Mo Yangyang, Get Married

I don't care about specimens!

To Mo Yangyang, that voice sounded like a ghost coming to take her life in the middle of the night.

Mo Yangyang pursed her lips and didn't dare to cry. If there was a day when they were going to choose the unlucky champion, she would definitely take up the role.

How did Xie Xize get here at this hour?

Was he a demon?

Yes, he was really a devil!

Hearing this voice, Mo Yangyang did not dare to turn around. She was so scared that she dropped her phone on the ground. The phone was not turned off, and Lan Dongzhi's voice could be heard vaguely from inside.

"No way, is Xie Xize that perverted? After all, he was a man. Seeing such a beautiful woman like you, no, he had to stay calm. Where did the spicy sticks come from, Yang Yang…Yang Yang…Hey, I think I heard a man's voice on your side just now…"

Mo Yangyang gulped. She seemed to hear the countdown of her life.

She saw a black figure on the ground slowly approaching her.