They All Know How Scary This Person Is

Xie Xize glanced at the kitchen and turned to leave.

The bodyguard said to the few people who were still cleaning,"Come out!"

Those people did not dare to say a word. They immediately stood up and walked barefoot. They staggered and grimaced in pain. They stole a glance at the spicy sticks and quickly followed them out.

Under the night sky, Xie Xize stood by the street, his tall and straight figure faintly exuding a silent pressure.

When the car drove past Xie Xize, the headlights of the car shone on his glasses, reflecting a cold light.

In the night, he was like the judge of the entire world.

"Is your brother in the hospital?"

The troublemakers were all hunched over in front of Xie Xize. They were barefooted, and the soles of their feet were all injured. They stood on the cold, muddy ground mixed with gravel. The pain was excruciating, but no one dared to make a sound.

If you dare to make a sound, the person opposite you will make you feel even more pain!