Serie A Trophy Presentation

Chapter 599: Serie A Trophy Presentation

The cheers around the Juventus Stadium continued increasing in volume as the trophy presentation drew closer with the passing of every second.

Talk about a festive carnival: that was what was transpiring in this famous football ground in Turin, with all the home fans yelling and singing at the top of their lungs without a care for anything else in the world. Their faces were depictions of heartful delights with all their smiles and the joyful atmosphere around them as they waited for their team to receive their rightful Serie A title.

In the meantime, the organizers had already set up everything necessary for the trophy presentation on the pitch. The podium was already in place, and the individuals to present the accolades had already taken their positions. The Juventus players, on their part, had already crowded a few meters from the podium while basking in the glory and joy of lifting yet another trophy.