Ch.22 The bloodied gates

Kyū awoke to sounds of screams in the direction of the village, sitting up he stumbled as he slowly woke up and made his way downstairs to find Stein and Tatsumaki weren't there, and haven't came home.

"Where in the blue blazes are they" Kyu said as he body flickered just outside the village gate. {Haha he said blue blazes}

At the gate a few Shinobi stood guard over a scene, the scene consisted of a few men and women as well as children dead in various positions, most notably a mother hanging from the gates over hang.

Kyū approached but was immediately stopped by one of the shinobi. "Sorry sir unless you can get inside without disturbing the can enter" The ninja said causeing Kyū to ask what had happened.

"What happened here...was this recent or did someone find them like this" Kyu asked the ninja as he looked the scene over. "We aren't sure when it happened but they were found early this morning when the gates opened, you must've heard the screams, depending on how close you were"

Kyū nodded and sighed deeply "Thanks" he quickly thanked as he flash stepped within the village some distance away from the scene. The village people stood at a good distance or passed by giving sneaky glances at the scene.

"This never happened in the manga or show" Kyū mumbled lightly as he walked towards the hokage's tower.

{A few moments later}

Tobimaru sighed as a knock rung out just as he sat down "Enter" He said shortly and Kyū entered and gave him an odd look.

"I thought you had guards at the gates 24/7" Kyū stated as he pulled a sat infront of the hokage lightly. "We...did at one point, but recently a war....has began to develop, so we've ran short" Tobimaru said pulling a map from a shelf next to the large desk infront of him and layed it out.

"Though it is only a bunch... some odd folk had given our ninja scrolls that all said the same thing" He motioned towards circles on the map with death counts, and names alike.

To anyone but Kyū it would be nonsense but it was exact locations and death tolls to each village in each battle location aswell as important names to each leading shinobi force.

"The second shinobi war" Kyū mumbled "All planned...and correct" He thought as he took the information in, only for Tobimaru to cough. "We believe this information should be collected and destroyed, though we are unaware of other nations have been given this information..." He said clearly


The second shinobi war will change a bit but will end the same, this is due infact to impliment Kyū into the was...for secret reasons ~Spooky right~

"...go through with that, though as I'm not apart of your village formally...I won't take part" Kyū said causing Tobimaru to grow angry "What do you mean... YOUR NOT AP-" He cut himself short and nodded "Of course...I would ask you to do something like join our wars" He motioned to the door signifying him to leave.

Kyū nodded and left quickly, he felt bad for telling Tobimaru that he wouldn't help but of course he was lying and would deviate time a bit, by causing the largest names to remember him. Kyū felt that he needed to become the most feared shinobi in this timeline during this time.

He slowly walked back to he gate to see the scene had cleared and people began to walk in and out of the village freely. He wandered over and began to look around for anything odd but only came up with bits and pieces of rope that was cut next to crates.

"A clean scene...isn't a good scene" Kyū sighed emitting a odd sound as he sat against the crates and thought back to the map and began to question who had given the leaf village such information.

{Tobimaru POV}

Tobimaru watched as Kyū left quietly, eventually rolling the map back up and tucked it back into his desk before another knock came from the door and two anbu entered the room.

"Lord hokage the scene at the gate has been cleared...and the families have been informed of their deaths" The anbu spoke quickly and left as quickly as they came leaving Tobimaru in silence once again.

"Not apart of our village, such a rude child.." Tobimaru mumbled as he began to work on plans for the academy that he would build later that week.

{Tatsumaki POV}

"WHERE IS THE FUN IN THAT" Tatsumaki yelled at a few of the servers as they denied one of her ideas to make the restaurant more fun. They had come to the conclusion Tatsumaki's idea of fun was dangerous for the customers.

"Sorry...boss will not allow it" They said trying to cover up making Tatsumaki look towards steins office menacingly "Old man..." She mumbled practically foaming at the mouth as she left the servers causing them to chuckle with relief.