Let's go out.

Noah' POV

She let me go. That easily? Something does not seem right, does it? Ava The Bully, the school's most feared gang leader just let her prey go without any conditions? I do not know whether to believe it or not. To be honest I was really expecting the worst of the situations when I stood up against her. But I was still correct to point out that she was the one who broke the deal. Finally, I am out of this mess. I never thought it would be this simple to get the hell away from her. I should really go thank that Allen guy. I mean he is the one who stopped that bully and helped me out of it. I don't know if it was me that he helped or that bully but whatever. What matters the most is that I am free.

I am so glad that Georgie is fine. I did not expect him to stand up for me in front of that smug face. I mean I do know he would never leave me alone in such dire situations but taking the beatings for me? Well, I really must have done something really good for me to get a friend like him.

Ah, who am I kidding? My entire life is a mess. I should really be just thankful enough that this did not turn into any worse of the situation.

So since it's the weekend night why not go out and have some fun and also maybe celebrate life for once, you know. I know you must be thinking of me as not so outgoing and the one who keeps his eyes and mind on the books kind of a boy, well that is true and all but I do not mind having fun once in a while and that too when I have had such a hard time last week. And to be honest, George got me into this habit of letting go sometimes when you think you can't take it anymore and it just comes to an end without many expectations. Such surprises are worth celebrating, aren't they?

Let's see if George got over the day's roller-coaster kind of incidents so we could finally have something to end our miserable week once and for all. I am sure he is going to get all jumpy with excitement, would probably even forget about everything else.




Third-Person POV

Noah went to George who was still in Noah's apartment packing his things. Finally, he was going back to his home although not fully convinced with the idea Noah assured him that he was fine and can walk a little without the help of the walking aid.

"Hey, Georgie.", Noah said in a really cute voice which almost had George thinking if he was dreaming. George left what he was doing and rushed towards Noah.

"What is wrong with you? Are you feeling okay? You have a fever, don't you?", George stared checking Noah's temperature with all worried expression stuck on his face.

'Ah this brat', Noah sighed.

"There is nothing wrong with me. What's with all this fuss man?", Noah pouted.

"First, you never... I mean never speak to me in that tone unless there is something really important that you either want to hide or want me to expect and I don't its either. And second, that face you are making."

"What face?", Noah asked all confused.

"You pouted. You never pout. Noah Carter does not pout."

Noah laughs when he heard George's stupid analysis.

"See, see. Now you are laughing without any reason. You seriously have lost some brain cells I think.", George said as he patted Noah's head.

"Are you done with your non-essential scientifically proven observation and results? Enough alright. I just wanted to ask if you are feeling okay and done with your work, we can maybe go out and have fun tonight. It's weekend after all.", Noah anticipated George's response.

"NOAH CARTER. ARE YOU SERIOUS?', George screamed his lungs out.

"Damn, I would love to. Finally, a weekend worth it. Let's go. Oh god, I can't wait. Where are we going?", George held on to Noah's shoulders.

"Wherever you want to.", Noah smiled.

George's eyes gleamed with happiness, "I love you. Where should we go? Where should we go?. Let me think.", George started jumping around pacing back and forth trying to come up with an idea.

'Just as I thought, getting all jumpy. Haha, typical George.' Noah smiled seeing how excited George was.

"How about a club?", George looked at Noah hopefully.

"Emm.. usually I would not agree but,", Noah looked at George who was making his puppy eyes at Noah.

"But since I already said wherever you want to go so okay. Let's go to a club, but you will not make me dance or drink okay?", Noah warned.

"Okay okay but just one drink. Just a little one come on.", George again appealed with his puppy face.

'This kid.'"Okay, just one, that's it.", Noah said defeated.

George jumped and caught Noah in a hug.




(The Base house)

Gray and Cole had returned home and were quite surprised to see the entire house in dead silence.

Gray made Cole sit on the couch and went around to call others.

"Ava, Allen, Olivia, is anyone home?"

After a minute or two, the three came out one by one from their rooms.

"Hey, guys. What is with this gloomy mood?", Gray asked as he sat down beside Cole.

"Nothing much. Just got a bit tired from school rush so, we were resting.", Allen replied.

"Does not seem like it but anyway. Let's go out, it's the weekend night.", Gray said cheerfully.

The other three just looked at each other and looked away.

"Seriously, what's wrong?", this time it was Cole who asked the question.

"It is nothing really. We were just taking our time to relax.", Ava answered.

"Oh, is it? Then we still can go out and relax in our own way, right? And moreover, Cole wants to go someplace nice and hang out with all of us like old times.", Gray side as he waited for the other's reply.

The other three looked at Cole. Well, they can never say no to him, after all, he is the youngest and the most adored.

Ava smiled and said, "Okay, let's go. It can also be a rejuvenation for our gang.", Ava looked at Allen who was looking at Cole.

"So, let's go to a place Cole wants to go to.", Olivia said.

"Where do you want to go, Cole?", Allen asked. All of them were looking at him, waiting for him to answer.

"Emm, How about a club?"