Tricking The Heavens {1}

Boom! Bang!

Cracka! Bang!

The heavens raged as the clouds gathered around and boiled in fury, then a massive lightning bolt with the thickness of a mahogany tree descended as Min Hong smiled;

"Just as my senior apprentice brother had predicted to happen..."

Min Hong then stepped out of the puddle of water as the same outfit he had formed when he was leaving Shen Bing's mind formed over his body once again and then merged with the 'Black Star Skin' before finally transforming into physical outfit, adorning him in a pitch black top and trousers with a golden-green, long-coat and finally silver gladiator sandals which strapped up to his ankles…


The black star skin ripped in two spots around the chest area of Min Hong's back, as two massive mutated wings folded out and spread out gracefully…