Breaking Ices & Getting Along

"What about the resources and items we brought along on this journey…"

Princess Cui asked trying to get back at Min Hong for his harsh mouth, but Min Hong simply smiled;

"There are two ways to solve such problems, and the entire group would decide which one of the two solutions to use…"

"Firstly, I suggest everyone tender the resources they packed over to the R4, and we will both assign resources to everyone in a way that would efficiently strengthen each member of this group…" Min Hong explained;

"For instance, it would be unwise to give someone who is already at the peak of their cultivation stage the same amount of Spirit Stones as those who are either still in the middle or lower level of their cultivation stage…"

"Secondly, when it comes to resources used for comprehending Daos, it would also be foolish to give a flame type material to someone whose Flame Dao had already reached the level capped by their cultivation Realm…"