Throw Yourself Into Her Arms

Mo Yangyang's tears flowed like a river. She couldn't take it anymore. She couldn't breathe. If this continued, someone would die.

Mo Yangyang suddenly reached out to push Xie Xize, but he grabbed her wrist instead.

Xie Xize grabbed Mo Yangyang's hand, raised it over her head, and pressed it against the wall.

"Lady Boss, you can't be so biased in business, right?"

Mo Yangyang anxiously tried to pull her hand away, but Xie Xize's grip became tighter and tighter.

Her mind was blank and scared. She didn't understand what Xie Xize was trying to do. Was he just trying to scare her?

He only thought that her trembling appearance was interesting.

Xie Xize watched Mo Yangyang struggle, fear, and escape. His mood sank little by little. Dark clouds covered the sun, and the light could not be seen.

He suddenly pressed Mo Yangyang down. " Am I that scary? "

Mo Yangyang wanted to nod. That's right, that's right…It was just that terrifying…