You're Not Afraid Of Me, Hm?

Xie Xize's breath hit her face, and Mo Yangyang felt goosebumps all over her body. She couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

That ridiculously good-looking face was so close that it was as if a huge rock had suddenly been thrown into a calm lake.

Mo Yangyang's heart thumped, thumping, thumping, thumping faster and faster!

She didn't know what was wrong with her, but when she looked at Xie Xize's overly good-looking face…

Mo Yangyang told herself that she could not be bewitched. She had to be calm. She had to be calm. Wasn't he just a man? Wasn't he just good-looking?

She asked softly,"You…" Are you Xie Xize or not? The person I know is not like this."

" Then you can try and see if it's the Xie Xize from five years ago! "

Mo Yangyang really wanted to scratch him with her claws. Could he not suddenly have a wave of high speed? His heart could not take it!

"You ... You ... I don't want to talk to you, hiss ..."