.
I was curious why she would not still keep her guard when I was still clearly dangerous. I might not be leaking my presence like Zekram was doing, but I showed no common displays of strength to make anyone wary of me.
"There is no need."
Smiling, the woman raised a hand and pointed above me. Just in time, the eagle I had seen before descended using my shoulder to perch itself.
"I trust its instincts."
Followed by the eagle that began acting cute as it played with my hair using its beak. Marion came forward and looked at me. Nodding, she helped sweep some dust that had fallen on my free shoulder.
There was probably a lot coursing through her mind that she might feel like asking, but she simply made sure I was ok before taking my right side and waiting for any command I might give her.
"You are wise since it must have pretty sharp instincts, but perhaps I am good enough to cheat those." I pulled a piece of meat from my pocket dimension and fed it to the birdy. "I could even be more evil than the old fart from before or the talking pig."
"Surely, you jest. No one evil will feed this little guy and make it act affectionate toward themselves like you are doing."
Saying such a thing, the young woman began moving toward the kidnapped people. After eating the food, the eagle taped me with its beak gently and flew after his master.
I ordered my shikigamis to release the people and turn back to talismans, but there was one that responded with refusal due to an interesting reason.
"Should I wear a mask to appear evil?" I asked my beautiful maid.
"Surely, you jest. Master would only add an air of mystery to your persona and make yourself more appealing to women." Marion offered her honest opinion.
"...even though it is not my intention?" I smiled bitterly.
"Can I be blunt?" Marion inquired.
"...I trust you enough to not ask what you do on my bed-" I was prevented from saying another word.
"You are a magnet for women. Whether you like it or not." Marion said even as her face was as red as an apple. "You have tested it yourself on numerous occasions. You might act like a lecherous and lewd young master, but that only made women think they had a chance, even if it was for a one-night stand. Acting like a cold CEO was also a failure since there are too many romantic novels similarly like that so that only gives women some hope that they could be like the female lead in those stories."
I had nothing I could retort.
"It does not matter if they are young or old, they are drawn to you." Marion said. "If I had to give you an example... you are like those female cultivators in novels with jade-like skin and perfect figures that make young masters go crazy. Only in your case, you are a man, and the crazed young masters are women."
"...I told you to keep your reading about those to a healthy level." I mumbled.
"Ahem. My point is simple." Marion ignored my words. "You are hot. You are rich. You are well endowed. You have many women around you. That is enough to make many people get interested in you."
"...aren't there like many rich guys around? I mean, there should be a lot of guys who openly have harems so I should not be the only one women would flock to." I muttered.
"...there is a severe lack of males worldwide. The ratio of men to women is not balanced so there are indeed cases of harems being formed, legally and illegally." Marion added. "However, just because a woman is not with a man means that she will settle with just anyone."
That is actually a good argument.
"Master's reputation could be good or bad and yet women would still flock to you. Do you know why?" Marion asked.
"...because I am dirty rich?" I mumbled.
"That is one reason. However, there is something most people understand after dealing with you." Marion said. "You are responsible for your actions. Not something everyone does."
"That is not something that great, anyone with common sense would act the same." I smiled wryly.
"Is it really?" Marion pressed. "Do you know how common is to take the easy way out of anyone's situation? Why continue doing this when there is a faster way? Why should I bother solving this? It is not my job. The list could go on and on for a long time. Yet, you will always find something in common. An unwillingness to face hardship."
Why does everyone have such a great opinion of me? I am just-
3rd Person POV
Taking a step forward, Marion marveled at the youth's growth. He was way younger than her, but Nora was taller than Marion now. The step barely left any space between them and the youth had to look down on her. Marion was quite happy that she had changed her initial design of her maid outfit to one similar like the one her kouhai, Sirius, wears. Showing her cleavage made the youth's gaze be delayed as he seemed to get lost from the view.
"Master, on the other hand. You will constantly take the proper way because your belief is that even a hard path that takes more time can be meaningful." Marion said. "You take challenges and tasks head-on, all while turning them into a chance to grow. Hoping to learn something from every venture. You act in a way that-"
"Marion, I know that you-" Nora was cut off.
"Master, would it be so hard for you to shut up for a second and let me speak? Please, just stay quiet and admire the chest you like to play with when you are bored." Marion pushed herself onto the youth and her moldeable breasts pressed onto the youth. "Please, even if there are people who never pay attention to how hard you work and take it for granted that all you have archived has been because you were lucky to be born handsome and be good at picking up chicks, or that you shameless clung to your devil acquaintances to always ask for money to fund your lavish life."
Staring into the eyes of the youth, Marion saw him look at her eyes instead of her chest. He seemed to be paying attention to everything she said. It made her slightly disappointed but she was also relieved that he was paying attention to her words.
"Marion, I am unable to deny the luck I've had until now. Speaking of facts, it is extremely difficult for an individual to actually meet even one heir of such prestigious devil families, not to mention befriend them. I, on the other hand, am a childhood friend of two of them. I am also friends with other heirs as well. You can say what you want, but there is no denying I have been lucky." Nora explained. "You can argue and say because we hit off, but you are forgetting that I have been greatly influenced since I was little. What if my parental figures had been awful people? Do you think I would still be the same person you all like?"
Listening to the youth, Marion let him speak without interrupting him.
"I have been blessed with great people at my side since birth. There is no way I can deny that. If anything, everything I am today is because I have met amazing people during my life." Nora smiled wryly. "I have been saved by everyone more times than I have saved others. The person I am today would be nothing if I didn't have everyone at my side. Marion, that includes you. Everyone gives their best every day for my sake, and you are no different. I have put you through a lot. Training, work, more training, even my lewd and lecherous requests. You have become an exceedingly competent maid that can proudly stick out her chest and say she is worthy of being the head maid of the Murmur Household."
"...Master, you are scaring me? You are not going to change me for that big-breasted Altais, are you? She's had her eyes on my position since the moment I took it. She always gives me those long looks whenever I have some business with the maid guild." Marion furrowed her eyebrows in worry. "I know my chest is not as big as hers, but if you fondle me some more, I know it will grow to your liking. Instead of a finished product, wouldn't it be more exciting if you turned my body into one that excites you? I would be molded by you, and whenever I would look myself in the mirror, while I put on my underwear, I would remember your touch and how it made my chest heavier and my ass so big. I would be constantly reminded that I am your maid and this body of mine is one you crave for."
Gulping, the youth exercised extreme self-control to stop him from doing something 18+ oriented right in the middle of nowhere. His tired mind struggled to resist the constant and numerous invitations he received every day to engage in licentious acts that would cross the line. The youth certainly had desires and quite a substantial lust, but he maintained terrifying self-control to prevent him from doing the actual deed until he had done it with Yasaka. Although he allowed himself to be indulged in certain sexual services after Yasaka had allowed him.
"...extremely tempting, but it is not for that reason. Not to mention, rather than the head maid position, she is more interested in being close to me more often so she can offer me her services." Nora coughed. "She also looks with envy at Sirius and Alkaid whenever they go to the maid guild as well."
Recalling that temptress, the youth shuddered after thinking of all the things she had tried to tempt him with. He had not accepted to bring her home for the reason that he might not be able to resist attacking that succubus.
"...that is certainly the case." Marion remembered her two kouhais being troubled by Altais as well.
Inwardly sighing in relief after diverting Marion's attention. His mind got stuck with the image of a succubus. Several maids in the guild were half-blood and even some completely succubus, but he had met a rather unique succubus on one of his visits and the woman gave him more headaches in one day than what he had gotten on his life before meeting her.
The woman had taken a liking to him and often dragged him into bizarre dreams that would ultimately lead to him doing extremely obscene things to several women. It was almost like she was trying to destroy his self-control. However, it was an action crazy enough that several times after staying the night at the Gremory castle, he would wake up the next day and find the maids, even Rias, Venelana, and Grayfia, blushing for no reason after seeing him.
The youth was thankful to her for letting him actually sleep without letting the cursed voices and negative emotions try to take over his body causing him nightmares to act up, but Nora was not sure if it was really necessary to actually make everyone in the castle join the dream and be able to remember it. It was a reason why he did not rely on her that often, just like the dream eater, since it also put a heavy strain on their minds.
" it now a good time?"
The voice calling out was from the woman from before and she came with a troubled smile.
The person she was looking for, or rather, the little girl that had a great resemblance to her was looking more than in good condition. She had a fearless smile as she pointed toward the duo, and the shikigami obeyed her. She looked like a brave child close to ten to twelve years old and it would remain a secret only known to the youth that she was crying before but put on a strong front to not worry that woman. Something easy for him to know because the shikigami has been watching over her and the youth made it so it would follow her commands. Riding on the shikigami's shoulder was something she asked for and it seemed like the eagle found it sad that she was not paying attention to it because she was excited about the shikigami.
"I happened to overhear some... adult topic so I delayed coming here, but as you can see, she is curious and wanted to see you two."
With a troubled smile that suited her more than the youth expected, the woman, or perhaps a teen, gave the child a warm look.
"No, it is us who should be sorry." Nora smiled brightly so as to not make the child feel uncomfortable.
"I offer my apologies as well. I have failed to follow the TPO, and I will hopefully receive my master's discipline in the future so I do not make the same mistake again." Marion smiled.
The youth's expression twitched but he restrained his hand ready to pinch someone as a punishment.
Not asking anymore to avoid delving into the topic again, the woman looked back and showed a saddened look toward the kidnapped people.
" you have any plans?"
Even if she did not explicitly say what she wanted, the youth understood her meaning and why she avoided saying anything else. The girl was curiously staring at Marion's maid outfit with wonder and it seemed like she was not going to pay attention to anything else.
"I would follow the customs of the land I am in. However, I don't think it will be a good idea in this case." Nora walked over to the woman and spoke in a lowered tone.
Gesturing to Marion, Nora made her move with the girl a little further away.
Several terrified expressions mixed with curiosity, despair, and hope were directed his way.
"...some of them were sold so even if they go back, they will not be accepted. Even those who were simply kidnapped will still have it rough out there. No husband for a family who relies only on him will have it difficult to go by. Many people look down and even reject those who come back since they are considered dirty or bringers of misfortune."
The somber tone told Nora that the woman spoke from experience.
"What do you want to do?" Nora asked.
Biting her lips, the woman looked at a loss for a moment.
"There is hardly any place to take care of this many people where I come from."
"So you want me to take care of them?" Nora asked with interest.
"That thought did cross my mind, I will not lie. However, it is not your responsibility. You did not put them in this situation. I am aware that you are an incredible person. Yet, there is no reason to dumb it all on you. That is why, I want to do the same that man wanted to do."
"You want to harass my maid?" Nora smirked.
"Yes, I... What? No! I would rather do that to you- I mean, I am not talking about that."
Shaking her head frantically, the woman decided to close her mouth first and calm down instead of speaking or she might say something outrageous again.
"You are a devil and devils like to make contracts, do they not?"
"So you want me to take care of them then?" Nora raised an eyebrow.
"I just want you to help me relocate them far away from here. A place where they can start over again. I will take care of providing them with supplies and money. I only ask you to take them to a place where they will not be judged and despised because they went through a bad situation they had no control over."
"Oh? That is... an interesting request. Rather easy to accomplish for me." Nora nodded. "Then? What is it that you want to offer me? I am a devil, just like the one from before, I might just ask you for the impossible, perhaps even mock you while I say you will never get what you want."
Waiting until the youth finished trying to act like a villain, the young woman spoke.
"There is quite a bit of money that I got my hands on. It is dirty money so you will still need to work on it so you can use it without worries. I understand if the total worth goes down because of that, but I also got jewelry, gold, diamonds... Some of these goods have already been marked thus making them tricky to handle, however, I also have some raw jewels in my hands."
Looking at the youth, the young woman calmly waited for his reply. As far as what she could offer, this was the best she could do. Money could always be acquired easily around these parts. However, things like fuel, food, water, and the like were more valuable since finding them was complicated. The prices were high, and even if someone wanted to establish a trade route, it could get targeted.
"Hmmm, I am not lacking money." Nora said. "However, you have another valuable asset right now."
Smiling wickedly, the youth licked his lips in an attempt to look disgusting, but his attempt failed and made those looking at him skip a beat, with Marion even gulping loudly.
"How about offering yourself?" Nora smiled.
"...I think my looks are below that maid on your side."
The woman claimed as she looked down on her dirty garments and compared them to the neat and clean maid.
"I wonder about that. I am not someone who just discards a woman based on her attractiveness." Nora mumbled. "And, to me, you already look charming."
Blinking her eyes, the young woman smiled.
"It is interesting how you try to flirt with me, but you have not asked for my name."
"I believe you did not want to let me know your real name, even if I asked, you would've given me a fake one." Nora shrugged his shoulders.
" seem familiar with that method."
"I understand your concerns." Nora glanced at the young girl too busy playing with the eagle.
"It is not always effective."
Shaking her head, the young woman sighed.
"You seem quite famous after, Miss Grey Ghost." Nora chuckled.
Clicking her tongue at the nickname, the young woman did not deny it.
"You may call me Nora, Nora Shiki, a pleasure to meet you, Miss Grey Ghost." Nora extended a hand forward.
Not reaching for that hand, the young woman pondered for a moment before extending her hand for a handshake.
"Don't call me Grey Ghost, you may call me Altair." The young woman, Altair, smiled.
Blinking in surprise, the youth found no deceit in her speech.
"Now you are flirting with me." Nora smiled wryly. "You changed your mind?"
"Maybe." Altair did not deny it and chuckled. "No, I guess I was reminded of someone when I saw your gaze."
" might have talent in flirting." Nora grinned.
"Please, cut me some slack." Altair smiled wryly.
"Alright, I planned to take care of these people anyway." Nora snapped his finger.
Bowing in response, Marion left and began to use magic to telepathically contact someone.
"You can keep your money. It should be easier to find than other daily need items, but I believe that trying to go hunt for it will make it difficult for you in the long run." Nora said. "I will not needlessly try to give you advice seems you might be more knowledgeable than me in the area. However, I am your senpai when it comes to dealing with scum bags. If you push them back too much at once, they will try to bite you."
"So you deal with those kinds of people too huh." Altair nodded.
Taking a careful look at the youth, he seemed healthy and well-fed. His noble upbringing was easy to tell even for her who had been living in this kind of environment. It was strange, but his aura gave her a feeling of how a noble should be and carry themselves like. Compared to him, she looked messy.
Not saying anything, the youth pulled a chocolate bar from his pocket and offered it to the young woman.
"It cannot be called a meal, but this should be enough to keep your hunger in check." Nora mumbled.
Blinking, Altair took the chocolate bar by reflex, however, she could not understand what he was trying to achieve by doing that.
"You skipped breakfast and even lunch to look for that girl. Using your abilities and engaging in armed conflicts on the way must be taxing for your body. If you collapsed because your body was too weak, who would take care of you? What about that girl?" Nora shook his head. "If you cannot even take care of yourself, how can you take care of others?"
Before Altair could retort, she felt her stomach grumble like a beast.
Somewhat embarrassed, she bit off the wrap of the bar and took a huge chunk of the chocolate. Planning to eat a bit and then later offer it to her little sister.
"I have more so you can eat without worries." Nora flashed several chocolate bars to the young woman.
Feeling the somewhat sour and sweet taste of the chocolate, the young woman felt like her energy was being restored even better than when she slept for several hours.
"Thank you." Altair honestly expressed her gratitude.
"It is nothing to feel THAT grateful for. I have several of these, and I can get more easily." Nora mumbled.
Shaking her head, Altair gave another bite to the chocolate and spoke.
"It is not because it is easy or not for you to get this." Altair said. "Regardless of the difficulty, or the reason you are doing it. I needed it and you extended a hand to me."
"Free gifts are the most dangerous ones, you know?" Nora shrugged his shoulders.
"You are quite cynical, aren't you?" Altair smiled wryly.
"I am cynical, realistic, and nihilistic. I am quite the joyous pack in one person." Nora smirked.
"Is that what you think? I feel like you are someone who is an optimist or maybe wants to be one. Rather than being negative, you strive to find a meaning in life." Altair smiled.
"That's... one strange way to describe myself. You don't even know me." Nora retorted.
Without saying a word, Altair pointed at the shikigami playing with her sister. It would throw her high up and gently catch her. The girl seemed to be having the time of her life as she laughed but there was not even one ounce of fear as she was sent flying for several meters.
"You are controlling it, aren't you?" Altair said.
"Perhaps I am not and you are wrong." Nora crossed his arms.
"Is that so? Let's leave it at that." Altair smiled but did not say anything else.
After a few seconds of silence, the youth started the conversation again.
"It is a shame I did not meet you earlier." Nora spoke.
"Oh? Are we back to flirting?" Altair asked.
"Maybe." Nora smiled wryly. "Your... ability, I think it would've been helpful to me if I could've studied before."
"Hmmmm, I see." Altair did not ask for specifics after noticing a complex emotion in the youth's eyes. "Are you planning to do something dangerous?"
"Perhaps." Nora did not deny it. "Aren't you afraid I will greedily try to do something to get my hands on your powers?"
"There was someone in the past who tried to do it." Altair confessed. "There seems to be quite a number of safety mechanisms features programmed to respond for things like that. He died miserably from a backlash."
"Is that so?" Nora mumbled bitterly.
"However, I don't think you will lay a hand on me for my powers." Altair muttered. "You don't seem that kind of person."
"Oi, I feel like that sounded a little specific." Nora complained. "Why else would I lay my hand on you?"
"I think I could get an answer to that question if we called your maid here." Altair smirked.
"Touche." Nora lowered his head.
Chuckling, Altair looked at the youth and felt something strange stirring inside of her. It was strange. However, she felt like she had met him before. A certain figure overlapped in her head and despite the great differences, she felt like there was a certain resemblance in their auras.
"I might not have much time, but could I study it for a bit later?" Nora asked.
"Only if you promise to bring more chocolates." Altair said.
"That's kind of cheap price, how about I make it worth your time?" Nora winked.
"No lewding." Altair raised her hands and made a cross with her fingers.
Chuckling at that, Nora pulled a ring from who knows where.
"There is no need to use magic or the like. It has a crystal that makes up for that." Nora tossed it to the young woman. "You will find useful what it is in there."
Sighing, Nora raised a hand to stop Altair from talking.
"Just use it." Nora said. "Consider it my pay for using your time."
"But..." Altair tried to reason with him.
"You must spend quite a bit of time looking for supplies so this is supposed to cover for the time I will be taking from you." Nora shrugged his shoulders.
"Thanks." Altair accepted it with gratitude.
"It is not for the ring finger, by the way, it will adjust the size-" Nora wanted to warn jokingly only to shut his mouth.
Altair was already putting the ring on her ring finger.
"...I thought the size was meant for that finger." Altair coughed embarrassedly.
"Sure." Nora decided to not get too into the topic.
"Should I draw you a map so you can find me later?" Altair muttered.
Seeing Marion coming back gave the feeling to Altair that things were already wrapped up.
Just like she thought, several magical circles appeared on the ground and women in skin-tight suits appeared. Their voluptuous bodies were rather impressive and Altair wondered what they ate daily to get that big. She was curious if the youth had them working for himself because they were attractive but erased that thought because it was none of her business anyway.
"You can take that guy with you." Nora pointed at the shikigami.
"I have seen people using magic before... can it still follow us? That looks like a familiar and one made using a medium..." Altair mumbled.
"I can control them remotely even in long distances, plus, the power source will not be running out anytime soon." Nora explained. "You can also take these."
Pulling out talismans and summoning magic circles, he handed it to Altair.
"Defensive charms, summoning papers in case you need to contact me... Use them at your own discretion. For the time being, I can answer your calls." Nora said.
"Oh." Altair took them without much thought.
However, the wording 'for the time being' lingered in her mind for some reason. She wanted to ask, but Altair stopped when Marion arrived.
"Master, everything will be taken care of. We will first take them to get treatment in case they are hurt, then they will be taken to get new clothes, a bath, and food." Marion reported.
"Physical condition aside, do not forget psychological examinations too." Nora said. "Use the funds that cannot be traced and ask them if they want to change their names. Divide them depending on their answer and further make tests to consider what kind of things they can do to arrange a job later on."
"A job?" Altair asked from the side somewhat worried.
Although she kind of liked Nora, she was not sure what kind of thing he would make the refugees do.
"It doesn't matter where they are taken. They cannot live a life with everything taken care of for them without doing a thing. Even if it is for appearance's sake, they must engage in activities to integrate themselves with other people. Taking a job, studying and other activities are necessary for them to truly belong to a community. Otherwise, the community and the refugees themselves will always draw a line and act distant. This kind of behavior will breed conflicts in the future. It is also that will affect their mentality in the long run." Nora explained.
"..sorry." Altair felt bad for speaking out of nowhere.
"There is no need to feel like that. You expressed a valid concern and showed more care for these people than anyone else ever did. There is really no need to feel ashamed for that." Nora smiled.
Feeling ticklish, Altair scratched her cheek.
"I better head back. I came rushing all of sudden." Altair spoke.
"Indeed, if that's what you did, it might cause unrest on your side." Nora nodded.
Extending a hand toward the youth, Altair received a handshake as well.
"Thanks for everything, I will be waiting for your visit then." Altair went toward her sister and the eagle.
The girl in question waved at Nora with a bright smile.
Walking toward a random abandoned vehicle, Altair placed her hand on it and-
"...that's so cool." Nora spoke with widened eyes.
On the side, Marion opened her eyes wide but for a different reason. She immediately pulled a camera and began snapping photos of a rather innocent-looking Nora with a pair of shining eyes.
"Altair, thank you very much." Marion whispered.
The vehicle was decomposed in several parts and they formed something akin to an armor for Altair with a space for the girl to be carried as well.
They soon used that to leave the place.
"Have you found the door to the basement already?" Nora turned serious again.
Inwardly sighing in disappointment for not seeing the innocent version of the youth, Marion vowed.
"I sent some of your subordinates to do it and they reported that the entrance is protected by a heavy door that triggers explosives if not opened by using a password." Marion explained.
Nodding at that, Nora glanced at the earlier kidnapped people, now refugees.
"Along with you, have everyone focus on taking care of the refugees and collecting everything from the surface. I will deal with the basement." Nora ordered.
Marion tried to ask if that was alright but Nora already began to walk away, leaving Marion sighing sadly.
Easily destroying the door while ignoring the destruction damage using Touki, Nora took care of everything as he went down the basement.
The remaining man from the group of five he killed spit on him as he raised him by grabbing his throat. The spit failed to land on Nora due to the Touki covering him.
The last act of bravado from the man was met with Nora's indifferent eyes. Without saying a word from beginning to end, Nora snapped the neck without much effort.
"Drain." Nora muttered.
There was no one but him to see how the man's body was directly absorbed from his hand until nothing remained.
Closing his eyes for a moment, Nora took a moment to properly sort everything he had absorbed, including the memories from the person.
"I see." Nora opened his eyes and left.
With a snap of his finger, fire began to burn the rest of the bodies.
"So there are other places like this..." Nora mumbled. "It seems my visit to the old fart will be delayed."
"Is that really what you want? I can offer you a free start, free from the memories, free from any pain..." Nora spoke in a pained tone.
Crouching into a cell, the youth spoke to a woman lying against a wall. The woman, filled with bruises and scars from injuries that never healed correctly shook her head.
"Would that still be me...?"
Her voice was weak, barely audible, but the silence allowed her voice to be heard perfectly fine.
" loved ones are dead."
Weakly raising her hand, she placed it on Nora's hand, reaching toward a wound to inspect it and heal it.
"...I would like to rest."
Her words did not explicitly say what she wanted but she was certain the youth understood her meaning.
"I am thankful for bringing down the hammer of justice against these people."
Trying to smile, the woman's broken teeth were the only thing she could show and she felt ashamed for a moment.
"You still have a beautiful smile." Nora smiled at her.
" are quite the charmer."
Giggling weakly, the woman was grateful for his words despite already knowing that she looked hideous. However, the lack of disgust or rejection from the youth's eyes still put her heart at ease.
"...I am sorry that such a young child has to bear this."
The woman lamented her lack of any strength to take action by herself.
"It is alright, I am not... troubled." Nora's words were paused when the woman tried her best to sit upright.
Her hands, filled with calluses from working and already thin from her starved state gently caressed his cheeks and the youth froze.
"Anyone would be troubled by it unless they are monsters like that trash from before."
Biting his lips, the youth did not say anything.
"You are a gentle soul... I truly hope you never change."
A few minutes later, Nora left the cell with an expressionless face and a heavy heart.
His job went on for longer.
Leaving the underground basement alone, Nora kept no expressions whatsoever and was created by the kunochis kneeling along with Marion who bowed at him when she saw him.
"Welcome back, Master." Marion simply said.
No one asked anything else and waited for his command.
"We will be doing some dirty work." Nora spoke.
Pulling a notepad and a pen, he began making a rather precise map and handed it to Marion.
"Get information about these places and prepare several teams to strike at the same time as soon as possible. You guys take care of those whole I will work on the other locations." Nora ordered.
Without looking back, Nora turned his head.
Everyone nodded and sprung into action.
"...let me follow you, Master." Marion had let the kunoichis handle the places on the map alone.
"Are you going against my orders?" Nora did not turn his head to face her.
"I am first and foremost your maid, I am supposed to stand by your side, my Master." Marion explained. " could I leave you to do this alone?"
Speaking in a soft tone, Marion clearly expressed her stance.
"Marion..." Nora hesitated to talk. "Have you ever dreamed about being something else other than a maid?"
Pushing down her wish of 'being his wife', Marion seriously pondered.
"...I am not sure, Master." Marion shook her head after she failed to think of anything at all. "I think that no matter what, I am suited for this job and I genuinely enjoy serving others."
"Is that so?" Nora mumbled.
"It is so." Marion replied.
"...are you happy serving under Murmur's Household?" Nora inquired.
"Not at all." Marion said. "I have never considered myself to be a person of the Murmur's Household. Master, I decided to serve under you, and you alone. Even if you are from the Murmur's Household or you are simply from a common background. I have been deeply charmed by the individual known as Nora Shiki."
Taking a step forward, Marion managed to a hint of surprise on the youth's face as she stood beside him before he fixed it.
"Aren't you getting a little too smooth?" Nora asked.
"Since my Master is like that, I would inevitably pick a few of his traits." Marion giggled.
"Couldn't you pick some of my good habits?" Nora smiled wryly.
"Oh? I consider your smooth tongue to be one of my favorite traits. I always feel flattered when you flirt with me." Marion stuck up her tongue mischievously.
"I see." Nora smiled.
"Yes." Marion nodded.
The duo smiled at each other before Nora pulled another notepad and drew another map.
"I guess I will let you take care of this then." Nora said.
"This is...?" Marion furrowed her eyebrows.
The level of detail would normally be seen on professionals but the youth thought of nothing as he took on several classes and practiced nonstop just so he could teach his subordinates himself. However, the maps seemed to be from some cities and she could recognize the names.
"Many of the women down there were actually sold by their families and were led to believe their families were dead. I want those people to be brought before me." Nora spoke in a chilling tone.
Understanding the purpose of her mission, Marion accepted despite still wanting to accompany him.
"...master, what if this causes later some trouble with authorities and that leads to the supernatural of the area getting involved?" Marion decided to ask.
Putting aside those camps that were somewhat considered a grey zone, cities were not places that should be easily raided because they could attract supernatural beings' attention.
"What of it?" Nora smiled coldly. "Just tell them that I am doing their jobs for them. If they even try to harm a hair on your head... then I might just make public some information."
"...understood." Marion nodded.
It seemed that her master had been disturbed greatly by what happened down there. He was angry. Marion confirmed that with how far he was willing to take it.
It was not like she was planning to get found out, but there was always the need to be prepared in case something went wrong.
As the maid went back to the mansion to make some preparations, Nora stood in the warehouse alone.
"...sorry lady. I am not a kind soul." Nora spoke in a bitter tone. "I am a monster."
Ultimately, it was all about how you used your powers, but Nora was aware of the purpose he was going to use it for.
Raising his right hand forward, he let his demonic power spread wildly and without restraints. His crystal wings were released, and like before, one remained broken. The quantity of demonic power was a far cry from a High-Class devil, and it seemed to grow even more, but the youth was simply trying to adjust his mindset rather than show off.
"In the name of Murmur..." Nora spoke.
Numerous magic circles with Murmur's Household symbol appeared below the corpses in the warehouse.
At this point, the animals and the refuse had been taken away. He was the only one living in the warehouse.
"I order you to stand up...." Nora recalled an old memory. "Heh, might as well say it."
With his eyes turning blue, his demonic power seemed to roar in excitement as if to agree to what he was going to say.
"Erect- I mean, Arise." Nora said.