The past

Ava and the others were in the base house. Olivia had gone out to meet her sources to find a way to get to Cole.

They were all planning a way to rescue Cole. They tried to trace Cole's phone but it was turned off in school which was the last traceable location. They did not have David's contact information.

"Hey guys. What is going on?", Olivia enters waving at the others.

At once, they knew that she has a positive news for them.

Gray gets up and goes near Olivia.

"Yes, Oli.. what is it? You found him, right? You know where he is?", Gray spoke as he held on to Olivia's shoulders.

"Well... I got my friend to hack into school records to find David's address and contact... but...", Olivia pauses.

"But?But what?, Gray asked in anticipation. He was breaking down by every second that was passing by.

"But he could not be found in the address that is in school records. Apparently, that place is his temporary stay which is just for the official purpose.", Olivia explained.

Gray lost hold of Olivia's shoulder and looks down.

Olivia puts her arm around him.

"But do you think that your smart buddy will ever fail you or any other task that she takes on?," Olivia smiles. Gray looked at her face.

"Here.", She hands him the paper.

"This is the address.", Olivia said as Gray opens the paper.

"How did you find it?", Allen asked looking at the address.

"Well.. some things that only Olivia can do.", Olivia said as she winked at them.

"When I got to know about the wrong address. I had a doubt about the number too. But David is a fool. Even though the number is just for official show, it is still traceable, isn't it?", Olivia smirked.

"Let's get going. He will not last this time.", Ava said burning in anger.




(Noah's residence)

George helped Noah with everything. From food to cleaning to getting groceries, George did it all. 'Having a friend sure has its own benefits.', Noah thought feeling proud of his best friend.


"What? Are you in pain? Are you feeling unwell? Should I call a doctor?," George said in a single breath as he rushed to Noah from the kitchen.

"Hold on, hold on boy. I am all okay.", Noah sighed at his friends antics.

"Then why did you call me?", George enquired.

"Because I want you to rest now. You have been running all over the place since we reached.", Noah explained.

"Yeah, I am just about to get done. Then I will check your wound and then..."

"No. Nothing. I don't want to hear anything. Just rest now.", Noah said in a firm voice.

"Okay, okay. Don't threaten me like that. Gosh.", George said as he sat down beside Noah.

"Let's play video games.", Noah suggested knowing pretty well how much George loves to play video games.

"Are you sure? Yes. I will setup everything. Oh my god. You are amazing Noah.", George jumped in excitement like a kid.




"You really want to see what I can do? I did not get to finish last time but this time I will do it.", David said as he let go of Cole's face.

Cole was frightened. He knew David is a psycho.


David has been behind Cole since the beginning of the previous term when he was in the same class as Cole.

David always stalked Cole and would secretly send him gifts, sometimes in his locker or sometimes let on his seat before the class. Cole was unaware of David's existence and always thought someone is doing pranks by sending him gifts.

One day Cole was on his way to the school building when suddenly, David blocked his way.

"Cole, I have something to say to you.", David said as he looked at Cole.

"Who are you?", Cole asked innocently.

"You.. you don't know me?", David was hurt as Cole did not recognize him.

"I am in the same language class as you. I ... I have been sending you presents all this long. I...I..", Davis was explaining when Cole interrupts him.

"Presents? Oh, so it was you. Haha.. I really thought I was getting pranked or something. But why would you send me presents? We don't even know each other." Cole shrugged his shoulders.

"You don't know me. But I know all about you. I have been following you since the beginning of this term.", David said excitedly.

"But why? Isn't it creepy?", Cole was unaware of how his words were making an impact on David.

"Creepy? Isn't it obvious that I like you. Oh sorry not like you but, I love you. From the moment I first saw you in the class, all I could think about was you.", David said as he held Cole's hand.

Cole shrugged David's hands off.

"Are you kidding me? Is this like a secret camera or something? Seriously, I think you are found out. Stop recording.", Cole laughed as he looks around.

David was hurt.

"Are my feelings a joke to you?", David said in a hurt voice.

"Oh, so you are serious. But what do you exactly want me to do about that.", Cole asked as he looked at David.

"I.. I want you to go out with me. I really really really love you. Please, please go out with me.", David said.

"Oh. But sorry dude, this can't happen. First off all, till now I didn't even know you existed. And even if I do know now, I can't reciprocate your feelings.", Cole said coldly.

"But please, just once.. I really.."

"No. It does not work like this. Also, I am not interested so please. And yeah, stop sending me all those gifts. It is creepy and really freaking me out.", Cole was about to walk out of the parking lot when David held his hand tightly.

"You can't leave me like this. All I am asking you is to go out with me. What is the big deal? You know how much time I have spent getting to know you better.", David tightened his grip that would surely leave traces in Cole's wrist.

"Ouch, you are hurting me. Let go. I am being nice to you since you said you like me. Don't get on my worse side.", Cole said as he tried to free his hand.

David did not budge and was about to get closer to Cole when suddenly Gray came and punched David.

"You date touch him again and I will make you regret getting born.", Gray said as he held David's collar.

"Gray, calm down.", Cole said as he put his hand on Gray's shoulder.

David just kept standing there did not say a single word.

"Let's get going. Don't tell others about it.", Cole said to Gray who was still glaring at David as he saw Cole's wrist that had turned red.

With much resistance, he left the parking lot.

"So, this is why you won't except my feelings. He is the reason you made fun of me." David scoffs.

"You are going to regret rejecting me. I will make you mine no matter what."