The Real Definition Of 'Bad News'


"Alright, that is all I can say for now… We have to go Princess…"

"Though, you have used the matriarch's bloodline to summon us, but irrespective of how strong she might be, there is still a limit to how much her powers can keep us here…"

The Puppy spoke as its body began to disintegrate into motes of light;

"I really want to stay longer Princess…"

"We didn't even get to catch up on what we have missed so far…"

"Perhaps next time…" The Kitten also added as its body also began to disintegrate into motes of light…

"I have sent word and report of our findings to the matriarch via the dreamscape…"

"Be careful princess, these beings are the real definition of 'Bad News'!"

"Stay safe Princess, till next time…"

The Kitten managed to leave behind as the duo's body finally completely disintegrated into motes of light…