Chapter 8 - He Failed?

The first quest has arrived. Jeffrey was smiling happily.

After sister Kayla went out of his room, he quickly put away his breakfast and looked at the new notification window.

[ Daily Quest (Remaining Time 16:50:10)

Description: The master of the system must complete this quest every day.

1. Push Up (0/50)

2. Sit Up (0/50)

Reward: 3 points & 5 EXP

Penalty: ???

*The number of quests will be added when the status of the master has increased. ]

Jeffrey widened his eyes as he looked at the window in front of him. He thought that the quest would be incredible, but it was only push up and sit up, huh?

That was too boring. He wanted to do a more challenging quest, but he thought that he couldn't skip this daily quest since it has a penalty in it.

Jeffrey rubbed his chin and said, "The quest isn't that hard, and the penalty... What kind of penalty he would have if he couldn't complete the quest"

"However, the rewards seem enticing. If I do this every day, I could get 90 or 93 points just from daily quest and if I add the points from daily gift, I could get 180 or 186 in a month!"

Jeffrey nodded in satisfaction. He was eager to do this. Just thinking about the points he had after one year, he got goosebumps all over his body.

He wanted to complete the quest as soon as possible, but his stomach growls and called him.

"Let's just finished this meal first." Jeffrey then ate his meal silently.

After he finished, he got down from the bed and started to do his first quest which is push up.

He thought that push up would be easy as he did this every time in his second and third reincarnation. However, he seemed to be underestimated his body's condition.

He forgot how weak his body is. He was panting as he seated himself on the floor.

He looked at the quest window in front of him and sighed.

[ Daily Quest (Remaining Time 14:45:8)

Description: The master of the system must complete this quest every day.

1. Push Up (25/50)

2. Sit Up (0/50)

Reward: 3 points & 5 EXP

Penalty: ???

*The number of quests will be added when the status of the master has increased. ]

"What the hell? I spend 2 hours and only got 25 push-ups? This will be hard."

"Master, you should take it easy. The quest will still be available before midnight."

Beads of sweat were falling down on his face and in all over his body. Page encouraged him to finish his daily quest and he nodded in agreement.

"You're right. I should take it easy, but five more times and I'll continue again later."

Every time he has free time, he used it to do push up, and after a couple of hours. He finished it.

The clock was still ticking and he continued to do sit up.

Even though the position of this workout was laying down, but it was really heavy to raise his body.

He motivated himself by looking at the quest window. He watched how the numbers increasing every time he raise his body.

[ Daily Quest (Remaining Time 9:30:27)

Description: The master of the system must complete this quest every day.

1. Push Up (50/50)

2. Sit Up (10/50)

Reward: 3 points & 5 EXP

Penalty: ???

*The number of quests will be added when the status of the master has increased. ]

"I can do it. I can do it!"

He looked like he had been showered thanks to the sweat covering his skin. His clothes were already drenched by sweat and his black hair.

He finally gave up. He laid down on his back and closed his eyes.

"Damn it! I didn't know that sit up would be this difficult." Jeffrey complained at his first daily quest.

[ Daily Quest (Remaining Time 5:47:11)

Description: The master of the system must complete this quest every day.

1. Push Up (50/50)

2. Sit Up (25/50)

Reward: 3 points & 5 EXP

Penalty: ???

*The number of quests will be added when the status of the master has increased. ]

"I still have 25 more to do and only five hours left."

He didn't know what to do anymore. He saw the white ceiling as he rests his body.

He could feel how tense his muscle is and that feeling was not nice.

"Master, you need to complete the daily quest today or you will get the penalty." Page reminded him about the penalty.

Right. It has a penalty and that would be bad for him. If the penalty sent him to defeat an unknown monster, he would be dead for sure.

His health point was equal to the infant. So, his body would be a good punching bag for the monster since he couldn't defeat them.

Thinking of dying again, he remembered Ascalapus. This wasn't a mistake from his puco, right?

"Whatever it is, Page, wake me up in when only 2 hours remained. I need to sleep, first."

"As you wish, master." Page replied with her monotone voice.

The ceiling slowly became blurry and finally, he was asleep.


Meanwhile, Kayla was doing her job at her desk. She has a night shift tonight and the corridor of the VIP floor was so quiet tonight.

Kayla Bowman was an intern nurse in her 22. She has an amazing record as a nurse and was highly respected by her friends.

Kayla was the type of woman that prioritizing a dying patient than the VIP patient. Because in her eyes, she only saw a human regardless they were a rich tycoon or homeless people. In her eyes, they were just the same human being.

However, this kind of principle of her backstabbed her.

She has a colleague that didn't like how outstanding she is.

She was a senior of Kayla and her life was not as easy as Kayla. Because of that, she felt jealous and she used her weakness to kicked her out of the main hospital.

Kayla didn't know about her scheming and when an urgent homeless man was coming to the hospital, she quickly handled the patient. Unfortunately, there was an important patient that also came in because of his headache.

The patient requested to be treated by the most excellent doctors and nurses. The director of the hospital immediately sent their most skilled resources.

It included Kayla as the nurse. However, Kayla refused it and still treated the homeless man.

The VIP patient didn't acknowledge her and decided to remove her. The director couldn't do anything to defend her, so this was the reason why Kayla stuck in this hospital.

The Rich Hospital was a place where all the rich families seek treatment. It was a subsidiary of First Hospital. They could choose to go to a normal hospital, but they had a lot of money. So, why didn't they go to a better hospital?

There were no other urgent patients like the main hospital, but they came here with a lot of dirty reasons. Sometimes they wanted to hide from the police, sometimes, they wanted to hide from their family and many other reasons.

Kayla was awake when the phone hospital rang. She immediately picked it up and said, "Hello, Kayla Bowman in your service. What can I help you?"

"Kayla, this is Frank Hunt. Are you free?"

Even though Frank couldn't see her nodded, she still did it. "Yes, Director. The night shift is just as quiet as usual."

"Good then. I sent someone over to replace your shift. I need you here as soon as possible."

"What happened?" Kayla frowned as she felt confused.

"The President is dying. I need you to assist his operation."

Kayla stood up from her chair, "I'm on my way!"