Chapter 3 - How He Died (3)

This darkness...

She knew it. The feeling inside this darkness was surprisingly familiar to her. Beatrice Marshman was confused about how could she get in here.

The last time she remembers was the time when she had to run away. Runaway? From what?

Beatrice's head suddenly felt dizzy.

Right. She remembered.

Beatrice Marshman was a saintess that could heal any injuries. She could even revive a dead person.

Right. Beatrice Marshman was Jeffrey's name in his third life. He looked at his body and he saw the body he missed. No more boobs, no more pain every month because of a period, and he got his brother back!

Jeffrey was happily cheering for that.

So, this was definitely the place when he got reincarnation. He.... was back again? He... died?

"You are correct! You died... again!" Ascalapus came out of nowhere and approached the confused Jeffrey. He gave him a beautiful white plate and said, "This is your prize for dying three times!"

Hearing what he said, Jeffrey got pissed off and he landed a punch to that blonde guy, "Prize, your ass!"

The result of that was Ascalapus fell down to the ground while he rubbed his swollen cheek. "Why did you hit me? I didn't do anything wrong!"

Ascalapus almost cried because he couldn't dodge that punch. This lowly mortal...

"What about this time? Why am I still dead?" Jeff blew his fist, feeling proud because he already punches this stupid god.

How dare he made him die three times and appeared with a prize and grin on his face?

He was asking to be punched.

"It was not my puco mistake, this time. I swear!" Ascalapus said with his swollen cheek. The god was an immortal being. They couldn't die even though they wanted to die.

So, in a couple of seconds, that swollen cheek was already healed.

Seeing that Ascalapus' cheek already healed, Jeffrey became angry again for no reason. But, he successfully held himself back so he won't be angry.

Calmness. What he need was calmness. He took a deep breath and let it out.

"So, how was my last moment? How come that I couldn't remember a single thing?"

"Alright, this great holy god will tell you about how you died first," Ascalapus always became overbearing after someone ask him some questions. This blonde guy has a lot of desire to be worshipped, Jeffrey thought.

"Well, because of the mistake of my puco in the operating system, your reincarnation before was a bit different because you became a woman and the time was also much longer than your second life."

"Yes, I knew that."

"You got a godly cooking skill and also could heal any injuries. You could even revive a dead person! So this must be a reason for a conflict between an empire."

What Ascalapus said was the truth. The first time he tried to heal a person, he became the talk of the town. Some said that he was a witch, but some said he was a saint.

Thanks to the experience in his second life, he also could cook but this time the dish he made could heal an incurable illness from that time. After a lot of people he healed, whether with his own skill or with his cooking skill, the people in the town became grateful to him. He received a lot of food, a huge mansion, and even had servants.

However, that peace didn't continue for long. People from the capital heard of his accomplishments and wanted him to go to the capital.

He couldn't refuse that as the people that came from the capital brought a verdict from the crown prince.

He was immediately being sent to the crown prince's palace. Inside the palace, he saw men and women in their twenties came inside the guest room. It was the crown prince. The crown prince introduced the woman beside him as a crown princess.

Long story short, the crown prince asked him to heal the emperor's illness. That was an easy task. After the emperor regains his health, he gave him a title as a baroness. The church also gave him a title as a saintess.

A lot of people also felt grateful to him and some noble who was against the crown princess voted him as the true crown princess. The crown prince also agreed about that as he has some feelings for Jeffrey.

It was inevitable. A saintess, beautiful, and a hero for the kingdom because he had successfully saved the emperor. The crown princess started to feel his existence as a threat. So, she sold his information as a saintess to the enemy kingdom.

The war couldn't be avoided. But, he remembered that he didn't die in the war.

"Yes, you didn't die in the war. After the war ended and the empire went out as the victor, the crown princess was arrested because of what she has done and led the war to the empire. But, she was successfully sending assassins to end your life. That was how you died."

After Ascalapus said that, the blurred memory became clear and he was right. That night, he wanted to take a walk in the middle of the night. When he heard a sound in the bush, he became cautious and saw a lot of men came out from it. They were assassins!

He started to run away but now that he was here, he was caught by the assassins.

"And now, whose fault is this?"

Ascalapus became stuttered while he answered, "It... It was be-because a-another god."

"Another god?"

Ascalapus nodded and added, "The mistake of my puco was the reason behind it."

The corner of Jeffrey's eyes twitched as he heard puco. That damn puco.

"You must know Aphrodite, right? She was the God of Beauty. She didn't like the fact that a man turned into a woman in his reincarnation, so she asked for you to die quickly."

"Haah... No wonder you are the god that I've never heard of. How could people want to worship you when your work is a total mess?"

"What did you say? Say that again?!" Being told like that totally hurt Ascalapus' pride. He knew his name wasn't as famous as the other god, but he still tries his best.

"Your work is a mess and that's why your name is still unknown. What? What will you do for me?" Jeffrey said the fact again twice while he blew his fist.

The rage that Ascalapus' felt before suddenly went down. "No, no. I'm not Ares, The God of War. So, I will not do anything to you."

"Good then. So, you won't say that because of your fault that I couldn't live again, right?"

"No way. Except being The God of Life, I am also The God of Kindness, you know? So, let's get down into the business. Tell me three of your wishes for your reincarnation."

"With the addition of two more wishes, right?" said Jeffrey when he remembered that he didn't use 2 of his last wishes before.

"Oh right, you still have that, huh? Okay, okay. Bring it on!"

"Okay, the first wish is for remembering my knowledge in all my previous life."

"Got it. Next?"

"The second wish is I want to have a cheat system where the system could provide me a solution in every each of my problems and also could predict the future."

"Eung... It was a bit hard, but I could do it."

"The third wish is for my life to be immortal."

"This was hard. Only the god could live immortal, you know?"

"Whatever it is, but I don't want to die anymore."

"Haah... RIP my brain!" Ascalapus scoffed himself.

"The fourth wish is I want a direct connection to you. So, in case there is something wrong in your world, I also know it."

"Okay, that wouldn't be a problem, and what is the last?"


Jeffrey thought of something, but he got nothing. He thought maybe it was good to keep it later since he had a way to contact Ascalapus.

"I think... I want to keep it first. I will let you know when I needed it."

"Okay, accepted. Now, come closer."

Jeffrey approached that blonde guy cautiously. Being treated like that made Ascalapus went insane and impatiently said, "Hurry up you donkey! There is a limited time in here."

"Okay, okay."

Jeffrey stopped being anxious and came closer to Ascalapus. Ascalapus then gave him a phone to him.

"A phone?"

Ascalapus nodded and explained it to him, "This phone has the same function as a human cellphone in general, but there is another function, which is to contact me. You could see my name in your contact."

"Hmm... okay."

"And it's free of charge."

"What a good technology!"

Ascalapus rolled his eyes after he saw this mortal man showing his side of money-oriented.

"And so, let me make a call first before your reincarnation."

After that, Ascalapus walked far away from him and made a call. He got in a lot of arguments but not long after that, the call ended.

He walked closer to Jeffrey again and said, "The preparation is complete. Let's go to your next life!"

"Good. I hope there is no more error this time."

"Don't worry! It is all under my control. Okay, without further ado, your reincarnation will start in three..."

The same feeling he felt before. It was really the time for his next life. He hoped that there is no more error and he wanted to live his life to the fullest!

He wanted to enjoy life and make a lot of experience. He didn't want to be stuck in the hospital room again.


The glow of light appeared under him and ate away his body. Before the light made his head gone, Ascalapus said, "Right, I forgot! This is the last ticket of life I could give to you. So, live well!"

Jeffrey opened up his eyes. He could remember that Ascalapus said something with a ticket of life. What was that?

He saw his body first and let out a sigh of relief that it was a men body.

Wait a minute...

He looked around and found this room to be familiar to him. A white wall, white bed, a smell of the hospital. No. No way.

He immediately looked at his status and said, "Status."

[ Name: Jeffrey Lynch

Age: 3 years old

Job: None

Level: 1

Description: Because of some reason, your body has an incurable illness that the cure hasn't been found.

Skills: Cooking (Lvl. Max), Healing (Lvl. Max), Page of The World (Lvl. Min)

*Due to the low level, another skill information is being locked. If you wish to open it, then work hard to increase your level.


Health: 2

Strength: 1

*Due to the low level, another status information is being locked. If you wish to open it, then work hard to increase your level. ]
