
"Am' curious. Where're we goin'?" Carlos asked in a weird tone as they walked in the roads of the inner district. They were now wearing clothes that belonged to nobles, which they had purchased in the outer district. Black market, of course.

"Oh? Finally getting comfy?" Arthur asked with a grin. Lancell also nodded as they both knew this was Carlos' accent from his hometown, and only spoke with it when he relaxed.

Carlos averted his face as he scratched his cheeks. He had only been in this group for a very short time, yet he was strangely having fun despite the trouble they encountered.

Although he didn't want to admit it, he liked this group that seemed like a gathering of outcasts and weirdos.

But that still didn't answer his question, so he asked again. "So? Where're we really goin'?"

Lancell glanced at him as he answered. "Visiting a friend."

'Now that was news.' Carlos thought. He never expected that these two would have actual friends. And judging from their behaviour, it seems to be a noble. Or at least that's what Carlos had deduced.

Lancell was currently wearing a blue coloured vest and a white long sleeved shirt as well with black leather shoes and black trousers.

Meanwhile, instead of wearing noblewomen dress, Arthur was wearing a butler uniform for some reason. And when Carlos had inquired, she answered 'Meh! Those things are a drag!' with a shrug.

As for Carlos, he was wearing a tuxedo. A damn tuxedo for god's sake. Lancell had refused to wear the damn thing, and so, it fell on his shoulders to wear the rejects.


Carlos heaved a sigh as he watched to incomprehensible duo walk calmly and elegantly as if they were real nobles, while Carlos followed behind like a lackey.


The group proceeded as they had gone all the way through the entirety of the Inner District, and was now standing in front of the Castle gates.

Carlos was absolutely dumbfounded, and stood rooted to his spot.

"Halt! This place is off limits." A guard stopped them as they went closer.

However, Lancell continued moving, which increased the guards' wariness further. They raised their spears, but Lancell raised his two hands, indicating he wasn't a hostile.

"I have an appointment with the Third Princess of Selvenia." Lancell spoke.

One of the guards raised a brow at the mention of the Third Princess, and asked. "Any proof of identity?"

Lancell shook his head.

"Then I can't let you pass." The guard stated.

Lancell then took out a letter, it was a simple letter that read 'We'll wait outside the gate'. He then gave it to the guard, and requested. "Then please give this letter to Aria. She'll come soon enough."

The guard received the letter with furrowed brows as he then agreed. "Alright."

Lancell nodded at the guard. "Then please do. We'll wait here outside."

And so, the guard went to find the Aria to deliver a letter. The trip didn't last long as she usually stayed in the garden during her free time, thus the search was easy.

The guard approached Aria as he called out. "Your Highness."

Aria turned to look at him with inquiry, so he continued. "A letter for you. From a man who's waiting outside."

Aria took the Letter, and read its brief content, as well as the identity of the sender. "Lancell?!" She exclaimed.

"The man who sent this, is he still there?!" Aria suddenly asked the guard. "Yes, I believe so." He answered.

Without any further ado, Aria dashed as she headed straight for the gate, leaving behind a dumbfounded guard.


Aria ran directly towards the gate. She didn't care about her image as all she could think of was a visit from her 'friends'! She didn't have any real friend before, so she was quite excited.

And when she finally reached the Castle gates, she quickly saw Lancell. "Lancell!" she called out with a wave of her hands.

She went ahead and approached them, not noticing the one addition to the group, and ignoring the curious stares of the guards.

With a beaming smile, she spoke. "You came to visit me?! This is amazing! I've never had friends visit me before!"

Lancell and Arthur exchanged glances as thought at the same time. 'Other than your maid, do you even have friends?'

But they didn't dare say it out loud. For obvious reasons.

Anyway, they have finally met up with Aria, so Lancell went ahead and spoke. "Aria, we need to talk."

And so, a serious talk began.


Lancell and his group followed Aria as she led them somewhere. They were now walking within the hallways of Selvenia Royal Castle, and much to Carlos' chagrin, they were walking so naturally like it was their home.

"How the heck are ya' guys doin' this?" Carlos whispered to Arthur. Although he thought he could get better answers from Lancell, he didn't dare ask as Lancell seemed to be in a bad mood.

Arthur looked at his direction. "We've had our fair share of this kind of things. Don't worry, leave everything to us." She explained vaguely.

Carlos frowned, but didn't pursue further.


"We're here everyone!" Aria's cheerful voice reminded.

...they now stood in front of a 3 meter tall double doors.

The group, including Lancell was dumbfounded. "Is this a Mountain Giant's room?" Lancell asked.

Aria shook her head as she pouted. "What are you talking about?! This is my room!"

Lancell "..."

Arthur "..."

Carlos "..."

There was a lot of questions going around the three's head, but they didn't ask anything. As for Carlos, he just labelled her as 'a real part of the group' in his head.

'Knew' it. This group's a buncha' crazies.' He thought.

Well, ignoring what Aria said, Lancell asked. "And what are we doing here? We only need a place to talk. Not a place to sleep."

"Oh come on! Don't be like that. I've never had visits before, so at least let me indulge myself." Aria said with another pout.

'Of what exactly?' Lancell thought.

However, they couldn't just deny her as this place was her own home turf, and they didn't want unnecessary trouble.

"Alright." Lancell acquiesced. "Lead the way."

"Okay!" Aria chimed, and then opened the door.

The moment the door opened, they were greeted by the sight of countless dolls, and pink coloration of the entire room. It was practically screaming 'The owner's a girl!' at their faces.

Aria went ahead, spread her arms as she greeted. "Welcome to my room!"

It seems things were bound to get annoying for Lancell.