Chapter 1 - How He Died (1)

The weather was cold as the snow could be seen everywhere on the road. This year, the winter was especially very cold for no reason. A pair of eyes were looking at the snow behind a window. With just a glance, he could feel how cold that snow was.

The one who has those eyes was a guy in his twenty. He lived his whole life in the room of hospital from every country. Luckily his parents worked at the government, so he never had a hard life in the hospital, except for his food.

He didn't know what kind of illness he had, all he know was the fact that this illness was incurable. However, after waiting for twenty years, the doctors finally made an improvement. They found the cure.

The cure was scheduled to arrive this evening and then, the doctors could give him the cure. He smiled as he looked outside the window. He could see a couple of men and women selling some snacks. He could even see the smoke after the snacks were being fried.

During the 20 years he lived, he spent his time in the hospital. He was already fed up with the food served. The food was healthy for his body yet they didn't have any taste in his mouth, it was just too plain for him. He wanted to taste what it called sweet, sour, salty, spicy, and many more.

He couldn't wait for that time to come. He let out a sigh of relief and went back to his bed. The excitement made him sleepy. He looked at the clock and it was still 2 PM and he had two more hours of free time. He decided to close his eyes for a while.

However, something didn't feel right. What was it?

The heater in his VIP room must be broken since all he could feel was a coldness in every inch of his body. What was going on?

He tried to open his eyes, but something blocked him to do it. Who was it?

"Ehem... Jefferey Lynch, you may open your eyes."

Suddenly, he heard a male voice that sounds so unfamiliar to him. As that voice told Jeffrey to open his eyes, magically, he could lightly open his eyes.

For the first time, Jeffrey was shocked when he saw a strange yet beautiful sight in front of him. He was standing on the ground that was surrounded by water. Shortly after, the ground was in the middle of the lake.

In front of him, there was a guy with blonde hair and behind him, there was a huge tree that could even touch the sky.

Wait... Blonde guy?

Jeffrey's eyes suddenly turned cautious as he looked at the guy in front of him. The blonde guy was standing calmly as he smiled. He opened the roll in his hands and read it.

"Jefferey Lynch, age 22, didn't have a job, never went into school, had an incurable illness, and died while he was sleeping."

Jeffrey's eyes widened as he heard him talking.

"You are not supposed to be dead yet, but because one of my servants did something wrong. I apologize that you are already dead."

Jeffrey: "..."

"Ehem... I see that you are still in shock and I can not do anything except to give you an apology."

After the information was already loaded in his head, Jeffrey opened his mouth. The blonde guy's eyes of excitement couldn't be hidden. This was the time when all the people who reincarnate asked for a second life and this was the time he could finally show off his power.

However, Jeffrey's suddenly closed his mouth and the blonde guy was dejected.

"Human under the name of Jefferey Lynch, you may ask me about anything you don't understand."


"Yes, yes. You want me to give you a second life, right?" The blonde guy was smiling ear to ear before Jeffrey could finish his words. "This great holy God will give you another life. You don't have to worry."

"No, it is not like that. My name is Jeffrey, not Jefferey. I want to tell you that."

"What?" The blonde guy was shocked when he heard the first time this human talking. He quickly read the roll in his hands and his face flushed.

"Urggghh... Stupid Puco!" The blonde guy, with his red face, threw the roll in his hands and screamed at no one.

Jeff thought he was probably cursing at somebody.

"I'm really sorry, human. For not once, but twice. I'm embarrassed."

"No need. So tell me, who are you?" Jeffrey asked the blonde guy.

The blonde guy immediately turned his gloomy mood to a bright mood. He stood firmly with his hands on his waist. "Hoho... Prepare your ears! This holy person here name is Ascalapus, the God of Life!"

Jeffrey: "..."

"Why are you silent? Where is your applause?" Ascalapus said after he introduced himself.

Jeffrey forced to clap his hands and after that, he asked, "So, who is this Ascalapus?"

"You dumbhead! Didn't you hear this great holy name? It is Ascalapus, the God of Life!"

"Never heard of it."

"Oh.... dear~" Ascalapus gave up as he levitated to the ground.

"Hey, it was the truth."

"Yes, yes, I know I'm not that famous as Thanatos as the God of Death. It was inevitable."

After a while, a loud sound could be heard by both of them. Ascalapus took out some a strange yet familiar item. That rectangular shape with a touchpad feature.

Jeffrey thought, "Isn't that a phone?"

He doubted the identity of this blonde guy in front of him, so he said, "Wait, a god with a phone? Are you really a god?"

"What?! What is wrong with god and the phone? This world of god needs an improvement too, you know?" Ascalapus didn't accept his authenticity being questioned by a mere human like that.

"Alright, man. Chill out! So, why am I in here?"

"Right, right. As I said before, one of my servants did something wrong and made you died accidentally. So, I want to give you another life."

"What? I died?"

"Yes, so choose it wisely whether you want to continue your life or you want me to send you to heaven?"

Due to his servant's mistake, Ascalapus decided to gave Jeffrey a second time to live. He felt guilty because the truth was Jeffrey should be fully cured and could be a healthy human.

However, the rice was already turned into a porridge. He couldn't intervene in Jeffrey's first life anymore since the grim reaper of Thanatos already made his move.

All he could ask for Thanatos was to give him Jeffrey's soul.

Jeffrey calmly accepted that he died. He knew from long ago that sooner or later, he could leave that world. What he regretted was the fact that he was imprisoned for a whole time of his life in the hospital. So, this was a good chance!

"Okay, I decided! I... I want to live."

"Good choice! So, I will also grant you three wishes. You may think of this carefully since the wish that this great holy granted you would be useful in your second life."

"The first wish, I want to have a healthy body. I don't want to be sick anymore."

"Noted." Said Ascalapus as he types the wish on his phone.

"The second wish..."

Jeffrey never tried any kind of food except the plain food from the hospital. He wanted to taste all the food in the world.

"My second wish is for you to granted me the skill of cooking as a chef."

"Easy peasy! And the last wish?"

"Keep it for later."

"Alright, human. This great holy god will reincarnate you to a new world. Hopefully, you will be happy in your second life. The reincarnation begins in three..."

Suddenly, the ground under Jeffrey emitted a glow of golden lights. The lights forming a circle and he could see his feet starting to blurred.


As Ascalapus counted, half of Jeffrey's body was gone and after the last count, Jeffrey was gone.

"Good, the reincarnation is a success." Ascalapus proudly said as he saw that Jeffrey was gone. "Hope you get a happy life!"