Broken Bond

I don't know what happened. What did I do wrong? To end up in such a heartbreaking death. My mate killed me. All because I wasn't good enough for him, and could never be the Luna that he wanted. It was his rejection that not only shattered my heart but my body and soul. That rejection cost me my life at the age of sixteen. 


Awakened by an intense ringing from my alarm, I groggily got out of bed. 

May 15

A day that should have been celebrated for mainly two reasons. It was my birthday; the day I finally turned sixteen. Moreover, I was to find out who my mate was. However, I already knew who my mate was. I had known for a long time. Thirteen years ago I met a boy named Liam. Alpha Prince Liam Da'Vinci Knight to be exact. Yes, my mate is a member of the royal family. The day we met the entire city was celebrating in honor of his fifth birthday, and every citizen was invited. A celebration to remember for an heir of the royal family. A big parade followed with the royal family leading the most beautifully decorated float compared to the others. The crowd cheered as the King and Queen showed off their son proudly. He was the most beautiful boy I had ever seen. Lovely blonde hair that resembled the son with such fair white skin. 

His eyes. Blue like the deepest ocean, and so gorgeous. I had never been so...enchanted by anyone. At that time my father, mother, and I watched from within the crowd. I was able to see everything clearly due to resting on my father's shoulders. I enjoyed every minute of it. All was well until Liam looked in my direction, and for a moment our eyes connected. The world seemed to have frozen as our eyes glistened for a few seconds before I finally spoke, "M...M...Ma...Ma...te...Mate". 

My parents were shocked to hear my first correctly pronounced word. All of a sudden a surge of energy sparked causing my entire body to heat up. The discomfort was too much for me to take at the time, and I passed out. Little did I realize Liam has lost consciousness as well causing his family and the people to create an uproar over the royal heir. From that day on all, I could hear was the word mate in the back of my mind. You might be wondering how the hell is any of this possible since you can find your mate when you turn sixteen or when you find each other. I couldn't tell you if I tried. All I can tell you is that it did happen. When I found Liam I thought my world would be filled with happiness and I would experience love.

I was...sadly mistaken.

" I should just start the day so it can be over with" I stood up from my bed and head inside the bathroom. Turning on the shower, I waited for the water to get hot before undressing and stepping in. The warm water welcomed me and eased the tension in my muscles. After the shower, I dried off and put on some jeans with a plain T-shirt and white sneakers. In front of the bathroom mirror, I stared at my face for a minute. 

Tan warm honey brown skin, midnight black hair that stopped below the shoulders, a round-shaped face, and hazel filled eyes. I never believed that I was beautiful or a saint, but I felt cute sometimes. Growing up I struggled with feeling pretty and being confident in my looks, but my parents always expressed that I was their beautiful baby girl. They felt blessed to have me as their daughter and I knew that from the love they showed me. Even if the whole world hated me, all I needed was the love of my parents to keep me going.

I tied my hair in a ponytail before giving myself one last look in the mirror. I gave myself a small smile, "Everything will be okay". Walking into the kitchen I was embraced by the heavenly smell of fresh pancakes, eggs, and sausage. 

" Good morning Rose" my mother smiled as I walked in. 

"Morning mom. Breakfast smells amazing." I smiled at the plate of food she placed in front of me.

"Of course it does. Your mother's the best cook in the world." My father came in kissing my mother on the lips before sitting down to join us at the table. I giggled at the blush on mom's face as she smiled happily at her husband. I always admired my parents for having what I considered the "best" love known to all kinds. Even though they are 13 years apart in age that doesn't stop them from loving each other any less. They're the perfect mates. If I could I would be happy to share that love with my mate, but…

A sigh escaped my mother's lips as we ate. I looked up and asked, "What's wrong mom?" She smiled weakly, "I promised your dad I wouldn't get emotional and cry, but the day is here. It's finally happening. You're sixteen and you're going to be with your mate." 

"Oh honey" My dad embraced her and gently wiped her tears. "It's supposed to be a good day. We should be smiling and be happy for her".

" I know. I'm just so happy." My mother expressed smiling as her tears fell. I felt my heart swell for her as I got up from my side of the table and hugged her. Seeing mom cry was never an easy task to handle. She was too precious and my dad and I could agree on that.

"It's gonna be okay mom. From this day forth, you and dad don't have to worry about me anymore. I'll be fine." I felt a pang in my heart that stung as I finished the false comment. 

"We know baby girl. Happy birthday." My father kissed my forehead tenderly.

"We're always here for you Rose. We love you." My mother held me close. 

I felt the tears in my eyes swell up as I hugged my parents and they hugged me back. 


"Have a good day at school okay?" My mother asked as I stood by the door. 

"And remember even though your mate is an Alpha, he's still royalty as well. Make sure to always be respectful no matter what. Just like we taught you." My dad chimed in with his arm around mom.

I put my backpack on and smiled at them reassuringly. "I understand. I'm off to school now." 

They both smiled as I walked out the door and made my way to school. The further I walked, the more my smile faded. 

'I'm a piece of shit' I thought. I clenched my backpack straps hard as the guilt consumed me. My entire life I had lied to my parents into thinking I had a great relationship with Liam. That couldn't be further from the truth. When it was discovered that we were mates, he had shown disapproval of the decision. At such a young age, he made it clear he hated me. He bullied me throughout elementary and middle school. By the time high school arrived, he made it clear he no longer cared for my existence. As if I was invisible to him and the world. Because of his hatred towards me, others followed his pursuit. I was made the outcast of the entire pack. Not a day went by that I wasn't bullied. On multiple occasions, I had been injured. My parents would ask questions out of concern about the new injuries, and I would blame my clumsiness. I couldn't keep that up, so I always avoided other people. I was always alone, that's now it's always been.

"No" I shook my head. I'm not going to think about that. No matter what happens it won't be worse than what I'm used to. I'll probably get yelled at, humiliated in public, laughed at, and...I'll run away crying like always. 

Just the normal. 

Before I knew it, I was already approaching the school ground. Solar Moon High. A huge school campus filled with lots of packs and wolves only. You had your popular kids, rebels, bullies, nerds, etc. Then there was me. 

The outcast. 

I started at the ground as I walked to the school entrance. Suddenly the bustling noise of students talking stopped and I knew. 

Everyone was looking at me. Do you know the feeling when your teacher calls you to the front of the class to explain your research project and all eyes are on you? Imagine 200+ people staring you down to the core. It was too much for me let alone one person. I tried to get inside as quickly as I could, but I bumped into something and fell back a few steps.

"You seriously can't watch where you're going? If I wanted, I could kill you for that alone" A smooth yet cold feminine voice spoke. Long white hair that ends at her lower back, paled turquoise eyes that reminded you of Forget-Me-Nots, beautiful pale skin that looked smooth to the touch, and a chilling cold aura. 

Crystal Von Iris Lancastrian.

The daughter of a general from a high ranking Lancastrian family that had fought in many wars for generations. The only female alpha in the entire school. It was indeed possible for females to be born alphas, but it was very rare. That made her special in more ways than one. Everyone looked up to her. Males wanted her. Females wanted to be her. Not only known for her family but her intelligence, combat skills that saved lives, and gorgeous looks. I envied her for everything that I was not. Perfect.

I then started hearing whispers from the people watching.

"Who does that girl think she is to ignore the female alpha?!" One spoke.

"Someone should put her in her place." A voice said with disgust.

"Don't worry she'll get what's coming to her" Another one.

I started panicking and quickly bowed. "F-Forgive me Alpha! I won't do it again! I'm sorry!" 

"That's Female Alpha to you" She rolled her eyes and continued walking past me. "It better not happen again. Know your place if you know what's good for you." 

I trembled as I could only breathe after she was a distance away from me. Before anything else could happen, I dashed inside.

That didn't stop the student from the inside with wandering eyes. I just kept going. I still had time before class, so I ran to the girl's bathroom. When I shut the door I took those moments to breathe. My birthday was off to a great start. Could this day get any worse? I took a moment to calm my nerves until I started hearing noises. 


It sounded like a girl's voice. She seemed to be having trouble breathing. The girl's bathroom had a long wall before you could cut around to the stalls. Out of concern, I walked and peeked around. As I was about to ask if the girl was alright, my heart completely dropped. Two bodies were engaging in intercourse. The girl was held against the wall with her legs around the boy's waist and her arms around his neck. Her slender fingers running through his blonde hair.

Blonde hair…? No, it can't be.

A low deep growl escaped the boy's mouth as he continued his rhythmic thrusting. My wolf started howling in pain, and my heart had shattered into pieces. It was him. Liam. My mate was having sex with another girl. Not just any girl. The girl he would claim as his Luna. Brittany Scott. She was the typical horrible mean girl that you expected. Like Liam, she had bullied me my whole life and continued to do so in high school. She was the girl Liam accepted. I never knew why, and even though she was a bitch she was beautiful. She had long blonde hair, emerald eyes just like the gem, a slender body with big breasts, and natural white skin.

Even though Liam didn't like me, did he have to do this to me again? Yes, I had caught them a time before this one. The first time was in the library. Liam had ordered everyone to leave, but I wasn't there to hear the command. I was on my way to the library to do some research on an essay I had to write for English. Long story short I had walked to the wrong aisle and when my presence was felt, they both looked to a tear faced girl who had her heartbroken for the first time. That was the first time I saw Liam have sex with anyone. I'm not saying this time was easier; it hurt just as bad as the first. 

I didn't even want to process what I was seeing, but it was clear as day. Liam was being intimate with Brittany, having sex with her, ...fucking her.

"Liam! Yeah!" Brittany moaned louder as Liam thrust harder and became more aggressive. 

"Fuck! I'm gonna cum soon!" She closed her eyes in pleasure. My vision started to become blurry with my tears. My wolf howled in pain once more.

'I gotta get outta here!' I cried in my head as I forced my frozen feet out the door and into the hall. There was nothing I could do in that situation. I feared getting caught and punished like the first time. Liam didn't put his hands on me but stood by as Brittany attacked me in wolf form. I couldn't defend myself due to not having shifted yet. Something my mate was supposed to help me with as I transformed into a wolf. I didn't see that happening any time soon...or at all.

The bell rang signaling all the students to head to class. 'This is the worst birthday ever' I covered my tearful face heading to class.


The last class had ended once the bell rang. Everyone was heading out of the class while I was in deep thought while packing my materials.

'What am I gonna tell mom and dad?' Liam didn't accept me. I mean, I knew something like this would happen, but I couldn't keep this up anymore. Maybe I can say he was absent due to being sick? No, they wouldn't believe-' My thoughts were interrupted as I felt a shadow over me. I quickly looked up to see a tall 6 foot 2 male standing in front of me. He had an undercut brush back hairstyle that was dark brown with matching dark brown eyes. I didn't know his name, but I knew he was one of Liam's friends.

"The alpha wants to see you" He spoke in a monotone voice. 

My wolf rejoiced in excitement. 

He wants to see us! He wants to see us! She cried out in joy. My wolf didn't know any better, but I did. I won't lie, I had a tiny bit of hope in me, but then I remembered the bathroom scene of this morning. How could I have given even a little hope to myself after that? What was more shocking was that this guy claimed Liam wanted to see me? Liam hadn't spoken to me since middle school. So... he didn't forget about today! I felt a little happy, but it quickly faded. What's wrong with me??

"Hurry up. I don't have all day, and you shouldn't keep the alpha waiting" Annoyance now in his voice, he turned around and walked out. Quickly gathering the last of my things, I followed the guy off school grounds and into the woods. My heart was unsettled from how nervous I was and my stomach felt queasy. We didn't say a word the entire walk there. Finally, in the distance, I saw a crowd of people waiting in an open area where there weren't trees, only open space. Then I saw him. Liam. He was standing in front with all behind him as we neared closer. Once we made it, the guy bowed to Liam before standing to the side so it was Liam and me standing before each other.

It was quiet as the wind blew and the tension rose quickly. I stared at the boy whose fate had brought me to. He was breathtaking. He had long blonde hair plaited in one braid that it fell past his knees. His blue eyes always absorbed me whenever he looked at me. His muscular body proved what a warrior he was for his pack. His lips, that even once if hell had frozen over would touch mine. Everything. I adored everything about him. My heart yearned for him. I had known him all my life, and when he didn't bully me anymore I felt I had lost the only form of connection we had. Sad. I know. Even when he ignored me, I still watched him. He had grown so much since childhood. Looking at him now, I couldn't imagine a perfect mate. But then...I remembered him and Brittany for the third time. For God's sake. Why couldn't I get that out of my head?

"Rosalia Emilia Gardens" Liam spoke. His deep voice broke my train of thought.

"Tch. You still haven't learned to not be disrespectful. Your alpha is speaking to you and your head is in the fucking clouds." He crossed his arms in annoyance and my heart weighed heavy from the scolding.

"I-I'm sorry Alpha…" I spoke softly with my head down as some of the crowd laughed at my fear and embarrassment.

"Even the way you apologize is annoying. Whatever. As you know, today marks the day you officially turn sixteen and it's acceptance day." 

I looked up surprised. I thought for sure he wouldn't do anything about today. Maybe...he'll accept me.

Liam turned to the people as they gave him his attention. "To all that are here. Listen and listen well. Let it be known that on this day I, Alpha of the Moon Tribe, Prince of the Knight family, Liam Da'Vinci Knight…" he trailed off.

I couldn't believe it. Liam hadn't forgotten me. He may not have loved me, but I was still in the back of his mind. Maybe...just maybe there was hope for us. 

"-reject Rosalia Emilia Gardens as my mate." He stated.


A sudden massive amount of pain made me fall to the ground on my knees. My heart had felt as if it had been ripped out from my body. My wolf howled in pain and despair. I tried to breathe for air, but I couldn't. Liam...rejected me? No...anything but that!

Many were surprised and some uncaring as I heard their inputs.

"No way! She just got rejected by the royal alpha!"

 "She didn't honestly believe he would accept a low born as her right?"

"I kind of feel bad for the poor girl. Getting rejected while it's your birthday? That's rough." 

"Why feel bad? She wasn't a good enough match for him." 

I listened to more and more hurtful comments as I felt the pain worsen.

Liam raised his hand to quiet everyone. "Furthermore, let it also be known that I, the alpha, accept Brittany Marie Scott as my mate. She will be the future Luna of the pack and my future fiance of the royal family." Brittany smiled as she came up to him and they shared a passionate kiss. "Liam. I am honored to be your future Luna and fiance." 

Tears fell my face like a waterfall. It's over…Liam rejected me...for Brittany. I'll never have him as a mate to love me. I'll be all alone and die alone as a lonely she-wolf.

"Your crying is throwing everyone in a bad mood. It's about time you were put in your place." Brittany glared as she let go of Liam's arm and walked to me. Leaning down to my ear she whispered, "We felt your presence as you watched. How did it feel to watch your ex-mate fuck me nice and hard like a beast? You'll never know the feeling of having an alpha male dominate you. Liam's always been amazing in bed. I bet you wished it was you on that wall, didn't you?" 

When she pulled away she smirked, "The only reason why I didn't punish you was to make you finally realize you and Liam were never meant to be." 

"Babe. Come on let's go." Liam wrapped his arm around her waist pulling her close as she happily accepted. He looked down at my tearful broken expression with no sympathy. "Our bond is broken Gardens. Stay out of my life from this point on." With the final say, he and Brittany walked past me, and soon the crowd followed until I was the only one left. A burning sensation rose within me. Stay out of his life?! How could he say such a thing when he ruined mine. I felt anger against Liam for the first time in my life. I turned back to scream out three words.


"I-!" But the words wouldn't come out.


I hate you!

I hate you.

I hate you…

I hate you?

My tears filled my eyes once more as I howled out in agony. Dark clouds rumbled before the rain began to fall. I can't hate you. Even when you've done unspeakable things to me. When all I ever did was try to love you my whole life, but you pushed me away. I never mattered to you not even once. After all that I can't hate you. 

"I love you…" I finally got out through my broken sobs. I remained that way for a long time while the rain poured down on me. Almost as if it pitied me perhaps. 


"AH!!" I gripped my side feeling the pain. What happened? Did one of my ribs break?


"UGH!" I fell on my side in agony. 

Oh no! It was happening. My shifting. I was turning into a wolf. Without my mate. Your mate was supposed to be by your side as you shifted to make the pain more bearable and most importantly ensure you don't die. I remained in the fetal position as every single bone inside my body broke. I coughed up blood and it became hard to breathe. This went on for hours until my shift was complete. I laid on the wet grass in my wolf form motionless and weak. I was getting weaker by the second. Fear in my heart as I knew I was dying and no one was around to save me. I tried to keep awake as I looked at the rainy sky. Images of mom and dad's smiling faces entered my mind as tears swelled up. 

''m sorry I lied to you. I'm sorry I had failed you. If only I had been born a better daughter, I wouldn't have ended up like this' 

Mom and dad would be devastated by my death. I was never going to see them again. I thought of Liam as his last words played on repeat.

Stay out of my life.

It was almost funny. I was never in your life, to begin with, so why the final stab to the heart? And yet, I couldn't hate you for it. God, I'm so pathetic.

'If I'm given a second chance at life, I will never love you or anyone ever again My life ended in eternal darkness. 


"Rose. Rose? Come on sweetie, it's time to get up now" my mother gently shook my body as I opened my eyes.

"Huh?" I asked sleepily.


"Sweetie you're gonna be late for school! You slept past your alarm! Your mating acceptance is today, remember??" My mother urged me out of bed as she had me in front of the mirror. She quickly looked through my closet to find something for me to wear since I hadn't laid anything out the night before.

My mating acceptance? It...already happened. Didn't it? Is this the thing where your life flashes before your eyes before death engulfs you? The universe must hate me. I froze once I saw myself in the mirror. I looked fine, but I had looked like death before. I was covered in my blood and...and...wait…

Didn't I die?