The Meeting


I'm the quiet type. Always has been. Always will be. The total opposite of my twin brother Cody. However, lately, instead of the happy, goofy, and cheery personality that he's always carrying around, he's taken a hit with a dose of cruel reality. It's not the same. We both can't be quiet. However, how can I blame him? A lot has happened in the last few days. We've had to pick up the pieces of our community as a good portion of our home was in shambles. All the disheartened faces of those who lost their homes make you feel guilty for still having somewhere to sleep at night. The stench of rotten corpses still lingers in the woods as the memory of the blood permanently staining the lands remains in my mind.

It hasn't been easy for me, my brother, or any of the guys. I haven't seen the others in a few days. We've all been busy with work and trying to fix our broken home. The destruction of the pack has been the talk of the town. Who destroyed the pack? Is this a declaration of war? Is this a bad omen? Hearing the endless possibilities of why such a horrible thing has happened can be too much. Even for a beta such as myself.

After 3 days, Liam has called us for a meeting. He didn't say what was the reason on the phone. It has to be face to face. I'm hoping it's the solution to this problem that seems never-ending. Please Moon Goddess, let Liam have some good news. I look to the side in the passenger seat to see Cody resting. We've both been working non-stop. It's finally taken its toll on my younger brother. I rub my eyes feeling the extent of my exhaustion. It feels like years since the last time I slept even though it's only been a few days. Now isn't the time for sleeping. Hopefully, I pray that finally we get some answers. The engine of the car roars as I begin our journey on the road.



Her pure sleeping face brings a sense of calm into me. She's been sleeping for a few hours now since I brought her to the palace. This might not be the best place for me to bring her, but it's the safest place I can keep her. I won't allow anyone or anything to but her again. That's the least I can do for her. Gently, I remove a strand of hair from her face. This is the closest that we've been. I don't know if that's amazing or if that's sad. We're mates fated to be together by the Moon Goddess. Whenever I'm around her, I feel the pull between us. She is my mate, and I am hers. And yet, we aren't close at all. We never have been.

Why is it that only until a few months ago, I wanted to be around her? I had to be around her. I wanted to talk with her and make sure she's okay. At one point, I almost claimed her in front of many eyes. Thinking back on that, I realize how absurd and foolish that would have been. But at that moment, I had to have her. If we're mates, why has it taken this long for the mate effect to happen? Rosalia was made for me, and yet, I've treated her horribly. I've pushed her to the side, I've ignored her, I've humiliated her, I've found her annoying and to be a pain, and I've even hated her at one point.

But why?

She's never done anything wrong to me or by me. However, something within me made me want to do wrong to her. I'm ashamed of my previous behavior. I look at my hand that I used to touch her moments ago. I don't deserve to touch her. Nor do I deserve to claim her as my own. My heart stings a bit admitting that statement. It hurts to say what's right, but am I selfish to still want to claim her? She was given to me by the Moon Goddess herself, and yet what have I shown for it? 18 years have passed, and all I've ever done is bring her down instead of lifting her up like the trophy she is. She's more than that, but I can't admit it.

Someone like me doesn't deserve Rosalia. Not just because of what I've done to her in the past, but because of what I did in the past that I regret till this day. The guilt eats away at me, and the pain still lingers. Such a foolish choice I made all because I wanted to rebel against my fate. If I could go back in time and heed my mother's words, maybe now the pain I feel every time I look at Rosalia wouldn't feel like a million knives piercing my dysfunctional heart. I can admit that I'm a mess. I've been one since the beginning. I've made my mistakes. I've let people down. I've hurt the ones that I was supposed to love. For that reason alone, I am not perfect. Maybe before all this, I was perfect. But not anymore. I've destroyed my "perfect image" for the one person it should have been perfect for her.

People respect me as alpha, as well as a prince. They see me as a hero that protects their families and their very lives. However, it seems when you betray the Moon Goddess, she will punish you. That is the reason why everything is in shambles. It has to be. A strong pack that has gone through countless historical wars, and has been victorious in every battle, destroyed overnight. The strongest warriors to be a part of this pack, now buried 6 ft under as their families mourn the pain of never seeing them again in their lifetimes. My father, the King who raised me to be the strongest alpha there is for this pack doesn't fault me at all. I expected the worst since he's always pushed me to be nothing but the best. However, I know he has to be disappointed. Outsiders would never see it, but just because he doesn't say anything, it doesn't mean I was given a pass. Not speaking shows disappointment in the coldest of ways. My father remains true to his royal side no matter what.

I lay my head down as I remain in the chair seated next to the bed. My head begins to pound from all the thoughts racing through my head. I feel horrible and yet at the same time, I don't know how to feel. Isn't that crazy? An alpha must always keep a cool and focused head, but I'm in shambles over here. My mind is a damn mess, and thinking more just makes me want to throw my brain out of my head. A deep shaky sigh exits my body leaving me shaking to the core. This is killing me.

"Mm…" My head shoots up quickly. Was I too loud? Did I wake her up? To my surprise, she's still sleeping, but if anything, she's moved closer. Her body slowly stops shivering once her head touches my hand. I'm such an idiot, I don't know why I didn't cover her up. She doesn't have much body fat in that small frame of hers, so of course, she would be cold. She was cold back at the station as well. I try to stand up so I can put her under the covers, but I hear a small whine in response. She won't allow me to move?

"Hold her you, idiot. It's clear she wants you near her."

I look down at her sleeping position and the thought of sleeping in the same bed together just doesn't sit right with me. I want to be around her, but the last time I held her, I did something almost unforgivable. "I can't take that risk, Orion. I don't want to lose control like last time. Even if such activities are better indoors than in the face of the public."

"Then just don't think like that. I understand that you don't want a repeat of last time. You won't lose control. I won't go crazy like before. I promise, Liam."

Rosalia's hand finds its way to mine as she gently holds on. I feel a tingly sensation in the hand that she holds. Her face remains calm and peaceful as she continues sleeping. I definitely couldn't move now, even if I wanted to.

"Please, Liam." Hearing Orion plead like that caught me off guard. I've known this wolf for a good portion of my life, and I've never heard so much want in his voice. But it wasn't in a bad way at all. I can't forget that Rosalia is Orion's mate as well. She belongs to him just as much as she belongs to me and vice versa. Plus, Orion still has yet to know Rosalia's wolf. That's a difficult topic to handle, but we'll get to that point sooner or later. We have to, for the sake of Rosalia. I can't be selfish any longer and keep Orion in the dark. He deserves happiness just like any other wolf. I've been wrong to keep that away from him for so long, even if he claimed that he's just like me and never understood love, we all feel love towards our mate. That's how it is, and how it'll always be.

Laying behind her, I take a view of her backside. She has such long black hair. I never noticed that it went so far down her back. I look down to see that my feet go lower down the bed than hers. She really is short, but that's not bad at all. Getting close, I take in the smell of her scent. White strawberries and mint. The same scent that made me lose control and my cool that day. I want to touch her, but I'll never disrespect her like that again. I promised to do better by her and that's what I'll do. No matter how I feel or what it takes, but I can still be there for her. Gently wrapping my arms around her waist, she shifted a little, and for a moment I thought I made a mistake until she turned over and moved in closer for warmth.

I couldn't help but stare in awe as I watched her continue sleeping. She felt so small in my arms, but she fit just fine. As if she were the last piece missing to a puzzle. It all felt so right as if this was how it was supposed to be. The truth is, it was supposed to be. As fated mates, we should be this close, but we're not. I'm not quite sure where my feelings are. I want to love her, and yet I know I don't deserve to. At one point, Rosalia was afraid of me. I don't know where we stand now. That thought alone makes me upset. Frustrated to the point where I could burn into ashes, and saddened to the point where I could fall into deep despair. Would one call this pain?

Despite all that, holding her in my arms brings a sense of peace that I didn't know I could find by doing such an act. My head slowly seems to stop hurting and my eyes begin to drift off. Before I know, I'm off to sleep feeling whole for the first time in a long time. I didn't realize how much I needed this.



All young wolves remained seated in the office of the young alpha as their meeting began. After the last few days of hardships, the betas were eager to hear what Liam had to say. All hoped for good news, and for this nightmare to come to an end. Once Liam had claimed his seat, the meeting began. A stern face on the betas alpha brought uncertainty into their clouded minds, and ongoing beating hearts.

"This is a very important meeting. What I say now, determines the fate of many things. The pack. The people. Trust among us. My mate." All heads perked up even higher than they already were. Alan was the first to speak out of the group. "What does this have to do with Rosalia? Did something happen to her again?" It was no doubt, that the betas had also made up in their minds that they were going to do better by Rosalia. In the past, they followed Liam's orders, and when it came to Rosalia, they mistreated her. Thinking back to the day they brought her to the classroom, and she feared the worst from them, was the first step of realization and the path to stop their harsh treatment. All had felt remorse for treating a sweet, innocent girl who didn't even have her wolf to fight back, wrong. Some time had passed since then, and the boys had started to become nicer towards her. During the trip to Elemental Falls, each had taken the time to talk to her and get to know her better. Of course, Rosalia was hesitant, but that was fine. When she responded to their answers, they felt hope to fix their relationship and turn it from bad to good.

Of course, they all want to build a better connection with Rosalia because she has a good personality, so the fact that she's brought into the conversation raises red flags. Liam remained silent and threw out the photos and brought out the tape that he received from the police station. Confusion was placed on all the boys until they looked through all the photos and watched the photos. The shock was an understatement, as they all looked and relooked over and over. Cody shook his head, "No...don't tell me what I think you're telling me. There's no way."

"They took a lot of pictures of her. From all the bruises, scrapes, and other injuries, they're pinning the blame on her because of the cut on her arm. It matches the one in her wolf form."

"Unbelievable…" Soren studied the photos closely with one hand on his chin. "I had no clue that this was even possible…"

"I don't believe anyone would. We're talking about a wolf that's much different from the normal one. Rosalia isn't normal. Her size alone is enough for the detectives at the station to want to put her down and close the case. I can't let that happen." Liam raised his head to look at the others. These boys are his childhood friends. They've grown together, laughed together, cried together, and now, his trust in them was being put to the test. The looks of shock and fear were bringing the young alpha's faith lower with each look at them. However, the damage has been done, whether they're with him or not, he's made his promise that he'll help his mate at any cost.

"So...she did it? Rosalia...tried to kill Brittany?" Alan asked when the room had been silent for too long. What could be said? All of this was a lot to take in for the betas. This wasn't the type of news that they were expecting. Out of all the things that Liam could have said, that was the last thing they wanted to hear. None of them would ever think that such a thing would happen, but it did get them all thinking. Rosalia probably did do it. Maybe now after all this time, she's deciding to fight back. When they all thought about it, she has the right to. She's dealt with the abuse, torture, name-calling, and being singled out all her life. At some point, one would expect a person to break. Everyone has a breaking point sooner or later.

"...She had every right to do what she did." Zack's eyes turned cold. Cody looked at his twin brother surprised by his answer. Although he's the more serious of the two, the idea that Zack saying it was okay for Rosalia to attack her still seemed too harsh for the younger twin.


"I'm serious. I'm not saying that we're saints either, but if you think about it, Brittany was the worst out of all of us. We're probably just as guilty for watching Brittany torture this girl, and not saying or doing a damn thing about it. We can all agree that Brittany hates Rosalia. She's hated her since the moment she met her. She's made it her life goal to ruin Rosalia's life. Rosalia's taken her shit for a long time, and she never could do anything. She was gonna break sooner or later…" This caused the group to go silent again. What Zack said was true. Brittany was more hostile towards Rosalia. Especially since the day Rosalia had claimed that she was Liam's mate. When this all started, as kids, it seemed like they had a reason to mistreat Rosalia because they all thought she was a liar. Wolves take the mate thing seriously, and Liam never felt anything towards Rosalia. Not a bond or anything, so they assumed she was out of line. Brittany saw Rosalia as an insect that needed to be squashed, so whenever given the opportunity, she would do so. It got to the point where she used her wolf on Rosalia even when she knew that Rosalia didn't have hers yet. It should have stopped then, but it didn't.

"If...If that's the case, then I wish she would have taken it out on us. It got this bad because we started it. We opened the door to the abuse and Brittany invited herself in. If anything this is all our fault."

"But that doesn't make this right!" Alan turned his head to Liam. "Even if we started it, this was taking it too far! Brittany is a hard case, yeah, I know. She's wrong. By the Moon Goddess, Brittany is not a good person, and she had no right to do all that she's done to Rosalia, but this is wrong too. Brittany's in critical condition as we speak. They're still trying to save her. Even with her wolf, she's having a hard time healing. She...she could have died Liam." This response caused all the boys to look at Liam. Liam stared back at them. He understood where Alan was coming from. They've all known Brittany for a long time, although she's not perfect, she doesn't deserve to lose her life. But a wave of deep resonating anger rose inside the alpha that caused him to look Alan dead in the eye.

"No. No, it's not right. Not at all. Because Rosalia didn't do it."

All the boys responded, "What?!"

"Ever since we were young, you all believed that I ignored Rosalia. To a point, I did, but I also took note of her sometimes. Brittany as well as ourselves have not been the only ones to mistreat her for years. I'm the alpha, so whoever sees me, watches my every move. It's normal for people to follow after me. A lot of wolves have bullied her. Every Time I saw it happened, to my regret, I didn't step in. At one point or another we've all seen different wolves take advantage of her. However, I watched and I saw all that. And what I saw, confused me. Think about this. Whether it was one person or multiple, she never fought back, but she always looked her enemies in the eyes. She never said a word, not when they were beating her or yelling at her. She's done the same when it was Brittany harming her."

Soren thought for a moment, and vaguely could he remember a moment where Rosalia took the humiliation of Brittany making fun of her with a group of girls behind her. They would laugh at her, but Rosalia wouldn't yell at them, she wouldn't talk back, she didn't even get angry. All she did was stare. Perhaps it was the fact that Rosalia didn't want to take the risk of a fight, but if that were the case, wouldn't the normal reaction be to not look your enemy in the face or show signs of fear and weakness? Even if Rosalia was hiding her fear, and even if she wasn't strong enough, wouldn't there have been at least one incident where she fought back? However, the young beta could not think of a time where she did. Rosalia was never a fighter. "So...what are you trying to say, Liam?"

"Rosalia doesn't have what it takes to fight someone. She's not that kind of person. I'm saying that yes, that is her in the video, but she didn't touch Brittany."

"How in hell would that even be possible? That makes no sense." Alan covered his face and let out a frustrated sigh. What the hell was his friend thinking? Alan cared for Liam, and he'll always have his back, but this wasn't what he was thinking when he said he would do better by Rosalia. Protecting her from a crime that she may or may not have committed doesn't seem good at all.

"Take a look at the video again. You might see something that you missed." Unsure of what Liam was up to, they all took the time and rewatched the video again. The majority didn't see any change, except for one. Zack pointed out something that he noticed, "Doesn't it seem like she was confused?"

Cody stared at the screen, "How bro?"

"Just look. She comes up to Brittany's mansion, and she goes around back, but then, she comes back to the front running and leaves into the forest. I may not know detective work, but there's no way her alleged "attack" on Brittany lasted that damn long. She's out of the camera's view for like 20 minutes. Another thing is that she was in a huge form, but then she turned into a normal-sized wolf after she ran out."

"Exactly. Rosalia may have found her way to Brittany's mansion, but she didn't know what floor she was on or what room she was in. She was in a big form and yet she didn't try to destroy Brittany's house. She ran off in normal size for a wolf. Something had to have happened that caused that to happen." Liam concluded.

"If I had to guess, with the way she took off, something probably scared her. She got attacked."

"But was that Brittany?"

"Couldn't have been. From the looks of these pictures, it seems like Brittany didn't even get a chance to defend herself."


"It was something else." Liam finished. The boys all looked at each other. When they thought they were going to get answers, it seemed like there were only more questions from this whole thing.

"This is...serious Liam," Alan answered. He looked down at the table blankly, unable to figure anything out in his head. It was all too much for the beta. Liam looked to Alan and then the others. "I know. But I've gone back and forth with all my options. It took some time for me, but I've already made up my mind. I'm going to figure this out. That's the bottom line of it. I'm gonna clear Rosalia's name."

It was hard to say anything after that. Liam expected this type of response, and even for a moment, he may have regretted letting them in on this. Telling them all he knew. His beliefs, his assumptions, what he knew for a fact. Showing them the photos and the video. For a moment in that deep, long silence, he regretted an action he made. He knew that maybe his friends would say he's taking things too far, but he made a promise to Rosalia. He was not going to break it. Not for anyone. Not to his friends or anyone.

"What...What if she's guilty?" Asked Cody. This situation was so dangerous, that it seemed not even Cody could handle it well. However, Liam remained calm with his answer. "Then I'll handle it myself. I swear I will." Yes. Liam would handle it. He was unsure of what that would result in. Make no mistake, he would not harm or kill Rosalia. But he would come up with a solution. Anything but killing or hurting Rosalia was off the table. "If you all are afraid, then I will handle this situation by myself. I won't drag any of you down, so be at ease. This is something...that I want to do. I have to do this. Not just for myself, but for her."

The twins shared a look, as well as Soren and Alan. With a simple nod of heads, all looked towards Liam once more. "We're in." Spoke Zack. Liam's eyes widened in shock. He was expecting an outburst. He would have expected a disagreement from all of them, but they agreed?

"A lot of what you said made sense. We don't have the right to say we know Rosalia, but it's clear there are some pieces of the puzzle missing. We need to find out exactly what happened. What really happened. You're not gonna be able to find out on your own, dude."

"Yeah. Don't forget, we're in this together Liam. We'll always have your back. We trust you man."

"You've never been wrong before, and I don't think you'll start now."

At that moment, Liam felt as if a weight had been lifted off his shoulders. Never before had he been more grateful to have companions such as these. He had his doubts, but in the end, Liam made the right decision on letting the betas know. His betas. His friends. No matter what, from this moment onward, he'll always have trust in them. This moment proves it. He closed his eyes for a moment to pull himself together. The moment almost brought a tear to his eye, but an alpha doesn't cry. Especially not in front of his betas. Liam stood up from his seat as well as the others. "We have a lot of work ahead of us."


(I want to apologize for not posting on Sunday yesterday. I let time slip away from me, and before I knew it, it was Monday. I guess this might be the first time I didn't post on time, but I'll try to stay on schedule from now on. I'll start on the next chapter soon! Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoyed it!)