Bloodline Shadows

Thus, he brought her face up to his with his hands, and saw the princess' rosy cheeks and princess Jade-green eyes which was drifting between his own eyes, lips, and avoiding Min Hong's eye contact…

Her breaths were already increasing and irregular as she began to exhale warm air through her mouths indicating that the princess at this point was in heat…

But rather than take advantage of that and marking her on the spot, Min Hong chose not to do so and simply kissed her instead, and before one could count to one, they were already aggressively sucking the air out of each other…

They hugged each other, allowed their hands to wander around each other, and kissed like this was their last day alive…

Sometimes, the princess would roll on top and sit on Min Hong's groin, take her time to study the physical attribute of this boy that was slowly working his way into her heart, like an earthworm burrowing into the ground…