Chapter 4 Continuation

I glance at my purse then back to the road, realizing now I've missed the turn home. You might think I wouldn't want to continue living at the condo downstairs from Rhett's place, but it's been fine. It took me a little while to accept that he wouldn't be knocking on my door to walk Sadie or that I wouldn't roll over and find his handsome face sharing my pillow. My heart isn't going to forget Rhett, so it doesn't matter where I live. He's not even living at his condo anymore, so it's not like I'm going to run into him.

Besides, I can't really afford to move right now. Even if I did, it wouldn't be away from Charleston. Skye, Brody, and I need each other more than ever these days. So, I sunk every dime I had into opening my own storefront. A Rose Wedding Dress Designs. That store has saved my sanity.

When I just don't want to face life, I escape into my designs, where everything is perfect. The right pearl placed just to catch the light, the right crystal to highlight the neckline, those things can make me forget the world.

I think that's what sets me apart as a designer. At least I hope so. I don't just go online and order crystals and beads. Each one is a story, a hunt, a treasure. I've ripped dresses apart I found at yard sales or the Goodwill just for five or six perfect pearls. Some brides come in with their mothers' or grandmothers' dresses. They want me to use bits and pieces of each to create something new and unique for them. I certainly do that, but there are women like me who aren't fortunate enough to have their mother's dress, and I want them to feel just as special. So I hunt around and do whatever is needed to make it happen.

I've used christening gowns, handkerchiefs, old corsets. Heck, once I used an old dishtowel in a dress. It was the one thing that made this particular client think of her mother. To see a bride's face when she realizes a part of her mother is going to walk down the aisle with her, well, that's why I do what I do. That's why I love designing dresses.

I love taking things that others discard, things that anyone else would think of as ugly or outdated and giving them new life. Ever see a broken glass bottle, the way it catches the light and casts a rainbow? Beauty in imperfection, that's what I'm about as a designer. I guess that's what I'm about as a person, too. My parents took me to pick out a puppy once when I was very little, and I picked the runt of the litter. Not because it needed me, or because I felt sorry for it, but because to me, it was the cutest.

Not everyone can find beauty in ugly.

Rhett included.