Continuation 2

Glad you're around to help her out with things like that," Brody says, opening the refrigerator. "But why didn't she call me?"

She didn't want to bother you," I say. "It's not like you live two minutes away."

My stomach lurches, and I swear Sadie shakes her head at me. It's just a little lie. But it's yet another one. Damn, they're really piling up.

Brody looks at me, his forehead wrinkling up. "Dude, you really look like shit."

"Didn't get much sleep."

Brody leans against the counter, untwisting the cap of his water. "Who is she?"

My throat tightens. This isn't going to be as easy as I thought. Trying to play it cool, I say, "You're about to get married, have sex with the same woman for the rest of your life. You don't want to hear about my nights as a bachelor."

"Lucky bastard," Brody says.

"That's what you get for dating the same girl for ten years."

Brody smiles. "Want me to tell you the upside to marriage and committed relationships?"


"Too bad," he says. "The sex is a guarantee. So you might get lucky once a week, but I can have it every night."

Brody plops down on the sofa, all proud of himself.

"I'm not sure that's accurate," I say as I look down at Sadie with her tongue hanging out like she's laughing at me. "I've always heard marriage is the death of sex."

Brody is wrong thinking I have a once-a-week thing. I gave up on random hook-ups years ago, opting for something steady until the girl got too serious. But currently, there's only one woman I want in my bed. My best friend just has no idea it's his little sister.

* * *

Does anyone evenlike engagement parties? I mean, besides the couple getting married. Thank God, there's an open bar. The hotel ballroom is busting with people. It seems ridiculous to me to have so many people at an engagement party. What's the wedding going to be like? How could it top this?

I haven't ever thought about getting married, but if I did, it wouldn't be a circus or a show. Skye wants the whole deal, though. After ten years of being with Brody, I guess she figures they deserve it.

Beer in hand, I try not to stare at the door. The room is full of women, Skye's friends and future bridesmaids, but there's only one woman whose arrival I'm waiting for. Ainsley's been MIA all day, helping Skye with last minute details for tonight. I have no idea whether she scrounged up a date at the last minute so Skye and Brody didn't catch her in a lie, or if she made up some excuse why her date cancelled.

I look to the door as she floats in. Her strawberry blonde hair moves as she walks, and she's smiling. The peachy pink color of her dress matches her skin, and the sweetheart neckline frames her tits perfectly. I have to force myself to look away.

At least, she walked in alone.