1: Launch day 2.0

Two men stood and watched the end of the MMO they had played for years. Legends of Alneria was a game that had enthralled nearly a billion people into playing. It was a simple premise: what did you want to be? A farmer perhaps, a blacksmith, a magician. Anything could be possible in Alneria, but what no one understood was how truly amazing Alneria was each NPC was a simulated person and could die and age as if in real life. Many considered Alneria a second life because of this and played the game religiously, but now Alneria was being destroyed no one really knew why except for some of the most elite players in the world. Which just so happened to include the two men standing on top of the mountain. As they were the last two people still logged onto Alneria.

"Well so much for being the best players in the world huh." the first man said with a sigh "yeah," the second man said rather bluntly. He was looking through the menus looking over everything one last time before it all disappeared clicking the first button a screen popped up


Lvl. 90 archmage, lv. 2 blacksmith, lv. 5 warrior

Race: half Dwarf

Attributes [Expand]

Skills [Expand]

Equipment [Expand]

Titles [

King of the mages, last defenders of Alneria, last of the dwarves… ]

The titles went on for a while each of them held a special story behind them whether that be good or bad. He remembered each title as he looked through them some with hints of sadness one, in particular, made him sad [apprentice blacksmith]. It was why he chose a dwarf but it never quite clicked with him so he had given up on the skill rather quickly. Scanning further down the list he came upon a title he had never seen before [Potential Returnee]. As he went to click on it a text box appeared in front of the menu [Would you like to Load a recent save?]. Without much thought, he clicked yes, and that was the last thing he did in Alneria as the world was shrouded in light.

Ryan woke up from his pod and thought for a minute. Was it really over the past five years of his life that was almost solely devoted to Legends of Alneria. He reached for the tv remote clicking it on. An ad was running over the news about something like a tape or a cloth. Ryan paid little attention as he reached for his water taking a swig he looked toward the window. The light reflecting in the room showed that the sun had just started rising. Looking out the window he slowly mulled over that this was the first day in a long time he wouldn't be logging into Alneria. Turning his phone on he saw several mixed messages. He swiped them aside and looked at the time it was 6:55 am. It brought back some nostalgia just five years ago Almeria had launched at 7 Am in his timezone Ryan and his friends stayed up all night for the chance to be first on the server. In the middle of a thought, he got a call [colin] his name was collin but he had simply put his name in wrong and never thought to change it. Ryan thought for a moment before picking it up "what?" Ryan spoke picking up the phone "WHAT do you mean what you're supposed to be on right now the servers are about to go up" Collin screamed out "what are you talking about the servers just shut down" Ryan replied "did you go crazy or something they're about to come online just log in already dammit" collin said hanging up the phone.

Ryan took a second look at his phone and he didn't remember having this wallpaper. Well, it looked familiar but it looked like one he had years ago. As things started to click in his head he checked the calendar "don't tell me" he then grew silent November 11, 2020. This was a date he knew well, the launch date of Legends of Alneria glancing back at the time he saw it 6:59 am. Was he dreaming or had he gone back to launch day? All he knew was he wanted to see the world of Alneria again so climbing into the pod again he logged in. The Login screen looked as it had five years ago Ryan quickly typed in his login and was thrown right into the character creator.

[thanks for picking to play Legends of Alneria please pick a race:


Ryan quickly cut it off "Human"

[please pick a startin]

Again cutting it off he replied "The kingdom of Lestria"

[Please pick a beginner class]

The system started spewing out the many classes of LoA, but Ryan gave it no thought; instead, he was lost in his own stream of thinking. If this was real how could he save Alneria? What had he been lacking in? That was a simple enough question almost everything due to him picking half-dwarf he had major debuffs to magic so it had taken him twice as long to learn it. With this massive handicap, it had been a wonder at all he was one of the top players in the world. That was partially why he chose human as it would give him the ability to do any profession, but at the cost of having no boosts to any given profession. They were thought of as a jack of all trades class back in Alneria. With that thought it suddenly came to him; Ryan had been missing every skill besides magic. They all had their uses and could all be of massive help in the endgame of any given expansion. With that thought, Ryan simply replied to the system "Jack".

[are you sure you wish to pick the jack class this decision cannot be undone]

The jack class was as it sounded a jack of all trades, but you couldn't focus on any given class. Instead, each class had to be at level 10 for them to advance further. Thought of widely as a joke class because of how long it took to raise your level. Its only upside was the abundance of attribute points. "Yes" Ryan simply replied if he couldn't save Alneria with one class maybe he could manage to do it with all of them

[Please insert your name]

Ryan was about to say his old name when he hesitated instead responding "None"

[Welcome to Alneria Have a great adventure]