Daniel’s Preparation

But just as Min Hong was being blessed by her Yin QI, Min Qing herself was also being baptized by his searing Yang Qi, and whilst her Yin Qi moved like silent assassins, Min Hong's Yang Qi came like the entourage of a divine Emperor's arrival…

Min Qing already soft spirit, soul and body got a very warm massage of the Yang Qi as the Yin Qi within her body merged with the Yang Qi and poured into her Dan like a flash flood…

Then the Dan just like a big parched hole in the middle of a scorched desert gobbled up the new Qi flooding towards it, as it drank them all without leaving a single drop, as Min Qing began to see a rise in her cultivation

Min Hong began to move his waist once again since his god-tier pleasure weapon had just been rejuvenated by the Yin Qi which he just absorbed and Min Qing herself, at this point, had just descended from the holy realm she was previously thrusted into…