
Everyone in the class was staring at the scene but no one dared to say a word. You would not like to become the target of a gang, would you? All the gangs in the school are well known and students are pretty scared to get involved in any matter.

Even teachers don't pay attention to such things as long as their work gets done and the fact that these students' parents are trustees of the school so that somehow solves all the issue.

Noah tries to break free, but Ava has no intention to let go.

"Le… Let.. let go of me." Noah manages to mumble in a low voice.

"Emm.. wha.. wha… what? Can't really hear you scaredy-cat." Ava mimics Noah and laughs.

"He said to let him go." George speaks as he gets up to remove Ava's hold on Noah.

"You better be seated right there if you don't want to bring yourself any trouble", Allen warns.

George still tries to go near them, but the teacher enters.

"Everyone. Get back to your seats!", the teacher commands.

Ava lets him go and moves back to her seat. Allen takes a good look at Noah and George and leaves.

"Bro, are you alright?" George asks in a low voice.

"I am okay. Let's just focus on the lesson." Noah assures George but was still lost in his thoughts. He turns around and finds Ava still glaring at him.

'What trouble on the first day itself. Don't know how the term will go.' Noah just could not focus on his studies as his mind is still occupied with Ava's warning.

The bell rings and the class got over. He packs up his things and was about to leave when Ava blocks his way.

"Where do you think you are going?"

"To the next class. Now, if you will excuse us." Noah replies trying to be bold but deep inside, he was still nervous.

"Oh, so the scaredy-cat got his tongue back I see." Ava makes fun of Noah.

George was about to speak up, but Allen got near him. His intimidating aura made George a bit nervous.

"What's your problem? Why are you bothering me? I don't recall doing anything wrong to you and it's more like I don't even know who you are." Noah says. He admits it took all his courage to utter those words.

"So, the cat knows how to defend too." Ava mocks Noah.

"Well, you did not do anything wrong, but you know what, I kind of want to bother you for some reason. You are too cute of a nerd, especially with those reactions of yours." Ava adds.

Ava hovers over Noah, "Also, It is up to me to decide whether you did something wrong or not. Reasons don't work with me anyway"

Noah gulps. Ava's personality is strong enough to overshadow anyone and her words just add misery to Noah's world.

Ava steps aside. Noah rushes out of the class. George follows after him.


Ava and Allen wait for the other three to meet on the rooftop. That is where most of the meetings take place.

"Hey All, what's with the sudden meeting?" Gray asks as he enters the place with Cole and Olivia.

"Well, Ava has been bothered since morning because of the morning incident with David. So, she wants us to be careful." Allen explains.

"Oh Ava, why are you taking it so seriously? It's almost like, an ant trying to threaten an elephant." Olivia smirks.

"I know Oli, but I don't want to risk anything, especially when it comes to the safety of my people." Ava says with authority in her voice.

"Cole, you have to stay alert. He specifically warned you. We don't want anything to repeat, you know it, right?" Allen rests his arm on Cole's shoulder as he speaks.

"Of course, I will the one to protect you guys. You know how strong I am." Cole lifts his arm and flexes his non-existing muscles.

Ava chuckles softly.

"And if anything happens, I'll be there with Cole with of course, Cole being the one to protect me." Gray says jokingly.

"You sure you won't be the one I would be killing?" Cole says as he puts his arm around Gray's neck and pretends to choke him.

"Oli, Oli… help me.. The kid is going out of hand.", Gray teases Cole.

"You!" Cole tightens his arm around Gray's neck making Gray cough.

"Okay. Sorry, I won't call you a kid. Now leave me, my Boss."

Cole leaves Gray and smiles at Gray's drama.

They all head to have lunch. Ava stops Gray and lets the rest three walk a bit ahead of them. Allen and Olivia already knew about this, so they try to engage Cole in the conversation.


"What is it, Ava?"

"I just want you to stay near Cole all the time. He can take care of himself, but he is a bit easy to provoke and David might use that to his advantage. So, just be careful." Ava speaks.

"Don't worry Ava. I already have fixed all my schedules as per Cole's except for a few classes. I will get them changed too."

"Hmm. That would be good. Now let's have lunch. I am literally starving."

They all head to the cafeteria.

Ava finds something interesting. She sees Noah sitting alone on the table while George was getting lunch for both of them.

Of course, Ava will not let this chance go. She goes straight to where Noah was sitting.

"Hey nerd, you there for lunch?" Ava puts her hand around Noah as she sits on the chair next to Noah.

Noah was surprised due to this sudden action.

Meanwhile, Olivia, Cole, and Gray witness this curiously.

"What's up with Ava and that nerdy looking guy?" Olivia demands.

"Oh, that? I think Ava go her new prey for the term." Allen replies.

"Let's have some fun too, shall we?" Cole speaks as he gets up to go there.

Noah was trying to figure a way out and gets up from his seat when Allen pushes him back on his seat and sits on the chair next to him. The other three occupy the chairs around the table and Noah is stuck in between like a deer being surrounded by hyenas.

"What do you want?" Noah asks trying to avoid eye contact with others.

"Just wanted to see if my scaredy-cat is eating well or not. You know you do need the energy to deal with everything that may or may not happen with you in the coming future." Ava smirks.

Noah looks around to find George, 'Where are you, George? Now is the moment when I need you the most.', Noah tries to get up once again.

"You better stay seated or I shall make you not being able to walk again," Allen warns.

"Oh come on All, don't scare him. He already looks like he is about to cry." Olivia mocks.



George comes with the lunch in his hands just to find a very scared Noah in between all the others who look like they will eat him alive, especially Ava.