I got you

"Allen drive faster.", Gray was still trying to keep his nerves calm.

"I am driving fast, Gray. Calm down, we will reach there. Oli, keep guiding me on the direction", Allen said calmly.

"Don't worry Gray. I am sure half of the things will already be taken care of by the time we reach.", Ava said.

"We are about to reach. Everyone be prepared.", Olivia said as she looked at the map.

Ava loads in her gun, "Here we go."




"I will not let you go so easily.", David said as he ordered his men to drive off. His men started the car.

David pulled Cole face towards him and started kissing him. Cole pulled away but he could not as David held his tightly on place. David closed Cole's mouth with his one hand and stop him from shouting.

David kissed Cole's neck, Cole resisted every touch he made. He put his hand inside Cole's shirt and started touching him inappropriately. Cole's muffled voices came out. He started playing with Cole's body. Tears were falling uncontrollably from Cole's eyes.

His men drove off the basement but before he could drive out of the gate, he applied his breaks hard. Both David and Cole fall forward due to the sudden force.

"What the hell? Why did you stop?", David growled.

"There is a car in front of us.", the driver replied.

"Gray... Ava... my friends.. they are here to save me.. I ..", Cole tried to peep out hopefully looking at the car.

"Shut up. I.. I.. won't let you go. YOU ARE MINE.", David pulled Cole's head towards him and grabbed him tightly. Cole winced in pain.

David called his men to see what's going on but no one picked up. He was angry and frustrated but scared at the same time.

Before he could think of anything, the people in the car got off and started coming to David's car with weapons in their hands.

"Who the hell are they?", David said as he grabbed his gun in his hand.

"Get out. The game is over for you. Make it easy for us all.", One of the men said.

David did not respond. Cole started struggling to get free but Cole stopped him.

"So, you won't hear us, hah? It's alright.", The men hit the windshield of David's car.

David ducked down to avoid getting injured from the broke pieces of the glass. He knew he had no choice left.

He unhooked Cole's hand from the car and pulled him out from the side door and held the gun on his head.

"Don't you dare move ahead or I will shoot him.", He pushed the gun on Cole's head. Cole flinched. This was the first time he flinched on seeing a gun. Weapons were his strongest point but, today being held as gun point made him scared. It was not the fear of being shot but the fear that David filled him with. The disgusted feeling of David's touch and the thought of what David could have done to him made him feel dizzy.

David looked around to see all his men lying around unconsciously.

"What the hell happened here?", David mumbled to himself.

"Ah.. let me explain.",

David heard a voice, he looked ahead to see Ava and the others with their weapons pointed at him.

He got scared and started moving back by shielding himself with Cole's body.

"When did you reach?", David asked.

"Umm.. just when you were checking over to see if your men are still alive.", Ava poked.

Gray looked at Cole and saw the bruises on his face and withered clothes. He moved ahead.

"Don't... don't you dare move ahead. I am telling you I WILL SHOOT HIM", David screamed the last part. Gray stopped and looked at him with a smirk.

"You think I am kidding?", David warns as he tightened his hold on Cole.

"Ouch.", Cole winced.

Just then a bullet was shot. David bent down holding his leg leaving Cole and his gun to fall. Ava had shot David's leg. Cole was exhausted with everything that had happened. He was about to fall when Gray caught hold of him.

David went for his gun to shoot Gray but Ava came and kicked it out of his hand.

She pulled his hair and made him look up, "Here's to messing up with my people.", She punched his face hard.

"How... how did you...", David struggled under Ava's grip.

"Emm.. let me see.. First, you are a fool to get caught again by the same method of tracking." *Ava punched David*

"Second, you messed up with our friend. Our youngest." *punch*

"Third, you keep forgetting who I am and who's daughter I am.", Ava kicked him in the stomach.

David was miserable. "Your men were nothing in front of his smaller unit", she tucked on his hair hard.

Gray tried to get Cole back to senses but Cole fainted. Gray saw the bruises on Cole's pretty face.

He immediately checked Cole's body for any other wound. His heart broke to see how bruised Cole's pale skin was. He let Cole's head rest on Olivia's lap and went to David and got him from Ava's hold and punched him.

"Easy Gray. Torture him all you want but don't kill him. We don't get blood on our hands. Dad will take care of him.",

Olivia and Ava took Cole to the hospital leaving Gray and Allen behind.

Gray started beating David. David tried to escape but could not due to his injured leg. Any amount of beating was not satisfying Gray as he kept recalling Cole's miserable state.

Allen came to stop Gray before he could actually kill David.

"Enough Gray. Ava already called her dad to deal with him. Stop now."

"I can't. Knowing what he did to our Cole, how to you expect me to stop?", Gray said as he choked Davis by holding his neck.

"I know how you feel but, please stop. We can't let this go out of hand.", Allen pulled Gray's hand from David's neck.

Gray stopped. He held his gun and pushed it on the bullet wound on David's leg. David screamed in pain.

"Remember my face and this pain. And pray to God that you never get to face it again.", Gray pushed him to the ground.

Soon few men came and threw David in the car trunk and left.

Gray and Allen left for the hospital.




"How is he?", Gray asked Ava.

"He is doing fine. He is just exhausted due to all these events. He will wake up soon and then you can take him home.", Ava rests her hand on Gray's shoulder.

Gray goes inside the room and sat near Cole. He rest his head on the bed holding Cole's hand.

"I got you. Finally, I got you. You are safe now. I will keep you safe no matter what. I will not leave you alone ever. I am sorry for being late.", Gray mumbles as he drifts off to sleep as he had not rest for even a second after Cole went missing.

It had been a long day for all of them.