A Brief Respite (4)

Ludivine was doing her best today too. Just like yesterday, and the day before yesterday, and even before that, she had been doing her best. It was like that since those big tentacle monsters ate her mommy and daddy.

But she was doing fine now. After all, Lancell was with them again, and everyone was here. She thought that as long as everyone was together, everything was going to be alright.

And right now, she was at the training grounds, 'practicing' with the 'shouldiers'...or as Argos called them.

"Shit! She's fucking strong!"

"Hey, you! Flank her! On both sides!"

"We're trying! But she's just damn quick at spellcasting!!"

She heard the soldiers curse and scream their strategies in front of her. Why would they do that? Are they dummies?

In any case, there was also the possibilities that they were leading her. But to be sure, she secretly placed an Explosive Mine spell on both her flanks, and threw several dozens of fireballs at the shouldiers.

"Incoming! Mages! Block it!!"

"That's just wasting mana! Grit and bear it, idiot!"

The shouldier guy wasn't bad at swinging the thick stick. He clad it in mana, and slashed at each of the fireballs that approached him. Each was done precisely, and masterfully.

However, for Ludivine, it was strange. If this was a life and death battle, she would have already roasted him to death by compressing the fireballs and added it with the explosion attribute. Which would explode on any contact.

But she didn't do so. Because Argos said not to hurt them too much.

However, at this moment, they did something that surprised her.

Two people suddenly appeared by her flank, as they held their thick stick in a stance ready to swing.

Ludivine ducked, and saw them grin. It was a victorious grin.

"Gotcha now, brat!"

"Eat shit!"

However the next instant...


Two explosions suddenly resounded as the two was blown 10 meters above ground. The Explosive Mine spell was a spell that explodes a sudden burst of flames and shockwave in a vertical direction, so she was safe as long as she ducked. She then looked at the two guys than fell on the ground with a *crack* sound. As expected, they were like the monster too. They were unconscious as their eyes only had whites, while their pupils had gone. It was mysterious.

She then shifted her focus to the rest of the shouldiers. They had shocked expression, as they said.

"Ridiculous! Just when did she cast it?! I heard any chant!!"

"Shit! She was casting something like that all this time?!"

"What the hell is this brat?!!"

It seems they thought she was amazing. However, Ludivine didn't think so. If she was amazing, then wouldn't Lancell be a god? Gods were something humans were said be never reach, so she didn't want herself to be amazing. She wanted Lancell to be the one to say it.

Also, she had the urge to proudly announce that she had already cast it ages ago, but she refrained. After all, Argos said to not be too amazing in front of men. He said something about a man's pride or something.

She then stood, and continued the 'practice'. It was actually quite fun.


Ludivine had a secret. A secret she never told anyone. It was something that she hid ever since her childhood, because she was afraid of being isolated.

It was the secret that she could feel things that anyone else couldn't.

When the Gre...Grit? Grate Shit?? No. She shouldn't curse. Argos said it was bad.

In any case, when monsters first arrived half a year ago, Ludivine had an idea it would happen. All of a sudden, her ears rang, as her mind blanked. She knew something bad was coming, but she didn't tell anyone. No one would believe her anyway. Just like that time.

And so, she hid. She hid, and lived. And when she came back, the village was already in pieces.

Ludivine could also feel something in people. She didn't know how to describe it, but it was a strange feeling. And from those, she could roughly tell what other people were thinking, or plotting.

Lancell had once told her she had powerful intuition, but what is intuition? Even till today, she still didn't know what is means.

In any case, her natural ability was intuition, right? However, her 'intuition' made her look at a certain direction.

It was after 'practice'. As she was walking through the maze like place, her gaze just turned on its own. She then looked at where it guided, and saw a gorgeous black haired woman. She was beautiful, and she walked in a manner that made her seem like a male.

Perhaps she sensed Ludivine's gaze? She turned to Ludivine, and spoke.

"Hm? A little girl?"

Ludivine puffed her cheeks in displeasure. "I'm not a little girl."

"Oh! Aren't you a cute one!" She beamed. "How old are you? I can tell you're still young."

"I'm 9. That's almost 10. A proper lady."

The woman grinned at her answer. Did she acknowledge it? She didn't. She was making fun of Ludivine. Ludivine could tell.

The woman then asked. "Hey," she said. "Is that the direction of the training ground?"

Ludivine nodded. The woman asked another question.

"Is a guy named Lancell in there? The scary-looking guy with yellow hair, the colo—ahem...anyway, he's a blondie."

Ludivine frowned. "Why are you looking for Lancell? Are you a mistress?"

The woman almost choked at her words. She then made a wry smile, and asked. "Who the hell taught you that word? And don't you mean friend?"

"Lancell doesn't have friends. Other than Valle."

The woman then made a surprised expression. "You know him?"

"He's our teacher."

"Oh?" her eyes suddenly narrowed. Ludivine didn't feel any malicious intent from her, but she could tell she was genuinely curious.

She then smiled. A wide smile. And Ludivine thought it was scary. Why? Only Lancell and Lina had scary smiles. But did this woman have it too?

The woman then spoke, "Can we have a little talk? Of course, I'd prefer if you bring his other students too. You said 'our' earlier, didn't you?"

Cold sweat formed on Ludivine's brows. She might have done something wrong by talking to this woman.