Bottled Feelings Explode When Poked [R-18]

If you do not wish to see a romantic scene play out, then i suggest you skip this chapter....

Min Hong entered and locked the door from behind before gently placing Min Qing on his bed.

After tucking her in comfortably and was about to go cultivate on the side, he felt a hand latch onto his arm.

Then he looked back and saw Min Qing whose rosy cheeks had reduced significantly and was still receding, as she looked at him with sleepy eyes and tapped the side of the bed urging him to come join her.

Min Hong then put of his cloak, leaving only his robes on as he sunk underneath the covers and joined her.

Min Qing instantly moved over and placed her head on his chest around his heart area whilst rubbing the other side of his chest with her left arm as she snuggled into his embrace absorbing the warmth radiating from his body whilst also inhaling the mature, manly and strong fragrance he gave off.