Little Wu’s Enlightenment

Then, there was also the Main Dao Tree itself, which just like the invincible Dao, was as utterly mysterious and strange…

When all these mysteries surrounding Min Hong was added to the feat he just pulled off when he was battling the death dragon, the techniques he used when battling it and finally, the ability to comprehend a Ninth Plane Intent Level Legendary Dao, anyone who still doesn't show interest or sheer curiosity in Min Hong could never show interest or curiosity in any other thing in life…

As a result they all waited and watched as this person who they inevitably have to follow from now henceforth recover his expended energy…

Min Hong finished his recovery after about five hours and this was because of the level of purity and strength of the energy within the 'Valley of the Undead' which was even furtherly purified by the Primus Dao Tree… 

Then he stood up with a great smile as he left the 'Valley of the Undead'…