Ep 3

It was strange that a Beta realized that I was an omega, maybe my smell was very obvious.

-Well ... yeah-Wandering around

-hehee you don't have to worry -he said with a smile

-Thank you ..- I bowed my head somewhat embarrassed

- Do you think we are friends? - Stretching out my hand

-Sure-I smiled shaking his hand

He could tell that he was kind enough. I didn't think about finding a friend so soon but it was very exciting, we continued talking, letting the hours fly by, without realizing the bell rang indicating that it was time for classes.

-Well, you have to go to class -he said when he saw the people leaving the place- What class do you have now?

-m ... I think home economics-I take the schedule out of my backpack

-Let me see-He grabs my schedule looking at it carefully-I see that we have almost the same classes -Giving me a smile

-Really ?? - I said surprised

-If you look-He takes a leaf out of his backpack

-Oh ..... it's true but you're not already in 2 years?

-Ah ... yes but hahaha it doesn't matter -Smiles putting away the paper- Let's go to class- Grab the tray and my hand leaving Beyond was hidden a figure that had heard the conversation of the two boys -Hi it's me, if I need you to find out about someone .... In classes Upon entering the classroom I could feel some stares and people whispering to each other, we sat in the back at that same moment some boys approached Remy leaving me to one side of the circle that surrounded him. -Remy why didn't you come to eat with us -said a beta girl -If we were waiting for you-A beta boy commented -You know that it is not good that you walk with "omegas" but if this is of low class - whispered one of the boys of the group apparently all were beta -They say that he has problems with Sebastián, it would not be good if you messed with him. Nobody wants to see you "disappeared" or "expelled" ....- Said a girl -What do you mean by "expelled" or "disappeared"? No matter how quietly they spoke, you can hear those words clearly, could they mean that he is a high-class alpha? (thinking) -Guys do not think that it is rude from another? Right, Joshua? -Looking at me with a smile, the others looked at me somewhat angry showing me some contempt. -Ah ...- I replied looking at the ground nervous, I did not think that on my first day this and everything would happen because of that guy. At that moment, everyone in the room was silent. I raised my eyes to see what it was all about and it was this boy again "sebastián", he entered the room as if he were a celebrity or the president of the country himself, the boys that surrounded remy they moved away immediately because the subject was heading towards us, I could have some pheromones in the air that indicate "stay away from my prey" for some reason it didn't affect me much but I could see some of them were trembling with fear because of their presence, I got up from my seat and I said:

-ENOUGH!- Raising his voice -Don't you see that others are uncomfortable?- Now everyone's eyes were on me, a deathly silence was made making the boy calm down, stopping giving off pheromones, he just looked at me definitely smiling, he said nothing and continued on his way to where he was taking a seat next to me Now I was in the middle of a beta and an alpha, the two looked at each other with a smile feeling for the first time in my life "danger". Can I have a normal college life?

To be continue