Short Term Goals

Then his goal upgraded once more, and it became merging the East Wind Empire, Cui Super Clan, Long Super Clan as well as every other Clans and Super Clans that were willing to join his goal solely based on the fact that he was a Protector, and then he thought of using that method to unite the East Wind Empire and the Dogon Empire into one single major power;

The Hong Dynasty, and this would have ended there, but his luck said no!

But now that he had the opportunity of entering a Super Sect and gaining their support, it was a no brainer to realize that Min Hong once again upgraded his goal…

But he understood where the problem laid…

It was in the fact that he was only 15, and his mentality, mindset and goals was something that even seasoned Emperors and Patriarchs on the level of Patriarch Chu Huang would never dare think of, and as a result, he seemed to have overgrown his peers in this aspect…